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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/21 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    The English article misses one particular detail: Sabra Mk 2 will fall under Sol Schreiber. This can be confirmed on the Russian article.
  2. 1 point
    https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/development-assigning-premium-vehicles-dealers This could actually be a good change, if they actually do exactly what they said here and nothing more or less. But you know, can we even trust them to not screw this up after all the hidden changes in 0.37 and 0.38?
  3. 1 point
    This part and the paragraph below it, as well as the "looking up, down, left, right" for a WS just screams "WE BELIEVE OUR PLAYERS ARE JUST COMPLETE RETARDS THAT CAN'T EVEN LEARN ANYTHING NO MATTER WHAT SO WE MUST DUMB DOWN THE GAME AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE HAHA WE ARE SO GOOD AT BALANCE, YES INDEED, NO NEED FOR TESTING" LFPs were already pretty much an universal WS, before they started destroying game balance with 0.33, this is just a stupid statement... Well, to me, this """"compromise"""" of realism, is very important to make the game appealing to me. If the appearance of the vehicle is the only real part about it, my interest in playing is greatly diminished. Yes, it is the same in high tiers, but as they said, we don't know the values, and it is in a way, at least to me, easier to accept, even if it's certain that most armor and pen values are over the top compared to the real thing. I'm still very much against the high tier balance overall. But we know about the precise armor and pen values of most of the low tier stuff, and seeing them being completely ignored, in layout, shapes, values, is really making me sad. Making armor more predictable ? What a load of BS, having to shoot at a tank hitbox that barely looks like the tank you are looking at isn't making it more predictable. Also why does this model butchering doesn't affect anything eastern really? T series tanks have their round turret actually being round, apart for a bit of turret roof on one T-72 If I recall correctly. IS-7 pike nose is there, but Chieftains and M48 hulls and turrets had to be butchered to great lengths apparently. Welp, too much to talk about this part, better move on... I will just talk about the ammo part here, more precisely the HEAT shells that "can rarely penetrate frontal armor, best used against MBT side armor or light targets", which is complete BS, since only the T series stuff on T6 and the Chief 900 can stop HEAT shells on their LFP, on all the others MBTs, it's pretty much a big chunk of green. Also, low tier HEAT MP will deal up to 245 chip dmg (Taifun HEAT) for a 120mm shell, as if us complaining how retarded that is when it was there on high tier tanks and the nerf to HEAT MP chip dmg that was done never happened. Yeah.... "SOME", of course, not the Fox with 50mm thick plates, not the Leo 1 with 700mm UFP, not the BMP-1 with 200mm turret front, etc... Apart for the VBL and the Jarmila, it seems that every single vehicle has had its armor overbuffed accros the board to their retarded standards. Testing? What does that even meeeeeean? Logic ? What does that even meeeeeean? Welp, the thing has been bugged for years, being a MBT with LT stats, same size and armor as the T-55, might as well go all in right? Once again, retarded arguments... Hey, at least the Rooikat becoming a TD can actually be argued on, it's not a completely illogical retarded change! Even though it's a nerf for the tank, as wheeled gun TD are mostly crap... And the Rooikat lost its decent-ish armor, but we have a TD that can designate now, how original! Much diversity! This is kinda the last nail in the coffin for the game to me really... Well, there were a lot of last nails in that coffin for the past year when I think about it... I'm pretty sure there is a funny quote about still being here and suffering, but can't remember it... Oh well...
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