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Another BP: you might actually want to skip this one, for real

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I'm not even going to bother. Read stuff in the article if you want.



Missions and stuff exactly as before, check here: https://armoredlabs.net/index.php?/topic/6346-here-we-go-again-eow-bp-megathread/&tab=comments#comment-11460

As always, ignore the ranks and keep collecting free coins from the shop until the final days of the BP. Shouldn't be too hard considering all the vehicle rewards from going up the ranks this time are trash.

Derva is actually boring, but may be a good investment if you want a tier 8 premium dakka that is somehow cheaper than the shitty tier 5 TR-85.

If you have no desire to get the Derva, then just ignore the BP entirely. Do not buy access. Do not spend any money on it. Just ignore its existence like the Raid.


Also, regarding the T-72:

2 hours ago, dfnce said:

This all is very curious.


RU site tells this tank is 30 rank






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Forgot to mention, the War Games boxes have NOT yet converted to include coupons for the current BP. I don't advise opening them until they get fixed.





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In this BP i suggest to focus entirely on buying offers in shop.

Derivatsya is fine vehicle worth getting, and a player should assemble it in cheap way using most attractive daily offers - rare unique and special (got mine already after less than 1h rotation).

T72CZ (based on my test drive impressions) is vehicle for inadequate price of 140K coins (50K is rank 20, and 20 next ones are 90K for rank 40). to For lesser amount of coins spent in shop a player should able to get - either 1 tier 10, 2 tier 9 or several tiers 7/8.  If one decides to spend whole pool of 140K on rotations alone would give a chance to return some coins and maybe find truly attractive offers.

TR-85M1 - collector thing, rather not so great impressions from test drive. (my plan to get it in this BP).

As for this BP main prize, the possible strategy is to ignore T-15/K, and assume it will be obtainable in coin shop in one of next BPs. This shit can be attractive now because of Draco style DPM on steroids, I know how it works and where it ends.

Got Chally 1 ODS skin, because i wanted it.

Edited by dfnce (see edit history)

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One interesting note is that the Derpivatsiya already has the "new" AC mechanics, meaning that it (technically) overheats as you use it.  I say technically because it cools off so fast that simply occasionally pausing your continuous fire to allow the aim circle to reset will cool it off sufficiently.  So unless you're at point blank range (which is a bad idea with what is essentially no armor), you're never going to notice that it has the overheat mechanic.

The Kinzhal is currently pretty OP as is typical of Tier 10 BP prize vehicles.  I don't think that it is OP enough that it's going to get nerfed during the BP, and in fact it may be reasonable enough that it never gets nerfed.  In which case it's a good vehicle to pick up, though whether you do that now during the BP or later from the store in some subsequent BP is up to you.

There are 120 days in the BP.  If you manage to do all of the repeatables (which is 3 every 3 days, or 120 total) then you'll have 84k BC.  The Challenges are another 70k BC and you get an extra 30 days to do them with the extension to 4 months.  Then the 3 mission chains are worth 13.5k.  That means you really only need to earn about another 100k BC to get the Kinzhal and the Derpivatsiya, some of which you'll get for free just by getting 120 days worth of "free" BC from the store.  And if you luck out in the store, you might get one of those 25k or 50k packages.

Personally, I have 49 BC boosters left over from previous BPs, and at roughly 2500 BC each that's 120k right there.  Plus I bought the pre-sale so have 50k coins from that.

I.e... it's not going to take any real extra effort to get everything from this BP, so I might as well.  The only thing making it difficult at all is trying to do all of the repeatables, some of which can be a real PITA.

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Tried the T15 on the test area and seems more fun to me than the Armata in game so worth it for me

Played the TR-85M1 a few times in PvE and its a bit of a beast, fun to play with its two rapid shots and pretty quick reload for both, its an enjoyable tier 5. 

Not tried the tier 8 yet and only seen it a couple of times in PvE matches where it seems to be played by players with more money than ability (one player had less than 8k damage with an average tier of 8 and 60% wr in PvE - and did pretty poorly even though the rest of us were in tier 7's coming 2nd to last with no DC or AFK)


The so called grind has been made harder but the BP has also been made longer by a month - so I just look at the mission sets and chose a vehicle I like that suits and head on into matches (I got 32 boosts from previous BP still so I can easily have a session if I feel like it).


Vehicles are pretty subjective, what one hates and cant get on with another will find fun, same with maps, missions, contracts etc - Some I would love to be better for me, I just cant get the hang of them (so I keep trying till I fully unlock it without using free XP), others I like seem to be hated (so much so that some players will say how bad it is, despite never having played it, just free XP through it). 



