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Everything posted by TekNicTerror

  1. Well I have seen it in PVE HC with t6's, I dont think the BH status is working on MM.
  2. LOL... they insulted most of the playerbase with just about EVERYTHING that changed or was new in in update .33... what's one more insult?
  3. This in not a new feature.... everyone has lost progress whenever they switched contracts... and no, you do not (and should not) get the medals you had back when done with the new tank (the stalker in this case)... why? because they never did so before and it would be total BS for them to start returning the progress now when they could have fixed that on the second or third contract switch. If anything... the medals should have been carried over to the new contract or a option to continue and finish the current one you are on instead of being forced to work on the new one.
  4. WTF would you complain about extra damage on ammo that was supposed to be removed?
  5. It's easier to get xp on the tanks needing more xp (even on tanks you do not like) to grind it than it is to get the commander xp on commanders who need leveling up. So ever since they allowed us to use the rep (free xp) to help level commanders, I dump rep into my lowest leveled commanders.
  6. Just going by what I was told, but I could really careless if that was true or not. AW is a PVE game, PVP should be removed and balances should be done for PVE play, not PVP (if it is kept since PVE is the majority of games being played). If players care more for PVP than PVE, than they'd be playing WoT, not AW.
  7. I'd say just get rid of the PVP modes, all of them; randoms, glops, and ranked. From what I have been told, AW at the start didn't have any PVP mode, so go back to that. I came to AW for the PVE as did a majority of the player base it seems. Most (if not all) of the toxic players are PVPers, so while we would lose some of the player base, we'd also be losing most of our toxic garbage. Also getting rid of PVP would make the tanks easier to balance.
  8. Actually most of the reskin prems do count with the normal progression tanks of them; and by that I mean the Wolf/Merc/Black Eagle/Ice stuff. They need to assign all the other premiums to a dealer. As for the maps repeating, that's what you get with a map rotation system. I'd rather have a lobby system (think L4D1/2 or Payday1/2 style) that shows what map the lobby starter wants to play with a lobby name that could state what tier they want to play at and whether or not arty is wanted. Ex I could make a lobby with the name "T8 -1 TD/1 LT/1 AFV - No Arty" [meaning I wanna play t8's with no arty at all and only 1 of each class with at least 2 mbt's, should the lobby names be that long] Or players could que for a map and when 5 players within the tier range want to play the same map, they go in. Or better yet, players que for a few maps at once, and are shown the player tanks before deciding to play that one when 5 in a tier range want to play the same map. As for the ones (mostly the devs and others) who'll say some maps will start not to be played anymore since they have low xp/credit multipiers.. then the solution is simple, make the multipliers for the maps the same. If a player does 1k damage, 1k assist damage, and spots 5 tanks in map A and map B, they should get the same pay out for both. It shouldn't matter if one of the maps has more bots than the other or one takes longer to win than the other, the player did the same amount of "work" both times, the pay off should be the same (unless it's the same stats in a PVE game vs a PVP game).
  9. You planning on doing heroic SO's some time in the future with mbt's? Get the chally 2 and 90ms... then get the t-14 and ATDU from them.
  10. It's a free premium that you just gotta put in the time to get.... that's enough for some.
  11. I'd say just continue the line you're already on, as in you're getting the unlock off of the t8 Abrams, get the t9 Abrams and then t10 Abrams. You're already used to the playing style of them, why change it up? Also pointing out that there's no reason not to get every progression tank in the game unless you stop playing before that happens.
  12. Any idea when the 2T becomes the new contract missions reward?
  13. Yeah, WT's grind is even worst than WoT's
  14. I agree, the only one hurting you in getting any help is yourself. And if you have actually been playing AW for 4+ years and still do not generally know the spawn areas (or at least where they come from for like the off map spawns) for the bots are in PVE maps... then you obliviously have not been paying attention or just don't care enough. You play a map enough, you'll learn where bots spawn, unless you either don't give a hoot or just don't pay attention; which sounds like you. And I hope no one bothers to try to collect such data, this is something everyone who pays attention to the maps should know and does not need to be shown.
  15. Most players do not request sound improvements... they request a better game than what we got.
  16. But not everyone would be auto-entered to the contests. You'd have to do what the contest is for to even get entered. I am sure some people will be auto-entered who do not know of it; but I seriously doubt they'll be much competition to those who are intentionally entering and who are trying to do what the contests are for. And why not random prizes? Sounds like a good one to me. And I seriously doubt there's much of a "buzz" from these contests. No one's going to start playing AW just cause of a few good contests (no matter how they are entered into) unless they are already a player and they were taking a break from the game (or such) and a friend lets them know there's a contest or event going on currently.
  17. I agree, they have contest after contest, and they mix and match how we enter; ie: post SS or replay to discord or the game auto tracks the results. Why is it every contest is not auto tracked; save for the ones dealing with the SS's of something visual for like the art contests of course? This is why I do not bother to enter contests that require the players to post their own SS/replays.
  18. Doubtful, for tanks, I'd say the only limit for them should be numbers... say 2-3 per team... but not just the CATTB, the limit could be for all tanks; so there can be variety in PVP battles. There shouldn't be a limit like this for PVE games thou. The limits in PVE should be tank class based, like since there can only be 1 arty, it should also be only be 1 AFV, 1 TD, and/or 1 LT as well. With no limits on the number of MBT's since the more the better (I love getting games where everyone's in a mbt).
  19. You can take the consumables off and on on any tank at any time. AKA... you can buy a 3 use repair or medical... you play your battle and didn't use it, you don't want it on for the next battle, you can replace it with the single use version that is free, the 3 use version is still in your consumable inventory to use whenever.
  20. If they want new players, make the game better to play in, not a game that looks or sounds better. After all... good looking shit, or nice sounding shit, is still shit....
  21. Then the solution to all this is simple, since there is no problem with her in PVE; just have the game make it so players can not join the queue in either PVP mode with tanks using Ophelia as the commander. No need to buff, nerf, or change any commander. Just add in limits/limitations to playing them.
  22. I seem to get that sort of stuff too...
  23. ya, there shouldn't be anyone getting the assist off the kill you do for that
  24. Ya, I saw an arty doing that on the same map yesterday as well, but he did get damage in as well
  25. I was able to get 20 boxes so far, only got 39 parts total.... should be able to get 10 more in a day or two
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