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PvE Contract Missions Guide - Cheesing Made Easy

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(Repost of my original guide)

Figured I might as well make a guide for the contract missions on how I complete them most efficiently. Most of them become really easy when you cherrypick specific maps to play on. As usual, please don't take my word as gospel, remember this is all subjective.




Daily missions:
Can be completed on standard and hardcore missions, and all levels of Spec Ops. No shame in playing standard missions if you just want to get them done.

Start 10 fires.

Just spam HEAT at everything. Aim for ammo racks, fuel tanks and engines if you're a tryhard. Sometimes you get random fires on your killing shots too, so you'd likely accidentally get this done without even trying. Use a Wilk and spam PELE.
-Snake Bite
-Stormy Winter

Tireless Support
Farm 5000 assist damage for 10 matches.

Assist damage have different priorities: 1) designated targets, 2) de-tracked targets, and 3) spotted targets. This means if you de-track a target that someone else has spotted, you will then "steal" that assist damage. Likewise if you designate a de-tracked target. Be aware that others can do the same to you, so the best way to farm assist damage is to simply de-track everything yourself after spotting them.
-Snake Bite

More Damage!
Farm 10k damage for 10 matches.

That basically means play 10 matches, if you're not racking up at least 10k damage in every single match at tier 4 or higher, you have bigger problems to worry about.
-Do you really need to cherrypick missions just to farm 10k damage?

Expert Tankman!
Place top 3 XP ranking for 10 matches.

Yeah... I really don't think I need to add instructions for this. If you can't consistently get top 3 XP ranking, that's a player problem.

Farm 10 kills + assists for 10 matches.

Pretty much the same as farming 10k damage, though you might want to avoid short maps to make your life slightly easier.

Semper Fi!
Deal 2k damage from infantry for 10 matches.

This can be fairly annoying if you aren't familiar with map positions already, since infantry have limited range and you don't want them to get stomped on by autocannon bots. Best done using AT infantry because of their high DPM and consistency over mortars. Slightly easier to complete at high tiers because infantry damage scales with their tier.
-Stormy Winter
-Snake Bite
-Dire Wolf
-Life Jacket


Cute animal break.


Weekly missions:
Can only be completed on hardcore missions and all levels of Spec Ops. Not that they are particularly hard if you cherrypick your maps.

Support Fire Medals
Get 5 Support Fire medals.

Farm the most number of ASSISTS, at least 15, for 5 matches. This can sometimes be annoying, but it basically boils down to shooting everything at least once WITHOUT killing them. De-tracking and spotting damage also count towards assists, but that can sometimes be finicky.
-Snake Bite

Destroyer Medals
Get 4 Destroyer medals.

Farm the most kills, at least 15, for 4 matches. There's no shame in holding your fire and killstealing, as long as you win at the end.
-Life Jacket
-Spec Ops missions
-Anything with enough bots thrown at your way for you to farm, but short enough so everyone else can't kill more than you do.

Target Medals
Get 8 Target medals.

Repel the most damage on your team,  at least 10 hits and 1000+ damage. Any MBTs with some degree of effective armor will work fine, just drive forward and get shot at. Try your hardest to not get destroyed, because the counter resets once you do. Easy to farm if you sit in front of an autocannon and let it plink away at you for as long as you want.
-Snake Bite
-Any map where you can afford to sit at one spot and get shot at without taking (much) damage.

Teamwork Medals
Get 5 Teamwork medals.

Just make sure nobody dies, for 5 matches. Can sometimes be annoying since pubbies love to kill themselves.
-Rolling Thunder
-Anything short and easy to lessen the chances of pubbies dying.

Blue Star Medals
Get 5 Blue Star medals.

Get top XP 5 times, you should be getting one at least every other match, if not every single match. In other words play 5 matches.
-None. Just farm your damage and win.

Shooter Medals
Get 8 15 Shooter medals.

Farm 2000 damage, with at least 80% accuracy over 20+ shots. If you don't get one and you're playing something with a normal gun (no autocannons/missiles), you have bigger issues to worry about. Basically play 8 15 matches. Don't use autocannons or missiles for obvious reasons.

Kill 5 bots by ammo rack explosion or fire, within the same match.

Possibly the hardest or easiest mission depending on your luck. Yes, I said luck, because you NEED your teammates to NOT shoot at stuff that you've already set on fire in order to be credited for the kill, meaning you'd want your teammates to play poorly in general. Wilk with PELE is still my most reliable setup. Missions that allow you to fuck off somewhere far away from your teammates are ideal, since you don't want them having line of sight at your targets.
-Stormy Winter

Farm 20k damage, with 100% accuracy and deal damage with every shot, and win.

