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Everything posted by SirPeanut

  1. :a Ladies and gentlmen, let me introduce you guys to this gem of a player [GTX69] sgtdalzell. Apparently he/she/it is of the opinion that the role of a MBT is to sit wayyyy at the back and provide supporting (questionable) fire. Because of this, the players who actually want to succeed in this mission are forced to take up frontline positions in paper tanks so as to soak up all of the damage for him/her/it so that he/she/it is able to be pampered all the way to the finishing line albeit being an MBT. When called out for camping by another player, and requested by me to tank some of the incoming fire as I was on my last life, sgtdalzellrejoiced that his last remaining AFV was about to go down. As we headed further into this mission past the bridge, sgtdazell lamented that I was holding back and that he/she/it was hard carrying the team all these while. When I called him/her/it out for his/her/it's hypocracy, sgtdalzell then proceeded to push my Gepard around, trying as hard as he can to immobilise me on the map artifacts, but, like his erectile dysfunction, his determination was flacid and he gave up doing so in about a minute or so. Naturally, I died shortly thereafter when a T-15 spawned. That said, if you see him in game, please do not expect that he will help the team out. Like the coward that sgtdalzell is, sgtdalzell wants to be pampered to victory and will not hesitate to gaslight/grief you for your incompetence. Thanks for your attention.
  2. Hello! Would love to join this battalion! I just submitted my application to join under the IGN:SirPeanut
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