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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/23 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Source: https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/update-09010-now-available Contrary to what the patch notes suggest, all Exile BP's challenges remain open and available for completion at the moment. Top-attack missiles' penetration buff was actually implemented on 25th November, but it was undocumented and the notes are added here in retrospect. That said, C13 TUA's top-attack missile remains unchanged. The Hellfire's change is to make its Improved Missile Launcher overprogression upgrade (increases rate of fire at the cost of total reload time) optional, whereas before it's essentially irreversible unless you sell the vehicle and buy it again. As for SPG overhaul: In general most SPGs now gain HEAT or HESH shells in addition to their HE shells, with accuracy and aim time buffed Some HE shells have slightly lowered full pen damage, but partial and non-pen damage have been buffed overall As for why Msta-S remains unchanged, SS explained before maintenance that there were concerns where some players may become unhappy, because the high tier premium vehicle they paid for changed drastically, which can risk demands for refund, hence "the best option is to simply leave everyone with exactly what they paid for". The reason why Abbots are overhauled was because they were "cheap and useless enough to warrant an overhaul". Panzerhaubitze 2000 has a bug where switching to damage shells or support shells would incur a long switch time (22s)
  2. 1 point
    ...Ohio. I've been playing Armored Warfare since the days of alpha testing. I have vehicles from tiers 1-10. I almost exclusively do PvE but will do PvP with folks who actually know how it's done. I play mostly weekends with 1-2 evenings a week. I 'm in EST time zone, GMT -4 or -5 depending on daylight savings time. Personally, I'm a Critical Care RN heading for retirement in a couple of years...I'm an old fart. Looking forward to meeting folks in game where my handle is "Kokopelli".
  3. 1 point
    Armored Warfare Clan Decals Remover As the title said, it removes a clan decal that appears on your tank. Before After Download
  4. 1 point
    Before buying a tank, it’s better to watch some videos on YouTube or read guides from experienced players, ask your clanmates or friends in game what kind of fruit it is, and only then decide whether this premium tank will suit your playing style. Personally, I am a collector and collect tanks in the hangar for fun and variety when choosing what to use to farm battle pass coins today or go through a special military operation on the weekend. As for banning players account after refund, this is a standard practice for shareware dumpsters like WoT or WoWs. In my memory, GayWarming began to abuse this as a protection against loss of profit from the return of in-game property that was not worth the money players spent - for example, loot boxes that players they spend hundreds of dollars and do not receive the coveted prize tank from them, and, upset, they go to the game casino to make a refund. It seems that in some countries like China, the consumer is protected by law from such abuses by publishers of digital content and game property is considered equivalent to purchase in real life by the buyer’s property and the developers of the game project do not have the right to permanently ban such a user when refunding money for the purchase - the purchased property is simply debited from the account or its equivalent in donated currency. But CIS developers are not burdened by such laws and are free to do whatever is beneficial to them, and if the buyer goes to court, he will lose it because of the user agreement, where he does not own anything in the game and purchases in the in-game store are considered “voluntary gratuitous donations” and the developer according to the user agreement, he does not owe you anything for them. This is the price of “shareware” projects, especially those from Mail.ru, known for their greed.
  5. 1 point
    Source: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1989542469 (the stream looks long, but the part where SS joined was between 00:58:00 and 02:41:00) YouTube Mirror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EKMhYoiB84 ---- Situation: Core development team practically changed with much of the programmers, vehicle modelling team, and level design team transferred away sometime this year, so they had to get new people in, and they have to start / learn from scratch, which is causing some of the delays As a result, these aspects are now the biggest bottlenecks in development Random bits and bobs: Devs comb "feedback and bugs" channel on Discord every day or two Woody in Griffin 50mm following players too closely and blocks their path back is a known issue. Rate of Decay took so long to come out, because the new AI pathfinding and the train scene at the end were very complicated to develop. No ETA for the remaining Black Company Spec Ops missions, but hopefully not as long as the delays caused by Rate of Decay's development SS acknowledged concerns that Black Company Spec Ops chain may become very long when they are complete, and it's something the devs are aware of He also admits that the Apocalypse + Exodus 5-mission chain (which has yet to be seen in the weekends) will be long Cooldown timer problem is a top priority fix, and SS has just completed its design documentation a few hours before stream The fact that Exile BP's challenges are already unlocked for since the beginning is not related to the ongoing cooldown timer issue When asked if TOS-1M would be nerfed, SS said its performance