Can be annoying at high tiers because T-14, T-15 and Merk 4M APS can eat your shots. Best done at tier 8 or tier 6.
Since bots can't use projectile hardkill anymore, this mission got a lot easier. Might be fairly difficult on Ricochet or Hydra or other "easy" missions, since they don't offer enough damage or targets to go around for everyone. Don't use autocannons or missiles obviously. AP shells might help if you are scared of composite armor and ERA. HEAT-MP is also useful because you still deal damage on non-penetrations.
-Anything that isn't too easy or short, so you can farm 20k damage.

Total Elimination
Farm 30 kills and assists combined.

This is easier than it sounds, it basically boils down to shooting or designating every target at least once for the assist credit. You will also get credit for spotting damage, though that's not too reliable. Not particularly hard as long as you are dilligent in your target selection.
-Life Jacket
-Any of the Spec Ops missions

Perfect Streak
Win 5 matches in a row, without you or your PLATOONMATES getting destroyed.

The mission description is horrible, by allies it really means your platoonmates only. This means if you're solopubbing you'd only have to worry about yourself and winning.
-None. Doesn't matter, it's just about winning.

Get 20 kills + assists combined, with 100% accuracy and deal damage with every shot.

The mission description is wrong, you don't need to penetrate every shot but instead just need to deal damage. Similar Marksman, but this time you need assists and kills instead of damage. AP and HEAT-MP will work wonders. Longer maps are recommended so you can comfortably tag 20 enemies without feeling too pressured.
-Stormy Winter
-Life Jacket


If you haven't noticed already, a lot of the missions can be made easy simply by cherrypicking specific maps to play on. So here's a link to my rotation tracker thread: https://forum.wotlabs.net/index.php?/topic/28620-armored-warfare-pve-mission-rotation-tracker/

Also, I really hate those "do X for 10 matches" missions.


Edited by Haswell
Assists no longer count spotting damage (see edit history)
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I'll update the guide when I actually know what the new mission requirements in 0.31 are. It would also help if people can screenshot and post them here!



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I think I omitted that one specifically, but I can't recall why I decided that when I made the guide. Probably because it was so simple it didn't struck me as needing instructions. :P

I'll add that in.



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One of the newly added infantry missions.

Not especially difficult but you do need a specific type of vehicle.

Screenshot (141).png

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T-15 with Atgm Infantry or a Merkva 4M with a Mortar squad will do it, the point with the T-15 is to tank with the vehicle and let the Atgm squad support you.

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On 2/28/2020 at 11:29 AM, Haswell said:

Farm 20k damage, fire at least 20 shots, with 100% accuracy and penetration with every shot.

Can be annoying at high tiers because T-14, T-15 and Merk 4M APS can eat your shots. Best done at tier 8 or tier 6. Might be fairly difficult on Ricochet or Hydra or other "easy" missions, since they don't offer enough damage or targets to go around for everyone. Don't use autocannons or missiles obviously. AP shells might help if you are scared of composite armor and ERA.
-Anything that isn't too easy or short, so you can farm 20k damage.

For Marksman I'd seriously suggest you do do it on Red Opossum, it's a close range brawly map and you can go hull down on phase 1 and phase 3, so you have time to aim your shots well. Last few times I did it in a Challenger 1 on Red Opossum. Hardest part is getting damage requirement without someone stealing that precious DMG.

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Update: edited Marksman. Added Expert Tanker, Headhunter, Semper Fi, Bullseye.



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I think you're being a little optimistic about Blue Star.  I'm not the best player in the world, but I'm pretty good at PvE and I only get Blue Star medals about 33% of the time.  Granted that goes up if I'm deliberately farming them in high DPM vehicles, but if that's the expectation then you might want to mention it in the notes for that mission.  (Yes, it should be obvious, but as this is a guide it should probably be stated explicitly.)

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Getting Blue Stars for me is essentially a combination of me knowing what to do, and my teammates not knowing what to do. There's a modicum of luck involved since there's always a chance of you running into a better player (or someone playing a better vehicle), but most of the time if you know what you're doing, you'll get top XP. That's why I don't explicitly recommend any particular vehicle, but obviously the better the vehicle the better you'll perform.

Granted, you also have 7 days to rack up only a handful of Blue Stars, so that mission is definitely on the easier side compared to others. There's also no shame in dropping down to lower tiers for the sake of being matched up with more inexperienced players, if you really want those Blue Stars.


