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Everything posted by knutliott

  1. [7:57 PM] пушистый колодец: This is exactly like pubs, except on a grander scale [7:57 PM] пушистый колодец: You have people who want to work towards a common goal [7:57 PM] пушистый колодец: And people who just want to do whatever they want [7:58 PM] пушистый колодец: And people who actively spread chaos I said pretty much exactly this in some chat/forum somewhere as soon as the new Storyline Campaign was announced. These large group activities tend to go sideways almost immediately because there's a significant percentage of the playerbase that just wants to cause chaos and watch the world burn. They will deliberately coordinate to make the worst choices so that they can laugh as everyone else then struggles to recover from their bad decisions. The Prototypes are basically a given - it's easily the most played and most popular tier. Enjoy trying to do 200 missions a month!
  2. It also sounds like its armor is going to be worse, though the numbers might not bear that out. The Marder's armor is deceptively good. The silhouette also looks lower which might help it make better use of bushes, and both its VR and its camo are better than the Marder's. Not that camo is all that useful on a vehicle that has an AC as its main weapon, but the MkIV can at least make some use of it by resorting to missiles.
  3. Oops, it's not the Ramka, it's the Terminator 2. Still a pretty OP vehicle in PvE at Tier 9, but not on the same level of OP as the Ramka is at Tier 8. Yes it's been confirmed. I don't have a screenshot, unfortunately.
  4. I get the on-paper arguments for Euro MBTs, but disagree entirely because of the Ramka and 2017 being included in the modern Russian category. Those two vehicles are so OP that by rights it should tilt everyone toward that category. 10% of other things here or there is nowhere close to out-weighing the strength of the Ramka and 2017 in PvE, which - let's be honest - is where a vast majority of Storyline games are going to be played. I really hope we don't have a bunch of PvP players arguing for the Euro tanks because they're better in PvP. Who cares? 90+% of these games will be PvE so in this case picking the strongest PvE option is what matters. Choose the broken AF Terminators.
  5. Something else that could use confirmation is whether or not you have to win your 80 battles. It doesn't look like it - "simply play at least 80 battles" - but it wouldn't hurt to have that confirmed.
  6. For the Prologue, you need 80 missions in any combination of any of the listed vehicles. So you would only need 80 missions in the T-14 152, not 200. Those adjustments/bonuses only apply to future events during the Storyline Campaign, and are only if that class of vehicles is chosen during the Prologue.
  7. Mod edit: shameless plug, if people want to coordinate the campaign (ie. want to all play towards the same goals) I would highly encourage everyone to join our Discord server for instant information and strategy talks. Our Discord server can be found here: https://discord.gg/scTRpBb Also added a poll to make coordinating easier. -H Everything you need to know for the storyline campaign: https://aw.my.games/en/about/storyline-campaign CURRENT MISSIONS: https://aw.my.games/en/mission-training Episode 1 stuff: https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/storyline-campaign-episode-1-now-available Campaign Mechanics: FAQ Prologue stuff:
  8. Interesting... to me it looks strictly worse than the Stingray 2. I'll take a RR over a clip any day if they're otherwise roughly equivalent, and since the CV has lower damage than the Stingray it doesn't have enough of a DPM advantage in burst mode to matter. Derpy gun? I've never experienced that in the Stingray 2. It's actually my favorite light tank for Tier 8 Spec Ops... I use it instead of the Buford or whatever else is available at T8.
  9. I'm #977 on the list. I do like the concept of a Storyline Campaign, but their execution (as is pretty much always the case) is lacking. I really don't like how they change the requirements after you've started because that's bad 2 ways. Some players will have started playing and now don't like the requirements, so they will quit. Others will have never started because they didn't like the original requirements, and are now so far behind that they feel its futile. Pretty much all of my PvP and GLOPS missions were to complete the original Storyline Campaign, and I really hated having to do them. We were promised that we'd be able to complete the campaign in any mode, but they changed their minds and required all modes. They can make changes like that during a RAID or Battle Path as well, but since those are shorter (dramatically shorter in the case of a RAID) they're less likely to do so. Why bother? The event will be over in 1-3 months anyway. But a year-long Storyline Campaign? I feel like we're basically guaranteed to see major changes to the rules and requirements along the way. That really makes me not want to bother. But... it's free, so I registered. We'll see.
