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Tigger last won the day on January 12 2021

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About Tigger

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    Awakened Noob

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  1. Odd that I was in one match with you on your "Steam Account" (at least according to you in world chat) - in which you ran round the whole match, moaning about how bad all the team was - despite being less than 50 m from the AI at times you missed with every shot, in an AFV and never spotted anything - getting a whole 26 xp for the match - 0 damage, 0 spots I was a squaddie for 24 years, Sapper to be precise, not so much studied tactics as spent years in Germany facing the "Warsaw Pact Horde" - working with Dutch, Danish, Belgians, US, Norwegian's and Italians - living the tactics. After the end of the "Cold War" I worked with Polish, Hungarian, Czechoslovakian, Romanian and even Russian (ex Soviet era conscripts and officers) to get the perspective of the other side You know what - it all means diddly squat in Armoured Warfare - A game loosely based on possible and impossible models of armoured vehicles from roughly 1950 onwards, which lacks pretty much all the modern implementation for war, barrages, obstacles, obstacle crossing, air power, proper infantry units, radio comms between subunits, distance - oh yes distance etc etc etc. You always seem to equate a quick drop in game with pretty much zero attempt at realism but has visuals with the likes of "Steel Beasts" an actual military simulator (but does not look pretty) - Ah there's the magic bit - Simulator as opposed to Game - then we have the likes of GHPC which is seeming to try and drop into the game between "Game" and "Simulator" As I have told you before - play how you like just stop trying to justify it as "Playing the game tactically and properly" - Just say you play as you like and how you are comfortable and stop the bull.
  2. Seen 300 to 500 quite often this BP Had a 20k near the end of the last BP with no re-rols
  3. Tried the T15 on the test area and seems more fun to me than the Armata in game so worth it for me Played the TR-85M1 a few times in PvE and its a bit of a beast, fun to play with its two rapid shots and pretty quick reload for both, its an enjoyable tier 5. Not tried the tier 8 yet and only seen it a couple of times in PvE matches where it seems to be played by players with more money than ability (one player had less than 8k damage with an average tier of 8 and 60% wr in PvE - and did pretty poorly even though the rest of us were in tier 7's coming 2nd to last with no DC or AFK) The so called grind has been made harder but the BP has also been made longer by a month - so I just look at the mission sets and chose a vehicle I like that suits and head on into matches (I got 32 boosts from previous BP still so I can easily have a session if I feel like it). Vehicles are pretty subjective, what one hates and cant get on with another will find fun, same with maps, missions, contracts etc - Some I would love to be better for me, I just cant get the hang of them (so I keep trying till I fully unlock it without using free XP), others I like seem to be hated (so much so that some players will say how bad it is, despite never having played it, just free XP through it).
  4. There is this and you have the Steam forum for the game, both are a lot quieter and better behaved than the old forum degenerated into. Welcome back, always happy to help out where I can
  5. Not a prototype paint scheme This is a Regt HQ tank from BATUS or rather a privately owned Chieftain (01 EB 90) painted up to look like a BATUS Chieftain with the "Chinese Eyes" of 4 RTR - with the Scottish Saltire which I presume was because they recruited mainly from Scotland after the end of the 1960's and some amalgamations. . Its been doing the UK show scene for years now.
  6. Depending on mode you play, mostly PvE for me now. Gun TD's are not useless, I never played them at long range sitting back, even in GLOP's I played them more like a light tank, relocate quickly, move forward, often out spotting supposedly better spotters. Maybe the update affected some and how they like to play but for me, it has done little to affect them since I used them in the same way as lights and AFV's (just some smaller changes to my gameplay to suit a little better). How you play them may have changed, its all learn and adapt
  7. So many people butt hurt about not getting the ZTQ - there was a chance of getting it that was all, no promises but players conned themselves into thinking everyone would get one for next to no effort. People moan about the amount of effort they spent working for the final 35 crates - Log in and literally play 1 match a day maybe 2 (PvE even low tier would be easy for 5 kills in a match). Oh the rewards were not good enough - hmmm lets see You get a tier 6 the BVP 80 which is fun and can be customised to an extent Get loads of rentals so you can try different vehicles or like me sell them for gold as I already owned the premiums - which oddly enough I got for free from events or using gold earned in events. Chance of winning the ZTQ - any parts of crates you have left you can sell for gold (85 gold each when I looked) - which along with my premiums meant I got enough gold to pay for the next Battlepath. A few odds and sundrys for doing nothing more than I would any other day - log on for daily bonus, pick a vehicle, play a single match for 10 mins (I chose PvE) log out and all done (ok so somedays I played more than one match)
  8. I was a bit determined to keep on going, I was not even interested or noticing my damage, just refusing to give in to some one wishing unrequited love
  9. Ok so its a PvE match and I was in my rarely played arty - but had a doozie of a player today. Determined to ruin their own match and succeeding. Coming bottom while due to their cuddling and snuggling I ended up top (although I did use all my lives just to keep playing and not give in to the lurve "kosa-nostra" wished to share)
  10. I tend to find the worst players on my teams are the ones most vocal about everyone else being bad, about RU hackers, cheats, campers, yolo and generally useless players - as they come bottom but have to blame someone. Some are bad but not any more than others from NA or EU. Some wipe the floor with everyone (they must be hacking of course). Played matches with some of the biggest moaners in global chat and they are everything they bitch about the Russians, the game, the useless tanks (even when we are in the same vehicle, when I am top and they are bottom - its the vehicle they are driving thats bad - not them)
  11. In PvE I will use the MG to fire at soft targets while the main gun is reloading, killed quite a few BMD/BMP, Weisels, CVR(T), FV 438 with them, done lots of damage with them as well. Vehicles like the ERC90 and a few others can be damaged at certain points of the sides or rear so while my main gun is reloading I will blat away at them as well. I use them for shooting at secondays rather than waste main rounds (which I invariably need just after firing), clearing obstacles in view or around caps so making a better field of view.
  12. Started early as an Army Cadet from 13 to 16 affiliated to the Royal Green Jackets. joined as a Junior Soldier aged 16 and ended up serving 24 years as a Sapper (1983 to 2007) visiting 26 countries and doing 7 operational tours. Still on the reserve list for a couple more years although I am not quite as "sprightly" as I was.
  13. No matter the mode I play I tend to be a bit more on the aggressive side (although I am in the main a PvE player), it does not matter what vehicle I am in I am more often than not towards the front (even on the odd occasion I play arty as I use them nearly always in direct fire). I tend to like fairly fast, fairly rapid firing vehicles (that does not mean auto cannons only) - so BWP 2000, Griffin 50, Stingray 2, PL-01, Drako, OT-64, Ontos as a nice selection, the XM1A3 with the 120mm fast draw is good fun.
  14. I was an Alpha tester, used to be on the forums a lot, saw them change from the early pre alpha where devs would be on there, through going into Alpha, closed Beta and then open Beta and the Devs stop posting themselves. It was useful and informative but ended up being too much hassle than it was worth, most of us hated the move to Discord
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