Some examples of how lack of DPM isn't too much of an issue:










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On 2/28/2020 at 11:29 AM, Haswell said:

Target Medals
Get 8 Target medals.

Repel the most damage on your team,  at least 10 hits and 1000+ damage. Any MBTs with some degree of effective armor will work fine, just drive forward and get shot at. Try your hardest to not get destroyed, because the counter resets once you do. Easy to farm if you sit in front of an autocannon and let it plink away at you for as long as you want.

If you want to scam your way through this one, if you are 'lucky' enough to have a Challenger I (or a decent Merkava i would imagine)- this works every single time. Point Chally towards the enemy, get shot at. Try and find a BMP to shoot at you, and don't kill him. really easy on that mission on the runway/ghostfield. If you have an MBT with a crappy front plate (russian/french/whatever), wait until a low bot-vehicle is killed, park behind that, bounce your turret to victory.


On 2/29/2020 at 2:20 AM, MK_Regular said:

I've got a daily mission that isn't listed in the guide:


If you want to scam your way through this one, or just need one guaranteed success to complete it:
quite often, a Glops game, especially at mid tiers, or at stupid times of the day, will ONLY have 10/ team - so that's not too difficult :-)
Or if you pick Tier 1-2, PvP late at night, it will be you, a human, on one team + 14 bots, vs. one other human on the other team + 14 bots.
Pretty much guaranteed succes, even if you are really drunk. And you don't even have to win.

ALSO: Since damage scales with tier, always take your highest Tier tank to do damage-related missions.
Some damage-type mission are impossible at, say tier 2, but are guaranteed success every time at High tiers.

Anything that involes support/tracking/damage/kills, Ramkas are really good.

Edited by Lenticulas (see edit history)

"Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth."

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yep  multiple I have better things to worry about fits me to a T.   Personally I look at target as a badge of shame because every one of those hits means that I did something very wrong.  it is something I get frequently though. 

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Survival of the fittest - anyone know how to get a Survival of the Fittest (pvp) medal?

OK: i found out: In PvP, kill 7 (you or your platoon combined) without dying yourself or losing any platoon members.

FYI: I did it, solo PvP Tier 1, against mostly bots. 10 vs. 10
- although it depends on none of the bots on your team, taking anyone with them when they get killed.


Edited by Lenticulas (see edit history)

"Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth."

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Yes, that is the easy way, LAV130, camo Commander, spotting retros and try to focus on the already damaged enemies, i did run out of ammo a couple of times not doing it, and to understand who is the human in the other party. You basically have to steal kills from your own bot allies.

With a little luck you get it in few tries, sometimes the first one.

Not related rant: why when I don't have the mission to do 2K damage with infantry my boys do almost always huge damage, 6-10K and even one time 17K, but when I have that mission they so often do 1890, 1950 or just a little bit less then the threshold?


Should I rise their salary?


EDIT: the cheesy way that helps a lot is to be in vocal chat with a friend, to go in queue at the same exact time, but not platooned. Often you find yourselves as opponents and so you have a spy in the opposite party that sees from his minimap where all the enemies are, that can kill the most dangerous of your bots, those that can steal you kills, and that can even soften his bot teammates with friendly fire. This makes the things much more easy, I don't feel that is really needed if a player is at least decent, but if for some reason, like that there is a very good player that for some reason is camping the tier to farm victories and being him better then you makes your surviving, that is one mission requirement, almost impossible, it can be useful, if only to be against your friend and not against the other guy.

Edited by BumbaX (see edit history)

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12 hours ago, BumbaX said:

Yes, that is the easy way, LAV130, camo Commander, spotting retros and try to focus on the already damaged enemies, i did run out of ammo a couple of times not doing it, and to understand who is the human in the other party. You basically have to steal kills from your own bot allies.

With a little luck you get it in few tries, sometimes the first one.

I did it (luckily) on the 4th attempt, in Pt-85 + cheap electro paint 1 and Active thermal Camera (for seeing through bushes). + Ioannis (camo & damage - my regular TD commander).
The times I failed, were when there was another human on my team, and he/she and the bots killed too many, or I messed it up. I can imagine it taking a long time, if you don't get the luck. It was very quickly down to 3 in our side, vs. 5 on the other, and I'd killed 2, so I could only just do it.

12 hours ago, BumbaX said:

EDIT: the cheesy way that helps a lot is to be in vocal chat with a friend, to go in queue at the same exact time, but not platooned. Often you find yourselves as opponents

Excellent! now that IS cheeeeesy.

"Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth."

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Yup very cheesy, but if there are also other humans in the match probably not the way to go, you ruin their game play.

To cheese a match when your mate is willing to help you and only bots can suffer from a rigged match is a thing, to cheat in a match where also other real players are in, with your mate that pass to you information on his team if not directly helping you with friendly fire is a completely different thing, I probably would play the match in a fair way hoping to don't find other humans in the next one.

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There is a relatively new weekly mission called Tank Hunters, which requires you to use infantry to destroy 2 enemy vehicles in one match.

It's much less of a fuss to complete than the Semper Fi daily mission.


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I have received several Platinum crates for a mission that is not listed in the ContractPanel Called Clean Up. Just a pop box Clean Up: Mission completed when it is finished no details as to what I did.

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@TekNicTerror you are right, it is a battalion mission


a little long if someone play PvE, takes 20 games if a player has on average 10 kills/match, but very fast if the player plays PvP,  GLOPS is the better option, as you need only 40 kills to complete it. It is the fastest to complete battalion mission IMO, a decent player that plays the tanks he has to grind once in PvE fro the multiplier then switches to GLOPS most of the times can complete it in a single day without having to play focused on it. 

Edited by BumbaX (see edit history)

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Thank you for the explanation I am the BN Founder the rest of the crew are off doing stuff in Ark Survival Evolved Which I do play on PvE Lost too Many tames in the Multi server wars to like PvP much. They also are in games I do not play.


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On 5/19/2020 at 3:35 PM, BumbaX said:

@TekNicTerror you are right, it is a battalion mission


a little long if someone play PvE, takes 20 games if a player has on average 10 kills/match, but very fast if the player plays PvP,  GLOPS is the better option, as you need only 40 kills to complete it. It is the fastest to complete battalion mission IMO, a decent player that plays the tanks he has to grind once in PvE fro the multiplier then switches to GLOPS most of the times can complete it in a single day without having to play focused on it. 

As alternative to kill chasing - making 5 mln a day with prem acc+prem tank takes less than 10 pve games, and usually it takes that much time anyway to complete some obligatory x10 times Season contract missions . I suppose it should take even less GLOPS matches just capping and winning to cover this bill.

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To pay 5M is what I usually do and even if i am playing lately without Premium time and I play seldom the premium tanks i am still gaining credits on average. So there is nothing wrong in doing so, but only if you have high tier tanks and you are done or almost done with the grind, as when you are at the beginning or half way trough the grind you are often short of credits and 5M/day is a lot, I perfectly remember when I had more then one tank or some not essential upgrades unlocked and I did not have the money to buy them.

Anyway IMO this is one of the few battalion missions, if not the only one, that can be easily done in 1 day without playing for many hours as long as the player likes to play some GLOPS. I am not a super PvP player, but usually after I have played the over progression MBTs and the few T9-10 tanks that i am still grinding in PvE or focusing on the 10 missions for the Season contract I need only very few GLOPS and I am done also with the 200 kills. When I have less time or feel lazy, want to play in platoon with my battalion for achievements or feel to play Random Battle I buy it, sometimes even if I have already 120-140 kills. Only playing Heroics with premium tanks pays for many Battalion contracts, probably playing it weekly you pay the cost of all the week Battalion missions just with the credits earned in Heroic. But again who is at mid grind can lack of a tank that is viable for Heroic, you need at least a T9, and a good one or a very good platoon to baby sit you if you have only something that does not work so well in Heroic. 

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On 2/28/2020 at 11:29 AM, Haswell said:

Blue Star Medals
Get 5 Blue Star medals.

Get top XP 5 times

I think i'm never going to get this. I can pick a vehicle that regularly gets blue stars: Sakal, Ramka - anything with a super OP machine-cannon, and get some blue stars.
The problem is, eventually you get in a match where you are bottom tier - so it's difficult to come top
or you get in one where there's a second Ramka, or a griffin, or T249 Vigilante. - so you won't neccessarily get 1st, even if you both do great.
Or you are T9 and you get a team with a T10 Armata T-15, that hoovers up all the damage.
Or everone else dies and you lose - so you dont get the blue star, even if you come top.

I would just buy my way out of it, but then it becomes a circle of ending up stuck with missions you can't do, buying out of them, and then ending up stuck with them again eventually. So basically buying them out does nothing: you might get them again a few times later. Maybe even immediately.

Edited by Lenticulas (see edit history)

"Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth."

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