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About ItsTheGhost87

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    #1 Anzio High School Fan
  • Birthday December 9

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  1. unfortunately doesn't seem to work, tried deleting all the PublicParam settings in the .mtl (other than the hull which i already did to get the right UV orientation) and nothing's changed
  2. back again for another issue AW has cursed upon me something i noticed with the M41 that i *thought* i fixed seems to also happen with every skin i do: whenever i add a layer to the .dds, add a color, etc. the colors go all inverted and i have to fiddle with hue, saturation, etc. in order to get it somewhat resembling right, so i was wondering if i did something wrong or if there's an easier way to fix this (also, the colors are all fine and look right before i edit anything as seen with the cannon)
  3. thanks, and yeah i will upscale the skin resolution in the future (might actually return to redo the M41 since now that i look back at it, it could be a lot better)
  4. M41 has been uploaded, post has been edited for formality alongside download links and a gallery
  5. yeah, especially since (as far as i know) modding AW is still "unofficial" and at the very least it's prohibited from being even talked about on the discord i do hope to do some more skins in my own free time after MASFETTV since there's still quite a lot i want to do but for the sake of time/completing the project i can't at the moment
  6. thanke so much, it is a good enough start for now however things might/probably will slow down when i need to do more complicated camouflage schemes since by then i'll basically need to figure out fully how to get the models from AW into substance painter
  7. small update just to show that i'm properly committing to this: M41 is almost ready to begin skinning, just need to quickly-ish figure out how to UV the wheels since i need to change their color, hopefully the FV107 will go much quicker now that i know what to do will only post again once both the Bulldog and FV107 are done to upload the files and edit the description also as a slight side note, the images i send via replies/in the future MAY look a bit scuffed due to needing to compress them
  8. yep it worked, once again thanks for the help man
  9. back again with another issue, this time: the .dds files don't align properly at all unlike what's shown in the image, and despite rotating and flipping said UVs i can never get them to line up at this point i can't tell if AW is just cursing me or i'm being really dumb
  10. yep that did the trick, thanks so much (thought i wouldn't need to unpack textures_hi since i assumed it was just optional higher quality versions of the UVs)
  11. currently trying to learn skinning AW myself, and i've ran into a slight issue i have zero clue what's going on, but the DDSunsplit tool seems to only work with certain vehicles (so far the PLZ-05, M109, and AMX-40/50 work), and refuses to do anything with any other DDS files i try (i have all the plugins and such installed to the best of my knowledge)
  12. yeah, the true scale of this is kinda catching up to me but i'll at the very least do Wolfli and Shishkin if i can't find motivation to do the rest; thanks for the info & resources btw (and sorry about the "not many historical skins" part, i wrote this post and the plan at like 12-1 AM last night so i'll definitely edit it (what i meant to say was that compared to like WT there's not really a lot of modded skins for AW, didn't mean to diss anyone's work here (especially yours and tahax's) since they're all absolutely amazing)
  13. Project: MASFETTV (Making A Skin For Every Tech Tree Vehicle) What is Project: MASFETTV? As the title/acronym states, MASFETTV is a project to give every tech tree (non-premium) vehicle in-game a skin from Sol Schreiber to Oscar Faraday. The objective of this project is both to motivate myself to make something meaningful alongside giving some love to more underused/underappreciated vehicles. What's the plan for the project? The current plan or order of operations is to do each tech tree in order of prominence/use, starting off first with Wolfli (NATO vehicles), then Shishkin (Eastern Bloc), and then down the line to Faraday until coming back to Schreiber. For the skins themselves, one will be created per vehicle UNLESS the vehicle has a major appearance change such as ERA packages. Including to this, the skins will be as historically accurate as possible both in application and the content of the skin itself (the skin will be of the same model of vehicle shown ingame with some exceptions (vehicles that are a mishmash of variants (M41 Walker Bulldog), theoretical (Centauro 120 w/ ERA), or misnamed (Object 906 being named PT-85)). How long will this take? idk Estimated time per skin is around 2 days depending on the difficulty/intricacy. However, as I do have college coming up soon in October progress will probably slow down (but not stop entirely, hopefully). How can I contribute? At the moment, the best way you can help is giving me possible ideas for future vehicle skins since as of now I'm just going off of my own intuition/thinking what would be the best to represent the skinned vehicle. Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lLhM0m5TyhUu4tJnjtGtcM64knIRcFVH?usp=drive_link Gallery: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16uxg6bBK0gSXWp6JGm58eFyXUmkzfwHKBb-0sh66thA/pub Recent Updates Update 1.1.1: Added the M41 Walker Bulldog ("Dreadnought", 34th Armor Regiment, Panama Canal, 1962). colors may look a bit off since i forgot to test the colors in the simplified hangar, but it looks normal when in battle
  14. managed to replace the Stains pattern with the Chinese digital, and tbh i think this is about as close as i can get because there is no way in hell i'm doing digital camo manually on a texture
  15. damn, had a feeling that'd be the case since WoWS does the same (albeit with publicly available files); was worth a shot though
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