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  1. 15 points
    Armored Warfare BATTLFIELD Gun sound mod V.3.0 Including Cannon sound MG sound Smoke grenade sound ATGM sound Minigun sound Infantry weapons sound Weapons reloading sound Autocannon sound Hypersonic missile sound UPDATE V.3.0 Support update 120 version Fix interior high-caliber gun sound SPG now uses a proper high-caliber gun sound Add alternate version (Autocannon exterior sounds use AW vanilla sound) *Note - MG sound isn't working as intended because of the new update. I notice that it's a game bug. When you're shooting mg in 3rd person mode and suddenly switch to a sniper mode, the sound will be lower. And when you're shooting mg in the sniper mode and suddenly switch to the 3rd person mode, the sound will work as it used to. So, I hope dev will fix this bug. Preview (V.1.0) V. 3.0 Download here V.3.0 Alternate version Download here Enjoy ! All sound credit to EA/DICE
  2. 13 points
  3. 11 points
    - Fixed diesel engine sounds. Now thanks to the latest update of the game using this mod you can hear at least 3 variations of them. They can be divided according to the principle: old Soviet, Western modern and modern Russian. Also the sound of the armored combat vehicle can now vary greatly from each other; - New sounds of autocannons up to 50 mm caliber from the 1st and 3rd person; - Fixed the volume of sounds added with the latest game update. Now it looks like what the developers themselves presented to us in the videos. Enjoy! I want to make a reservation right away, such a variety of engines became possible thanks to a mistake by the developers. How quickly they fix this and how can greatly affect the sound in the future. Therefore, we are content as long as we can) NEW Version!https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BF8QWr9K1CbdwSWXo4U7OKiLiRN0Avzj/view?usp=sharingAlternate Player Detection Sound Alert (Install over the main version):https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rPJ1tCcRC0DVTRqRmNxyEfxBLvO7IMgi/view?usp=share_linkIf you want, you can use my sound files in your mod, but with a link to the author. As a lover of realism, I also recommend installing: Больше презентационных видео:
  4. 11 points
    Mod changes the sound of all the weapons in the game, except the Shilkas. This includes main guns, autocannons, machine guns and ATGMs. The ATGM sounds were taken from TobiichiOrigamis sound mod, as I was too lazy to deal with the ATGM soundfile shennanigans. and the external rotary cannon sounds were taken from Artos mod. It also changes out the sounds for all three infantry dismounts, highly recommended with Arto's infantry dialogue mod The sounds used come from War Thunder, Squad, DCS and Gunner Heat PC. Installation: just throw the three fsb files into the correct folder, if needed create them. You can download the mod here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c7yAa63W7fWVxpw26f8eL3N_L8u2xCND/view?usp=sharing The 22nd of August update brings with it some tweaks and new sounds, you can check them out in the video below. Quick tip: This mod only changes the weapon sounds, which means, if you like the extra sounds of Voice of War, but prefer these weapon sounds, you can install Voice of War first, then this mod, overwriting the files in /weapons to get these weapon sounds, while keeping the various engine, UI etc. sounds of Voice of War. Preview for most of the sounds in the mod, with timestamps to make it easier to click through: The first video is a showcase of the sounds added on the 22nd of August. The second video is older - to explain any sound differences Engine mod mentioned in the second video: Infantry voice lines mod: Voice of war:
  5. 10 points
    While the mod itself doesn't break any rules when viewed from a historical context, the context behind the mod will inevitably spark a lot of criticism not necessarily towards the mod, but to real-life current events. I will leave this thread visible, but locked from comments until further notice. It is an appropriate compromise between allowing freedom of artistic expression and avoiding chaos.
  6. 9 points
    Thanks to TobiichiOrigami. He taught me how to do sound mods and eventually after a whole day of suffering because of how BS the audio files are designed in the game. I eventually did it. However it is not perfect. 76mm will be using 105mm sounds in WoT because of how the game assign different sounds to an unknown selected group of tanks. Not very straight forward indeed. And 152mm will sound a bit hollow when scoped in due to unknown sound processed stored in unknown places even if its using modded sounds. Small calibers - 75-90mm and some ready rack tanks will be using the 105mm sound from WoT (Cant fix it, its how the game works) Medium caliber. MBTs with 105-130mm will be using the 100mm caliber sound from WoT High caliber. 140-152mm will be ofc. Using the 152mm caliber sound from WoT. https://mega.nz/folder/Y6RwXS5C#SuO8DQWn2754VBbjrmlgcw All credit goes to TobiichiOrigami. <3
  7. 9 points
    Mod changes the sound of all the weapons in the game, except the Shilkas. This includes main guns, autocannons, machine guns and ATGMs. The ATGM sounds were taken from TobiichiOrigamis sound mod, as I was too lazy to deal with the ATGM soundfile shennanigans. and the external rotary cannon sounds were taken from Artos mod. It also changes out the sounds for all three infantry dismounts, highly recommended with Arto's infantry dialogue mod The sounds used come from War Thunder, Squad, DCS and Gunner Heat PC. Installation: just throw the three fsb files into the correct folder, if needed create them. The fsb files location should look like below. If you don't play in English just replace English with whatever language you use. Steam users follow the same instructions, but also have a folder comprised of numbers between Armored Warfare and Armored Warfare MyCom (or somewhere along those lines). You can download the mod here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qUdJU4fOTX-EbJFEyHkn_oiE9f0bwYTb/view?usp=sharing Alternative 140+mm guns version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w31NMIKjLYje5ajIgg3REdrEMiWgi7e0/view?usp=sharing Quick tip: This mod only changes the weapon sounds, which means, if you like the extra sounds of Voice of War, but prefer these weapon sounds, you can install Voice of War first, then this mod, overwriting the files in /weapons to get these weapon sounds, while keeping the various engine, UI etc. sounds of Voice of War. Showcase video: Update changes: 14. 1. - new low caliber AC sounds: 11. 12. - new coaxial sounds, and a volume tweak: 11. 12. round 2: New internal 40+mm autocannon sounds, no video 3. 12. - New rotary sounds: 2. 12. - Quick update that adds overhauled 140+mm gun sound , internally and externally. No video, because lazy and tired. The 27th of November update brings new sounds to many weapons, you can check the update showcase below
  8. 9 points
    List of changes: Every Abrams model now has physics-enabled mudflaps from XM1 M1A1 uses Storm's camo net and turret props M1A1 AIM uses Storm's turret props and is reskinned to a desert color instead of the Liberty skin M1A2 uses Warhammer turret props M1A2, M1A2C and XM1A3 use CROWS and an additional .50 cal on the cannon base (credit to @TobiichiOrigami) XM1A3 now also uses M1A1 AIM's engine cage. Image gallery: https://imgur.com/a/JafVnwx To install, simply drop contents into your localization\<your language>\ folder.
  9. 9 points
    This "Lizzie" skin for 5 lvl MBT Chieftain Mk11 based on a real prototype. I found this camouflage on youtube and decide to create and integrate in AW. Unfortunately, due to UV-unwrap of the model, it was not possible to achieve 100% identity with the original tank. Although I tried )) This skin works only for premium Chief Mk11 and not suitable for another tank. If you want files and materials i can share it, just let me know.
  10. 9 points
    Sorry for bad quality and audio. Hope this can let people know how to mod sounds in AW.