  10. 18 seconds feels a lot too long to me for the 5-shot clip, but the intra-clip rate is fast enough that it might work out. 400 damage per shot is kinda pathetic at Tier 7... 450 feels pretty weak on the Expeditionary Tank at Tier 6, for example. The Stingray 2 at Tier 7 is a better comparison, and it gets 430 damage with 640 pen with 4 rounds and a 2-second intra-clip, and that's with a ready rack not a clip. Its full reload is 20 seconds, but you can interrupt that any time you need to fire because it's a ready rack. Also, 430/640 feels pretty pathetic in the Stingray 2 which is why I only carry HEAT in mine. 500/770 with HEAT only feels decent because the burst is good and it's a ready rack. So honestly, the 12-shot clip feels like the better option to me. 2.5 seconds intra-clip is still pretty good, and if you're going to have to hide to reload anyway you might as well have 12 shots to start with and then hide for 30 seconds. (Or, more likely, around 22 seconds fully upgraded.) Loaded with HEAT that's likely to be pretty devastating in PvE where the bots come in waves and you can reload between waves.
  11. I registered, but honestly I doubt that this is going to be something I want to do. 1. 21 games per week? For 52 weeks? Talk about grind-fests. Sure, that's totally doable for a shorter duration, but an entire fucking year? 2. I strongly suspect this is going to require PvP to "complete" at an individual level. The last Storyline Campaign did. That's a hard no for me. 3. As the last Storyline Campaign proved (towards the end), there exist a significant number of players who just want chaos and so will deliberately "make the wrong choice" just to make things more difficult. There were a couple of clear choices in the last Storyline Campaign where the "easy/right" answer was obvious, but these players intentionally chose the "harder/wrong" option just for the luls.
  12. IIRC the Scorpion Kastet is basically the same type/style of vehicle, but is superior in every way except for top speed in reverse.
  13. First, you should probably be using Vincent Girard as your commander for the Challenger series, because he has mobility boosts that really help these unwieldy tanks. He can also boost health by nearly 15% which is nice on any MBT but especially good on Challengers and Merkavas because they already have large health pools to start with. Girard can put a Chally over 5K health. I use Douglas for most of my MBTs, but Vincent for the Challys and Merkavas. Second, retrofits will depend on both how you plan and what game mode you're playing. I can only comment on PvE because that's all I play. PvE is all about doing as much damage as you can as quickly as you can, so retrofits are generally chosen with that in mind. That's done with gun retrofits and vision retrofits (you can't shoot if you can't see). In PvE, every vehicle should be using the Improved Gun Breach v2 retrofit which increases rate of fire by 12.5%. It's the single best retrofit for PvE and short of some really weird corner cases I can't think of any vehicle that doesn't benefit from having it installed. After that I look at the vehicle's accuracy and aim time. I prefer accuracy to be below 0.10 and aim time to be below 2.0 seconds (preferably 1.5 seconds). So if those need adjusting, I use the appropriate retrofits. Then I'll slot in the visual range enhancements if I still have room. I generally do not use chassis or turret retrofits because in PvE you rarely need them. If you've gotten into a position where either of those is necessary, you've probably made a major mistake and you need to learn to avoid that rather than wasting a retrofit slot on a preventative measure. Both are similar to the aim time retrofit in that they help you come to bear on target faster, but aim time is always useful (for literally every shot) whereas chassis and turret enhancements are only occasionally useful (once you're pointed in the right direction you no longer need them until you move again). That said, if your play style is to get in close and brawl with the enemy, then they can be very useful. So you have to keep in mind how you play when choosing retrofits.
