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In Developments: "Dead Pool"

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Newest article about (possibly) upcoming event:


APR 24TH | 2023


With the Eclipse Battle Path released, it’s time to take a look at the future of Armored Warfare. We’re of course not sitting on our hands idly and apart from fixing various bugs and addressing the game’s issues, we’re also already preparing a number of interesting events and features for the second half of this year. Today we’d like to tell you more about one of the direction we’re considering and ask for your opinion.


One of the notable issues of Armored Warfare is the fact that its progression system is a one-way street. Once player leave lower Tier vehicles behind, they rarely get back to them unless they are really fun to play, which – by definition – only happen to be vehicles with rather special mechanics, vehicles that are too strong or vehicles that are otherwise standing out.

This event (we internally call “Dead Pool”) is supposed to remedy that. The dealers are opening a betting pool to see which mercenary companies survive the longest.

Very simply put, at the beginning of the free to play event (which is planned to last a few months), player vehicles will receive a “license token” for each of their vehicles. These “licensed” vehicles will then be able to earn a special new currency in matches (Dealer Tokens, using the same rules as Credits or XP) that can be used to unlock very valuable prizes that include:

  • Unique vehicle upgrades (new, more powerful ammunition for example)
  • New Commanders
  • Additional Retrofit slots
  • Additional Active Abilities

And so on. For each one, a player has to play roughly 50 average matches. Sounds too easy? Right, there are several catches.

  • Every time your vehicle gets destroyed, that vehicle will not be available for this event any more until its end (you’ll only be able to use the vehicles to earn the new Currency in the following rounds of the event)
  • The event is only available for PvP without respawns (Random Battles)

In other words, if you die in every match, you’ll need roughly 50 vehicles (regardless of Tier) to unlock one reward. Higher Tier vehicles will unlock more currency per match (the same way they make more Credits) so owning more of those will give you an advantage. As they get knocked, you’ll be forced to resort to lower Tier vehicles.

And that’s pretty much it. To survive throughout the event and unlock most, let alone all prizes, you’ll need a large amount of tanks and a high survival rate.

What do you think about this idea? Good? Bad? Ugly? Let us know in the form below, please, we’ll be sure to take your feedback into account:



Thoughts, feedback etc down below.  

Edited by Azdule (see edit history)

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I'd say with the event, there is something there, however the current idea just seems terrible.  It would promote the worst possible behaviours in pvp.  It would force non-pvp players into matches, causing agro for everyone and just creating huge amounts of toxic abuse.

Time gating and reserving a specific game mode to make tanks more powerful, will not go well.  All that will happen is the highest performing players will just extend the gap between the next level of player.  The original HADES idea was scrapped for this very reason, but now it seems to be making a come back in a worse way.

The event would be aimed at highest performers / vets with all of the tanks, and would make newer players suffer even more.  Imagine trying to explain to a new player that they will simply just have a worse tank, because they weren't playing when this event was on.  

Given the recent track record of the devs, it's highly likely that any sort of balance would be thrown out the window and will just break more tiers of the game, ruining fun and engaging experience for even more of the playerbase.

If you took the idea and expanded it, then I would be interested - remove the following and it COULD be a start:

- Time limit
- Game mode specifics
- Tank limitations (if tanks dies can no longer be used one)

Given we don't have specifics on how it would work (if it's upgrades on specific tanks, or if we get to chose which tanks to apply it on etc) I can only suggest how I think it would or could work.  

I figure it might be worth combining the ideas behind it, with something like the Raid or Battlepath.  All figures changed / examples etc

Make it so there are missions that we can grind towards in any mode, but make them get the 5x pvp booster from the BP.  This way, pvp players can speed through with their meta and do it how they want, regular or casual players aren't excluded or forced to do something they don't want to.

Make them a chain of missions - requiring a specific tree or tank to grind.  E.G. You want to upgrade your Chally 1?  You need to farm 400k damage in PvE to unlock a token for it. With that token, you use it to unlock X upgrade.  This would be a bit like the old WoW token system for raid dungeon armor.  

Once you've completed a chain of missions, you get to unlock the commander.  Or have it so you complete chains of missions like the BP mission chains, and follows an elite mission chain for the commander. 

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Very much reliant on pure luck. Especially with the matchmaker refusing to pit premade platoons against each other like it happens in GlOps way too often nowadays.

Also, another FOMO event, really ? :classic_rolleyes:

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I need yet to see specifics on effort vs. reward to give any conclusion. So far raid events were both implemented as time and gold/money sink, full of both of bad pve and pvp tasks if you wanted something for free. Rewards like powerful ammo (aka p2w gold wot ammo) are concerning. 4th slot for low/med tier seems interesting but controversial idea. All of it just increases gap between these who already have everything (full spec prem commanders, op prems, all possible equipment unlocked) and new players.


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Thanks everyone for the thoughtful feedback to this interesting proposal.

I can't help but agree, this proposal would contribute to the creation of an upper class of players who would be simply playing with stronger vehicles.  It could only make it more difficult to attract new players who will find the game fun, fair and competitive enough to stick with it.

I particularly agree with Azdule's comment:

If you took the idea and expanded it, then I would be interested - remove the following and it COULD be a start:

- Time limit
- Game mode specifics
- Tank limitations (if tanks dies can no longer be used one)

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Makes me even less likely to ever play PvP in this game.  The side effects that this PvP event will have on PvE are potentially disastrous.

Gold ammo?  Yeah, that's just a terrible idea and requires no thought to realize that it's a terrible idea.

Additional commanders?  It'll depend on exactly what those commanders have as abilities.  If their abilities are somehow PvP-focused, or if the commanders themselves are restricted to PvP, then they might be okay.  But if they screw with other modes they'll be cancer.

Additional retrofit slots?  These could theoretically be made PvP-only so that they don't affect other modes but I highly doubt that they'll be smart enough to do that.  A better idea would be to make PvP-restricted retrofits much like the rebuild kits are currently PvE-restricted, but that only saves PvE and GLOPS from this disaster.  They'd still be cancer in PvP because only the elites would have them.

Additional active abilities?  None of these currently seem truly ground-breaking, but then again I've never considered how they might interact with one another.

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