  11. 9 points
    1. Introduction Armored Warfare (AW) is an online video game that includes loot box mechanics. Such mechanics function through virtual in-game items under various titles (ie. Loot Crates, Supply Crates) that can be redeemed for randomized selections of other virtual in-game items. The purpose of this study is to determine all the possible rewards and their probabilities of appearing in Platinum Supply Crates. Platinum Supply Crates are desirable due to their overall abundance in availability through completing special operations in Extreme and Hero modes, daily login rewards, weekly contract mission completions and daily battalion contract mission completions. Platinum Supply Crates also offer high value rewards that may be of greater interest to players compared to Gold and Silver Supply Crates, hence this particular study will focus on Platinum Supply Crates only. Figure 1.1: in-game illustration of a Platinum Supply Crate. 2. Method Our experimenters explore the possible rewards and their probabilities of appearing on the AW Public Test Server (PTS) client via the MY.GAMES GameCenter software. The PTS client version as of the time of testing is 0.33.7235. The decision to perform observations on the PTS client and not on the production client is to ensure ease of repeatability for this study. Even though Platinum Supply Crates are abundant in availability, each individual Supply Crate is consumed permanently upon revealing their contents via opening. It is therefore desirable to not consume the stockpile of Platinum Supply Crates of our experimenters, as the time required to build up a significant quantity of Platinum Supply Crates will likely impede future efforts to replicate the study. The contents of each Platinum Supply Crate are examined and recorded in manual tallies by opening each Platinum Supply Crate and redeeming their contents. The method of tallying is at the discretion of each experimenter. Reward drops are tallied separately in order to determine the range of all the possible rewards from Platinum Supply Crates. In the event of receiving Insignia items from Platinum Supply Crates, each set of 10 Insignias are tallied as one item. Insignias are always received in two discrete sets of 10 Insignias, therefore the tallies consider the event of receiving both sets of Insignias as one item. Figure 2.1: in-game illustrations of different Insignia variants. Similar reward drops are grouped into categories to further examine whether the variance in drop probabilities are indicative of unequal weighing. Chi-squared tests are performed in each category to determine the significance in drop probability variances. 3. Results 3.1 Datasets We examine a total of 842 Platinum Supply Crates collected and distributed among two experimenters. The Supply Crates are split into samples of 565 and 279 respectively and first analyzed separately, then aggregated together to determine any anomalies in the variances of their produced contents. 3.2 Results The sample size of opening 565 Platinum Supply Crate and redeeming their contents produced the following tallies: Items Quantity Reputation (50,000) 62 Credits (10,000,000) 27 Premium Time (30 days) 3 Premium Time (7 days) 7 Diamond XP Boost 49 Diamond Intel Boost 41 Diamond Reputation Boost 58 Platinum Commander Insignia 50 Platinum Crew Insignia 73 Platinum Credit Insignia 53 Platinum Reputation Insignia 48 Platinum XP Insignia 66 Gold (13) 31 Gold (17) 24 Gold (19) 28 Gold (23) 27 Gold (29) 16 Gold (37) 17 Gold (53) 8 Gold (73) 4 Gold (113) 2 Premium Vehicle (assorted, 1 day rental) 16 Total possible item categories: 22 Total quantity of item drop events: 565 Figure 3.2.1: table of tallies of Platinum Supply Crate contents with a sample size of n=565. The sample size of opening 279 Platinum Supply Crate and redeeming their contents produced the following tallies: Items Quantity Reputation (50,000) 28 Credits (10,000,000) 8 Premium Time (30 days) 1 Premium Time (7 days) 3 Diamond XP Boost 30 Diamond Intel Boost 19 Diamond Reputation Boost 24 Platinum Commander Insignia 33 Platinum Crew Insignia 28 Platinum Credit Insignia 31 Platinum Reputation Insignia 24 Platinum XP Insignia 30 Gold (13) 16 Gold (17) 12 Gold (19) 11 Gold (23) 13 Gold (29) 10 Gold (37) 1 Gold (53) 7 Gold (73) 1 Gold (113) 1 Premium Vehicle (assorted, 1 day rental) 11 Total possible item categories: 22 Total quantity of item drop events: 279 Figure 3.2.2: table of tallies of Platinum Supply Crate contents with a sample size of n=279. 4. Analysis 4.1 Proportions of Item Drops from Platinum Supply Crates In order to better illustrate the theoretical probabilities of the item drops from Platinum Supply Crates, the proportions of item drops are derived based on the tallies from each of the two datasets. The proportions are recorded as follows: Figure 4.1.1: proportions of item drops with a sample size of n=565. Figure 4.1.2: proportions of item drops with a sample size of n=279. 4.2 Chi-Squared Tests for Categories of Items Several different categories of items can be observed from the item drops of Platinum Supply Crates: rental vehicles, various quantities of Gold, Premium Time tokens, Boosts, Insignias, Credits, and Reputation. Given the similar drop rates between different Boosts and Insignias, the significances of the variances are examined using chi-squared tests. The results are as follows: Figure 4.2.1: chi-squared tests for the dataset of n=565 on the variances of Boost and Insignia drop rates. Figure 4.2.2: chi-squared tests for the dataset of n=279 on the variances of Boost and Insignia drop rates. The variances in drop rates for Boosts and Insignias in the two datasets are determined to be not statistically significant, and that the theoretical drop rates for different Boosts and Insignias should be considered to be equal in each of their categories. 4.3 Analysis of Aggregated Data Given the contextual relatedness of the two datasets, we totaled the tallies from each of the datasets in order to project results from a theoretically larger sample size. The total tallies and derived proportions of item drops are as follows: Items Quantity Reputation (50,000) 90 Credits (10,000,000) 35 Premium Time (30 days) 4 Premium Time (7 days) 10 Diamond XP Boost 79 Diamond Intel Boost 84 Diamond Reputation Boost 82 Platinum Commander Insignia 83 Platinum Crew Insignia 101 Platinum Credit Insignia 84 Platinum Reputation Insignia 91 Platinum XP Insignia 97 Gold (13) 47 Gold (17) 36 Gold (19) 39 Gold (23) 40 Gold (29) 26 Gold (37) 18 Gold (53) 15 Gold (73) 5 Gold (113) 3 Premium Vehicle (assorted, 1 day rental) 27 Total possible item categories: 22 Total quantity of item drop events: 844 Figure 4.3.1: table of tallies of Platinum Supply Crate contents with an aggregated sample size of n=844. Figure 4.3.2: proportions of item drops with an aggregated sample size of n=844. Chi-squared tests are also performed on the variances of different Boosts and Insignias for the aggregated data. The variances in each of the two item categories are found to be not statistically significant. Figure 4.3.3: chi-squared tests for the aggregated dataset of n=844 on the variances of Boost and Insignia drop rates. 4.4 Observations on Quantities of Gold Throughout the tally, it is observed that Gold item drops from Platinum Supply Crates contain fixed quantities of Gold. The probabilities of receiving each discrete quantity of Gold appear to be inversely proportional to the quantities. The only observed quantities of Gold obtained throughout the study are as follows: 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 37, 53, 73, and 113. It is also observed that the available quantities of Gold are all prime numbers, although it is unknown if this has any practical significance. 5. Discussion To our knowledge, this study is the first of its type to examine the probability of item drops from one specific source based on the loot box mechanics in Armored Warfare. Given the abundance of loot boxes in the game it would be very beneficial to players to determine the number and probabilities of item drops from any loot boxes they may come across, particularly if such loot boxes are obtained through transactions involving real currency. Although this is not the focus of our study, value on loot boxes may be derived based on the possible item drops and their probabilities. Platinum Supply Crates in particular appear to most commonly reward Insignias, Boosts and various small quantities of Gold, therefore the value of Platinum Supply Crates may depend primarily on the value of items within these three categories. Some of these items may have fixed monetary values such as Gold which can be purchased with real currency, or Insignias which can be purchased in-game with Gold. The perceived value of the items however may vary from player to player, as it may sometimes be undesirable to further obtain items of which the player already possess in abundance. Given that the perceived values of the items are highly subjective, we have elected to not provide further comments or advice here regarding the worth of Platinum Supply Crates. The results and statistical analyses of this study is only directly applicable to Platinum Supply Crates until new information becomes available, any current extrapolation to other loot boxes may not be accurate. Nevertheless, we hope this study will encourage future similar studies to examine other loot boxes in Armored Warfare, as well as official disclosure on the item drops and probabilities of the loot boxes. Further discussions are encouraged and will be hosted on the ArmoredLabs forum and Discord servers. The forum and Discord server can be accessed with the following links: https://armoredlabs.net/ https://discord.gg/scTRpBb 6. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the ArmoredLabs community for their continuing support and contributions during this study. We express special gratitude to danlambo and Qbicle for their provided data, and dark_demigod for his data analysis. This is study is motivated purely out of casual interest and hobby. We apologize for any silliness and unprofessionalism that may have entailed, as well as any chaos that might ensue.
  12. 8 points
    For all your skirt and fishnet needs. Vehicle gallery: https://imgur.com/a/WBgalrn 1.1 additions: https://imgur.com/a/TYXEM14 1.2: https://imgur.com/a/6dLFE8V Download v1.2 here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pKq4gISMJ_mKKdu-b-lFc3aZURFncUQP/view?usp=sharing Installation: Unpack and drop the contents into your language localization folder. If you don't like any particular vehicle skin, simply delete that vehicle's .cdf file. Leopard 2A5 and OF-40 also need to delete cannonbase and cannon files. (Note: Not the entire folder: Several, like Leopards and M1s, have several variants stored in the same folder.) Included in the mod are: Leopard 2, Evolution, Revolution and Panzer 87-140 (hull camo netting - takes paint) M1, M1A2, M1A2C Abrams (hull camo netting - takes paint) and M1A1 Abrams (full camo netting - hull, turret, cannon - takes paint) T-14 Armata (foliage, netting, torn fabric on cannon) T-72 Ural (fabric on side skirts, hull front, cannon - fabric does not take paint) VT-4 (foliage, netting) V1.1 additions: Leopard 2A5 receives the Barracuda camo net by default and takes paint OF-40 receives the Barracuda camo net by default and takes paint ERC-90 receives additional decorators from the Daguet skin T-72 Ural receives torn fabric on sideskirts and cannon V1.2: T-55M1: now has side skirts T-62: added turret props from Tiran 6 (storage box, crew gear on turret rear, MG) Object 187, T-90 and T-90A: added camo netting and bushes from T-90A Motherland, covering hull, turret and gun. Slight but acceptable clipping issues on Obj 187 and T-90 T-90A Burlak: added hull and cannon camo netting from T-90A Motherland M60A3 SLEP: added crew gear stashed inside the turret cage armor from Rough Rider skin.
  13. 8 points
    This mod is pretty unorthodox compared to the others. It is a mod changes some of vehicle's name and description (including change description when change a skin of some vehicles) aimed to make some vehicles to make it become more ''accurate''. Since it is designed to be used for my personnel use (I post it here solely due to friend's request), it might not totally historical accurate, as I change mainly the vehicles that I use often. Still, a creative suggestions are welcome. These pictures are a few examples of mod (there are more changes than these). If you find it interesting you can try. PS. The mod might be update sometimes if it is deemed to be a good idea. Latest update: Update 0.205 (9/19/2024) localization.zip
  14. 8 points
    Well, since there is no place where all commander builds are compiled together, I decided to make a thread for this... Do note you might be using a different build, which you prefer and feel free to add your own build! Ophelia "shield bitch" kitescu Well let's start with the most hated commander in the game, shield bitch. First a regular build: (Yes, you have one skill point to do whatever the fuck you want) Then the meme retarded build with less hitpoints: Erin "miss ireland" O'connel: The good build: (Thanks hassie) The I am stupid, I should use taco instead build: Alisa: ammo build: Ramming build: Juan Carlos "taco" Miramon: To get quicker to the useful skills: The other build: Some stupid build cursed guy gave me: Douglas O'Reilly Dpm build: View range build: Slightly different: Some combined build: (Thanks seb mon Amour) Sabrina Washington: (got these two from Stratzi, thx) (thx Charlie) Viktor Kirsanov: Got this one from Seb (thx mon amour), should be for module damage, so "sabrina" like module damage build: (thx again). idk, max spread and max module dmg or something stupid like that: (thanks yxlouvia) Freja: (idk whatever this is, Tey gave me) Min spread build: combined module damage build: Aim time build: (thx seb) Vincent "frenchie" Girard: Ioannis "fire guy" Sanna Fire memes: (thx Yxlouvia) Balanced build: Spotting: (Thx again) Rachel "I want to taste my enemy" Kramer: (Thx mon amour) Rashid "atgm boy" whatever the fuck that surname is: (thx) Viktor "I like my troops" Kirsanov: I like my troops build: Aleksandr "I am lucky" Cortez (Yes, I will shame you if you use this) Andrey Zaitsev
  15. 8 points
    AW dirt remove.7z https://drive.google.com/file/d/14UADTQRv_0G3YgKrdniHn4eVi-GNARyo/view?usp=sharing
  16. 8 points
    This mini project started as an attempt to create a Perihelion-themed camo for the Storyline Campaign. After being advised to "wait a bit" (hint hint) I decided to instead create an alternate variant of the Hades camo, along with a lighter-themed variant based on the Mount Elbrus camo as a companion piece. Elysium (replaces Hades): Tatra (replaces Mount Elbrus): Mod download: https://mega.nz/file/wQonyQJZ#6pScgL6mTx4xBF3gx9DEzFZDV6QGJY5IuVKcCfseCVo Installation instructions: this mod will persist across any future game updates and patches, there is no need to modify any other files. To uninstall, simply delete the files. To use the modded camos, you MUST already own the preexisting camos the mod is based on. Hades camo can be obtained rarely from battalion PvP missions (can be traded within battalions); Mount Elbrus is unlocked when you obtain the Black Sea Hero achievement for completing heroics. For best results, please reduce your dirt levels to minimum in your settings. You can also use the dirt removal mod to remove all dirt completely, bypassing the in-game settings. https://armoredlabs.net/index.php?/topic/8298-aw-dirt-remove/ Legalese and stuff: You may freely use and redistribute this mod and perform any additional modifications as you see fit. Please attribute the author (me) when redistributing the mod, and provide the address of this thread as the source of the mod. You may NOT monetize this mod or any part thereof.