will be looked into sometime in the future. The devs will look into vehicles that are constantly underperforming and make adjustments across the board sometime around March or April 2024 Regarding German moderators problem, SS said it's not the first time he's heard of this, but there are no plans to replace them as the accusations tend to be unfounded KF51 "at worst case" will be sold via loot crate, hinting it would be obtainable via other ways (it should be available in blueprints in current BP shop for 1200 coins per piece) The devs are aware that the Bars' current unlock requirement (i.e. play 100 matches with T-80U) is not ideal, as some players resort to leeching and throwing matches. The original requirement was to deal a certain number of damage with T-80U, but it didn't work and the current situation was supposed to be an interim solution, and they did not want to delay its release any further. The next progression vehicles will not feature such requirements. When asked if Bars' requirement can be removed in the distant future, SS said that's possible. When asked if weekend Spec Ops should require minimal play time in missions in order to be eligible for the crate rewards, SS said he would look into it. Raids aren't coming back Past decals won't be added BP shop, because adding items to database is very annoying When asked about various vehicles as possible additions to the game, SS said BMP-2M is a realistic candidate to appear in 2024. T-72M2 Moderna is considered boring, and the Strazh (Ukrainian BMPT based on T-64) is unlikely to come. None of them are guaranteed to appear though. There was a plan for new battalion reward this year, with a candidate vehicle also considered, but priority was superseded by other more urgent matters. SS will return to this topic next year. Tech tree overhaul or changing tiers won't happen, because it causes a lot of mess e.g. internal naming. SS argues that players are also used to established layouts, and changing old stuff may cause backlash, but new additions to tech tree e.g. the Bars, T-80BVM, and Object 292 are fine Team damage in PVP won't be removed, because it's easier to isolate and track bad behaviours "like a brothel in a city". Disabling team damage in PvP will cause players to resort to other behaviours that are harder to track internally. In other words, team damage is the lesser of two evils. AbramsX blueprints can also appear in the BP shop (1200 coins per piece) When reporting a player to support, you won't be informed about the actions they would take, and this is because of GDPR. Tiger Claw is shelved, because lot of manual adjustments is required if it were to be overhauled with objective reward multipliers etc (i.e. programming issue), and it was deemed to take too much resource to do so. There are development plans for the next 2 years (rough estimate) Prospects for infantry management (e.g. movement commands) are gone with Allods Team SS is also aware of bots' ATGMs ignoring player vehicles' smoke and soft kill, but this is difficult to fix due to programming bottleneck The only Spec Ops map that was not developed in-house was American Dream's first mission (aka Unrest), which was ironically outsourced to a team that usually makes World of Tanks map. The map was handed to the devs as a whole "package", making it very difficult, if not impossible, to modify, and this is why it is poorly optimised, as well as why Wages of Sin took so long to roll out. As for friendly damage due to own WP/HE ammunition and enemy vehicles exploding from ammo rack explosions, removing them in PvE would require overhauling ammunition's programming (e.g. WP is currently treated as environment damage of sorts), and results from internal research suggest it's not that the issues are not urgent or frequent enough to justify such endeavour Banning players for teamdamage with settings disabled - forcing players to adhere and punish if they don't is bad - forces people to leave Skins like Nakidka are expensive to make - essentially up to 75% of a new vehicle model, but they also have less programming to worry about BPs are always designed and catered for more seasoned players, and are not recommended for new players with few vehicles available, who should proceed with progression and contracts first SS doesn't want more player designed flags or battalion logos, as the Flag Parade contest was a mess back then SS objects to the idea of solo only missions, because cooperation is big part of AW's experience. Furthermore, if a solo mission is rewarding enough, then players may resort to grinding that instead. As for PvE missions with randomised objectives like those on Albatross or Leviathan, SS thinks it may be possible to implement something similar on other existing maps. Reusing assets from new maps (e.g. textures) on old maps requires a huge overhaul, so this notion has been rejected Game performance issues partially tied to old engine, but SS thinks there are still some merits to the CryEngine. SS thinks the game's current minimal PC requirement is still correct No new rocket artillery planned in the near future after TOS-1M No plans for new progression Balkan vehicles, and SS thinks there are more interesting choices for progression vehicles over those When asked if mega bundles can be sold with a plethora of items, SS said bundles are limited to 9 items at most, but old bundles with "rare" items like titles do return now and then No plans for large wheeled based SPGs like DANA Half-tracks too low tiers and not worth the trouble to implement, and they would probably work like wheeled vehicles Technicals won't come - maybe as a joke vehicle at most When asked if car bomb skin for K-153C can become available, SS said it's possible. They also