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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I would particularly emphasize this with buffs that *change* how vehicles are played. Most commanders offer small bonuses to stats. They improve a vehicle, but really don't make any significant difference in play style. A stealth vehicle becomes a very slightly better stealth vehicle, a MBT becomes a slightly better MBT, etc. No actual change. Ophelia is unique because she can actually change HOW a vehicle can be played. You can be FAR more aggressive than you could otherwise. It would be neat, I think, to have the other commanders reworked to offer interesting, unique, and game-changing mechanics as well. Say, give one a cannon overload that gives you one supercharged shot every minute or two. Or let one call in an off-screen artillery strike at the point of aim once every so often. How about a repair burst ability that heals you, or your target for a set amount? Stuff like that. Things that *change* the gameplay, instead of just tweaking stats a little bit.
  2. 1 point
    For me this is the biggest issue -HEAT shells lose their thin armor penetration damage bonus that was such a good mechanic, especially in PvE, it rewarded good aim and ammo selection, now its just "more damage". I really dont get why that was changed....
  3. 1 point
    Except that the 3 game modes are not equal - PvE is 75% even during prime time, and 90-95% during off peak times (stats posted by SS earlier in this thread). So even if Ophelia were the only commander ever used in PvP and GLOPS, she's still be used less than half of the time overall. But yes, the correct answer is to buff other commanders to make them more viable. As offensively powerful as Cortez and Douglas are in PvE, they're still only ~10% bonuses in total. They're about as powerful as a level 2 retrofit. Buff other commanders to where they're viable options and the game will get more interesting.
  4. 1 point
    From what I can tell, a majority (Im talking about >60% if not more) of the playerbase are PvE players. Lets face it: AW's gameplay is not fundamentally different to WoT (WT is its own thing), and most people played AW rather than WoT because they are: A. Sick and tired of the BS in WoT and WT (Looking at you, WG and Gaijn) B. Doesn't like the PvP-centric gameplay of WoT (or indeed other WG projects) /WT, and want something modern + PvE Allow me to be blunt: AW's chances of beating WG at their own game is very slim. Yes, PvP in this game has its own unique twist, but fundamentally it plays just about the same as WoT, just with modern tanks - why wouldn't I just go play WoT instead if I really want to play PvP? WoT unquestionably is much more polished, has a larger playerbase, and in general they are just the established game in the genre, and it would be very difficult to compete with them without significant resources being put into it (and not guaranteed to succeed). However, in my humble opinion anyway, AW survived this long because it always has one thing WoT, and indeed WT doesn't have - a PvE side of the game that is not only viable, but actually pretty damn good for what it is. Operations, Spec Ops, Glops (personally not a fan but there sure is a playerbase around that), Heroics - lots of variety and perfectly viable for grinding. Yeah sure its definitely not perfect and sometimes cheesy, but then you look at the disaster that is WG's attempt at PvE mode (e.g. Road to Berlin is nothing but a cash-grab grinding mode that is repetitive and obnoxious), or WT's borderline "PvE" mode in Air/Ground Assault, which is basically just a tower defense mode with a fancy name - AW is so much better in this regard. Do I think the developers should kill off PvP? Probably not, because there is also some attraction there, and I would be perfectly happy to see occasional love to the mode (new maps, balance changes). But I am telling you - PvE is this game's niche. Its what makes this game attractive to people looking for an alternative to the PvP centric military/tank MMO out there. Rather than trying to imitate what somebody else does, why not do what you do best and make the most of it?
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