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Everything posted by Komitadjie

  1. I'd guess UI fuckery, with it reporting wrong spotting. I've personally see it award spotting credit very, very oddly on multiple occasions.
  2. First thought - Woah... did they accidentally make arty not abjectly suck any more? XD
  3. That's a damn good question - we don't know. A formatting thing changed somewhere, it was apparently not intentional.
  4. They're only out for a couple days, they'll be right back. Not sure why THIS problem was big enough for disabling the vehicles instead of just marking it as a known bug, but they'll be fixed and back in the game shortly.
  5. Looks like a pretty good event to me, anyway. Nice and chill, not the hellish grind we've seen lately from the Raids and Battle Paths.
  6. Seven instances? I'm betting seven days for the quest, plus two for a general requirement.
  7. About all you can do is buy additional Hunter crates, since the parts will carry over and be sellable next BP for coins, although the exchange rate is pretty miserable. I did not even bother with the skins missions, just went with the main line since I didn't really care about the skins. I think the BPs in general are worth it, the number of tanks you get for your money is pretty excellent, even if you only play an hour or so a day. However, this one has been decidedly the LEAST rewarding, I think.
  8. Personally, I'd suggest that the only reason she is so currently meta is because she's the only thing *like* that. If you added a range of unique skills, I think you'd see a lot more diversity. I don't think it's as much Ophelia being overpowered, as it is there being nothing even close to like her abilities in the game. If you added *more* unique and interesting commander-specific capabilities, I think you'd see her becoming significantly less meta simply by dint of there *being* other equally unique and game-changing options.
  9. I would particularly emphasize this with buffs that *change* how vehicles are played. Most commanders offer small bonuses to stats. They improve a vehicle, but really don't make any significant difference in play style. A stealth vehicle becomes a very slightly better stealth vehicle, a MBT becomes a slightly better MBT, etc. No actual change. Ophelia is unique because she can actually change HOW a vehicle can be played. You can be FAR more aggressive than you could otherwise. It would be neat, I think, to have the other commanders reworked to offer interesting, unique, and game-changing mechanics as well. Say, give one a cannon overload that gives you one supercharged shot every minute or two. Or let one call in an off-screen artillery strike at the point of aim once every so often. How about a repair burst ability that heals you, or your target for a set amount? Stuff like that. Things that *change* the gameplay, instead of just tweaking stats a little bit.
  10. Dang, I didn't expect it to be quite that high, I would have put a guess in the 80% range. I guess once it drops below critical number in the queue, there's not much point to keep trying to queue, may as well grab some PVEs.
  11. Hey, just out of curiosity, were those player-count numbers adjusted for hour-to-hour performance of the server? I'd imagine getting a PVP Random to queue could be a real challenge with relatively few players, by compared to the five needed for a PVE, leading to a lot more folks going for PVEs to have something to play, instead of playing queue simulator for an hour hoping for a single PVP.
  12. I suspect that's probably part of the same issue.
  13. I've had a few players in randoms that I don't know from Adam, often with Cyrillic names as well, perform amazingly well. One of the more impressive I saw was a 640 (pre armor nerf, when it still had the robust turret) rocking back and forth in front of a half-researched VBR (no APS yet) on Phalanx that was down in that treeline at the bottom of the cliff, trying to spot for the team. I thought he was trolling the VBR and shot-blocking for a minute, but when I looked closer, he was body-blocking for the dude. He'd shove up and let the shots shower on his turret, then back just long enough for the VBR to loose all four missiles, then push up again. Was friggin well-done coordination, and they weren't in a platoon. So they must have just figured it out on the fly. Was impressive to see, and they both came away with a darn good score.
  14. Yeah, from the very beginning, the BWP has had a bit wonky missiles. They take some range to start flying to center and guiding properly.
  15. Yeah... AW doesn't have the variety or capability that WT does in that respect, unfortunately.
  16. Well, the problem there is that it doesn't encourage ever buying more than just one or two premiums at most. If all it does is let you farm a bit better, all you need is one good farming vehicle. That's not a particularly useful marketing strategy.
  17. Smud's on point with that one, grinding just one line over and over gets really darn boring pretty quick. I personally liked having three or four lines I was progressing at a time, especially since that meant I could catch more 2x games a day for progression. The rebalance is really kind of up in the air, we've got no idea what's going to end up happening, so as far as tech tree stuff, I'd be tempted to just carry on as though nothing was gonna happen at all. They might end up better, or worse, but we just don't know enough to really make a good call yet.
  18. This doesn't actually answer the question, though - Why would someone pay money, or spend the inordinate amounts of time required to get the battle path premiums, to acquire a tank that is no different or better than one they can get for far less effort? These have to be marketable or desirable as well, which means they have to have some kind of selling point. "Here, have this Bradley with a different model" isn't really all that special or desirable. Rather, it might be for a small handful of collectors, but not the wide base of players you need to make money with a premium tank.
  19. Incidentally, there actually is no such thing as a "timed" ban that we use. We will mute for a timed duration, or ban outright. Most folks here have talked with me in a number of other Discords, both official and unofficial, and generally will have a reasonably good feel for my style and chosen methods. Hell, I'm certainly not disagreeing that the game has problems, it's continually being adjusted and updated to address them as possible, including some major stuff coming up, as everyone is well aware. But that really isn't germane to the point - generally, "be a douche to people, you'll get whacked." The level of whacking typically relating more or less directly to the level or repetition of said douchebaggery. If you're not happy with the style of the official discord? Well... tough cookies, I guess. Most folks here know that we don't moderate with a particularly heavy hand, we *want* the place to have a good, running discussion. If we banned everyone that complained? Uhm... well, I'd have to *start* with me, and work down the list of basically every member of the chat. XD
  20. I'd suspect "useless" in almost all cases, although there's a few maps with tight enough funnels that it could be super-obnoxious. I personally would like to see it retain the SAMs. Specifically, I'd like it to keep the SAM, with the missile carrying a HE-mechanic warhead, but perhaps called something different. The warhead would have enormous alpha, 5k or so, so that it will absolutely decimate helicopters, drones, ACs and the like... but it will have only about 5mm of pen, and extremely little or no spalling, in order to best simulate a high-shrapnel warhead design with a proximity or super-quick nose fuse. It would wipe out infantry as well as a 152mm HE shell, but would do very little damage to even lightly armored vehicles like the missile jeeps, and none what-so-ever to anything with armor rated for fragmentation or small-arms protection. I think it'd be kind of cool, since that would be something that would not require any new mechanics, working within the existing HE mechanic, and would be totally unique to the game. Limited use, yes, but we have many very niche vehicles right now, and it would still retain all of the listed abilities for ground combat. Just gain a unique mechanic that nothing else has.
  21. One of the other things that comes up a fair bit, is that some folks don't understand the difference between a short-duration mute and a ban. The majority of the bans I personally have issued (virtually all, to get insta-banned you tend to have to do something REALLY against TOS, posting porn, scams etc) started with one or more mutes from a couple hours to a few days. Very often we will use a mute to end a problem, we KNOW folks get salty from time to time, it's part of life, and an enforced cool-down usually resolves the issue with no further trouble, and they come back after the mute expires to generally be just fine in the chat. But we often seem to have folks not understanding that a 1-day mute is *not* a ban, and will instantly start raging at us in DMs. Obviously, that does not tend to end well for their continued existence in the chat. Incidentally, you're *highly* unlikely to come up with anything we haven't heard of before, and unless you call us nazis and threaten us with "talking to the devs" we know you don't even care. xD
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