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Everything posted by Haswell

  1. I recognize Rei and Asuka, who's the third?
  2. Do you like old or new Evangelion better? No one is allowed to like the remakes
  3. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/maintenance-july-9-0
  4. This is true for ReShade but not other Magnifier programs, which is why I commented that ReShade is a lot less clunkier than other options. Overall it's a gimmick and likely useless for most people, but in the rare case that someone do want extra zoom levels it's an option for them. Not ideal, but better than nothing at least.
  5. It is possible to use ReShade to implement a fairly seamless 3rd person zoom. This makes vehicles without native sniper view (ahem, arty) more pleasant to play, since it will be easier to hit distant targets with direct fire mode. Different vehicles also have different zoom levels in the game for whatever reason, this magnifying feature is a somewhat crude method to bring parity between low zoom and high zoom vehicles. Definitely has potential for good gameplay enhancements. Note that before ReShade the magnifying effect can already be done using nothing but Microsoft Magnifier (which comes with every single Windows installation since Win98), but it is clunky to use and suffers from input lag. ReShade has zero input lag, but the image quality suffers a bit.
  6. Done, just report spam posts next time.
  7. Since NERA are so incredibly resistant to fire, are there any situations where you'd want to try to break down the NERA blocks rather than to aim at existing weak spots? From the earlier test it felt like too much time would be wasted trying to break NERA.
  8. It's not so much that old players are already sitting on stockpiles of free XP and credits, it's that the economy is too rewarding towards players who perform poorly. Assuming hardcore PvE, even if a player only performs average at best they would still be getting a not insignificant amount of XP. This gets even worse with premium time and boosters and insignias, all of which drop like candy and players are encouraged to stack up those bonuses. Failing your way to tier 10 is a completely viable playstyle, which isn't healthy for the game to begin with. I understand the lack of XP and credit bonuses is an attempt to flatten out the stockpiles, but one thing to note is that the majority of players who already have said stockpiles probably wouldn't notice the difference with or without the bonuses either way. On the other hand new players have to suffer through the harsher economy, because playing in pubs simply don't pay well unless you chase after the spec ops x4, which is a lot harder to do below tier 7 due to the lack of players overall. Tier 9-10 vehicles can easily be ground out in heroics assuming you have competent friends (which is another reason I want to coach more newbies to the art of heroics), so really the lack of bonuses are only hurting new players and not much else.
  9. You sourced that from Korean Random right? I've been trying to use the SFFS unpacker for a while, but I can't get the sniffer to work for the decryption key.
  10. That's the plan, moderation will still remain minimal as it has been so far. This is just to make sure if/when bad things happen we are prepared to deal with it, because panic and emergency mod recruitment just look terrible. Ideally both, but preference leans heavily on the Discord side right now due to the rapid-fire nature of instant messaging. Moderators will have authority on both the forum and Discord, because splitting them up right now is just unnecessarily complicated.
  11. Even the most ideal self-moderating community will require the occasional policing from time to time, if nothing else but to keep the community running smoothly and enjoyable for everyone involved. Both the ArmoredLabs forum and the Discord server have been exemplary in having no more than two instances where I had to step in to give stern talks, and I literally have not had to punish anyone for anything so far. That being said, the forum and Discord server have grown quite quickly over the past several months, with over 200 users on each end and dozens of them actively participating. There are virtually no gaps of inactivity as we have users spanning across every time zone (and some with screwy sleep schedules). I trust every user to behave themselves, but I am also limited in availability as I go to sleep in case something do happen and require my immediate attention. ArmoredLabs is now recruiting TWO active moderators to keep our forum and Discord server orderly. The workload will be minimal as everyone are still behaving themselves exceptionally well, so this is more or a preemptive move to bring in extra pairs of eyes before we grow too big and our self-moderation start falling apart. The recruitment process will be as follows: June 28 - July 11 Nomination phase: each user can nominate other users (including themselves) to become candidates. There are no limits, but including reasons for the nominations would be nice. Note that nominees can either accept or refuse the nomination. Lack of response will be interpreted as implied refusal. July 12 - July 25 Voting phase: nominees who voiced their acceptance will be placed on a poll for users to vote on. Again, it would be nice to include reasons for your votes, but you can also stay silent and vote anonymously if you prefer. Don't vote for yourself obviously, self votes will be voided. July 26 - hopefully before August Finalizing phase: I'll vet the winning candidates and contact them so they can get their mod tags. I know I have the final say, but I will respect the wishes of the community for as much as I can. That is, assuming your wishes aren't to turn ArmoredLabs into a circus. This thread will serve as the nomination thread for the nomination phase, please nominate your moderator candidates here. Nominees can accept or refuse their nominations here. Discussions are welcomed of course.
  12. Contrary to what some people believe, flags and custom images don't take a very long time to develop. You can make your own custom flags today to make yourself feel happy about spending 10k gold on unlocking flags! Unpack the files as outlined in the basic guide Navigate to gamesdk\objects\vehicles\textures_universal\flags_vehicles Find a flag you want to replace with your own custom image. Any of the existing flags will work, but preferably one you already own. The dimensions of flags are fixed, so you will have to do some resizing to make your custom image fit within the boundaries. Fortunately they are all laid out for you. You can replace anything within the black bars. Literally just paste whatever you want into the colored areas. Save it, go in-game, enjoy your brand new meme flags! You can create your own personal or battalion flags this way, with endless possibilities. Keep your NSFW flags to yourself obviously. My example flag if anyone wants to meme it: https://mega.nz/file/AERnEYJB#7VzDqKoyGZ5Ad-na8mtnu8mNNB2OlYeZSTQ3FCNWp20
  13. Hunter boxes are now available, for a limited time. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/now-available-hunter-afv Please, PLEASE, resist the urge to buy the boxes right now. The limited sale periods are designed to prey on the psychology of fear of missing out (FOMO), tempting people into making rash decisions by encouraging less time to think and consider whether it's wise to invest into what amounts to be gambling. It is almost guaranteed that the boxes will be available again during the BP, as it would be an extremely stupid marketing decision to manufacture artificial scarcity without capitalizing it in order to make more sales. We may not know the direction of the game development, but we can always trust the greed of the publisher to predict their monetization patterns. Please don't fall for the fear of missing out, this is almost certainly not the only time the boxes will be available. Wait for the vehicles to be tweaked and balanced first, then decide whether it's worth investing your time and effort (and money) into them.
