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Everything posted by BumbaX

  1. Or at least they try to fix it as it happened so often that the fixing did not work at all in the past (War Games anyone? and is only the last of many examples), if did not introduced even new and worst bugs...
  2. With the T62M the missiles are more damaging then the AP rounds, but worst then the HEAT ones, so I don't see a so big difference compared to higher tier tanks if not for the reasons that is the only MBT at his tier with missiles and that at that tier there is no APS. When I play it I usually load some missiles, as it lacks of gun depression like all the Russian tanks, but the bulk of my ammo is HEAT, more damaging and faster. An other marginal advantage of the missiles, but also here it is somehow true for all the MBTs that can use them, is that there is no aiming time to wait, at the cost of having to guide the AGTM after firing it, and that are potentially very accurate, at least if you use a commander, retro and crew skill to make them so. Not like before APS was buffed, when you could use the medium tier MBTs with agtm to aim at weak spots with laser like accuracy, but still accurate if you don't fire against a target with a very effective APS. After the APS buff they become borderline to unusable, as against every APS they was impossible to guide, but now the APS buff has been toned down and it is possible to have them quite accurate again, even if they are no more laser like.
  3. I also feel that this a bush nerf, and I am not happy of it as I actually use them in all the modes and I like the idea of using the terrain features to protect yourself, in this case boosting your camo, in other cases protecting your weak spots or using your superior gun depression. But if I understand it wrong the 15m change does not mean that being at less then 15m from a bush it does not boost your camo, but that if you are less then 15m far from it it does not make your view range worst, as it is continuing to provide you the camo bonus, while if you distance from the bush is more then 15m both you and the enemy benefit from its camo so your view ranged is decreased for everything that you have to see looking trough the bush.
  4. @TeyKey1 It has been a great afternoon platooning with you, lot of fun! But I would say that you are well over the average level of the PvE players, to do the things that I saw you doing playing, and watching the video gave me even more insight of how you did use the tank, a lot of skill and finesse is needed. Don't get me wrong, I am all for having at least some tanks that are rewarding only if played in a skillful way, I had nothing against the VBL in Random Battle before the nerf as only with skill and very sharp reflexes it was the killer machine that almost everybody (but those able to use it) complained about, but if an average player would have attempted to use it that way... And I don't have anything against the T40 now, even if I have something against the T40 + Ophelia combo, but IMO that commander is broken in some modes, was an error to implement her that way and she ruins the GLOPS promoting suicide tactics. There are so many alternatives to the Pindad and it is probably a tank fun to play for those that have the needed skills, so I think that probably is a very good tank, not OP, like some other Premiums introduced lately, and that requires a very unique playing style. By the way thank you for not putting in the video the couple of very bad games I had when platooning with you, for sure i had a very bad game with the Griffin with AC, tank in which i usually do quite well, I really appreciate it.
  5. I don't own the Sabre, that I tested as rental a long time ago and that I tested right now in Alabino to refresh my memory. They are somehow similar, but with some difference, i notice that the Sabre AGTM trajectory has been changed, if I remember correctly it used to be Swingfire like, very arched and very slow, now only is arched only at the start, then goes straight and fast, this makes possible to shot while under cover using the 3rd person point of view without the delay from when you fire and when the missile hits typical of the Swingfire, thing that the Type 89 can not do. But the Type has a way better frontal armor, that let him survive to some auto cannons, while the Sabre has no armor at all, is a glass cannon.And the AC clip is not slightly larger, it is massively larger, not large to let you kill a MBT with a single clip, but enough to kill low HP enemies or kill many MBTs after you have damaged them with the missiles. As I don't have a real experience with the Sabre I can be wrong, but it seems to me that even if similar they have to be played in a different way, the Type 89 using his missile + AC burst to track with AC, hit with rockets and kill with AC and sometimes trolling tanks with low penetration AC, the Sabre using its rockets and the terrain to hit while under cover and its speed and the terrain features as main defense.
  6. @TekNicTerror you are right, it is a battalion mission a little long if someone play PvE, takes 20 games if a player has on average 10 kills/match, but very fast if the player plays PvP, GLOPS is the better option, as you need only 40 kills to complete it. It is the fastest to complete battalion mission IMO, a decent player that plays the tanks he has to grind once in PvE fro the multiplier then switches to GLOPS most of the times can complete it in a single day without having to play focused on it.