  17. 8 points
    It is done. It took nearly 4 days of grinding it trying to find the optimum path, many many hours of AFK by players....and millions of credits. Each run was around -600k credits and I failed....A lot.... To put this in context, this was the last in 25 runs in 2 days! But it is here. I did it and I am very happy that I actually did it! Here is the video - It's not perfectly captured, but I had just spent the best part of 7 hours grinding at the point of recording. And here is the final results screen to show Demi did 0 damage and contributed nothing to the run, other than being there for hours at a time. I'd also like to reiterate my thanks to those that helped me run this with the multiple hours of AFK'ing!! I literally could not have done this without you're help. Also - World first :)
  18. 8 points
    Here we go again... General Feedback The Rock VS Everthing In general, I believe this update messed up more the general Rock Paper Scissors meta despite the intention to restore it. MBTs = the Jack of All Trades, Master of Everything: Firepower: Have the best gun of their tier, with High Penetration, High Alpha and increased DPM (regardless of the nerf from PTS 1 - they are still increased compared to live server) Armor: Changes to Armor means their weakspot became much easier to hide - Most MBT’s weakness is usually their LFP, many more funky weakspot like turret rings are not longer penetrable even with the best APFSDS. Mobility: They don’t feel slow at all - in fact tanks like the ATDU of all things have top-notch 0-Max speed time at ~20 odd seconds which is absurd. View Range is right about the only weakness of this class yet they always fight in close range anyway in the first place, mitigating this weakness for the most part LTs / Wheeled vehicles = The “worse” MBT Firepower: They lost ~5% DPM for basically no compensation. Why? They guns are usually worse than that of the MBTs of the same tier, and their main selling point *is* that DPM. With the increase of MBT DPM, its compounding on the shrinking gap between MBT and LT DPM. Considering the lack of armor of these tanks, I don’t see the rationale behind this change, on top of the mobility nerf it received. Armor: They never had any armor to speak of for the most part. PL-01 also is much less resistant to HEAT now, for some peculiar reason. Mobility: This is the big one. In general, most wheeled TDs and LTs feel much slower than they are compared to live server. LTs seem to handle just as sluggish as the MBTs, while acceleration to max-speed felt inadequate considering how fast some of the MBTs can be now (looking at you, T-14). Turning radius also is not where I would expect agile wheeled vehicles or LTs to be. Wheeled vehicles have horrible acceleration to their max speed despite their theoretical top speed; They never even get close to that even on hard terrain. This isn’t a realistic game and I thought the nerf to their mobility (Vehicles like the SPHINX and the Korent-EM) feels superficial and unnecessary. They just feel extremely unnatural to control compared to live because it feels so much slower and clunky. Having (finally) the disparity in view range is very nice, but I don’t think its enough to justify playing this class over other tanks (especially MBTs). ATGM chip damage I am sure this has been stated many many times, but I genuinely think this is a toxic mechanic for PvE. T-15 and Bradleys dish out so many missiles in short succession that chipping damage alone can deal a lot of damage to you. despite using your armor correctly. Yes - I know that in PTS stage 2, ATGM are not supposed to do much chipping damage to heavily armored parts anymore, but this feels extremely inconsistent. I regularly still take 200-400 damage when T-15s/Bradleys shoot at my thickest frontal armor. You take cumulatively so much more unnecessary damage that you have to rebuild kit much more frequently in many games. ATGMs already have a global increase to their penetration for the most part. I don’t see why there is a need to give them even more power. It's not a fun mechanic and I strongly urge it to be scrapped. Removal of HEAT / ATGM’s Damage bonus I understand the intention here is to lessen the RNG of HEAT (and ATGMs) in general, but the consequence of that is the loss of that High-risk, High reward mechanic, and the differentiation of a good player firing at weakspot vs a less-skilled player auto-aiming their missiles. Now, firing at weak engine decks, or parts without ERA protections are meaningless as they won’t award you extra damage for the extra effort you put in to aim those missiles. Reworked Armor felt bland MBT’s armor in general now feels extremely bland and uninteresting. For the most part, just shoot APFSDS at the lower plate of any MBT and you’ll penetrate it. Previously, there are some fun little quirks to many tanks’ armor that you can fire a variety of rounds to your own risk. There are tiny weakspots on tanks that HEAT can penetrate and subsequently do more damage than APFSDS (e.g. Turing ring of XM1A3, Driver’s hatch on the T-14) - but the tradeoff is that you do no damage at all. That is now completely gone. It discourages ammo diversity and in general makes each engagement uninspiring, as the best tactic for the most part now is to face hug each other so that the enemy cannot shoot at your lower plate. It makes tanks like the XM1A3 incredibly strong because of the removal of most of its weakspot. Tank-Specific Feedback SPHINX Its missile is way too weak compare to the CRAB (which is a Tier 9), which now has better per-missile reload AND 2 more missile to play with 14 second Missile reload and increased intra-missile reload, and very low Alpha damage for ATGM at 750 makes is way too weak for Tier 10 standards Camo-rating falls to near-Zero when firing a missile, pushing it towards a pure scout. Autocannon upgrade is inadequate to make up the difference between the missiles It feels like a downgrade compare to the CRAB Suggestion: Swap its positioning with the Shadow, which makes more sense to be positioned as a pure scout, and instead make the SPHINX the AFV/TD hybrid (according to the graph in the portal article) Give (partially) some of its ATGM power back by either decreasing the reload time on the missiles or increasing the damage of the missiles. Challenger 2 ATDU As of right now, it is a kind of MBT Wilk kind of PISH spamming TD rather than the heavily armored MBT that they should be as outlined. The frontal LFP weakspot remain enlarged compare to live for no apparent reason - It was always supposed to be hard to deal with at the front - its now much less consistent in doing the tanking (and possibly affecting how it reacts to ATGM chipping damage too). Its side Dorchester blocks are completely destroyed, becoming basic spaced armor. I cannot agree with this change on top of the LFP nerf. Its effectiveness against HEAT are a little bit worse than it is on live (~1000mm effective - a lot of Tier 10 ATG can, and will chew through that), while completely useless against any kind of kinetic rounds (~350mm effective when you don't angle it, and ~600mm with a heavy angle, WTF is this "Dorchester block"?). Don’t understand why the insistence of making the ATDU less armored considering it is contradictory to what its positioning in the rebalance. I strongly urge the developers to either give it back the composite armor blocks, or at the very least make it some kind of NERA blocks. It’s absurdly fast and agile for a supposedly heavily armored tank. Suggestion: Option 1 - The Solo Warrior: Retain the current frontal armor profile, but give it back the Dorchester armor blocks on the side. This would make over-angling the tank possible again to compensate for the LFP nerf. Keep the mobility as is in order to allow it to adjust its angling quickly in accordance to the engagement, making it a very tough lone warrior that can hold the line for extended periods of time while being not completely unkillable from the front. Option 2 - The Doom Turtle: Give its Live server frontal armor profile back, but keep the side armor as of PTS Stage 2 to allow for easy flanking. Adjust its mobility downwards in order to make this a frontline doom turtle that would tank extremely well, but prone to flanking and thus require ally support. Abrams Family Contrary to the complete disaster that it is in PTS stage 1, in PTS stage 2 the entire Abrams family has now become the “new” doom turtle with only a small weakspot while the entire front is basically impenetrable. Take the XM1A3 as an example: As of PTS stage 2, there is only a tiny strip of “Lower” LFP that is penetrable by even the DM23 (900mm APFSDS penetration). This is way too overboard now even compared to even the Obj 490 and ATDU. Considering its extremely powerful ERA on the sides that protect against both APFSDS and HEAT ammo, on top of the removal of turret ring weakspot, it is extremely tough to kill one in any angle bar its back. Suggestion: Give the Abrams its turret ring weakness back in a similar fashion to the Lepoard 2AX - instead of the entire turret ring, the section under the cannon would become the weakspot. This makes sure that it is not completely invulnerable when face-hugging, while not being as obnoxious to hide (point your cannon downwards to cover it up) as it is on live server. T-72. T-80, T-90, Object 640 and other T-series derivatives (Excluding T-14 family) As of right now, many T-series tank already have a relatively small LFP portion compared to Western tanks (like the Abrams or the Lelclerc); With the new changes It has the Abrams armor problem but even more pronounced across the whole line. Right now on PTS, that tiny strip of LFP is further divided into a upper portion that is almost as strong as the UFP and a very very tiny strip that serves as a weakspot in the “lower” LFP. This makes them extremely powerful against even higher tier vehicles because its very difficult to hit it even at sub-100m range. Those “Lower” LFP weakspot are still extremely strong, and especially to HEAT rounds. The T90MS as of right now is resistant up to ~1200mm penetration ATGMs, which is absolutely ridiculous and is superior to the T-14 in terms of armor, which is absurd. Suggestion: Weaken the LFP to make it at least penetrable to top ATGMs of its tier, and APFSDS should have no issues going through it. T-series LFP (except the T-14 family) are already very small to begin with. K2 and Type 10 K2 Is effectively the new Type 10 Insane burst damage (2K-3K damage within 4 seconds) potential while retaining above average DPM Resistant to APFSDS from the front (abeit not as good against HEAT) Type 10 Seems a little over-nerfed with both DPM and DPS nerf Its armor was never that great to begin with, and it was the gun and the mobility that kept it afloat. Suggestion: K2: Keep its burst potential as is, but nerf its overall DPM to differentiate it from the Type 10. Adjust its armor profile to make it less resistant to kinetic rounds. Type 10: Increase its DPM by a bit (not to Live server level but partially), but keep the DPS value as is (as in, keep the intra-shot reload nerf as of PTS stage 2) to differentiate it from the K2. As a result, while the Type 10 does not have the DPS potential like it is right now in Live server, it retains its excellent DPM and will be great for extended engagements (and in PvE); K2 will now do more burst damage than the Type 10, but does not compete with it in consistent damage, resembling a hit-and-run play style that suits more to PvP but still viable in PvE.