  14. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/maintenance-june-25 Still nothing on smoke fixes...
  15. From Discord (https://discord.com/channels/301850249977266178/714881611635753051/724231994178797639)
  16. Looks like infantry stats didn't make it in.
  17. Apparently I missed the bit about boxes only available for limited periods. It's almost like they know the Hunter won't have too much appeal, so they are artificially increasing the popularity of the lootboxes with limited sale periods. Meh.
  18. More interesting stuff this time, I'm highlighting the bits I found really interesting. Support vehicles were discussed, but deemed problematic because they will either be essential or useless. No plans to give Pinbad arty view. Base are WIP, but concepts hinted earlier got shelved due to issues. SPAAG will stay as AFVs. There won't be any more progression SPAAGs however. No MLRS class because it will always be broken. (note: what the hell is the Pinbad then?) York may get rebalanced. Swimming/fording/snorkling for amphibious vehicles won't be added, there aren't any maps to make it useful. Current MG mechanics are final. No plans to make premium commanders more diverse. Camo net skins are silly expensive to produce, so there won't be a lot of vehicles with them. No plans for "free limited BP". (note: the Raid was probably a stab at that, and it was flat out terrible) Crush damage is gimmicky, devs don't want to rework it into an actual tactic. 0.33 will come with vehicle remodels, including the T-72B. Nork Tonk is overperforming. Type 74 and Type 10 are okay right now. There will be a new, large PvP map this year. Desert setting. No plans for a horde or tower defense mode in 2020. GLOPS is inherently imbalanced, has core gameplay flaws and not very popular. Development for GLOPS is effectively finished, don't expect big changes. Arty in GLOPS in 0.33, maybe. There will be another Raid. (note: oh god please no) XP packs aren't needed because of the abundance of boosters available already. No historical battles, they are too political and hard to balance. Camo paint system is finalized, no plans to allow skinned vehicles to be unskinned. No plans for more Japanese vehicles. Some mobility tweaks are planned for 0.33. No plans to lengthen the respawn timer, because players may abuse it for AFKing. No plans to give arty direct fire mode/view. No MG for the Shadow. Maybe for the 2AX. Planned overhaul of vehicles to make older ones more relevant, in order to reduce powercreep. SS isn't happy with the way Spec Ops is handled and ended. Devs are in charge of future plans. Infantry stats will be expanded upon in the next hotfix. Devs are satisfied with the NERA mechanics so far. Adding MGs to AFVs was a funny mistake, but they won't be removed. No KSTAM mechanic for the K2, it was tested and doesn't work. Some new PvE missions will be based on Spec Ops maps. Fog of war coming to Ranked. (note: probably hiding the enemy team comp until they get spotted) No plans for a better dirt toggle because the system took a lot of dev time already. (note: just mod it out) Termi 2K replacement was controversial even internally, no plans to replace other existing premium vehicles. No plans for map blacklists or manual picking in any mode. 0.33 in late August/early September, probably. Partnerships with other brands/companies are very expensive, so don't expect to see high profile stuff. Tier 9 and 10 rebalance in 0.33/0.34. SS isn't happy with the current tester/playtesting approach, but the devs are in charge. It's not known how to even spin the next BP. (note: probably means there's no story yet) No plans for new progression commanders, there are already enough choices. After the current Spec Ops ends, all the previous Spec Ops may be added to the weekly rotation. Type 89 contract will last until the end of August, then it will be replaced. No plans to add more heroic maps, not enough players play it to justify the amount of work required. No mod tools for skins and garages. Playerbase is too small to benefit from an official modding community. (note: it's up to modders to produce magic then) Hitbox skins are big no noes. (note: seriously, don't do it. Don't ruin everything for everyone.) Tiger Claw isn't so much as broken as it is simply unpleasant to play. It is available on the CN server currently. No plans to rework it unless the CN server starts complaining. No plans to add AI infantry to other PvE maps. (note: what about the stupid contract daily mission?) Raw dump:
  19. There's an overprogression module to tweak the missiles so that they can be double tapped. Overall the stats suggest it's more similar to a big fat Bradley than the Fatback. Could be fun, but I don't see myself using it too often when the Fatback has far higher DPM and ammo capacity.
  20. Prices for the Hunter lootboxes are available, courtesy of the RU side. 25% increase in price compared to the previous BP. Source: https://vk.com/wall-100099393_71238
  21. Bots being able to use RR properly may potentially turn currently meh vehicles into pretty big threats. Stingrays and Merks in particular will have the potential to delete unsuspecting pubbies much like Swingfires do, since they can dump out 2k damage in about 10 seconds. RCR and XM1A3 will also be able to double tap people. ATGM noise changes MIGHT make low tiers slightly more bearable, but I highly doubt Swingfires will start missing.
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