  7. Probably the first thing he has to L2 is how to use the W key so he can move his tank out of the spawn point By the way AGTM in a T14 are an interesting, but very situational type of ammo, they are slower then HEAT and suffer from APS, but that tank, build to fight in the flat land, has not gun depression an bending the AGTM trajectory you can hit from a ridge while having your LFP under cover or in other situations when the gun depression is not enough. I used to carry few of them for that reason, but stopped doing it when the APS effect became much more effective, now that it has been toned down and there is the sting like a bee skill possibly it is a good idea to do it again (and also in PvE the bots don't use hard kill aps any more). Do someone of you actually use AGTMs on T14 or other mbts?
  8. It should become faster when upgraded, but I have not yet unlocked that particular upgrade, so I can not tell how much.
  9. For some reason i received 4k gold, so as my joy was double also my disappointment after having it removed was double I really think that MY.GAMES should give us at least something as compensation for the "moral damage" of having the illusion for a short time to have become rich and then find yourself poor again...
  10. I love the powerful Crapjeep, as it can shine or make very bad, every time you take it you can not predict the results if you go PvE with random players, sometimes you make a lot of spotting and you feel that even if it is very good at it it lacks of firepower, then you have games like this where you do more damage then the powerful AS21 (with a good player driving it) and CATTB. But one thing that is often overlooked is that it is probably the best stunt tank in the game here you can see the Crapjeep in the Sprout jump the PL01 jump and even the MBT jump, probably no other tank in the game can go airborne so easily... Imagine the boobs of the gunner (or commander?) as the jeep impact the ground after one of those jumps...
  11. Draft resister here, for a copule of months it was not completely clear if I had to go to prison or if I was allowed to serve as civil service, in the end it happened that the latter was the case. I had applied to chose civil service too late, but according to the (wrong) instructions written on a paper that they gave me, so even if at the beginning they told that i was not eligible for civil service at the end they admitted that the error was from their side and they allowed me to serve my draft time, with some more months as penalty, that way , instead of completely refuse the draft and go in a military jail.. So I served in a little village in the mountains, without even seeing a weapon, helping the old people there, cutting the fire wood for them, mowing the hay for the ones that still had some cow, bringing them food when the snow was too high or if they was to old to move from their homes and similar things. Serving in the civil service changed completely my life as at the end I decided to not return to my home town, where I was born and raised, but to remain in the mountains and live there, where i still live today. It can be funny that being a draft resister, anti militarist and follower of Mahatma Gandhi teachings i play a tank game, but as I am shooting only to virtual tanks, pixels on a computer screen and i like this game I have no problems in be a virtual tank commander and owner of a mercenary business in my evening time, and some times even all night long.
  12. Yes max spread is when the size of the circle is the maximum one, so is useful when you shot on the move at a quite short distance, having it smaller for a commander skill as side effect should also reduce the time you need to aim as you start from a smaller circle, but I am not completely sure about it.
  13. Some maps are designed to make a team of newbies loose, it is true, but still I fail to understand how, after years that the mission works this way still so many people did not learn from their own experience that if you rush the first cap and don't kill first the bots around it and leave some time for a tank that is already headed towards the second one if the second one is the far one you have very little chances to win the mission. And when you play tier 9-10 the other players are not noobs, if not some rare wallet player or very lucky one that has got his T9-10 in some loot crate. I see a lot of players rushing in the first cap like some night butterfly rush to a source of light, they seem to not be able to resist the temptation even if they burnt their wings so many times. And someone that has a progression T10 is not a novice, as you have to play a lot to grind to it. He may be an under performing player, as if 50% is over the average there is also the 50% that is under it, but there is a clear difference between being a novice, an under performing player or an ape that keeps to do the same error over and over without learning how to play that mission, maybe not performing well themselves, but at least giving to the ones that could carry it a chance to do it. Often they cap so soon that even if i run to the second cap after the couple of tanks that come from the left are killed, as they would be in my path, even with a fast tank like the sphinx i can not avoid to find the tanks that spawn in my path after the first cap.
  14. @TeyKey1 I am not sure if there is a post size limit here, @Haswell can tell something sure about it, but usually in almost all the forums I partecipate there is some limit, usually you hit it posting screenshots and other attachments, not writing plain text.
  15. @TeyKey1 next time you plan to open a thread like this one, a guide that is planned to occupy more then one post, i suggest you to post after the first post a couple of others with only "placeholder" written in them. You can edit them later adding the missing parts of the guide, so we can read it without having to scroll trough the comments of the other forum users.