  19. 8 points
    Once again it's time for a new guide. This time it's all about the ammunition in Armored Warfare. Keep in mind that english is not my native language, I try my best to write correct sentences. Aswell I use google translate on my original text to keep the effort a bit lower. So there might be some errors I'm missing. In this case feel free to correct me. This guide is WIP, therefore it does not feature all ammunition types. Additionally especially regarding HE mechanics there are lots of uncertainities. If you happen to know more than me or if I got something wrong, please share your knowledge. Content: Abbreviations How a cannon works Basic ammunition traits in Armored Warfare Kinetic Projectiles (AP) Shaped-Charge Projectiles (HEAT) High-Explosive Projectiles (HE) Special Ammunition: HESH/HEP/PISH ... This guide is still incomplete. It is constantly being expanded with new ammunition types. 1. Abbreviations Since there are many abbreviations regarding ammunition, I made a short list. Please note that there are usually several abbreviations and names for the same type of ammunition, but ultimately they mean the same thing. Only the most important and common abbreviations related to the game Armored Warfare are listed here. AP (Armor Piercing) APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot) HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank) HEAT-MP (High Explosive Anti Tank Multi-Purpose) HE (High Explosive) HE-I (High Explosive Incendiary) HEP (High Explosive Plastic) (HEP is the American name, HESH is the British) HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) (British abbreviation) ATGM (Anti Tank Guided Missile) ATGM-TB (Anti Tank Guided Missile Thermobaric) PELE (Penetrator Enhanced Lateral Effect) 2. How a cannon works Before we get to the ammunition, there are some important aspects in real tank technology that you should know beforehand. Each ammunition is fireed by a cannon or a launcher. Let's take a closer look at the cannons: 3. Basic ammunition traits in Armored Warfare All traits of the ammunition description as listed in Armored Warfare are described here. The ammunition description card is displayed in the garage when you move your cursor over the particular ammunition icon. 4. Kinetic Projectiles (AP) Color: blue Typical muzzle velocity: 1000-1800m / s Maximum impact angle: 67-70 ° Strong against: All types of armor (universally applicable) Weak against: high impact angles The kinetic projectiles (AP armor piercing) are a standard ammunition type for almost all vehicles because this type of ammunition can be used effectively against practically all types of armor. The penetration power is achieved purely through kinetic energy, which is why these projectiles are also referred to as KE projectiles (kinetic energy). 5. Shaped Charge Projectiles (HEAT) Color: red Typical muzzle velocity: 700-1400m / s Maximum angle of impact: 65-80 ° Strong against: All types of armor without protection against HEAT, particularly weak armor Weak against: high angle of impact, cage armor, composite armor, ERA, NERA, spaced armor The shaped charge shells, hereinafter referred to as HEAT (HEAT for “High Explosive Anti Tank”), are standard ammunition for almost all vehicles because this type of ammunition, like AP, can be used effectively against many types of armor. The armor piercing effect is achieved by the shaped charge (hollow charge) and therefore does not work with kinetic energy. 6. High Explosive Shells (HE) Color: orange Typical muzzle velocity: 300-1200m / s Maximum angle of impact: none Strong against: very weak armor, high angle of impact, homogenous armor Weak against: strong armor, cage armor, spaced armor, composite armor The high-explosive shells are a standard ammunition type in many vehicles. The penetration is not achieved by kinetic energy, but by the explosion of the explosive that resides in the warhead. That's all for today, I'll try to add more ammo as well as translated pictures ASAP Changes:
  20. 7 points
    A pack of Desert Storm skins for M551 Sheridan, AMX-30B2 and Centurion AVRE. Includes new elements for Sheridan - an MG with a shield and a newer type 152mm gun. Download: AVRE - https://www.mediafire.com/file/d6r38nnhqjj7293/avre.7z/file Sheridan: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7t601nu02udn72j/m551.7z/file AMX 30B2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/j5dqtsxm1o5egep/amx30.7z/file If you like my work and would like to see more content in the future, consider supporting me with a one-time donation on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/arto9 Every dollar helps and is appreciated.
  21. 7 points
    This is a simple gas turbine sound mod and is based on the Voice of War mod: https://armoredlabs.net/index.php?/topic/52001-the-voice-of-war/ There are two versions of it, one which tries to mimic an M1 Abrams and one that imitates a T-80. legacy version https://mega.nz/file/oyBlkJ4Y#lebtoUr_zM_W76QaiNGcZH_jvrrpjueoRws01g6yhJQ key: lebtoUr_zM_W76QaiNGcZH_jvrrpjueoRws01g6yhJQ new version https://mega.nz/file/gqoWiDgS#3zxbrLXoQmC9AnKdZk7_497BNaLkJykAcoKgwcE3N0w key: 3zxbrLXoQmC9AnKdZk7_497BNaLkJykAcoKgwcE3N0w I have marked both versions in the zip, rename it and then replace the vehicles.common file in the localisation folder. Feedback is appreciated! Changelog: Sounds for M1 version overhauled, legacy version is archived 1st of june T-80 version added 3rd of june T-80 version tweaked 4th of hune 1st person sound tweaked
  22. 7 points
    This is a visual modification for the lvl 7 MBT Leopard 2. An exhibit from the Museum of the Armored Vehicles of finnish Parola served as a model for camo. Unfortunately, one element of the cannon cannot be painted due to game restrictions. So you must apply camouflage in dark colors. You can download this mod from Yandex disk. The .exe is a regular WinRAR archive and you can easily extract it the desired folder from there and copy it to your localization folder.
  23. 7 points
    There is now an initial version of the AW modloader uploaded on GitHub. Important: Bugs are to be expected, even though most stuff should be ironed out by now. Use at your own risk. After testing a first release will be made (probably in a new thread) which should be working well. The program does what the name says: Load Mods into the program Manage mods by activating/deactivating them for the use ingame Version control of mods Collision detection of mods Important stuff first: - Source Code (MIT): https://github.com/TeyKey1/AW-Modloader - Supported Plattforms: Windows 7-11 (32 & 64 Bit) (Currently only win10 64Bit is tested) - Supported Languages: English, German (Other languages can be supported as well but for this I need help see https://github.com/TeyKey1/AW-Modloader/issues/1) - Supported Installer Languages: English, German, French, Polish, Russian - Download of the program: https://github.com/TeyKey1/AW-Modloader/releases/tag/v0.1.0-alpha - Issues: Report here or (even better) https://github.com/TeyKey1/AW-Modloader/issues Making mods compatible with the modloader Generally lot of mods should already be compatible with the modloader. Though theres some mod distributions with an incompatible folder layout. The expected folder layout for a compatible mod is as follows: MyFancyMod.zip => sounds/ weapons/ ... weapons/ ... Generally the archive needs to represent the folder structure that is required inside the localization/<language>/ folder. ThisIsWrong.zip => localization/ <language>/ ... This does not work for example as the modloader directly inserts the file into the correct localization folder already. modinfo.json In order to attach more information to your mod that the modloader can use you can create a modinfo.json file. Using this file you can achieve proper version control of your mod in the modloader. The file needs to have the following JSON data (The modinfo.json is not mandatory but recommended): { "name": "My mod name", "author": "TeyKey1", "version": "0.1.0", "injection": "localization", "info": "This is an awesome mod info\nIt contains all the best tank colors\n\nmore info here: https://armoredlabs.net" } Parameters: name The name of your mod author You, probably version The current version of your mod. This needs to follow Semver injection Currently only "localization" is supported, so leave as is info Some info text about your mod. Can be multiline using escape characters The modinfo.json file needs to reside in the base of the mod archive: MyFancyMod.zip => sounds/ weapons/ ... weapons/ ... modinfo.json
  24. 7 points
    Armored Warfare Revisited is a weapon sound mod merging the sounds from my older mod - Vadim's weapon sound mod, with old sounds Armored Warfare used to have all those years ago in the Obsidian era. You can download the mod here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wXcLLk4iYoNFYOZU5WNOjBaqVZZY3DYW/view?usp=sharing Installation: throw the contents of the zip into your localization folder, so it looks like this: If you use steam it should look something like Armored Warfare/some random numbers/Armored Warfare/localization... The mod changes every weapon system's sound in the game. You can check out how exactly it changes stuff in the video below: 3. 12. New rotary sounds: Update on 2nd of December changes 140+ mm gun sounds. No video because tired and lazy Update 1.1 adds new sounds for low caliber autocannons:
  25. 7 points
  26. 7 points
    As the title says. The sideskirt model used is from the Magach 7C, boxes and other greebles from the M60A1 USMC skin. I'm fairly conservative when it comes to model modding, as I personally don't like it when models stray too far away from their actual hitboxes or lead to visual confusions. Vehicles modified: M48 M60 M60A1 M60A2 M60A3 Magach 5 Magach 6B Magach 7A Magach 7C M60-2000 Sabra Mk. 2 XM247 M48 GAU-8 Mod download: https://mega.nz/file/BcYzlb7I#fJGOVvSL_koMvdLwHmcI85sIHqnxMa3pZ8RJhRpvqrg Most of them look the same so I won't bother posting every single screenshot. Installation instructions: this mod will persist across any future game updates and patches, there is no need to modify any other files. To uninstall, simply delete the mod files. Legalese and stuff: You may freely use and redistribute this mod and perform any additional modifications as you see fit. Please attribute the author (me) when redistributing the mod, and provide the address of this thread as the source of the mod. You may NOT monetize this mod or any part thereof.