  14. I just don't understand people. The XM1A3 doesn't exist, either, even on paper. Neither does the Leopard 2AX. But those are okay while the Kornet D1 isn't? The D1 is a logical mishmash of parts in the same vein as the MTLB or Sabre. To me, that makes it realistic and that's all I really care about. SMH.
  15. Had someone tell me I was an asshole the other day because I was doing too much damage in my Terminator 2017. 1.) His platoon (and battalion) mate had more damage then me at the time, and was also in a Terminator 2017. 2.) I needed to be top damage so that my damage would count for a RAID mission. 3.) I also needed 15 kills because my weekly contract mission was to collect Destroyer medals. I told him where he could stuff his opinion and that it wasn't my fault that the devs created missions that require us to dominate in games. Blame the devs for the mission design, not the players for just trying to complete the missions as assigned.
  16. I received the Taran and kitted it out (including paying to level up the crew) and then played it. It's decent, but like anything else in that tier range it can't complete with a York or Shilka. Sure you can snipe kills easily, but a York or Shilka will get 2 more kills while you reload so they don't even really notice that you sniped them. Oddly, 750-ish damage seems low but I guess is actually about right. I guess I just expect more from a big boom like that. The reload doesn't seem too bad with a full kit. I was even using Erin as the commander because the Taran has good camo to start with. With Erin you don't even get spotted when you fire. Not something I'll play much if at all simply because the York exists. If I'm going to play Tier 5, I'll play my York.
  17. Based on discussions that I had with some moderators on the official Discord, the event allegedly did in fact start the day of the patch and the "2nd Day" started just a few hours later. (2:00 pm PDT aka 5 pm EDT aka 23:00 CEST.) I was lucky enough to notice this and get in my 3 victories over lunch on patch day, but it was quite an annoyance. I say "allegedly" above because I did not receive the Day 1 rewards on (meaning right after) Day 1. I didn't receive them until the next day, though that was still technically Day 2 of the event and so could still be seen as "after the end of each day ".
  18. Abrams AGDS has another sad. Seriously, 8 Kornets with the best camo in the game, built on a tiny little BMD chassis, gets 48 rounds while the AGDS built on one of the larger MBT chassis is still stuck with 24? WTAF? BALANS! BALANS ALL DAY!!!
  19. Yeah this is perhaps the best feature of this event - what most people would probably consider the "main" prize only requires participation on 11 of the 31 days. Though... dat Liberator skin is pretty sweet!
  20. Source: https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/now-available-lilac-and-steel NEWS NOW AVAILABLE: LILAC AND STEEL APR 29TH | 2021 Commanders! The celebrations of an anniversary of the end of the Second World War are fast approaching and, for the occasion, we’ve prepared a special event, in which you can win exciting prizes, including the SU-152 Taran Tier 5 Premium Tank Destroyer. The theme of the event is the 1945 liberation from Nazism and the prizes were designed to match with the Lilac flower and armor being the main symbols. You can read more about that topic in our article dedicated to the Liberator skin. The event now available and you can access it by pressing the Event button in your Garage. Its rules are very simple. Complete the daily objective by destroying 5 enemy vehicles in a single PvE battle or 1 player vehicle in PvP (while driving a Tier 3 vehicle or higher) in order to receive a reward for every stage of the event. These rewards include: SU-152 Taran Tier 5 Premium Tank Destroyer (read more) Liberator skin for SU-152 Taran (read more) 2 Titles Flag Base Paint 7 days of Premium Time Please note: This event may run concurrently with other events and is available to all players You may only complete one objective per day The event starts on April 29 and ends on May 29 We hope that you will enjoy this event and will see you on the battlefield! PSA: There are potentially 31 "days" in the event, but only if you play reasonably promptly at the start of the first day (today) and the last day, and you're in a time zone that can exploit the fact that the server is in Amsterdam. I did my first mission at 10:00 am PDT this morning, at which time it said there were 29 days 16 hours left in the event. Once I completed the mission, it said the next stage would unlock in 7 hours. So at that point I had 1 "day" done and would still have the opportunity to do 30 more, but the 30th "day" would only be 9 hours long and start at 17:00 PDT. Depending on your time zone, that last "day" could be really short.
