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Everything posted by Haswell

  1. We can already do this. Likely not, that's way beyond the current limits of modding since there's no API to read player stats from.
  2. That's my thought as well. Since the Termi Proto is a highly recommended premium vehicle for basically everyone, it would likely attract new players and thus have its stats tanked due to the generally low level of player skill. Even so, in the hands of experienced players its performance would be on par with the Ramka and 2017. That said, the 2000 is an overall nerf. Much of the Termi's effectiveness came from being able to mow things down with overwhelming autocannon DPM, and now it has considerably lower DPM than the Ramka before even considering the decreased mobility. I would say this actually makes the 2000 quite balanced as a tier 8, since it now lacks the extreme DPM that made it arguable OP. Do the same with the Ramka/2017/Termi 2/T-15 please. Also, this: I predicted the fuckup 2 weeks ago.
  3. Do you not have enough credits to buy what you want? Are there vehicles or commanders you want to quickly grind up? Do you like seeing big numbers after your match? Play some heroics! You can earn more XP or credits depending on your boosters and insignias, these are FAR from the highest results. Heroic spec ops is a special version of the BSI spec ops that can only be played in a platoon (only the platoon leader needs to be in a battalion) with tiers 9-10 vehicles. Heroics will reward you with x10 first win bonuses every week, for each chapter. The x10 bonus apply to both XP and credits, and will stack on top of whatever existing bonuses you may have active (ie. premium time, boosters, insignias, events). Everybody gets the same base payout regardless of their performance, only winning matters. Successfully clearing through heroics is very demanding on your map knowledge and mechanical skill, as well as the competency of the rest of your platoonmates. If you have an experienced team, all 4 heroic chapters can be cleared in roughly 45 minutes. If the team isn't experienced however, you may struggle for hours just to get past chapter 1. Make no mistake though, the vehicle composition doesn't matter TOO much as long as the team is competent in the overall strategies, although if you play a squishy vehicle you'd rely more on your teammates to carry you. Heroics tend to favor vehicles that are durable enough to survive some incoming fire, but individual skill can easily compensate for any vehicle shortcomings. The ArmoredLabs Community Discord has operated for some time now to provide players a place to form teams to tackle heroics on a regular basis. Players there hail from all sorts of different battalions and some even go tag-less. Contrary to popular belief you do NOT need to be in a battalion to play heroics, only the platoon leader needs to be in one. Heroic x10 reset every Thursday with the daily resets, so players will usually prefer to play heroics around those times. There are other players however who don't mind playing heroics at all times even when they don't have their x10 active. In a nutshell, ask away to see who's interested in joining your run, you'll more often get lucky than not! If you're experienced, great! If not, people will usually be more than happy to coach you through it! So without further ado, please join us in the ArmoredLabs Community Discord for heroic shenanigans! ArmoredLabs Community Discord
  4. Finally, notes. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/update-032-now-available Termi Proto performs poorly, really? Am I even playing the same game here? SH3 made even easier than it already is for whatever reason. I actually don't understand why, it's already plenty easy and even viable for speedruns.
  5. Isolated out the bits that I found interesting or important, there were more "no plans for..." statements than anything concrete. There will be new PvE and PvP maps, and commanders in the future Tentative 2020 roadmap is a new season around September, and another BP at the end of the year No plans to overhaul existing maps Overall state of the game is "stable" Bases mechanic is currently being reevaluated and may return No plans for more heroic missions No plans to enable the Lootdog-esque trading system for not-RU Modding is current permitted under "common sense" No plans to add mortar vehicles (ie. 2S9 Nona) Raw dump:
  6. Moved to Venting Room, since we don't have a psychiatric ward yet.
  7. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/maintenance-update-032 Because somehow it's a bad thing to tell people what to expect in advance.
  8. HEAT-MP have a good chance of dealing damage even if you do not penetrate as long as you don't hit ludicrously thick armor, IMO it's better than AP for this type of mission since the non-penetration damage can greatly minimize the risk of not dealing damage from poor aiming (either from high ping or just bad luck). I usually complete Marksman and Bullseye at tier 10 where I have the luxury of slinging HEAT-MP from my XM1A3 and CATTB, although I've also had decent success at tier 6 using the Magach 7C and Merk 2C using normal HEAT.