  27. 7 points
    Type 16 MCV skin based on Type 16 MCV Japan Ground Self-Defense Force camo Download here Enjoy!
  28. 7 points
    Source: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1480186719 ---- Stuff from the stream: SS admits that he always sucks at games that requires skills, because he is too lazy to put in effort into learning them. Chance for Brazilian Osório tank coming is "pretty good" Game development has a lot of inertia; anything that the devs are working on now are decided 6 months ago. Anything that gets decided now won't be coming for another 6 months (or more) The idea of finishing the T-80 progression line or adding any new progression lines is still being considered, but no promises so far. There are still no plans for what to do with SPGs in their current state. There were considerations to make SPGs direct fire vehicles (similar to early test builds for Balance 2.0), but that is on the back burner for now because there are more pressing issues. No plans for T-72B3 Mod.2016 SS personally wants the game to have improved graphics, better sounds, and a new balance system (not another major rebalance, but a system of some sort) VT5 shooting missiles in PvE will be looked into (they should fix that for WWO Wilk as well) No plans to introduce PT-91; will be very similar to T-72M4CZ Patch when? When It's Ready™ Since VE Day (End of WWII in Europe) is coming to an end, they may rename the Object 225 marathon event to something else. Again confirmed that Tiger's Claw is not coming back; "it's easier to create another mission on the same map than to fix Tiger's Claw". No plans for new Italian vehicles, but SS mentioned that they have an unfinished model of Freccia (IFV version of Centauro, plays like the Rosomak, was originally going to be a progression vehicle for Francine before it got replaced by something else in the line) Again no plans to introduce self-propelled mortar carriers When asked about new national skins for T-72M1 (as was intended when vehicle was first announced), SS explains that many of the national variants can be replicated with existing camos and decals, but he is open to ideas for interesting historical skins. Again no plans for solo PvE missions Which company is developing AW now? "It's complicated" Horde mode is back on the table - it's currently in pre-development phase No new PvP maps planned in the near future A new commander system is being considered, but it's not something that SS wants, though he also thinks that the current one needs improvements, and it may get looked at again No new Light Tanks planned for this year Will Heroic Mode get new maps? It's "possible" (note: it used to be a definite "no" in the past), and it's something that the devs can look into No plans for Tier 11, but it was something that was considered as a possible solution to tackle the crazy amount of Reputation and Credits that players hoard. Black Knight (UGV or Challenger) is not coming. The devs did consider a Black Knight Challenger, but it's not interesting enough. There are two possible directions that SS is considering for future Spec Ops: the rise of Black Company or Perihelion stuff. The current direction he has in mind is standard PvE for Perihelion, and Spec Ops for Black Company, but he is open to ideas. Rinaldi and Kopylov are dead offscreen after Burning Grounds according to SS' headcanon The issue where MBTs like Object 195, Strv 2000, and Altay not counting as heavy vehicles in platoon will be looked at again The devs may consider moving Type 99s' ammo rack to the back of the turret The idea of having a weekend Spec Ops chain available in rotation every 6+ weeks is not a good idea, and the devs are also looking into how to bring Plague back. Player made mods are still being tolerated as long as they are derivative works, but if they harm the game's stream of revenue i.e. enabling premium cosmetics even though it's only on the client side but on a wide scale, then they will have to do something about it. Clan war overhaul is also being considered. Problem is how to tackle the issue where top clans will always occupy the top ranking bracket consistently and reap the benefits while leaving the rest in the dust. No plans to return old BPs as playable events SS personally wants a feature where players can create obstacles by modifying terrain (like what WT does) , but he thinks that's mechanically impossible to achieve in AW Custom decal placement feature was tested, but it "broke a lot of things", so it's shelved. No plans to move the game to a new engine BP stuff: The Chinese theme Rise of the Dragon BP is still deep in development, but it will be longer with more prizes and bonus levels (perhaps similar to Warlords of the Wasteland BP with extra ranks and rewards after obtaining the top prize?), but probably not in the way like Wars of the Past BP where players felt they were pressed for time to complete them. Type 99B (Reference image) Fictional variant of Type 99, basically a what-if upgrade of some sort. AW version won't look much like that illustration. It will have dual roof mounted ATGM launchers, and it is supposed to solve the vulnerable ammo rack position that other Type 99s do (perhaps moved to a different location like the back of the turret?). The renderer who made that image is supposedly quite popular in China, and the Chinese operators (publishers for the separate Chinese server) asked the devs to make the vehicles for them. SS personally isn't happy with that decision himself. ZTZ-20 (Reference image) Fictional Tier 10 MBT. AW's version will not have dozer blades, but basically it will be a Chinese Armata with external ATGM launchers. ZTL-11 (basically a domestic counterpart of ST1) and maybe VN17 (IFV version of VT5) are also coming. Shards of the Past: Flakpanzer Gepard Olympics theme Vickers Mk.7/2 (idea was scrapped together with another skin for Object 187 when Russia got banned from participating) Tatooine map (minimap for reference). Many maps were named after Star Wars locations at the time, like Jakku for Al Dabbah (which is what "Tatooine" became eventually), and Coruscant for Moscow. XM723 Pereh
  29. 7 points
    Synthesized using War Thunder sound clips Most main cannon sound Machine gun sound Sniper rifle shots mortar sound Small caliber cannon ATGM sound And more Preview Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6ne3fRd5P8 Download:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_5nYcPiJU9bZ7tl1LSA9z9-8YL5Qtmnp/view?usp=sharing enjoy!
  30. 7 points
    preview Download:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VcK-jfFHav1dQu79CRj4oATdNbtea-YB/view?usp=sharing Hope you like it
  31. 7 points
    As I whaled this BP and got my hands on this beast some days ago I'll share my opinion about it in the text below. Of course I haven't played it for ages but I got a pretty good first impression on it in the gamemodes GLOPS and Specops/Heroics. It's truly a piece of art So what are we going to discuss here: How to get it (currently at least) My current stats on it Comparison to some other MBTs Armor My setup Pros & Cons Should I get it? Well let's start then: How to get it (currently at least): In case you lived below a rock for some time regarding AW you might not know what this is about. Basically the STRV 2000 is the ultimate "Northern Wind" Battlepath reward for reaching level 50 in said Battlepath. The battlepath just recently started so if you like the other vehicles you can get there you might consider participating. My current stats on it: So for the people who think stats are a good way to tell if vehicle/player performs well (like me) here the games I currently played in it: GLOPS: The GLOPS Stats As for GLOPS the usual stats you'd want to have a look at are Damage dealt as well as defense efficiency. As for average damage 12776dmg is currently below my average for MBTs. So is the tank trash? No. The reason for this is that most battles I played were 10v10 and 8v8 on the smaller glops maps. In that regard the average damage is about to be as expected. Nothing too fancy like Type 10 damage output for example. Secondly the defense efficiency is a whopping 1.83 (This is better than my Obj. 490 at 1.73) given all those battles were played before the ufp thickness buff this could even get better. Though it's a pretty new tank right now and people usually need some time to learn the weak parts of a vehicle so it might very well dip over the course of time. Personally I didn't feel that it's protection even performed better than my Obj. 490. But it's certainly a well protected vehicle. Game mode specific is bugged unfortunately, but obviously cap all the caps when you're in an MBT in GLOPS. Specops/Heroics: The PVE stats (Mostly Heroics and some solo Specops missions) Well I always have a hard time comparing PVE stats as they are one big mess due to the mixed game modes and difficulties. Anyways this is mostly Heroics and solo Specops. As you can see the average damage of over 40k is pretty high and about 10k higher than my usual T10 MBTs. Let me tell you it's pretty broken wit the 40mm triple shot AC. Given bots are still excelling at being dumb you should not have much trouble putting the 40mm to good use during your reload on the 140mm. Again the Defense efficiency is pretty good, only being surpassed by my XM1A3 and Obj 490. PVP (Random Battles): Unfortunately haven't played PVP yet. But I'll certainly do that in the next weeks. Comparison to some other MBTs: Comparison to single shot MBTs with big calibre guns (all retrofitted) I'm usually not very keen on such comparisons based on the hard facts as it often turns out the vehicles feel differently in battle anyways. And yes I know Obj 195 is not included, as I don't have it and it would not be fair to include it stock. There's hardly much notable differences to see when it comes to armor. Mobility wise the STRV seems to be pretty good. Though I equipped it for good acceleration. Also the Hull traverse is the best among all those tanks which once again seems to be pretty interesting, as to me the STRV felt extremely sluggish in turns compared to the rest of the tanks in here (except for Obj. 490 of course). Viewrange seems to be good as well, mainly because I put augmented optics on it. Aimtime is also worse than it looks like here, as I put a lot effort into reducing it with retros & co (more on that down below). Though the accuracy seems to be not too good which also backs my subjective views on it. It's definitely not accurate at all (Neither with HEAT nor AP). So except for the 40mm AC (which isn't existing in this comparison) there's hardly anything special about it. Armor: Now let the fun begin. There have already been some special people complaining about the armor of STRV 2k so is it really that bad? Let's find out. Given the stats suggest it's pretty good I'll have a look at it with Leo 2AX shells (all distances to target 100m): Vs Leopard 2AX: Front vs APFSDS with 900mm Penetration at 150m distance Side vs APFSDS with 900mm penetration at 150m distance Front vs HEAT with 1100mm Penetration Side vs HEAT with 1100mm Penetration So basically there's the