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Everything posted by Komitadjie

  1. People would just skip the map, like they usually did before. It was a *miserable* experience, that relied way, way too much on the matchmaker regarding what vehicles it gave you, and if your team of randoms didn't screw you over.
  2. Even 360 smoke won't reliably break spotting any more in PVE modes. There's something wrong with smoke's effects at the moment, I think.
  3. From what I've heard, the missiles are bugged right now. That is not their intended performance.
  4. It used to be amazing... currently, it's just kinda painful to play. The missile is ok, but it's not all that great for tier. It's huge, and the gun is absolute garbage. Mostly, just cringe and get through it, at least the Bradley gets good missiles.
  5. There's the bug-report thread in the Discord, or contact one of the moderators. Or you can use the Support form through the site and submit a ticket. I'm kinda keeping an eye on the bug report thread here as well.
  6. My problem with the mortars isn't the range, it's *hitting anything*. With any luck, the infantry-command system will greatly help there and let you tell them to fire on a stationary target, instead of wasting all their shots firing at things still on the roll that they won't even come close to.
  7. I mean, it definitely *works* just fine. The "improved" armor just doesn't feel like it's doing much of anything, and the loss of gun DPM is very noticeable when facing Bradleys and other thin-skins. The missile wobble is apparently a bug, from what I'm hearing, so should be evened out and work properly at some point. Overall, it WORKS... but I think it's at best an even-up thing from the old one, and probably an overall downgrade in practical, usable firepower.
  8. It honestly feels like a downgrade to my old one, at the moment. Lot of that might be the poor noise performance of the missiles, but overall it just feels a lot weaker. Much lower cannon DPM, and the new missiles really don't pen anything I couldn't pen with the old ones. They've got higher pen, but almost any weakspot vulnerable to 1k pen was vulnerable to 800mm. And the armor doesn't seem worth the trade to me, the speed was more useful.
  9. I *VASTLY* prefer having at least some armor in all missions, given that most of them are made to more or less require it to win. Especially with randoms. And I don't like having to carry that hard for no rewards any more.
  10. Reeeeeeeeeeee! XD And yeah, we're probably gonna need a nut-locker at this rate.
  11. Likely a fair bit of that is also that it's the standard "recommended" first premium that a lot of folks will pick up. Wouldn't be surprised if it statistically has a LOT of newbies playing it, and it's by far the most playstyle-dependent termi in the set. Or was, I guess, it had to die instead of being buffed or just put into legacy for... reasons. XD
  12. I really preferred the old garage interface myself, it was a ton smoother and less clicky to find the info you wanted. Too bad we can't get the *interface* back along with the old garage. xD
  13. At present, the Hunter has Wilk syndrome really bad. As in, you run out of ammo basically immediately, and in every game. It's for all intents and purposes a tracked Wilk with a slightly higher ROF on the gun. That being said, I'm one of those lunatics that actually enjoyed the Wilk as I played through it, soooo...
  14. That's awesome! And it'll let you get rid of the stupid, annoying seasonal garages! :D
  15. Honestly, if they got rid of the weird magazine limit, which basically nothing else has and maybe bumped the performance on the gun, I think it'd be really fun. As it stands, I've got a lot of others I'd play first.
  16. It's just a sabre, really. They added a slightly larger clip on the gun, and called it a tier 7. But it's still basically just a sabre a tier higher.
  17. Nope, it only took what was left of the 2k gold.
  18. Eh, the NM's top-attack missiles make it obnoxiously useful in PVP, though.
  19. I vastly prefer the TUA, mostly for the camo and infantry. Plus, as you mentioned, tier 6, which is hugely better than tier 7 for matchmaking.
  20. Hey, welcome to the forum! Browse around, there's some really good info here!
  21. Cripes, no kidding. There's a LOT of premiums that are flaming trash now compared to ANY Termi.
  22. That right there is one of the largest problems with trying to keep the Wiki updated, we never are quite sure exactly what's changed at any given time, or the values for any given thing.
  23. I'd *super* doubt that's handled user-end. That kind of thing is going to be handled server-side for sure. There's zero reason that would need to be done on the user's PC, and would just be asking for all kinds of abuse.
  24. That'll sure be nice, it's somewhat of a mess description-wise at the moment. :)
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