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What this forum is, and how to gain acceptance

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Stolen from WoTLabs:

On 5/28/2013 at 1:23 PM, Deusmortis said:

Greetings, newcomers.

As this is the first place new people have access to, I'd like to go over a few things that will greatly enrich your time here.

First of all, know that those who contribute to and moderate these forums are players who are dedicated to performance. We strive to play well. If you are a person who is an average tanker, or even a bad tanker, you are still welcome here. However, we have little tolerance for excuses. We welcome players of all skill levels who wish to improve their play. Blaming anything other than yourself for your failures will quickly get you removed. But if you want to get better, you will not find a more helpful resource.

Bear that in mind when asking questions. Instead of saying something about some hacking invisitank killing you, ask how an enemy was able to kill you without being spotted. We know how the game works. We can help you know how the game works. We can help you be the person that makes other people run to the forums to cry about hacks.

Grow a thick skin. If you're bad, we will tell you. We will likely not spare your feelings. We're not kindly old school teachers here, we're hard-ass drill instructors. We won't kiss it and make it better, but we will turn you into an instrument of death, praying for war.

Keep discussions civil. Even unica have differing opinions. Irate posts will get nuked fast. Discuss and argue points. Leave the ad hominem attacks for the Official forums.

Finally, remember that we all play for fun. Some of us just prefer that we have our fun at the expense of the enemy team.


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Howdy Folks
I served 27 years 2 active the rest in the Reserve with the US Army starting as a Draftee in Spring 1971. I taught folks how to Kill both with infantry weapons and Guided Missiles. I was a Scout Instructor 19D4H TOW and Dragon along with all the regular stuff for 11 years. Gaming wise I was a Beta tester for WoT,  World of Warplanes and  Alpha Tester for World of Warships plus as Beta on several other games over the years. I love the PvE side of Armored Warfare with it's fast dynamic action I have played a little of PvP and one look at GLOPS. I had the Opportunity to walk through and look at every vehicle at Aberdeen Proving grounds in the 70's plus most of the holdings at Ft. Knox and many other sites I looked at many one of the kind prototypes recovered from being used as targets. Plus many armor test targets on display at several sites. I went into impact areas on weekend down times to look inside many hulks. M41 and several M48 variants of note plus my reserve unit helped the Armor Center by spotting and reporting a rare  T95E2 in the impact area.

Image result for US Glass armor Medium Tank

. Plus many others in Motor pools. One special one was an Early M4A1 by the Post PX at Ft. Lewis which was locked down on top but the escape hatch was missing so I used it as a reading room during basic and a months holdover after basic waiting out a security check. I ended up as an Infantry Drill sergeant before I retired From active service Dec 1998. I study Military History as my Major interest. 

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Fantastic to have a forum again!

Thanks Haswell for both the map rotation info ingame and this forum.

Oh and btw Haswell, the original Ievan Polkka is best!


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Bout time AW had somewhere where people could discuss stuff with slightly more permanence than an ADHD twitter feed.

Good for you Haswell!

"Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth."

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Sounds great. :)

Hi all.

I resemble that comment about being fairly average. I am looking to learn, however.


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Wait, @Flavio93Zena? I didn't know you joined the forums...

Well, now that you're here, fak yuo and suk mi dik ;)

PS: Pineapple on pizza is delicious. Anyone who disagrees probably fists food blenders.

Edited by di_duncan
Rewording (see edit history)

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On 2/29/2020 at 8:22 AM, WildBiker said:

Most excellent & big thank you for getting a proper AW forum together.

Hugely appreciated!

biker?its you my friend?viva crete

Edited by sergeantjim (see edit history)



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happy new year all and best wishes...finally managed to sign in...sorry to lazy for some things...my bad



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Hello everyone. I'm a new player, as of 4/7/2022 literally a few hours. I am a retired US Army AB INF. I play War Thunder, WoT and picked up AW. I have Disocrd, and TeamSpeak3. A guild-Squadron-Clan that groups, chats, has fun, and conquers. I'm helpful and chatty. IMG_0188.thumb.PNG.39b2009c8fb4b2f8d744e0fe0a28c330.PNG

Her name was Sheila, 01-2007 / 11-2021. She was my heart and love, my best friend. My baby. Now she waits for me in Heaven. 


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Hello all!  Prior to games like this, the closest I got to armored units was riding in AFVs and being a Cav Scout. I then went Airborne and picked up the Pathfinder badge.  Other than some 'activities' in the 90's I stayed mostly with the infantry battalions for my two tours.  Enjoying the semi-realism of Armored Warfare.  After time in-service, I spent the following years in various fire fighting fields of work, from wildland to structure, code enforcement to technical rescue. My last stint in the fire service was with a Firedancer Unit ( these are the crazy people that go into the fire to rescue the fire fighters when things get bad). My handle is in homage to my fire service days.  SevenCats is from my station mates hanging 'The 7ft Cat' moniker on me, and the FD is in honor of all the Firedancer Units that have and continue to serve.  My Pathfinder Group had two unofficial mottoes; Carpe Noctem - Seize The Night, and Repensum Est Canicula - Payback's a Bi***! but let's enjoy ourselves anyway and remember that wonderful quote, "Your job is Not to die for your country, but to cause the other guy to die for theirs!" 

Edited by SevenCats_FD
mistyped word (see edit history)

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