pretty small lfp which can be penned by most stuff which isn't an autocannon. With HEAT we also observe a quite big weakspot in the frontal turret ring (which indeed can be hit during combat (not just by bots but also human players). A hit there results in quite some module damage. Usually it kills your turret drive straight away. On the sides the NERA blocks offer quite some protection, which can allow you to bait your enemy into shooting those parts of armor when trying to get around a corner. Vs AFT 10: As we could see quite some weakspot in the turret ring I was curious about the AFT 10 Missiles: Front vs HEAT ATGM with 1450mm penetration Side vs HEAT ATGM with 1450mm penetration As we can see the turret ring weakspot even grows bigger. I'm near 100% sure a skilled player with such ATGM mobiles could cause devastating damage to a stationary STRV 2k using this weakspot. The sides now turned completely green so basically all you can rely on in such situation is your Hard-Kill APS. Vs Sphinx AC: Now how does it perform against one of the best penetration AC in the game? Front vs APFSDS with 260mm penetration at 150m distance Side vs APFSDS with 260mm penetration at 150m distance About to be expected it's basically impenetrable by the standard ACs in the game from the front. On the sides it kinda looks like the T14, where the back part without NERA blocks is not protected against AC fire. NERA Degradation: Now some people might wonder how it fares when the NERA degraded during battle. Now first of all my subjective view on it based on experience: I hardly noticed any degradation effects on this tank during my battles. No matter if I played PVE or GLOPS. If you know me, you know I usually prefer a W+M1 playstyle in PVE just rushing stuff and getting all the hits possible. So there's certainly no possibility that I just didn't get enough hits during my games with it. In GLOPS I hardly noticed it as well which is probably also because the survival time during PVP games is a lot lower and usually not sufficient to get as many hits required to fully degrade the NERA blocks. Additionally, no sane person spams Ammo into NERA but tries to shoot the unprotected weakspots, which further reduces the risk of NERA degrading during battle. For further information about this topic visit this post (I assume they haven't changed much around NERA so far): I won't post any more armor viewer screens without NERA, but as you'd expect with degraded NERA the lfp weakspot grows a lot bigger and is hard to miss. Same goes for the sides where basically the whole side of the tank gets vulnerable to AC fire. My Setup: Of course a setup is a pretty personal thing usually, I'd still like to show you my current one just to give you some insights and ideas. I went a bit meme at times and there's quite some chance people will disagree with me but it works well enough: Retrofits: Improved gun breech Obvious choice for near any tank I'd say Improved filter systems Mainly due to the fact that I like good mobility. Additionally the engine of this vehicle is in the front which means it will get damaged a lot. With this retro I try to avoid that as much as possible. Augmented optics I use those a lot on my MBTs. It's pretty useless for PVE, but in PVP modes can help quite a bit spotting annoying enemies with better vr/camo values. Air induction precleaner This one I chose because the turning rate of the STRV feels extremely sluggish and slow. As you could see in the vehicle stats comparison it was among the better ones but still felt worse than most. Not sure what causes it but the retro certainly helps. Crew: Commander: Freja Højbjerg Skills: This might be quite a unique choice but as Freja is from Denmark I thought it fits. Obviously there's other factors which lead to that choice so let me explain: Basically with this setup Freja substantially lowers the aimtime. I felt it gave me a better gun handling on the 140mm and also the AC. You could also go with any other standard MBT commander for the STRV but so far I'm happy with Freja's aimtime skills. Driver: Acceleration in offroad and Improved hull traverse speed (Nothing special here, mainly focusing on further expanding the mobility) Gunner: Improved aimspeed and Improved gun hitpoints (Again focusing on aimtime and secondly increasing gun hitpoints. To me it felt like the gun was hit and damaged/destroyed quite a lot times, especially in PVE, maybe due to the giant muzzle brake. It certainly felt a lot more annoying than on other MBTs so I went with a bot more gun hp.) Consumables: Synthetic oil Again to increase mobility, basically replacing medkit. There were some crew deaths during my games (mainly driver) but too little to ditch synthetic oil for it. Surplus spare parts Surplus mainly because of GLOPS Improved fire extinguisher It does burn quite some time when the engine is hit (It's not extreme but I hate burning) Triple PVE Jesus kit For all the PVE tryhards and W+M1 enjoyers like me Special Ability: Override It's currently the only one available but it does its job quite well Pros & Cons: Listed from most important to least important. Pros: 40mm Bofors AC Imagine pairing a Griffin 50mm with an MBT so you can get this. This AC is extremely strong and offers superb penetration due to triple shot mechanics. You can pen most MBT sides, as well as even lfp of certain MBTs (total balans). So obviously anything below MBT levels of protection will get shreddered by it. Armor Now I might get killed by some people but the armor is really good, as long as you don't go full retard and think it will deflect damage no matter how you position. If you know about your lfp and turret weakspot you can do quite some stuff to avoid getting hit there resulting in superb protection against enemies. NERA degradation hardly seemed to be a problem so far. Negative gun elevation With -9° it feels pretty good and allows for quite some hill shenanigans HP pool With 3900 HP it's quite decent and usually sufficient to survive quite some stuff. Cons: Engine in front of tank I just hate it. Every hit potentially killing your engine or setting you on fire. It's not an extreme problem as the STRV does not feel like a torch but it certainly causes a fire at times. Gun handling on 140mm Despite my efforts to keep aimtime as low as possible, it still feels pretty inaccurate and sluggish at times, especially on switching weapon systems. The accuracy of the gun is not good and it will not allow you to effectively hit weakspots at high ranges. Turning rate Contrary to the actually good stats it feels slow and sluggish while turning, especially when turning during slow speeds. Turret position/Vehicle shape I don't regard it as a con but some people might have trouble adapting the unusual shape of the tank. It certainly feels different to play Should I get it?: I personally recommend this tank. If you like its looks you won't be disappointed by its performance once you get the hang of switching between two weapon systems for maximum damage. Generally it feels like a very strong but not blatantly OP vehicle. I still feel like it's too strong but as we are now having a habit of simply powercreeping all the stuff on release of a new tank it's fine It's a great carry tank for solo Specops where you can rely on your AC to finish off secondaries like inf positions fast without the need to take T15. It's quite fun in GLOPS as well due to the ok mobility combined with the AC which for example allows you to perma track enemies as well as flanking them and deal a lot of damage.
  32. 7 points
    A very long, but very detailed article from PanzerSofa. Quite a good read if anyone wishes to gain some insight into one part of the dev process. The quote here is auto-translated, so there may be some bits that got lost in translation. If there are any concerns, please consult the source material at PanzerSofa's VK page. https://vk.com/@panzer_sofa-tank-creation-1
  33. 7 points
    Hey guys. Yesterday, we had a bit of a discussion about PvE, even internally. And I was thinking, like, what do you guys make of things? The new map and all. So I made a survey for myself (as in, the output will not be binding for the devs, but would help me confirm some stuff). So, those of you who play PvE, could you fill this please (if you don't that's fine, but I would like input from players who do)? https://forms.gle/KJrT5R4ySGcdyzuc7 If you'd share it in the AW communities you're a part of, that would be appreciated. I am looking for as much input as possible. Thanks, guys!
  34. 6 points
    Short and simple, don't even have to unpack anything for this. Navigate to where the garages are stored. There are two folders, one containing "normal" garages and the other one for holidays and other special occasions. Identify the name of the garage you are currently using. For simplicity's sake I'll be using the "simplified" garage to make things consistent. This is named gar_white. Exit the game, rename your current garage to a backup name, then rename the garage you want into what your current garage is called. It would be helpful to backup all the names before you do this. Assuming nothing goes wrong, load back into the game and enjoy your new (old) garage! Note that there's a possibility some of the garages are used purely for debugging purposes, namely gar_eeu_lean or gar_geom_thumbnail. They might not work properly, but you can always revert your changes if they turn out to be broken.
  35. 6 points
    Replaces Leopard 2AX with a Leopard 2A7+ mostly as seen during Eurosatory 2010, using elements of both Duel Ops and Urban configs, as much as ingame assets allowed. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/u7egygfcr764x56/2a7plus.7z/file Version without skin: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xxem9aw5t5t4r34/2a7plus_basic.7z/file
  36. 6 points
    I will post here some tanks renderings from AW. Some models suck quality (thanks to obsidian) but i tried to get the most out of them. But as I look, images with tanks from AW in the net are almost impossible to find, only old
  37. 6 points
    A non-historical, but aesthetically realistic skin this time based on nothing in particular. More in line with an AW merc unit getting their hands on a Type 90 and operating in a European theater (don't question it) - repainted in typical NATO CARC camo and a few adjustments. Uses the Winter Warrior assets with new materials to mimic the existing camo nets in the game, complete with transparency, as well as turning the numbered plates into combat identification panels in the style of Abrams tanks. Additionally, the commander's sight as well as the MG were fully removed and replaced by a CROWS RCWS. More images: https://imgur.com/a/wEd7x75 Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r8i69pdk9u2ilzs/type90lucky.7z/file V1.01 released: Now with texture compression, so it doesn't clog your disk space. Oops. Thanks to @tahax If you like my work and would like to see more content in the future, consider supporting me with a one-time donation on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/arto9 Every dollar helps and is appreciated.
