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Everything posted by Ivo

  1. Shadow should be in a tier of it's own. Seeing it next to vehicles which actually can do damage and/or spotting is hularious
  2. *Just when you think they can't get lazier, they sell you the exact same thing promoting it as new*
  3. Thanks a lot for this! This QnA was too long for me and couldn't be bothered after i read the first 50min of it
  4. I think there should be a balance of PvP and PvE. Playing against bots all day gets really boring and that's when ppl go to PvP(randoms or globs). Honestly I'm not sure if AW's dev team will ever strike a good balance between PvP and PvE if they don't change the way the AI tanks are classified - so that they aren't affected by the player tank changes, or at least give the AI debuffs and put it somewhere in the menu for the players to know what is different in the AI's tanks compared to the Player's, because if they make pvp changes now - that will buff the bots too. All of us already hate being nuked by 999 ATGMs and the constant T-15s spawning as if it's super easy to manufacture them those tanks are annoying in pve but are easy to deal with in pvp.
  5. Dayum, good work! This is actually really freaking nice!
  6. SS himself said that 60-80% of the players play PVE, why the fuck are they forcing such massive changes to all the tanks to suit PVP???
  7. If you're going to make it impossible to destroy the fuel tanks, make it so that when somebody is ammo racked THEY DIE! Like it's suppost to be working! Not just taking 600-1000 damage!
  8. Welcome to my shop - BootlegCamosCIO, where everything is free! My name is Ivo, I'll be your host and here are the items I can offer to you today, ladies and gentlemen! I made different skins for the game, replacing the "Drought 1" file (camo with 3 colors, so 3 colors change with the different seasons), since it's the easiest to unlock. I'm kinda new player, so I don't have many skins nor paint colors, so whoever has more paint will have more options for colors than the camos you can seen. Anyway, Drought 1 is camo is changing depending on the map(forest, desert, snow) and so will the skins. I was using Easy American, Desert American and NATO (white) paint for most of the skins.In the wide picture you can see 4 out of the 15 camos I've made and in the google doc link I've provided screenshots for all of the camos with the different seasons. How you can install this mod: 1 - Go into the "gamesdk" folder in your Armored Warfare folder. 2 - Find (the files at the bottom) and unpacking the "textures-0015.pak" file using 7zip. 3 - For the game to read the extracted files you need to rename/delete/put in a different folder the "textures-0015.pak file". If you'll delete it, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A COPY of it somewhere because you'll need it when there is a new patch, if you rename it, just fix it's name! (Why do you need to do that every patch? Because the game checks if all of it's files are present and if they aren't you'll be downloading extra 6-7 gb and you'll need to do everything from step 1 to 6 again) 4 - Now you should have 2 new folders - "objects" and "textures". 5 - To find the Drought 1 camo you'll need to enter the camo_textures folder. You get there by entering those folders: objects -> vehicles -> texture_universal -> camo_paint -> camo_textures. 6 - The file for Drought 1 camo is "camo_camo_dealer_is_01.dds" copy and paste my camos in that folder to replace the default Drought 1 camo. If you've done everything so far properly, now the game will read the camo you've replaced the default Drought 1 and you'll see it in game.If you want to use somebody elses camos and my own, if their camos replace the Drought 1, just rename my or their camos so that they replace a different default camo, like Drought 2(camo_camo_dealer_is_02.dds), etc. You can yourself customize your camos using "paint.net" and you can do it live - while the game is running. Open the dds file with paint.net, do some changes, save the changes. To see the changes in-game just dismount and mount the camo on your tank. You can preview and download my camos here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oZcUiNrqI4QTIxQH6gc6GG36FdPbZW1F?usp=sharing Have fun, tankers! :) P.S.:I'm not saying my camos are perfect, Hamsell and Grimm are making their camos from the ground up and they are THE people who put the most effort into the mods, but I believe the camos I've made look awesome and many people can enjoy them. And thanks for the help to start me off, Hamsell and Grimm! :D
  9. Yea, I will have some fun :D
  10. Hm... I see. Thank you both for the answers. Guess I'll stick of the mycom version.
  11. It wouldn't cost me "money" but it would cost me 26 to 28 hours to download the steam version, try it, delete it and download the My.com version again. Tons of time and I do need my PC for communication and work, which is why I asked here, in the forum if anybody knows. Well, if I have to start new account I'm not going to download the steam version. Thanks
  12. Hello, I'm new player, started 2 weeks ago, nice to meet you. I wanted to ask if I link the MYcom profile with my Steam profile and re-donwload Armored Warfare from Steam, would I be able to collect login rewards, since it seems to me like it's only on the MYcom game center? And another thing. Would I be able to continue where I've left off after I download it from Steam or I'll need to start the game from 0 again? (my idea being, to re-download the game on Steam and claim the free DLCs(3+7 day prem time and some boosters)
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