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Everything posted by Arto

  1. Despite your efforts, a second thread does not make the turret fit the turret ring.
  2. Arto


    The turret ring doesn't match.
  3. You're looking for leopard2a7_cannon_rm130.cgf from the leopard2-140 folder. Unless you're also using my 2AX mod, which nodraws the original gun via .mtl files and uses a renamed copy for location readjustment. Then you want to use leopard2a7_cannon_130.cgf
  4. I mean... kind of. I did that twice already with the Leo 2AX into 2A7 (far easier, same hull after all) and the PL-01 into Anders mutant (similiar enough suspension). The issue is - you cannot replace the suspension and somewhat more obviously you cannot change the turret location. So for a full visual replacement you need to find not only something that has the suspension line up close enough, the turret location also has to match.
  5. oh yeah, mudflaps are cringe and unhistorical btw
  6. Improved barrel lining is Gun Breech v3 technically. You cannot stack them, just like you can't stack breech v1 and v2.
  7. Removes the hexagon texture from all Titan skins for a cleaner look
  8. Restores the cut Barracuda skins for M1128 MGS, LAV-600, Wiesel TOW and Wiesel HOT. As an extra Stryker ADATS also gets hull net. Takes all base paints and camo.
  9. You don't want to replace the model file directly, instead you'll want to use the attachment system in the .cdf to use 140 instead of 130. Swapping models is a big can of worms.
  10. A ton of different voices at different volumes and different filtering, as if there were 30 people in the same tank, using different radio equipment... Sorry man, I recognize how much work modding the voice lines is, but this is garbage to listen to.
  11. Small but significant and probably final update.
  12. If you provide me with the relevant voice files and an english translation for them, sure.
  13. Maybe you'd understand better if you read the name of the topic or the section of the forum we are in. But maybe that's too "big" for you.
  14. Because we, the modders, are not the developers? We do not have access to the tools that they use? Jesus fucking christ.
  15. It isn't possible to import new models into Armored Warfare as of right now. Even if it was, what you're requesting is basically making a whole new model and textures from scratch. You know... things people get paid for. Please do some research before you ask.
  16. No, because a netting model does not exist for the CR2 in the game.
  17. Possibly? I have not noticed a slowdown on SSD.
  18. You don't have to do anything with mods when the game updates because we're using the localization system to effectively inject new content. You don't have to reinstall mods ever unless they change the file system someday.
  19. No support for adding into a.xml, sadge
  20. no, the panels are fixed to the CV90 hull. My first idea was to replace the PL-01 with CV90, I can replace everything but the suspension - however the PL-01 suspension is actually nothing like CV90, despite being built on top of one irl. Blame Obsidian's modelling on that I guess. Either way the CV90 doesn't fit on the suspension.
  21. Derivatsiya being priced as a tier 9 is intended. As everything in this fucking circus.
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