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SmegHedd117 last won the day on July 19

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-2 Poor

About SmegHedd117

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    Usually heads in the wrong general direction

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  1. Oh, there IS moderation. they don't say anything, but they are there........ I've been D/C'ed often enough when i've said something the "mod" didn't like, sometimes several times in a row.
  2. Also, when i sent in a ticket after getting griefed by a russian player, it needed "further investigation". Funny, previous griefing tickets were handled in the usual manner...... Russian bias much?
  3. The topic is "Name and shame". You kids think that you can dictate to everyone how to play and treat those who don't play the way you want, like crap! That's the way y'all have treated me from the start. Because i snipe with MBT's and don't play the classes the way most of you DEMAND they be played. and when i voice my opinion in Discord, i got banned because the admins didn't like what i said, nevermind if i was correct or not. I have studied armor tactics for many years, and rushing straight into the teeth of enemy fire, and allowing yourself to be shot at, is just plain stupid, and i won't do it, at least not like you kids do. and yes, i say kids, because i'm 60 years old, and i'd say most of you are in your early twenties IF that.........
  4. These guys rule by Diktat! You do as they say, you say what they want! They rule this game like They are Big Brother and this is George Orwell's 1984. Many times have i "Dissappeared" from the server or a match, because i said something in chat the moderator, (And yes, they DO have people watching the general chat.), didn't like. My personal record is 10 times in a row within 15 minutes.
  5. i have a fan club......But i AM right, This crap is happening, still....... If you don't like it, too bad. Facts don't lie.
  6. You guys silence debate and things you don't want to hear. Simple as that. Y'all have done this ever since i first started playing this game in 2015. i still can't log onto discord and i've given up trying. Look what you guys have done to me over the years simply for expressing differing opinions and calling you folks out when you have screwed up on different things. You people are not fair when dealing with us players.
  7. How long is this gonna last?
  8. This stuff has ACTUALLY been going on! Not that I can do anything about it, except bitch about it. BUT, for a game that has been on for THIS long, to have SO MANY "Technical Defects"? YEARS AFTER it came out for Beta Test? COICINDENTALLY, whenever I said or did something the Moderator didn't like. Sometimes, ten times in a row, within minutes of each other?
  9. Like the title says, "Why can't we have the Arty buffs that are in GIOPS, in PvE?" I mean, seriously The bots seem like they get Off-Board arty half the time! A LOT of us LEFT PvP because of the TOXIC playerbase that exists there, And until it VASTLY improves, I have NO intention of going back! So, We, In PvE, would like to play with the "Nice Toys" too! And, IF you're "holding them back" just to get us to play PvP? Well, I for one, DON'T want the "New Toys" THAT bad! You can stick 'em where the sun don't shine in that case! Moved to Metagame, since none of this are actual upcoming changes. -H
  10. Gee! I WONDER why you People did that? Because you DIDN'T like OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS? IS RUSSIAN WAY! CRUSH ALL OPPOSITION! Oh yeah guys, The mods are BOOTING me from the server after almost every battle! And, booting me at random intervals just for shits and giggles, apparently. I have been under various accounts, a thorn in their side since AW started. so AW DON'T like me much...... matter of fact, my FIRST account got PERMABANNED! Yup, I screwed up THAT bad! And I have been speaking out against their tactics and favorite mode of play PvP, at EVERY opportunity. Merely DISAGREEING with "them" gets you on their "shit" list! You Do it OUR Way, or WE CRUSH YOU! That's AW's motto!
  11. Y'all are allowing MODS now? Oh Sheep Dip! I'm SOOOOOOO glad I don't play PvP! Because Those that DO play it ARE going to develop WarPak Mods or the equivalent as sure as the sun rises! Count on it!
  12. Yup, this happened with me on the old forums! i disagreed with the "Status Quo" usually about things like arty and PvP vs PvE and the attitudes of the different types of players and how the devs were siding towards the PvP players. This type of talk was called "Trolling" and got me banned! Dissent was NOT tolerated back then! you had to "Toe the Party line" or get banned!
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