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Everything posted by Haswell

  1. Damn, now I have to pick between using Seb's and these... Thank goodness I can hotswap them on the fly.
  2. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/battle-path-contest-killing-spree https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/damage-contest-type-74 Feels like a lot of work for only a handful of coins. The T-55 is a nice touch, but I'd stay away from it because tier 3 is generally awful. Good luck to anyone trying for them!
  3. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/maintenance-june-11-0 Smoke gets fixed, finally. Too bad infantry will still be borked. I wonder what the logic is for the doors to bug out. It seems like the door closing method checks for infantry to return the disembark var, but that var doesn't get returned all the time. Features that nobody asked for breaks other important stuff that everybody relies on, meh.
  4. Haswell

    AW bingo.

    Did you intentionally make this hard to win? I'm getting so many 4/5s.
  5. Just my impression on the Nork Tonk. https://armoredlabs.net/index.php?/topic/255-nork-tonk-basically-an-orc-tonk/
  6. My pre-release impression is that this is yet another T-series clone, I'm glad to be proven wrong since it is far better in practice than it appears on paper. Don't let the fluff description or stat panel fool you, the Nork Tonk performs far better than it seems on paper. Durability comes first in my analysis. The frontal armor profile reminds me of the T-72B, it's fairly hardy against most bots that fire AP but Swingfires will occasionally nail the numerous weakspots. The lower plate is vulnerable as expected, but that's not really an issue in practice as long as I pay attention to what may be shooting at me and finding cover before they do. The hull sides are thin, but thick enough to allow some wiggle room in case my positioning isn't perfect much like the Type 96. The turret on the other hand is extremely vulnerable in the cheeks, pointing it straight at whatever is shooting at me is crucial to not have a bad day. Overall, the armor is very much workable as long as I have good situational awareness, but otherwise nothing special to write home about. Always point your gun at the other guns shooting at you, this is important. Next up is its excellent mobility. I don't have the Improved Final Drive unlocked yet because of the stupid overprogression system, but even then it is already very quick and responsive for an MBT. This is also helped by the fact that it has downright amazing terrain resistance, making its overall mobility comparable to light tanks. Good mobility by itself tends to be fine, but when coupled with workable armor and great damage output (see below) it becomes a force multiplier to the overall OPness since it allows for very aggressive plays. If anything should be nerfed this is a good place to start. One word: retarded. Lastly, firepower. This is where the Nork Tonk stands out from everything else as the combination of missiles, gun and MG can and will let me carve a path of corpses in front of me. The missiles hit fairly hard at 600-750 alpha (can go higher), throw in tandem HEAT and 700mm pen it can very much handle anything I may come across even frontally. The gun is nothing special with only 550 alpha AP; the MG is useful for plinking at Swingfires and Wiesels and it somehow has comparable damage per shot to autocannons. The true magic however starts to appear when I combine all 3 weapon systems together into a rotation to maximize damage output. My rotation here is far from perfect and I haven't nailed down the weapon switch times yet, but my general idea is to capitalize on the alpha strike of the missiles first, then use the gun and MG as a damage filler while the missiles reload to minimize the durations of nothing happening. My general rotation here is missile x2 > gun > MG > gun > MG, if there are no squishy targets around I just skip the MG. Note that having weapons on hotswap is crucial in cutting down the weapon swap times, since I don't have to double tap the keys for each slot to switch to them. Using this technique the initial missile + gun opening can easily dump out over 2000 damage in under 6 seconds, which is no small feat at any tier. I don't get impressed easily. This orcish thing has impressed me, not only because it's frankly OP but because it requires some modicum of skill to make it perform well. It's not particularly forgiving because the combination of great mobility and mediocre armor mean when things go wrong, it tends to go horribly wrong to punish me for my mistakes. When things go right however, the Nork Tonk can bully its way through practically anything it may encounter. Needs nerfs. Nork Tonk Orc Tonk
  7. Added the official FAQ to the main post. Farming SH3 seem to be the way to go if you want to effortlessly cheese the mission sets. Lots of bots and damage to go around even at tier 6, total number of bots easily go above 60 as long as you don't cap to win, and you can conveniently throw the game by running off the runway. Obviously you'll want a full platoon for this, but even at tier 6 with the Nork Tonk it's a fairly painless farm.
  8. Smoke is definitely not fixed. Permaspotting pillboxes got fixed though.
  9. Ready, set, grind your hearts out. Going to repost the important stuff here for reference. Old preview thread: https://armoredlabs.net/index.php?/topic/136-spirithaven-bp-preview/ ---- Complete list of challenges, current and future: ------ Prices for the Hunter lootboxes are available, courtesy of the RU side. 25% increase in price compared to the previous BP. The boxes will also only be available in limited periods. --------- Coin cost for each rank is 4000, starting from rank 11. Ranks 2-10 costs 2500 coins total, so getting to rank 50 will cost 162.5k. ------ Mission requirements (open up the spoiler) ----- Official FAQ (taken from https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/enigmas-legacy-battle-path-now-available)
  10. Strange, are you sure you played on hardcore and not standard? This is from 3 months ago, where I shot only HEAT-MP and had non-penetrations. Maybe the mission requirement got a stealth change, can anyone try to verify that?
  11. June 3 hotfix seem to have reduced the jitter on the missiles, they now fly fairly straight in the absence of softkill APS. On the other hand they go wild whenever softkill is present, more so than other missiles from what I observed. It's a bit more fun now that I can actually hit things somewhat reliably, but it still pales compared to the Ramka when it comes to straight up mowing through bots.
  12. So the lag and spotting fixes got yoinked from the notes. Great start.
  13. BP getting delayed is honestly the best move they could have made, in the short term at least. Imagine trying to attract players with a major event while also presenting them with glaring issues.
  14. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/maintenance-june-2 More things get dakka now, okay... Useful for clearing out cars and other destructible terrain props I guess. I wonder what will the patch break, for every fix something has to break in order to maintain the balance.
  15. Confirmed mortar range to be 350m, assuming it didn't change since December 5. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/maintenance-december-5
  16. Just going to quote myself from the other thread. One thing I overlooked is that the new Termi has 12 degrees of gun depression, compared to the 8 degrees on the old Termi/Ramka and 10 degrees on the Termi 2. This is actually a fairly large advantage for sloped hulldown tactics, although there aren't a lot of maps with positions that only work with 12 degrees of depression. Not to mention the fact that the Termis are most effective when you can keep moving forward and mowing things down as you go. The new missiles... they hit hard, if they hit. It feels like they have very high base deviation or noise, the missiles jitter around a lot even without softkill in the general direction I'm aiming at.
  17. 0.32 reduced infantry view ranges across the board in PvE, but as far as I can tell their firing ranges remain unchanged. As in, they can now fire beyond their view range circles as indicated on the minimap. This will definitely make observations harder.
  18. Also found the challenge descriptions. Looks a lot less tedious than the last BP, but they are all just massive grinds... Edit: I might be wrong about the repeatable missions, I think I looked at the wrong strings or they may just recycle the ones from the last BP (like the challenges).
  19. Found the mission descriptions of the 4 mission sets, plus the repeatables. Being stupidly boring and grindy aside, they look fairly easy to complete especially in platoons. Assist damage will likely be the most annoying one though, since there's no counter for you to keep track of how much assist damage you've racked up until after the match ends. Thank goodness the repeatable missions won't follow the stupid tier/class/dealer format.
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