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Arto last won the day on July 5

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About Arto

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  1. Let me clear something up - SS is far from the only reason I chose to largely stop interacting with the community and focus on doing my own thing.
  2. As usual nothing of consequence. Everything is "in the works" and "looked into", everything is delayed for YEARS. You're telling me reintroducing an already existing vehicle needs 2 years of work? Getting Apo and Exodus back in rotation takes a whole ass year? Oh and horde mode is unceremoniously dead. God forbid we get anything even remotely new, more BPs for you instead. EMBT coming in a lootbox, Leo 2A8 coming in maybe next decade alongside the Wiesel AC. Everything is coming soon except battle passes, those have to be on time.
  3. Nice catch. I was going to paint the leitkreuz and forgot. The link is now updated with a new version.
  4. Based on Argentina's TAM 2s in service, mostly tanks 321 and 221, adapted to the shape of the 2IP. Added commander's MG and a camo wrap for the barrel as seen on real TAMs. Markings are mostly accurate to tank 321, emblems are loosely inspired by tank 221. Pattern is loosely based on both tanks. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/tgci8y0ejbz4s65/tam_2_c-ip.7z/file If you like my work and would like to see more content in the future, consider supporting me with a one-time donation on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/arto9 Every dollar helps and is appreciated.
  5. https://www.mediafire.com/file/gdth8ths1f4l84b/M2Bradley_Classic.7z/file Here, that should work. I didn't do any wear reduction on this one though.
  6. Pretty self explanatory. Pattern isn't an exact reproduction of any particular Bradley, markings are era-appropriate for 6th Armored Cav. Rear ones are not in the correct place because of shitty UV mirroring, but oh well. Blame Obsidian artists for that. I've toned down the OE-era excessive rust and scratches quite a bit as well. ERA removed and replaced with the classic, pre-BUSK look. Download here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/kx7ggwces7g4o7u/M2Bradley_MERDC.7z/file If you like my work and would like to see more content in the future, consider supporting me with a one-time donation on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/arto9 Every dollar helps and is appreciated.
  7. I wonder how the author feels about having his idea stolen without credit by the developers. Modders bad amirite?
  8. Make the most important decision in your life. Prove to yourself that you have what it takes to become a Helldiver. Nothing too fancy outside of the paintjob and some material tweaks to remove as much dirt and rust as possible. Credits: @tahax for exporting and providing the model @Lukasino for doing the boring work of initially setting up material files Myself, for the textures and tweaks. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7n528ibadvyuobr/rooikat.7z/file If you like my work and would like to see more content in the future, consider supporting me with a one-time donation on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/arto9 Every dollar helps and is appreciated.
  9. The devs have encrypted the localization file as "mods are frowned upon". Frankly it's weird they haven't encrypted the resource paks yet. Maybe it'd cripple the performance even harder than it already is. Take my advice and drop modding for the game, and really, the game itself. Neither has any future. Find something more useful to apply yourself to.
  10. You're right, I just had a bad reading comprehension moment.
  11. Here's the utility, so you don't need to search around for it. ddsunsplit.zip
  12. Have you unwrapped the wheel textures for Rooikat? The mapping in Substance doesn't line up with the original textures.
  13. Thanks for the kind words! Means even more from a pro like you. :) As for texture format... Because I just don't know about such things, hah. The faults of being self-taught and just going on the fly.
  14. Bump: Updated with a new preview.
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