  16. That is true, but somehow it had always happened, i had Raiding Party missions where i was driving to do the last undone secondary and people rushing to cap whit a lot of time left in the past as often as now, and to win a mission fast, even if delaying it can let kill some more bots is not completely wrong, as you can get in an other mission faster, so probably gain more in that mission killing more bots, but you gain more doing more missions, even without getting all the possible damage from each one in a gaming session. And it is even more true if a player does not get much damage as for him the main rewards are in completing the objectives and winning the mission, even if it is annoying for who usually get more damage, is using his first victory multiplier and maybe also boosts and insigna. But possibly the rushing mentality is also related to the servers merge, i noticed that, mainly in the PvP modes, the Russian players was using a more aggressive style then the players of the EU server I was playing, so this attitude is also somehow true in PvE, it is much more frequent to see people that try to force the PvE missions rushing, pushing and attacking the bots very aggressively, with mixed results as you have to be a good player to do it and survive. Also the fact that now we can spawn 2 times on top of replenishing our health with the kit does not help as it promotes a very aggressive and potentially suicide way of playing instead of a more tactical sound one.
  17. Sadly most missions, both daily ones and Battle Path ones, at least in the last BP, promote selfish, not cooperative and not natural game play, so I understand if a player can think of using such tactics.
  18. Probably most of the space used are the old game recordings, if you play a lot they build up and take a lot of space and for the old ones probably it is even impossible to use them as updates can have created an incompatibility with the present engine, as they are not video recordings, but they use the game engine to play a battle recorded. So I suggest you to routinely delete the recordings you are not using any more, probably if one is useful you have already analyzed it. I do it almost each month as I use a solid state HD that is not very recent so has not a lot of storage space, If you delete the whole folder be aware that you possibly delete also screenshots and maybe you wnat to take them as they occupy much less space, you can also back up them in some other storage device freeing your main HD space.
  19. @dfnceto use smoke to protect yourself after shooting is perfectly fine, even when your smoke affects also other players. It can be sometimes annoying for other players, yesterday on SPEC OPS chap.4 I was in a T15 and right at the beginning after i did spot the very first enemies you find someone, i guess an MBT used the smoke after firing, preventing me to see the bots that was still blind shooting at me, so I took some damage that probably I would not have taken and the smoke did not had a real reason as blinded us all and the MBT had armor to deal with the bots. It can be annoying, but is fine, a player has the right to protect himself. Also using your smoke to protect a squishy, or also a low health MBT that is taking too much shots, is perfectly fine. But I was commenting about a different thing, to pop out the smoke in a way that prevents a person that is also spotting the target while you continue to spot the enemy, the image you posted is very clear about it. Here the reason to pop out the smoke is not your own protection as you are waiting to reload or protect a team mate at risk, is to affect negatively the playing of an other player, as not only you prevent him from maybe spotting further tanks (he can have better view range then you, maybe for the commander or the retros he uses), but to be surrounded by smoke for no reason is annoying in itself and can make his action less precise, ie for him is more difficult to judge if a weak spot of the enemy is or not is behind some hard cover a he sees only the red silhouette of the enemy in a white background. About the fact that the support fire tanks can designate or track it is true, but also an MBT that is on the front line can track and so get the assist damage for the damage done by the tanks "on the hill" and if he can not designate has plenty of situations in PvE where he can push and spot while the good camo squishy tanks can not. In the match results I see a lot of MBT drivers getting a lot of spotting damage, often even not very good players judging their overall result, while to see a camo based tank getting a lot of spotting damage also happens, but imo less frequently, you actually need skill to do it and even with skill if the MBTs push too hard in some missions most of what you would have spotted has been already seen by them. So I don't think that a front line tank, typically an MBT, but it can also be some Ramka or T15, has perform a tactic that can annoy other players only to farm more assist damage as there is not a bias in how the different classes can get assist damage and if there is some are the MBTs at an advantage given average the level of skill of the PvE player base and based on the average of the results i see. If a MBT driver wants more assist damage to push harder and spot more is all he needs to do, to annoy other people popping out smoke in front of them, but in a way that prevents only them to see and only for the purpose of preventing them to see is imho not the way to go. And even if I am not sure if reporting such behavior has consequences, as you don't get a real feedback when you report someone, I would probably report who does so, like I report those that ram other tanks out a position to take it themselves, maybe causing the death of that tank that is pushed out of cover in plain sight of the enemies and every not fair behavior. Even driving in front of an ally closing his line of fire is not allowed by the game rules, and those things are even worst imo.
