Haswell 300 Posted May 27, 2020 Do you not have enough credits to buy what you want? Are there vehicles or commanders you want to quickly grind up? Do you like seeing big numbers after your match? Play some heroics! You can earn more XP or credits depending on your boosters and insignias, these are FAR from the highest results. Heroic spec ops is a special version of the BSI spec ops that can only be played in a platoon (only the platoon leader needs to be in a battalion) with tiers 9-10 vehicles. Heroics will reward you with x10 first win bonuses every week, for each chapter. The x10 bonus apply to both XP and credits, and will stack on top of whatever existing bonuses you may have active (ie. premium time, boosters, insignias, events). Everybody gets the same base payout regardless of their performance, only winning matters. Successfully clearing through heroics is very demanding on your map knowledge and mechanical skill, as well as the competency of the rest of your platoonmates. If you have an experienced team, all 4 heroic chapters can be cleared in roughly 45 minutes. If the team isn't experienced however, you may struggle for hours just to get past chapter 1. Make no mistake though, the vehicle composition doesn't matter TOO much as long as the team is competent in the overall strategies, although if you play a squishy vehicle you'd rely more on your teammates to carry you. Heroics tend to favor vehicles that are durable enough to survive some incoming fire, but individual skill can easily compensate for any vehicle shortcomings. The ArmoredLabs Community Discord has operated for some time now to provide players a place to form teams to tackle heroics on a regular basis. Players there hail from all sorts of different battalions and some even go tag-less. Contrary to popular belief you do NOT need to be in a battalion to play heroics, only the platoon leader needs to be in one. Heroic x10 reset every Thursday with the daily resets, so players will usually prefer to play heroics around those times. There are other players however who don't mind playing heroics at all times even when they don't have their x10 active. In a nutshell, ask away to see who's interested in joining your run, you'll more often get lucky than not! If you're experienced, great! If not, people will usually be more than happy to coach you through it! So without further ado, please join us in the ArmoredLabs Community Discord for heroic shenanigans! ArmoredLabs Community Discord Quote Spoiler Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BumbaX 8 Posted May 27, 2020 I assume that the results you show are with 2 stacked credit boosters and the better insigna, I don't spend my few gold to place a booster in the slot that is not free as at those tiers you actually have a surplus of credits and even with a single booster and insigna it is more then enough rewarding. To need credits is more an issue of the beginning or mid grind, by the way how is Dima going, are you still playing him? Heroic is also an incredibly fast way to grind commanders, using a XP booster and stacking XP and commander XP insigna you can probably get more then a million XP for a commander each week, if you constantly play Heroic, and this is also very interesting as to grind commanders is a pain much more then to earn credits at those high tiers, where even playing PvE regular missions and some GLOPS it is possible to almost earn the 5M needed each day to buy the battalion mission. Having played Heroic both with my Battalion and with mixed platoons, friends coming from different Battalions, but valuable ones, not the average randoms you find in a regular PvE mission, I would say that the team coordination plays a very important role, there are different strategies, some teams deal with the arty in the 1rst mission using arty, other use T15 or Sphinx to blind shot it and so on. With a well coordinated team it is much easier to play the heroics never loosing a game or loosing very few, with a team not used to play them together I seem to get a much lower win rate even if the level of skill of the players is similar, unless there is a person that acts as leader and gives precise instructions to any one about the role he has to cover in each phase. And as those are missions that can not be carried by 1 or 2 strong players, they need coordination, it seems very logical. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beeda2004 2 Posted May 28, 2020 i have results 6; 6; 10; 6 mega with premium T10 vehicle and gold credit insignia a no boost Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BumbaX 8 Posted May 28, 2020 So I have underestimated the rewards as in the Heroics every party member should get the same reward as the xp is the same for everybody and killing all the enemies or leaving some of them alive should not do a big difference. But wait, you are talking of T10 premium tank, I have only 1 of them, and yes it can make a big difference, I would say more then a single boost and a platinum insigna. Also I when I play my CATTB get a lot of credits, and I suppose that with premium tank, 2 boosts and a platinum insigna it can be even much more as more bonuses you stack more each bonus becomes good. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baron_Georg 1 Posted May 28, 2020 great except that I've been playing for quite a while (badly I might add) and have only 1 tier 9. what hours are good for this kinda stuff and would anyone truly want a player who is almost always lowest in damage in every single game played? or is this just another way for the *cool* kids to laugh at those who are tier 10 challenged LOL Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BumbaX 8 Posted May 28, 2020 @Baron_Georg which T9 do you have? T10 are better for Heroic, no doubt about it, but there are T9 that can anyway be very useful in some roles, as an example in the mission were you have to shot down the plane one of the best ways is to use 2 well armored MBTs to hold the caps and 3 T15 to take down arty, helicopters and do damage. Then they have to do the bulk of the damage to the plane as the MBTs lack of the dpm to do it, at best can help in it. A Chally 2 can hold the caps, maybe with a triple rebuild kit, if you properly use the terrain features, you