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Everything posted by zenoniations

  1. It works for me, simply click here. Once complete, put the localization folder into the game directory.
  2. Thank you for the tutorial, now I can make a mod with easier process.
  3. May you do this for M1A2, M1A2C and XM1A3, but without MG on the mantlet? Please?
  4. Been using this mod, there's some catch here. Small calibers - 75-90mm is currently using the 120mm WoT Medium caliber. 105-130mm is 100mm WoT (making it a lighter sound) Which is should be vice versa.
  5. Please update the new stats from update 0.33. Original magazine has one more ammo cap.
  6. BP's name is confirmed, isn't it? https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/contest-spirithaven-speedrun
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