thought about actual car bombs (e.g. those in Famine), but it's not very fun except the one who is blowing stuff up There will be a winter marathon, including 1k gold reward. There will also be Christmas presents. Players in Discord are not representative of the average playerbase or community in general S Tank would be tier 5 at most, and it would probably require developing dedicated mechanics for it, which is not worth the resources as casemate vehicles are rare. Implementing existing mechanics does not necessarily mean it would be free of trouble (see Jaguar's suspension for example). That said, the devs did look into VT tanks, but such vehicles are considered complicated, and the devs are not desperate enough for them yet Samuel Thrope's redesign will hopefully come sometime next year. SS said he has too much to do and this got pushed further down the pipeline. Will there be more low tier vehicles? Yes. Change vehicle properties akin to the existing skin system is being considered The idea of having different loadout sets as a QoL improvement was considered approximately 2 years ago with the old devs, and while it's possible to take a look at it again, nothing is guaranteed as usual SS won't discuss cheating accusation or anti-cheat measures on streams It is technically possible to implement an "invisible camo" (i.e. no pattern, showing only the base paint underneath), but there are no plans to do so The ever increasing number of premium vehicles is not seen as a problem, and SS says there are ways to obtain them without paying for them (e.g. contracts, prizes etc) Engineering vehicles were once considered as a new vehicle class. They would work like summoners that can create obstacle mounds or fixed emplacements, but they would not be played as support only vehicles (i.e. they can still dish out damage on their own) As for why K-153C is at tier 9 in the first place - the devs simply wanted to have a high tier assault buggy back then. "Will SPG get HE shells that are comparable to TOS-1M's rockets?" Artillery overhaul is underway and they will be looking into that. AS90 contract should come Q1 2024 at best, with arty overhaul to come sometime before it Technical integration of models is taking time, and it's lagged behind because development of Exile BP took priority Upcoming new content: UAV launchers -there are screenshots of them posted on Panzersofa. The devs are still working out how to implement or balance them (e.g. should they contribute spotting damage for the player?), and there will be at least two types of drones: attack drones and recon drones Lynx IFV based on the one used in trials - exact configurations TBC Autocannon will return to Wiesel in one form or another - either as an optional turret on progression or as a separate premium vehicle, but it would be a gift or a reward if the devs go for the latter, not to be sold. It was supposed to come in a marathon around September, but pushed back due to Exile BP taking priority. A new competitive PvE game mode is being planned, but it is not easy to develop. There are also plans for a new PvP game mode, but it's even more complicated. When asked if it's horde mode, SS simply replied with "no comment".
  6. 1 point
    I mean, if you come here expecting support, you'll likely not get the reaction you are after. MBT with very good armor - it's like all other MBT's with weak lower front plate. The fact you've already stated that you have a lot of paid for content means that you're either lying, or an idiot. Or both.
  7. 1 point
    Well, since there is no place where all commander builds are compiled together, I decided to make a thread for this... Do note you might be using a different build, which you prefer and feel free to add your own build! Ophelia "shield bitch" kitescu Well let's start with the most hated commander in the game, shield bitch. First a regular build: (Yes, you have one skill point to do whatever the fuck you want) Then the meme retarded build with less hitpoints: Erin "miss ireland" O'connel: The good build: (Thanks hassie) The I am stupid, I should use taco instead build: Alisa: ammo build: Ramming build: Juan Carlos "taco" Miramon: To get quicker to the useful skills: The other build: Some stupid build cursed guy gave me: Douglas O'Reilly Dpm build: View range build: Slightly different: Some combined build: (Thanks seb mon Amour) Sabrina Washington: (got these two from Stratzi, thx) (thx Charlie) Viktor Kirsanov: Got this one from Seb (thx mon amour), should be for module damage, so "sabrina" like module damage build: (thx again). idk, max spread and max module dmg or something stupid like that: (thanks yxlouvia) Freja: (idk whatever this is, Tey gave me) Min spread build: combined module damage build: Aim time build: (thx seb) Vincent "frenchie" Girard: Ioannis "fire guy" Sanna Fire memes: (thx Yxlouvia) Balanced build: Spotting: (Thx again) Rachel "I want to taste my enemy" Kramer: (Thx mon amour) Rashid "atgm boy" whatever the fuck that surname is: (thx) Viktor "I like my troops" Kirsanov: I like my troops build: Aleksandr "I am lucky" Cortez (Yes, I will shame you if you use this) Andrey Zaitsev
  8. 1 point
