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Everything posted by Zafir

  1. Unfortunately, it wasn't missed by Arto. Arto deleted all the (awesome!!!) camo net / additional doodad mods on purpose.
  2. Not sure if it is an PvE vehicle either. If the “decoy turret” isn't a brutal HP sponge, I don't even see that as a situational gimmick. 100 mm HE + 1 single tube missile at T10? Everyone is plastered in 2 layers of ERA and at least 1 APS. We don't have Urban anti insurgency or dislodging infantry from makeshift fortifications in the game. So don't bother until you unlock the 30 mm with 2x adv. Red Arrows ?
  3. N1! If time permits, would it be possible to have a version which takes camo as well?
  4. Unsure, if internal communications and decision-making is just that much of a jumble or if it is just them pushing FOMO to the max. Thank you for the summary, nonetheless!
  5. Well, it ends tomorrow and no extension in sight. Quite the opposite from “We'll be lucky to not run it for 6 Months!” In fact, with the issues during the BP, technically fewer days than indented this time around.
  6. Nothing to scoff at either, especially since it's a shop only since the BP.
  7. Arto unfortunately doesn't have lots of his mods anymore after the “great purge” happened. In an effort to source anything that Arto had created, that was still available somewhere, I found an older version with RCWS but without the Tank carousel icon change. (hopefully all will be restored at some point *fingers crossed*) If he agrees, I would send it to him for release or upload it to the forum here.
  8. Would you mind, giving a tutorial on how to create such a .cdf and where to find / use the attachment points / attachments?
  9. Any chance of a guide on how to? I really miss all the stuff Arto released, that added camo nets/fuel barrels, armored MG positions and what not, which could get custom camos and colors applied to.
  10. Ok, haven't seen that one either. In the German Discord, there was also the rumor of Stridsvagn 2000 finally joining the BP shop. But honestly, without an official announcement and/or screenshots, I believe it when I actually see it.
  11. Has anyone seen them pop up? Have not done any rerolls and I did not come across a single one. If I remember correctly, wasn't it supposed to be a gamble box tank anyway?
  12. Nerf coming. Hot damn! An AC, doing damage on anything at any angle in moderate to insane proportions on a very mobile platform with decent armor, ending up being blatantly OP? Who could have known? But it is ok, this time it was only the second to last price, we are making progress.
  13. Noticed it with: Otomatic, B1 Draco, BWP-2000. Send a few rounds down range, once the gun stops the sound keeps looping a couple of times.
  14. Gave it a whirl! In case you have not stumbled over it already, the higher rpm 60 mm+ AC's interior audio repeats the reload sound. Otherwise, nice stuff!
  15. Either Vadim moved those files on the Google Drive or deleted them.
  16. Current Gold buy-in prices? Hell, it's not mentioned anywhere, that you actually can use gold to gain access as far I've seen.
  17. Hot damn! Especially since one could not get accustomed to it with the distinct absence of many T-series tanks and their numerous branches and sub-variants in this game! Also, MBT's between nation play so radically different, that nothing but a minimum of a 100 games will suffice. Although, come to think of it, some people just following the “more and more DPM”-meta might need a 100 reminder, that it is sooo much fun to play a vehicle which can not dish out nonstop.
  18. No, they always had planned end dates. But usually got extended due to various f-up's. This one was initially to be 160 days long by design, got cut down last minute before release (gotta push that FOMO!) and then got extended multiple times due to (who would have guessed?) ...f-up's.
  19. Oh, no! I would like to keep the wheel alright, just removing the box which clips. :D Der Link im ersten Post führt zum Download der Modifikation.
  20. Is it possible to put commented notes in the .cdf, to label each line for the object it represents? Would like to exclude the line, which adds the stowage box clipping into the spare road wheel.
  21. Sooo, they can't fix a hit box/ net code desync or even implement a workaround (e.g., cap here makes plane go boom). BUT the want to replace a working game mode with a brand new one? While basically setting fixing long term issues (stuff that existed more or less since beta) to the low priority back burner or not touching it at all. Combined with not upgrading the engine as well, will just suffocate the game to death in “tech dept”. Man, this just sucks. =(
  22. That was the point, it is a bait and switch in the making. Currently, it is a plainly better version compared to the T10 Abrams. I would not be surprised if the “fix” might take a while, it'll certainly help to get more sales.
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