  21. Because VR is a game mechanic, not a simulation of real life. It has nothing to do with how far the vehicle's crew can see, but rather how far away they can detect enemy vehicles in a manner that is balanced for the game. Whether or not they are tuned correctly is an entirely different question. No, the penalty they pay in exchange for their vision is the fact that they're squishy. They lose armor and health to gain vision range and speed. Like Haswell said, MBTs can't have good vision or there'd be no point in playing any other class of vehicles. They already have too high of DPM in my opinion, making gun TDs basically irrelevant. You could give MBTs more vision, but then you'd have to nerf their armor and/or health at which point you'd have... a Light Tank.
  22. Your 100% confidence is unfounded since you claim to be playing a tank that doesn't exist. The MBT-70 was not changed. Haswell probably guessed it correctly - you were probably playing the KPz70 and only thought you were playing the MBT-70. Assuming you own it... because like the MBT-70, there is only a Premium version of the KPz70.
  23. That's too bad... I'd have loved to have gotten some of those skins. They're very nice. But this Raid format requires far too much grinding for me to be able to complete it. It's ridiculous, so I won't even bother. Perhaps I'll manage to complete 10 contracts before it's over and get the free Tier 5.
  24. Agreed, but this does make a more logical progress. Tiers 1-3 are "easy" only, Tiers 4-6 are the transition from "easy" to "hard" and you can play both to get used to "hard" while you grind, and Tiers 7-10 are "hard" only. I do think that reducing the number of queues overall is a good thing. There were still people playing Standard at Tiers 7-10, and now they'll be added to the Hardcore queue which should help queue times. Same for Tiers 1-3, where people played both difficulties. Not that much of anyone plays Tiers 1-3 these days.
  25. It took me probably 8-10 passes through the list to get them ordered roughly correctly because their input method, which requires one to rate each map on a scale of 1-10, takes up too much space. Just give us a list of all the missions and have us drag-and-drop them into ranked order from best to worst. Or something like that. Having to rate each map individually means you're going to get a lot of meaningless input as people just click randomly to get it done. I used the entire range of numbers and mentally labeled them along these lines: 1 = never play (Ghost Hunter only) 2 = deeply dislike this mission, likely autoskip 3 = will skip unless I've already waited to skip something else, then might grudgingly play 4 = I'll play it if I have to, but will skip it if the wait for the next mission is short 5 = I'll play it but I won't be enthusiastic about it 6 = Meh. These usually have something wrong with them that forces me to pay attention for at least part of the mission, but I don't mind playing them. 7 = These are good, solid missions. Happy to play them. 8 = I like this mission 9 = I love this mission, likely autoplay 10 = always play (Harbinger and Perseus only) Note that I didn't factor rewards into my rankings, as those are fairly meaningless to me at this point. I know I'm not the richest person playing AW, but I have over 1B credits so who cares if a mission earns 80k or 60k? (I rarely use any kind of Premium or boost.) The one map I had a hard time rating was Raiding Party. I ended up rating it a 5, but that's only because it is too short. Given another 60-90 seconds on the timer I'd probably have Raiding Party as an 8 because it's actually a great mission. Everyone has a job to do - and can do it - and there are multiple ways to go about completing the mission. But as it is currently set up, unless everyone knows the mission and understands how to work together, you're going to run out of time and lose. A mission that requires randumbs to pay attention and work together to be successful is too hard - that's what SpecOps is for.
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