  38. 6 points
    Skin for tier 7 M1A1 Abrams based primarily on tank 12 "Archangel" of Australian Army 1st Armoured Regiment with matching callsign and serial numbers applied. Pattern is kept mostly accurate with some necessary adjustments due to how the UV mapping works out. Also included is a skin for the tier 8 M1A1 AIM using the same base pattern but with the name and numbers of tank 23B "Barely Legal" from the same regiment. More images: https://imgur.com/a/IYm3ITT Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15BirKdbmXro4wwQzvUNoE7M5ZjgNK2cK/view?usp=sharing To install, drop the contents of the archive into your localization folder (Assuming you are using the english version of the client). If you like my work and want to see more, please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi.
  39. 6 points
    I was inspired by these T72B3 pictures. And then after a lot of trial and error and retry, I made this. Download:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JzwPUUFbn2x_q35TCLbGwd7Z48zFkgiO/view?usp=sharing 2.0 Download:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uif3TTQEHdxKJ71W8u1papIkkpPZFmMQ/view?usp=sharing fixed the borken era Hope you like this!
  40. 6 points
    Restores the cut Barracuda skins for M1128 MGS, LAV-600, Wiesel TOW and Wiesel HOT. As an extra Stryker ADATS also gets hull net. Takes all base paints and camo.
  41. 6 points
    This MOD has been done for a few months.Its down well in my local community,So I posted here too.For some reasons, some voice are not replaced.(like APS and ammo change or something). Because Harper AND Kitescu has their own voice, so i didn't change theirs voice. Enjoy! Download:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F994B0o0-garKKexmlxXffGdSjRNcKZM/view?usp=sharing
  42. 6 points
    Changes the "spotted" sound effect, the sound when you spot enemies, and the sound of abilities. That is all. Update 1206: I added respawn, ressuply, objective lost, objective captured and map ping sounds. This is not a serious mod, in case the preview didn't give it away.. Download the zip and put the "interface" folder into your localization/your game's language/sounds PREVIEW Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ddm1_Wigwg2lVWVP5j9uWoC4TlQ3kwCQ/view?usp=sharing
  43. 6 points
    Here is a short video tutorial on how to create a simple sound mod for Armored Warfare. I know there is already a video pinned, however I found the video quality to be too low to see most of the text, so I made my own. I hope this will be of some use to people. Feel free to contact me if you have questions.
  44. 6 points
    Historically? Historically! Did the author of the mod recreate the unique look authentically? Reliably! Is it better and more appropriate than the shitty skins officially created by the game developers and introduced such as the "Archangel" and "the Kraken" (their kind)? Better and more appropriate even! Any unique historical skins or camouflages (other) will be much more appropriate than something invented under the influence of drugs. Should developers officially introduce such unique skins into the game? I can't say for sure if it's worth it or not. However, here we are talking about an amateur mod that no one forces anyone to download and install. I consider it extremely inappropriate to breed some disputes here and drag in politics, historical events and breed demagoguery with a value judgment, and yes, I say this, a person condemning any war outside of video games. I downloaded this mod and threw it into my game, I will see such a unique look on the tanks of other players. Diversity? Completely, yes.
  45. 6 points
  46. 6 points
    Solution to the secret, and hopefully the first of many to come (click to open spoilers): I hope the next secret will be more fun to work with. Like I said, the first clue is flat out awful and easily missed.
  47. 6 points
    The Global Operations (GLOPS) mode can be overwhelming at the beginning, especially for beginners. A lot happens at the same time and at a fast pace. This guide is intended to help those new to GLOPS to find their way around this very fun and action-packed mode. This is a guide I originally did for AWtactics. I decided to translate it for the forum because I think it is a solid guide to get people started in GLOPS. Also, as this mode is not going to get significant overhauls it should stay relevant. In case you find any errors (of whatever kind) please let me know. Content: Introduction The ticket system and how to win the game The respawn mechanics The secondary objectives (Wildcards) How the cap points work The GLOPS phases The bots List and function of Wildcards The repair points Weather events The spawn 1. Introduction: The game mode GLOPS is a PVP mode (up to 15v15 players) in Armored Warfare. You can only play this game mode starting from Tier 5. All lower tier vehicles are not allowed to enter the GLOPS Matchmaker. Both teams start on a mostly medium to large map with a full ticket account. The team's goal is to bring the opposing team's ticket balance down to 0 (the game is won in this case) before their own account balance does so. The goal of removing tickets from the opponents account can be achieved through various actions in the game. If a player's vehicle has been destroyed, it reappears refilled with ammunition and completely repaired at the spawn point of the respective team after a cooldown and can be used again by the respective player. 2. The ticket system and how to win the game: The core of the GLOPS mode is the ticket system, which ultimately decides which team wins or loses. The ticket system is relatively simple and may be already known from some other games. Both teams start with a certain number of tickets on their ticket account. The starting number of tickets varies depending on the map between 2000 and 3000 tickets. The balance of both teams is recorded in the upper center of the screen and is displayed at all times. This is the ticket display. Your team's account balance is blue and the opponent's account balance is red. The game ends as soon as the balance of one of both teams has dropped to 0 tickets or the time has expired (which happens very rarely). In case the game ends due to time expiration the team with the higher remaining balance wins the game. So it is important to lose as few tickets as possible during the game. How can you remove tickets from the enemy team's account? In order to win the game, it is essential that you remove tickets from your opponent through your actions during the game. The following actions cost the opponent tickets: Kill an enemy player: -25 tickets on the enemy's account Kill a bot vehicle (these are marked in yellow): -10 tickets on the enemy's account There is also the most important element to withdraw tickets from the opponent: the main objectives. The main objectives are cap points , which are scattered around the map. There are 2-4 of those, depending on the map and phase of the game. As soon as one of those points has been completely capped, tickets are continuously removed from the opponent's ticket account until the point is neutral again, has been captured by the opponent or disappears (phase change). That means: Whoever controls most of the main objective caps gains a significant ticket advantage. You should always try to control at least 1 more main objective than the enemy. Of course, the enemy will try to do the opposite. 3. The respawn mechanics: If you are destroyed in GLOPS, the game is far from over as you will be revived after a 30s cooldown. It is important that your team loses 25 tickets each time you die (as described above). While you are dead, you can use the LCtrl key (standard controls) to display an enlarged minimap window and click on one of the available spawn points on which you want to be revived. There are two to three possible spawn points per map, which are located in different places on the map. It is therefore wise to choose a spawn point that is as close as possible to your desired position, which you want to take after your respawn. Important to know for PVE players: In contrast to PVE, respawn in GLOPS is free. The respawn window, which can be displayed/closed with LCtrl. The blue crosses mark the possible spawn points that you can select. Currently the topmost spawn point is selected as the respawn location. You can change your spawn point selection any time again while you are still dead, in the respawn window. Simply display it with LCtrl and click on the desired point. While you are dead, you can switch between your intact allies with the left and right mouse button and see what they are doing (This can be important as you might gain valuable information by doing so). You can also continue to use the chat and ping the minimap. When you respawn you will receive a completely ammunitioned and repaired vehicle (this also includes APS and smoke charges), but you will not receive any new consumables (Cooldowns on multi-use consumables are reset though). As soon as you have spawned again, you are invulnerable for 15 seconds to prevent you from being killed immediately after respawning. 4. The main objectives: The main objectives are your primary goals during the GLOPS game. The main objectives are cap points, which your team must capture and hold. For each main objective cap held, tickets are continuously removed from the enemy's ticket account at a fixed rate. So if you consistently hold more main caps than the opposing team, you will deduct significantly more tickets from their account. In the vast majority of cases, victory in GLOPS only depends on whoever has more of the main objective caps under their control. So there is usually a lot going on in the area of these caps, as they are constantly hard-fought. The main caps are numbered consecutively and shown on the minimap. The status of the main caps can also be seen in the upper center of the screen. Picture above: The status display of the main caps. In this case, cappoint 2 is controlled by our team and cappoint 3 is under the control of the enemy. Cap point 1 is currently still a neutral cap point. Picture below: The main objectives are also shown on the minimap. In this case, all 3 main cap points are neutral. The time it takes to capture a main cap is 35 seconds for a single player (excluding bonuses on the cap time). 5. The secondary objectives (Wildcards): The secondary objectives are caps which, in contrast to the main objectives, have no influence on the ticket balance of your team or the enemy, but instead give you a so-called “ wildcard ” if they are successfully captured. There are many different wildcards in GLOPS, which also have different functions. These are listed and explained further below. These wildcards give you the opportunity to place infantry in bunkers on the minimap (for example), which then fight your enemy. They are therefore generally a useful aid for your team to fight the enemy effectively and to help your team gaining the upper hand in the battle. The secondary objectives, like the main objectives, are cap points, which are marked with the respective wildcard you receive when you successfully capture the point. So you already know in advance which wildcard you will get by capturing the cap point. It is therefore normal that some secondary caps are very crowded and hard-fought, as these contain very strong wildcards such as an airstrike or the AC-130 “Gunship”. Picture above: The status of the secondary caps containing the icon of the respective wildcards in the upper center of the screen. Picture below: The display of the secondary caps on the minimap, which are all located in the southern half of the map. Here an ally is just capturing the air strike wildcard. As soon as a secondary cap has been successfully captured, which takes 20 seconds for a single player (without bonuses on the cap time), the secondary cap disappears and the player receives the respective wildcard. In the event that several allied players cap the same secondary goal at the same time, the player who received the most cap points while capping the secondary goal receives the wildcard (see more on that in the Cappoint chapter). If you have received a wildcard, it will be displayed in your user interface at the bottom left: My air strike wildcard, which I captured before, is marked in red here. To the right of it you can see the expiry time of the wildcard and which key you have to press to activate it. As soon as you have received the wildcard, you have to activate it in most cases (exceptions are explained in the section “Wildcards”). You can do this with the Q key (standard controls). After that an enlarged mini map appears and you can decide with a click of the mouse where the wildcard should be used. If you want to leave this window without using the wildcard, you can do so by pressing the right mouse button (standard controls) (don't worry, the wildcard does not disappear, it can be