don't need an ADTU or a 490, and the Termi can do almost the same function of a T15, while if your T9 is an Hellfire I see much more difficult to be useful in that mission. The same is true for almost all the other missions, and I think that with a well coordinated platoon to have a T9 is not a problem at all, while a platoon that lacks of a plan will fail many times even with the strongest T10. I am not an Heroic specialist, usually I do what the platoon strategist tells me to do, but I had played with at least 3, maybe 4 different kind of platoons that used different strategies, with my former Battalion, my present one and with 2 different sets of friends that invited me as needed the 5th in their already well coordinated platoons. And I am glad to help, I will look at the ArmoredLabs discord channel more often in the future, even if I have a crap internet connection and having Team Speak, for the vocal chat of my Battlalion, Discord, to check if someone needs help for Heroics and the game running all at once can cause to me ping problems, that some evenings I even have running only the game. Or feel free to ask me for friendship in the game, my name is the same as here, B and the final X capital letters, so you can open a chat with me directly in the game, if I am not on Discord. For the " (badly I might add) " part let's see, a T9, at least some T9, is not an obstacle, but you need to have a minimum level of efficiency as player to not be completely carried by the team, and for all but the strongest teams it is not easy to carry in 4 babysitting the 5th, but as long as there is someone that knows what to do and has a plan you have to be really under average to not be capable to help in the role you are asked to cover. Maybe it can mean some more failures until you find out how to do, but then to be unicorns is not needed at all to play Heroics. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baron_Georg 1 Posted June 7, 2020 @BumbaX Sorry for not seeing this sooner. my only tier 9 is the leo 2 a6. with my normal luck it is probably not desired for those missions. as for minimum level of efficiency that remains to be seen. I'll see if I can find you in game sometime . my attempts to get together with anyone from LABS has not been successful so far. I can always use come help and pointers. occasionally I will need a clue by 4 to get the message to sink in. buckle up you are in for a bumpy ride XD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuyuko 1 Posted July 9, 2020 35m each heroic stage Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Komitadjie 13 Posted July 11, 2020 (edited) Daaaaumn, how are you managing that? Fully boosted, I'm pulling 16mil a stage with the 640, and... 27mil? or thereabouts on CH3. One run with a 10x is basically enough to buy, upgrade, and fully retrofit TWO tier-10s! Edited July 11, 2020 by Komitadjie (see edit history) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cozmic 1 Posted July 23, 2020 Tried to see what is actually possible credit wise and this was the result. Premium vehicle Obj 640, premium commander, credit insignia, 2 x boosts (max credits) and there was an AW 50 percent extra credit boost at the time. The entire run gave me 75 Mil credits. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quantum_Ranger 14 Posted October 23, 2020 On 6/6/2020 at 9:39 PM, Baron_Georg said: @BumbaX Sorry for not seeing this sooner. my only tier 9 is the leo 2 a6. with my normal luck it is probably not desired for those missions. as for minimum level of efficiency that remains to be seen. I'll see if I can find you in game sometime . my attempts to get together with anyone from LABS has not been successful so far. I can always use come help and pointers. occasionally I will need a clue by 4 to get the message to sink in. buckle up you are in for a bumpy ride XD OK, now that I have ZTQ-15 and Discord, I am toying with heroics but have no clue about what the real prerequisites are to be useful and not a drag. I am guessing I need some retrofits - probably vision/camo/breech. And some experimental rebuild kits! @Baron_Georg - Any experience with the Leo here? Am thinking it might be the next progression vehicle after I finish the M1A2 Abrams (now at 82%). QR Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TeyKey1 119 Posted October 24, 2020 18 hours ago, Quantum_Ranger said: OK, now that I have ZTQ-15 and Discord, I am toying with heroics but have no clue about what the real prerequisites are to be useful and not a drag. Generally speaking you can use near anything in heroics. Of course some vehicles won't be suited for some missions and some are just total bs in general (Kia I'm looking at you). ZTQ should work well enough. It's probably easier to start with an MBT tough as you can just follow someone along without taking much attention to special tasks or positioning. Additionally MBTs are quite the meta vehicles now so they're very easy to play and do mitiligate some mistakes. Mainly it's about the player who playes the vehicle and not the vehicle itself. Experimental rebuild kits are very helpful but not necessary. It depends on your playstyle. I use them a lot because I don't really play cautiously. If you want to do a run we're happy to join. Just ask on our Discord. Quote Spoiler Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tired_needs_Nrg_Drinks 6 Posted October 24, 2020 honestly, if you want to do meme builds and challenges/ heroic is also the way to go Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itzjustrick 40 Posted October 24, 2020 Honestly, the ZTQ, while playable will give you a hard time, especially on a first run. Personally, I don't like the leo2a6. However, it is not entirely crap anymore now. It definitely won't allow you to hard-carry games. But you can do your job in heroics just fine with it. It depends on how f*cked the armor model is now, but before the model rework, the abrams would honestly be the better bet... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quantum_Ranger 14 Posted October 24, 2020 This is helpful - gotta figure out what to do with my first Tier 9 token as a next step from M1A2 Abrams... so it looks like T9 Abrams is better than Leo now? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites