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Challenger II ATDU Ammo Question

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I must be missing something.  I know the AP rounds lose penetration at range and the HESH and PISH rounds don't.  However, I seldom have a problem with penetration using the AP rounds and, after the recent nerf, the HESH and PISH rounds offer significantly less damage than AP.  

Is there any reason to even carry HESH or PISH rounds?  Have they been rendered superfluous?

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PISH is still useful for blowing up ammo racks, in fact your loadout should still be PISH heavy despite the nerfs. The extra damage and utility you get from reliably destroying modules far outweighs the tiny bit of raw alpha increase from AP.

If you want raw damage, you are honestly better off with the XM1A3.

Penetration decay don't matter in PvE at all due to everything being jam packed into close ranges.



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HESH and PISH have different weakspots on most tanks when compared to AP.  And where you can pen, you can wreck the internals of the tank - for example you can pen the T-14 in the mid point, below turret, with PISH and you have around a 95% change to blow the ammo rack and destroy the turret ring and kill 1 or 2 crew.  If you shoot there with an AP shell, it might knock out 1 of those things.


If you aim just below turrets on Bradley's you'll likely blow out an ammo rack, knock a crew man out and blow the turret ring out.  

One thing that's REALLY nice about PISH / HESH, is if you are face hugging a Abrams, XM1A3 specifically, you can aim down onto the upper front plate and if you hit the right spot with the right set up, you kill the entire crew in 1 shot.  That's a 3.xk hp tank taking one in 1 shot.  That's the advantage of Pish

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PISH is so good for its potential to splash modules and damage them if you know where to aim with the round. 

as an example the Leo 2AX is very susceptible to frontal ammorack if you aim a PISH round at the lower plate opposite to the driver.

T-15 if you aim at the turret ring you can break the turret ring and damage the ammorack 

as noted above PISH is very strong against sloped armor that would autobounce APFSDS.  

so a 20-25 PISH loadout is still great. 

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Even with the PISH damage nerf for the ATDU, I figure it's still strong assuming you do know where to hit stuff with it. The only time in the game I actually had my tank die from a couple of PISH rounds by killing all the crew members instead of removing tank health was from an enemy ATDU spamming pish, tank was a K2 Black Panther. Though not sure where the guy aimed at specifically, but 2 clean shots killed all my crew.

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Take the PISH to the training grounds.

Shoot at the targets from all directions, take note of the spots you hit, when they take damage and memorize them.

This information will be very useful in pve and pvp. Then you can ammorack vehicles in one or two hits.

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if you're using Sabrina with her 50% module damage bonus, PISH turns the ATDU into a monster if you know where the ammo racks are on most tanks. For example:

  • Abrams - anywhere on the turret bustle that you can penetrate with PISH
  • AMX-10RCR - approximately center of mass (from the sides)
  • ATDU - the part of the turret bustle that's only protected by cage armour (note: takes reduced damage from ammo fires)
  • Bradley - turret ring on the right side of the turret
  • K21 XC-8 - turret bustle or rear quarter of the hull
  • Leopard - turret bustle or hull front next to the driver
  • Merkava - turret bustle, directly below the turret ring (Merk 4/4M from the sides) or the rear portion of the hull (Merk 3) (note: these all take reduced damage from ammo fires)
  • PL-01 - left side of the hull near the center of mass (behind the engine)
  • T-14 - approximately center of mass directly below the turret (from the sides)
  • T-15 - vertical strip of armour directly below the turret (from the front) or directly below the turret (from the sides)
  • Terminator 2 - lower front plate (from the front) or directly below the turret once the ERA is gone (from the sides)
  • Type 99 - directly below the turret (from the sides)

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