    Unfortunally I see this kind of behavior almost every day in the games I play. Even if I have some understanding that more and more MBT are camping based on the huge amount of " ratatatatatat AFV / TD present" As MBT you are good to " eat the shells", but hardly can do a huge amount of damage and don't even think about making some kill's. The amount of kill stealers is becoming more and more (all based on the missions in the BP). And in some perspective, I can understand this kind of gameplay (camping, kill stealing etc.), as mentioned before " the game mechanism does not change and keep them rewarded, nothing goanna change. (And personally..... can't blame them...they play in a " most effective" attitude)". But it is another issue is when the start to block you, push you in an immobilized position, ram you all the time in a game etc. Because they have huge ego's and when you call upon them, those poor souls are deeply hurt. Then they wish you all kind of diseases, going to do something with your mother etc. And reporting has no use. When you send a screenshot to support, they want the whole replay, and when you send the replay, they want the specific screenshot (together with all kinds of info of your pc processor, videoboard, memory etc. of which I really seen no use for....), and so I stopped reporting. Also due to the fact that some kind of player, in this case from a specific part of Europe was recently stating "This is a RU game, and they won't penalize RU players". (don't say / state that this kind of incorrect behavior is only the case regarding RU players, because I see more and more copy behavior from non-RU players). Simply because they / the game system doesn't act upon such behavior. And fully understand that the DEV's will declare it " complete nonsense", but as the game quote says is so nicely; "I have a bad feeling about this". So it is my opinion that I for the time being that this game is still alive, we have to deal with this kind of behavior, because personally I don't have the feeling that the DEV's / Moderators / Support or whoever going to do something about this kind of behavior of some kind of players and the game mechanism does not change (I have really no info about such kind of changes...) and this kind of gameplay keep them rewarded (really can't blame them...they play in a " most effective" attitude), so nothing goanna change. Then the only 2 options are remaining: 1) Accept it as it is. Try (when possible) to ignore it, and in my case, when It is way to much I leave the game, and when I will receive a ban because of " desertion" so be it. 2) Uninstall the game (as suggested by some moderator, if you don't like it then feel free to leave and let the door.....) Personally, I went for option 1. But that kind of gameplay behavior made that I'm losing the fun in this game, play less and less and looking around for some other games. And as a overall result of this, I nowadays hardly invest money in this game. Godspeed.
  9. 1 point
    :a Ladies and gentlmen, let me introduce you guys to this gem of a player [GTX69] sgtdalzell. Apparently he/she/it is of the opinion that the role of a MBT is to sit wayyyy at the back and provide supporting (questionable) fire. Because of this, the players who actually want to succeed in this mission are forced to take up frontline positions in paper tanks so as to soak up all of the damage for him/her/it so that he/she/it is able to be pampered all the way to the finishing line albeit being an MBT. When called out for camping by another player, and requested by me to tank some of the incoming fire as I was on my last life, sgtdalzellrejoiced that his last remaining AFV was about to go down. As we headed further into this mission past the bridge, sgtdazell lamented that I was holding back and that he/she/it was hard carrying the team all these while. When I called him/her/it out for his/her/it's hypocracy, sgtdalzell then proceeded to push my Gepard around, trying as hard as he can to immobilise me on the map artifacts, but, like his erectile dysfunction, his determination was flacid and he gave up doing so in about a minute or so. Naturally, I died shortly thereafter when a T-15 spawned. That said, if you see him in game, please do not expect that he will help the team out. Like the coward that sgtdalzell is, sgtdalzell wants to be pampered to victory and will not hesitate to gaslight/grief you for your incompetence. Thanks for your attention.
  10. 1 point
    Odd that I was in one match with you on your "Steam Account" (at least according to you in world chat) - in which you ran round the whole match, moaning about how bad all the team was - despite being less than 50 m from the AI at times you missed with every shot, in an AFV and never spotted anything - getting a whole 26 xp for the match - 0 damage, 0 spots I was a squaddie for 24 years, Sapper to be precise, not so much studied tactics as spent years in Germany facing the "Warsaw Pact Horde" - working with Dutch, Danish, Belgians, US, Norwegian's and Italians - living the tactics. After the end of the "Cold War" I worked with Polish, Hungarian, Czechoslovakian, Romanian and even Russian (ex Soviet era conscripts and officers) to get the perspective of the other side You know what - it all means diddly squat in Armoured Warfare - A game loosely based on possible and impossible models of armoured vehicles from roughly 1950 onwards, which lacks pretty much all the modern implementation for war, barrages, obstacles, obstacle crossing, air power, proper infantry units, radio comms between subunits, distance - oh yes distance etc etc etc. You always seem to equate a quick drop in game with pretty much zero attempt at realism but has visuals with the likes of "Steel Beasts" an actual military simulator (but does not look pretty) - Ah there's the magic bit - Simulator as opposed to Game - then we have the likes of GHPC which is seeming to try and drop into the game between "Game" and "Simulator" As I have told you before - play how you like just stop trying to justify it as "Playing the game tactically and properly" - Just say you play as you like and how you are comfortable and stop the bull.
  11. 1 point
    Take your meds, grandpa, and go back to bed. You know we can't let you out of the house unsupervised.
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