reactivated afterwards with Q). Attention: As long as you have a non-activated wildcard on your tank, you can lose it in the following 2 cases: Your vehicle will be destroyed before you have activated the wildcard: The wildcard disappears and can no longer be used. The expiry time of your wildcard reaches 0 seconds: Wildcards have an expiry time of 1 minute. As soon as you have captured a wildcard, a timer starts counting down one minute. You can see the timer status at any time on the right side of the wildcard icon (see picture above). Once this minute has passed, the wildcard disappears and can no longer be used. 6. How the cap points work: In order to successfully play GLOPS, it is necessary to understand how the cap mechanics work in Armored Warfare: In order to capture a cap, at least one allied vehicle must be inside the cap point. No enemy vehicles may be in the cap point at the same time. This vehicle now starts to collect points for the respective cap. These points also form the core mechanics of the caps. As soon as the player has collected 100% of the points for the respective cap, the cap point is captured. It is now under the control of your team. You can also lose points you have collected while capping. This is the case if your vehicle is damaged during capping. Module damage is sufficient here. As soon as this is the case, the points you have collected will be reset to 0. You will also lose all of your points if you leave the cap point while capping. Some vehicles that can transport infantry have a module called “Troop Compartment” which increases the collection rate of points for the cap by 25%. There are also some commander skills that can do this. Distribution of points in the cap. In the picture above you can see how the point distribution affects several players in the cap: There are 3 players in the cap. Based on the points collected in %, it can be seen that not all of them entered the cap at the same time. Attention: This distribution is not visible in the game, in the game you only see the total status of the cap, which you can see on the right in the picture. Now an enemy hits the tank with 35% of the cap points and does (at least) module damage: The points collected by this hit vehicle are reset to 0%. This results in a new total of 40%. In order to capture a cap point as quickly as possible, several allied players must be in the cap point at the same time. Since all players collect points separately for the cap, the point collection rate is much higher and the sum of all points that the players have collected in the cap reaches 100% faster. Attention, the collection rate cannot be increased by any number of players in the cap, but reaches its maximum with 3 players in the cap. Each additional player in the cap also collects points, but the collection rate of all players in the cap is then adjusted so that the total collection rate corresponds to the collection rate of 3 players in one cap. So if more than three players collect points in a cap, there is only a more even distribution of points over all players, which can be an advantage if the enemies try to reset the cap by damaging the capping allies vehicles. Cap points can enter the following states in the game: Neutral cap points: Neutral cap points are marked in white. These can be captured by you or your enemies. Caution: Once a neutral cap has been captured, it can never become neutral again! If you capture an opponent's cap, the cap does not become neutral first, but instead becomes an allied cap point when it is successfully captured. Enemy cap points: Enemy cap points are marked in red and have been successfully captured by the opponent. Your team can recapture this cap point. This takes as long as it takes to capture a neutral cap. Allied cap points: The allied cap points were successfully captured by your team. However, these can be recaptured at any time by the enemy. Contested cap points: A cap point is considered contested as soon as at least one enemy vehicle and at least one allied vehicle are in the same cap point. It doesn't matter which side has more vehicles in the cap point. In a contested cap, the collection of points is interrupted for all vehicles in it, but each vehicle retains its previously collected points. However, as in normal situations, those points can still be lost through module damage / destruction or by leaving the cap. Competitive caps pulsate in white and still show the current point score of the cap. Status display of the cap points in GLOPS: Since the cap points represent the most important element in GLOPS, their status is displayed in the upper center of the screen: Status indication of the various caps In the picture above you can see the status of the caps that are currently active. At the moment there are only the three main objective caps 1, 2 and 3 active. Secondary objective caps and the respective status are also displayed here. In the picture above we can see that all 3 cap points are currently still neutral (white). If they are successfully captured, these take on the color of the holding team. Cap point 1 is currently a contested cap point, you can see that the opponent has already collected over 90% of the points for this cap. The two numbers under the cap icon show you how many opponents (red) and allies (blue) are currently inside this cap point. Since cappoint 1 is contested, it has no time indication. This is different with Cappoint 2, where it will probably take another 31 seconds for a successful capture. The status display of the caps is very important for you to see what is going on with the caps, or whether an enemy is trying to capture your cap point. 7. The GLOPS phases: Every GLOPS game is divided into several phases. As soon as a new phase becomes active, the main objectives of the old phase disappear and the main objectives of the new phase become active and can be captured. The secondary goals are also linked to the phases, so special wildcards usually only appear in a specific GLOPS phase, but some do not always have to appear exactly at the time of the phase change and are even randomized to a certain extent. There are usually 3 phases per game and map. The phases are always the same in regard to the position of the main objective caps and are not generated at random. However, it is possible that the phases can occur in a different order on a map depending on the game. This varies per map. The phases are tied to the ticket account balance of the two teams and are displayed on the account balances of the two teams: The display of the ticket balance. If you take a closer look at the account balance bar, you can see 2 black bars that divide the bar into 3 parts. These black bars mark a phase change. As soon as one of the two teams drops below the black bar with their account balance, there is a phase change. Based on the proportions of the bar you can also see that in the example above, the 3rd phase will take the longest in terms of tickets and the 2nd phase is the shortest. The account balance bars start pulsating shortly before a phase change to warn you of the impending change. Phases on the “Panama Canal” map. On the left the main goals of the 1st phase, on the right the main goals of the 2nd phase. Both phases can also occur in reverse order on this map. It is essential for you as a player to be prepared for the phase changes, because the team with a faster reaction usually wins the game or at least gains a significant advantage. With enough experience in the game, you will quickly notice where the new main objectives will appear on the map and you can prepare for them before each phase change. 7. The bots: In addition to your team and the enemy team, there is a third party on some (not all!) GLOPS maps: the bot opponents. The bot opponents are a team that is controlled by the AI. They are marked with the yellow color. The bots attack all players, regardless of which team they belong to. Bot opponents can appear either as vehicles or as solid objects: Bot vehicles: The bot vehicles generally behave like the enemies in PVE modes. In GLOPS, they usually consist of vehicles of the same tier or lower tier of the two player teams. In addition, they usually have a reduced number of hit points. The bot vehicles usually spawn near main objectives or near some secondary objectives. In general, they don't move far from their spawn point. The vehicles attack everything that is within their range and choose their opponents, as in PVE, according to the “aggro level” (whoever caused a lot of damage to a bot vehicle has a high “aggro level” and is accordingly prioritized by this bot as a target). Some bot vehicles at the beginning of the battle. Bot vehicles cannot cap or interrupt the cap process if they are in a cap point. However, they can reset the accumulated points of the cap by damaging the capping player. If you kill a bot vehicle, 10 tickets will be deducted from the enemy's ticket account. The bots spawn in different locations depending on the GLOPS phase. Bot objects: So far there are only bot objects on the “Waterway” (Panama Canal) map. These are pillboxes that are set up at fixed locations on the map and attack all player vehicles with unguided rockets. They work exactly the same as the wildcard pillboxes . Each have 1500 HP and no armor in the practical sense and can therefore be damaged by practically all types of ammunition available. Destroying a bot pillbox will not affect the ticket balances of either team. On the left a fully functional pillbox, on the right a destroyed pillbox with a visual timer. As soon as a bot pillbox is destroyed, a timer starts to count down from 4:20 minutes. As soon as this time has passed, a fully functional bot pillbox will appear again. 8. List and function of Wildcards: This section lists all available wildcards in GLOPS and explains their functions and special features. In general, not all wildcards have to appear within a game or on a specific map. Some are fixed though and bound to phases. Pillboxes Drones Combat helicopter Artillery Airstrike AC-130 "Gunship" 9. The repair points: There is at least one repair point on every GLOPS map. This is a fixed point on the map near your spawn, which repairs you and your allies and resupplies your ammo. These belong to your team which means that no enemy can be repaired at your repair point (and vice versa). An allied repair point. They are also marked on the minimap. As soon as you are within the repair point, you have to cap it, which takes 10 seconds. As in normal caps, the points you have collected can be reset by module damage / damage to the vehicle. As soon as you have “captured” the repair point, you will be fully ammunitioned and repaired (a maximum of 70% of your total HP will be repaired), but your APS and smoke charges will not be replenished. In addition, consumables are not replenished and cooldowns not reset. As soon as this happens, all allied repair points have a one-minute cooldown for you. During this time you cannot have yourself repaired again. 10. Weather events: There are weather events on some GLOPS maps. These have an impact on the general view range in the game. The weather events include snow and sandstorms, as well as fog. Some maps have these weather events enabled by default at the beginning of the battle. For others, chance can decide whether such an event occurs. In this case you will be informed by a popup text in the UI. In general, the viewrange of everything is reduced by 50% in such an event. The weather events are mostly dependent on the GLOPS phases and can also dissolve again (in this case the visibility is 100% again). A sandstorm on the “Desert Crossing” map. On the left the warning of the storm, on the right the actual sandstorm. 11. The spawn: Your spawns (where your team starts / is revived) as well as the opponent's spawn are protected by many pillboxes with 2000HP. An opponent who drives close to your spawn is being attacked by these pill boxes.
  48. 6 points
    I made a web version of the rotation tracker: https://aw.nikr.net If anyone have any feedback I would love to hear it.
  49. 6 points
    Hi everyone! A few months ago, I saw Haswell's Rotation Tracker stream on TWITCH. I downloaded his app, but it was too bulky not to bother playing the game. I needed something more compact, so I started developing an Overlay app based on his code. Here you can see results. Updated to version 1.0.1 - Fixed major bug which prevented you to interact with Overlay GUI! You can see all functions in attached video. Direct download link. Link to GitHub release page.
  50. 6 points
    Smudlicko had a history of prior infractions on both the official Discord and within the game. But, more importantly: I don't think any public justification of actions we take on official platforms is required. For any further info, everyone who feels they've been treated unfairly can contact support.
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