  20. I do a lot of mistakes, but my main problem is not specific mistakes, is a lack of consistency, some evenings I play very well, in PvE i get tons of blue stars and in PvP i rank constantly high, even if i am not a so good PvP player to get constantly gold medals, it happened only one magic afternoon some time ago when I got like 8 gold medals in 10 games. Other evenings I am only the shadow of myself in the good ones, I continue to do errors in all the modes and to die fast, or in PvE and GLOPS way too often, as there you you can respawn.
  21. @TeyKey1 so you managed to do chap 4 with randoms, for me until now is only a row of lost games... Also I find Labyrinth really fun to play and I think that to implement a better AI for the PvE regular missions should not be so difficult and the engine probably allows it. We have already missions where the cap points are different each time so having randomly different spawn points for the bots, not spawning in the middle of the map and maybe right back of our tanks, but having some of them that defend the caps and others that come to flank us, but from one of 2 or 3 possible directions, starting from the edge of the map at each cap, would make the things less predictable and more interesting, surely not at the level of a game vs human players, but at least you don't know right at the beginning of the mission where the bots will be. I feel that something has been already done as there has been a phase in which the difficulty increase has been only missile spamming, now there are less missile tanks, but some bot has a semi intelligent behavior, some even try to use some cover, while before their tactic was only a suicide rush spamming rockets. But I feel that a lot more can be done in that direction, the problem is that to rise the number of the bots and to give them cheating aiming capabilities (I saw a T15 firing missiles right from the belly as it was in an almost vertical position...) is much easier and less time consuming then write proper AI scripts for them. I am not completely found of the way the last 2 Spec Ops behave, i am talking of chap 4 of both. Surely it is challenging, but I think that it should be doable with random players without expecting a win rate of 5% or less if you are a good player, one that can carry almost alone a regular PvE mission. I am in a Battalion and I have no problems in doing it with my Battalion or with some other friends, but if Heroic is designed for platoons only the Spec Ops should be imho possible also with randoms. Maybe with a low win rate, I am not asking of a 90% one, but 5% or less is too low, 20-30% should be fine. In platoon, with people you know and that can play together even the Heroic can have almost 100% win rate as you find a way to play each mission, but I sometimes like also to go with random players as I have more challenge and not knowing who I will find it is somehow less boring, even if some times can be a little upsetting when you are with players that have no idea about how to play.
  22. It is true that new maps are not added since a long time, but is also true that the AI scripts of the bots has been changed quite often in some missions recently, and the same map has a new flavor if the enemies spawn in different places and behave differently. PvE anyway is somehow the most boring mode as it is the most predictable, once you know a mission the enemy spawn and behave pretty much in the same way all the time, also adding new missions they will remain new only a little time. If you feel bored you can play also the other modes, if you don't know them there is a lot to learn and are less predictable as the human players are less predictable. Or just take a pause, move to some other game, to shot at virtual tanks is not the only way we can have fun, then come back to the game, as it would be a pity to spend a lot of time to grind the lines and then waste all the work done. But usually after a pause something that had become boring has a new and fresh taste. Or maybe play in tiers you don't usually play, and tanks you don't usually play, trying new tactics. The mode is very predictable, but we are humans so we can be a lot less predictable, even if most of us develops habits and tend to follow always the same known routes we can change and add flavor and variation to something that is always the same just changing our approach. I hope it helps.
  23. My only problem with a MBT that the developers tell to be an hybrid between a proper MBT and a LT is that the engine in the match making, will consider it as a MBT. I am not telling that all the MBTs should be well armored as the ADTU, 490 or CATTB, but both in PvE and in PVP i see a problem. When in a PvE mission it is the only MBT the party completely lacks of a well armored tank that can take some hits, while it has no camo, only a burst damage that against a large number of bots means almost nothing, you can take down that Bradley fast, but if you have no way to bounce the shots of the other 3-5 bots that probably are around the burst damage is not going to save you. In PvP it is maybe even worst, as its will be matched against tanks that actually have armor, but we can not really tell anything before we actually try it, may be that the burst damage, as the penetration seems good and the protection, before the NERA deteriorates, make it a playable tank. Surely also I am very happy that is not an abomination like the 490 and the CATTB was, and to some extent still continue to be even after the nerfs. It is possible that, after they introduced Premium tanks that was indeed too OP, and I would also add at least the York in the list, now they chose to go too much on the other side of the balance, but if so better buff later then nerf later, as @TeyKey1 tells.
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