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Anywhere i can see what tanks i can get from BC's?? still have a few i missing, and don't want to use rerolls to try and get them


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Warlords of the Wasteland:

T-55 Enigma
Scorpion Kastet
M1A1 Storm

Age of Rage:

M50 Ontos
Object 490

Last Patriot:

XM247 Sgt. York
Griffin 120mm
Bradley AAWS

Enigma's Legacy:

Type 74
Type 10

Echoes of War:

ZSU-23-4 Shilka
9Pwhatever Khrizantema
Object 195

Northern Wind:

CV90 Mk. IV
CV90120 Ghost
Strv 2000

Wars of the Past:

2S38 Derivatsiya
T-15 Kinzhal

I think that's all, someone correct me if I missed something.

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Those are just the Battle Path reward vehicles.  You can get just about any Premium vehicle through the Battle Path Store for BC, though off the top of my head I can't remember ever seeing Dealer Premiums (the ones purchasable in-game for Gold) in the Store, so maybe that's the cutoff.

I've already seen something like 5 vehicles available in the Store during this BP that I don't already have, including the T-72B3, Vickers, and Oplot.  I think 1-2 more... I just can't remember them off the top of my head right now.  I have all of the BP reward vehicles listed above.

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I didn't see any Tier 10 in the shop for the moment.

Any idea of the cost in Battle Coins?


Hope I can get my hands on Object 195 or Strv 2000 as I play mostly PvE...


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BC cost for any Premium in the BP Shop is 4x Gold cost.

Tier 7 = 5,500 Gold = 22,000 BC
Tier 8 = 9,000 Gold = 36,000 BC
Tier 9 = 14,000 Gold = 56,000 BC
Tier 10 = 19,000 Gold = 76,000 BC


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That's good to know, saw a couple of tier 7 but didn't realise the cost in BC was related to cost in Gold.

Was expecting something like 150 000 BC for a tier 10... could have 2 tanks for this price in fact :classic_laugh:

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On 2/1/2022 at 8:17 AM, knutliott said:

Those are just the Battle Path reward vehicles.  You can get just about any Premium vehicle through the Battle Path Store for BC, though off the top of my head I can't remember ever seeing Dealer Premiums (the ones purchasable in-game for Gold) in the Store, so maybe that's the cutoff.

I've already seen something like 5 vehicles available in the Store during this BP that I don't already have, including the T-72B3, Vickers, and Oplot.  I think 1-2 more... I just can't remember them off the top of my head right now.  I have all of the BP reward vehicles listed above.

There are a few vehicles that are supposedly omitted from the coin shop, but nobody knows for sure given the randomness involved.

  • anything under tier 2
  • most low tiers (3-6) except for past BP vehicles and select few
  • reskinniums
  • Obj 287
  • TAM
  • K21
  • Hades stuff
  • Shadow
  • MPF
  • Chally 2 influencer
  • Pz87
  • Kornet D1
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The shop manual refreshing works fine...maybe a bit too much.

Started with 135k coins -> purchased around 60 Derivatsiya parts, 4 premium tanks (Ontos, Shilka, Sergent York, Abrams Storm) and here I am:


Those BC pack are rare but you can get a lot of things "for free".

I guess veteran players will already have almost all the tier 4-7 premium tanks, but for someone like me who has been away for a long time, it's really worth it!

Still no Tier 10 premium. Got a single offer for CATTB but not interested in it.


Edit: after some more refresh spamming, got an offer for the Armata 14 -152 and right after the Obj:


Edited by Ulkhan (see edit history)

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The big BC packs (25k and 50k) are extremely random and rare.  Some people seem to get them all the time, while others (like me) never see them.  There are several people documenting every offer that they receive, and the general consensus is that re-rolling looking for the big BC packs is virtually guaranteed to be a losing proposition even if you get one.  One person that I can think of off the top of my head has documented over 500 re-rolls and has received a 25k pack... for a net loss of over 15k BC.  Just like at a casino - sure, someone will win $1,000,000 from that slot machine, but most people are going to lose money (a lot of money) playing the machine, so much so that the single $1,000,000 payout will still be a net profit (a very large net profit) for the casino.

TL;DR assume you'll never see a 25k or 50k pack, because that's probably what will happen.  If you then do see one it'll be a happy bonus.

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11 hours ago, knutliott said:

...the general consensus is that re-rolling looking for the big BC packs is virtually guaranteed to be a losing proposition even if you get one...

That's also what I thought.

"They must have build it like a casino and it will be a loss on long term"

Guess I got lucky then, two 25k BC and one 50k BC in about 200 rolls. Almost no special (blue) BC offer and a lot of 500 BC...