  9. Hmm, are you running the SD client by any chance? I vaguely recall something about the outdoor garage only working if you use the HD client, but I might be confusing WoT with AW here. Or maybe it's your graphic settings, can you see what happens if you set everything to max (or close to it)?
  10. TTB if you want to get to the GAU-8 for the commander, M1A2C if you want a redundant tier 10 token or if you must get a Wolfi tier 10 as soon as possible. TTB is also a very capable tier 9 MBT, far better than the M1A2C.
  11. Go right ahead, everyone should benefit from free cosmetic mods.
  12. Short and simple, don't even have to unpack anything for this. Navigate to where the garages are stored. There are two folders, one containing "normal" garages and the other one for holidays and other special occasions. Identify the name of the garage you are currently using. For simplicity's sake I'll be using the "simplified" garage to make things consistent. This is named gar_white. Exit the game, rename your current garage to a backup name, then rename the garage you want into what your current garage is called. It would be helpful to backup all the names before you do this. Assuming nothing goes wrong, load back into the game and enjoy your new (old) garage! Note that there's a possibility some of the garages are used purely for debugging purposes, namely gar_eeu_lean or gar_geom_thumbnail. They might not work properly, but you can always revert your changes if they turn out to be broken.
  13. Forgive the potato quality. Time to go write a guide on how to change garages I guess.
  14. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/contest-medal-collector PvP, so I'm out. Good luck to everyone trying for it though!
  15. Hard to tell unless you have another CPU or mobo you can use to test. Might even be the graphics card or memory, since a power issue anywhere can lead to no POSTs. Try taking everything out and only booting with the bare essentials first: PSU, mobo, CPU. If that doesn't work, start testing with replacement parts.
  16. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/developer-diary-spotting-changes-032 My first instinct is that this will be an overall nerf to bush camo, since large bushes aren't that common in PvE and I almost never use them. Bushes no longer providing camo if I'm within 15m would potentially mean I have to sit further back in my usual locations, but I'm not sure if that will affect me much yet. Running over trees for camo stacking will need to be tested to see just how big of a change this will be. Smoke changes overall may be a huge buff to vehicles with hull-mounted smoke, since they will be able to run through their own smoke and break vision. The spotting ray checks however might be iffy, since some vehicles launch their smoke so high up above their hull they already have issues with not breaking vision because their hull isn't covered. This might be a good opportunity to go back and identify which vehicles suffer such issues.
  17. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/maintenance-may-20 I wonder if the Labyrinth boxes will be delivered now.
  18. Pindad looks extremely dependent on the map selection in order to perform "well". Maps where bots tend to sit still or not move around much give best results, and your ability to perform in close quarters really depend on how much cover is immediately available for you to abuse. I did notice that it has extremely high good camo and view range, and you get Designate Target for getting more assist damage. I guess pure vision control is another way to play it?
  19. I got into a team already, sorry. :c There are still no entries so far, so I urge people to just round up 4 others and try for the speedrun anyway. Remember, any one team can only win in one chapter, so if there are only 4 teams total everyone wins. That's 20 different winners.
  20. Looks like the Type 74 will get a 3 round RR with the overprogression module, 2 rounds when stock. Also HEAT. Might be fun, might even be on par with the AMX-40 assuming the stats are decent. Pindad in its current iteration is awful. The massive arc and long flight time means hitting anything beyond 100m require the targets be absolutely stationary, for a good 10 seconds or so from when you fire to the first rocket actually landing.
  21. Infantry improvements sound too good to be true right now... but if the controls actually work as described they will definitely be a lot more useful. Kirsanov is currently one of the most useless commanders IMO, so making him slightly more useful will definitely be a welcome change. That said, most vehicles that can carry infantry right now are squishies and benefit from vision control more than anything else, and Kirsanov don't really offer much in that regard except for a paltry 13.8m view range buff. I'm not sure the infantry skills will be worth losing camo and/or view range skills. Maybe Kirsanov will be useful in the T-15 or Merk 4/4M, but I have my doubts.
  22. The C13 is a lot better tier-for-tier than the NM142, I agree. Never mind the fact that the C13 also has infantry. The NM isn't too bad however, all things considering. The missiles hit hard and reload relatively fast, plus you get the luxury of having a large ammo capacity unlike the Wiesel HOT. The lack of view range and camo is an issue though, but it's still workable as long as you play conservatively. It's not great, but it's not that bad either.
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