Started at 135k BC, got 65 Derivatsiya parts, Ontos, Shilka, Sergent York, Kpz 70, M1A1 Storm and Obj 195 -> 50K BC remaining.

Not going to push my luck too much still... I'll wait to reach around 90k BC before starting refreshing again and trying to get another Tier 10.

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Over all of the Battle Paths, I've seen:


If you're re-rolling to refresh the store, that means that all results from 100 to 300 are net losses because you have to pay 10% in order to buy them.  So even the 300 pack costs you 330 to get - 300 to re-roll into it, plus 30 to buy it.

Starting at 500, they're pretty rare.  I think I've seen 2-3 of the 500 packs so far during this BP, and one 2500 while I was re-rolling to buy Derivatsiya parts, but that's it.  Everything else has been 300 or lower.  For me everything is a net gain because I'm not re-rolling (except for that one session while buying Derivatsiya parts), but you're not earning much just getting 1 free refresh per day.  Based on the data that others have collected, it looks like the average roll is something like 265 BC, or a profit of 240 BC.  I'm using 200 for my long-range planning just to be safe, because my gut feeling is that I'm not even averaging 200 overall.

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Participated in every BP, never seen 300BC - 50.000BC just popping in the shop. I heavily suspect, that everything above 250 BC is locked behind re-rolls.

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20 hours ago, knutliott said:

I'm using 200 for my long-range planning just to be safe, because my gut feeling is that I'm not even averaging 200 overall.

I agree.

So that means an average loss of 100 BC with the cost of re-roll offer.

That's why I want to have at least 90k BC before trying to refresh and get another Tier 10, I expect to lose 10k to 15k BC before one pop in the shop...


1 hour ago, Zafir said:

Participated in every BP, never seen 300BC - 50.000BC just popping in the shop. I heavily suspect, that everything above 250 BC is locked behind re-rolls.

You were just really unlucky.

Got one 25k BC pack before starting to reroll and got a blue 5k BC today (with daily refresh).

And a lot of 500 BC (about one every 5-6 refresh, be it daily or manual).


Edited by Ulkhan (see edit history)

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On 2/5/2022 at 10:51 AM, Zafir said:

Participated in every BP, never seen 300BC - 50.000BC just popping in the shop. I heavily suspect, that everything above 250 BC is locked behind re-rolls.

I've seen 300 regularly just popping in the shop, and 500 a couple of times.  So my guess would be that it's everything above 500.

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On 2/5/2022 at 6:51 PM, Zafir said:

Participated in every BP, never seen 300BC - 50.000BC just popping in the shop. I heavily suspect, that everything above 250 BC is locked behind re-rolls.

Seen 300 to 500 quite often this BP

Had a 20k near the end of the last BP with no re-rols

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On 2/6/2022 at 7:10 PM, knutliott said:

I've seen 300 regularly just popping in the shop, and 500 a couple of times.  So my guess would be that it's everything above 500.

My last 3 daily refreshes have been 500, 500, and 300.  Maybe talking about it makes it happen!  LOL

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There are 2 bugs related to the Derivatsiya:

1. The "homing" PELE ammo is trash, and not because it does the same damage as AP.  It's trash because, as near as I can tell, it homes in the wrong direction.  It's almost impossible to track a moving target and hit with it - your shots will occasionally hit the very rear of the target, but most often will miss off the back entirely.  As long as your reticle isn't moving, it's fine.  But if your reticle is moving while you fire - as it is any time you're tracking a moving target - you're going to miss something like 90% of your shots.

2. Derpi PELE counts for the Launcher (read: ATGM) Challenge in the Battle Path.  Obviously the shells are too small to count for 120+mm Caliber challenge, and they are PELE not HEAT so don't count for the HEAT challenge, but at least you can use PELE to quickly complete the Launcher challenge if you're sick and tired of using ATGMs to do it.

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It appears that something has changed with the Derpi's PELE bug #1 above, but it's still not good.

It tracks in the right direction now, but despite allegedly having the same velocity as AP it lags waaay behind your target if you're tracking something.  You have to lead a target by roughly double what you'd have to lead it with AP in order to hit it, which sort of makes the "auto-homing" feature not just pointless but actively bad.

AP can often be aimed at the leading edge of a moving target and you'll hit the rear.  Not so with the Derpi's PELE - you'll miss well off the back of the target.  The ammo is still very good in certain circumstances - it has better pen than AP beyond 275-280m, and it has no reticle bloom so it is dramatically more accurate when firing a long burst.  So it is excellent against distant, stationary targets.  But it is trash against moving targets at any range, and worse than AP in general below about 250m range.

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