LeoAegisMaximus 6 Posted March 1, 2020 (edited) Okay let’s down to business. So you want a premium vehicle. I am going to give a rundown of said vehicle and end its rating with a simple statement with a brief explanation on its rating I'll try to keep it quick dirty and simple. I will cover all premiums including battlepath ones. I haven't kept up with the seasonal campaigns so i don't have much input on these, or the vehicles acquired by Loot crates. If you got any questions or improvements ping me with feedback below. Bad - Effectively collector items, there is better value to be gained elsewhere. Okay - A decent choice, average or requiring specialist performance to get the vehicle to work. Great - A vehicle with a strong performance, good value for gold. Meme - It may be bad, but the fun factor the vehicle offers can't be understated. Let's start this show: Tier 2 T92 ACAV - It is just a paint job and premium status for a tech tree vehicle, unless you love it very much, look for something better. Bad M51 Sherman - If you love the tier 1 M50 Sherman have then a french 105mm gun is for you, but low tier premiums don't get much in the way of earnings. Save your gold for something better. Bad Tier 3 T-62 Veteran - It was a free vehicle for an anniversary celebration, wait for it to come out again otherwise free low tier tank. Bad T-55 Enigma - It was one of the battle path reward vehicles from competing a mission chain, you too can feel the confidence of an Iraqi T-55 crew strapping armor onto your tank and trashing your mobility in response. Bad Tier 4 MBTs IS-7 - It used to be a terrifying tier 3 MBT before the 2.0 re-balance its uptier brought it into the age of Heat, it gained from the last patch a 14.5mm co-axial machine gun regardless there are better options out there and further up the premium tree. Bad Object 430 - Apparently even before balance 2.0 this thing was overpowered and the community was befuddled by its nerfs, it got up tiered to its current tier where it languishes. Bad AMX-30B - A premium vehicle that gives up ERA in exchange for a IR Searchlight it has the same upgrade tree as its tech tree counterpart. Just No for 1000 gold. Bad T-62M - must be purchased from the store can't be brought in-game client with gold, the paint job is subjective to the user discretion. Bad T-55M1 & Type 59 IIA - Free tanks don't pay for them wait for an event to come around to get them for free. Bad OF-40 ICE - A Christmas skinned OF-40. Bad AFVs BWP-1M - Polish anniversary gift, alot of these low tier vehicles are given out like free candy during seasonal events. Bad ZBD-86 - I have a question for you? do you need a tier 4 premium afv to train your commander for Zeng Feng's AFV line which ends at a tier 8 Polish IFV. Bad OA-82 Jarmila 2 Monster - Reskin of a tier 4 tech tree vehicle from the monster crates. Bad ARTY Abbot & Abbot VE - the VE gets Hesh rounds and the Abbot doesn't, low calibre of 105mm leaves you feeling under gunned. Bad TDs AMX-10P 90 - An AMX-10P mounted with a turret fitted with a 90mm gun. It came into the game when balance 2.0 killed off the AMX-10P with the auto cannon. Bad LAV-150 90 - This thing used to be tier 3 and was murderous in pvp maps with a good commander and crew. Bad Zhalo-S - It is just too big to be usable as a TD. Bad Ontos - A six round recoiless rifle vehicle with a 30 second reload bad accuracy due to the rifles. However it's fun to do charges and unload 6 HEAT or HEP rounds into the side of an unsuspecting target, battle path reward for rank 10. Bad, Meme Tier 5 MBTs Chieftain Mk11 - A Chieftain fitted with the TOGs thermal sight from the Challenger 1 unless you really love the chieftain series of vehicles avoid. Bad Chieftain Mk6 Leader - A Chieftain fitted with a camo net over the turret, it was really bad before balance 2.0 because the net was placed on the base cast steel turret and couldn't fit the still brew armor kit over the top, now still a chieftain. Bad M60A3 ICE - An M60A3 reskined with a Christmas camouflage that is all. Bad Object 279 & Object 279 Banner Bearer - Used to be a tier 4 seal clubber only HESH could defeat it, now a reasonable balanced MBT. Gained a 14.5mm co-axial machine gun from the last patch. Bad T64-AV Hunter - Sold in the store on occasions, a reskinned T-64A 76. Bad T72-AV ICE & Ace - A Christmas skin for a T-72A sold during the holiday season.The Ace version is a unique desert camouflage. Still a T-72A underneath. Bad T-72 Victory - A vehicle offered on victory day celebrations. This is a base T-72 with no ERA upgrade. Bad AFVs BMD-2 Wolf - A wolf reskin of an BMD-2 nothing much to say here sold with the wolf pack in the store. Bad XM247 - Battle path rank 10 reward, if you want a tech tree counterpart try the AMX-13DCA. 40mm Bofor cannons what more can you ask for? its effectively equipped with tier 8 auto cannons, shreds targets and it gets PELE ammunition. It may have been absolutely shit at shooting down aircraft, but with aiming device MK1 eyeball it has no issues pouring on lead onto targets. Issue is availability with this battlepath season finishing up soon the window to get it is limited. Great, Meme LTs Sheridan Hi-Tech - A reskinned Sheridan from seasonal contracts. Bad TDs ERC-90 Shark - Shark reskin of a tech tree ERC-90 sold in the shark bundle in store. Bad IT-1 - Third anniversary reward vehicle, only has a ATGM weapon and the hull of a tier 3 vehicle. Bad VBL-Hi-Tech TOW - A Reskinned tech tree VBL-TOW seasonal contract reward, has the option to either mount a single TOW launcher or a 20mm auto cannon back from before balance 2.0 tech tree version offer the same experience. Bad Tiers 2-5 most premium vehicles don't offer value for gold due to the lower exp and credit modifiers at these lower tiers. From tier 6 & above is where they get reasonable. Tier 6 MBTs KPz 70 - A German variant of the MBT-70 project, has the unique option of equipping a 120mm cannon to replace the existing 152mm, the 152mm has access to a HE round versus its American counterpart. Strong Turret Armor along with hydrodynamic suspension makes its a comfortable vehicle to play and use. Issue is availability only sold through the store during events. Great MBT-70 & Merc – A American variant of the MBT-70 project, only armed with the 152mm cannon, has the ability to fire ATGMs from the cannon, same chassis as its German counterpart but different engines with the KPz 70 having a higher top speed and 1 second faster acceleration. Easy premium to access straight in game from the tech tree. Great Leopard 2AV ICE & Predator – A Christmas reskin of the tech tree Leopard 2AV sold during Christmas. The predator variant is sold during events. Functions the same as its tech tree counter part has the option to switch out the 105mm cannon for a 120mm for increased damage at the cost of slower reload and limited access to ammunition with an APFSDS round and HE available. Simple Play style hull down fighting. Okay XM1 - The old tier 6 tech tree american MBT versus the M1 Abrams it has a smaller lower plate weak spot in exchange for a larger turret ring weak spot, issue with it has a slower reload than its tier 6 counterpart, roughly a 1.2 second reload difference dropping its dpm to the lower end of chart around 3.3k. Okay Magach 7A - the predecessor to the Magach 7C in the tech tree has the same play style very strong turret and hull armor mixed with great gun stats and reload. Moblity is its main issue with an acceleration of 6.13 seconds to 32km. Great T-72M2 Wilk - A Polish prototype modification to update T72M1s in service, has a very good armor profile small turret ring weak spot than its other soviet counterparts, if your a lover of Soviet tank play style aggressive brawling and knife fighting then the Wilk will feel at home for you. Issue is Availability only sold during events and Polish independence Day. Okay WZ-1224 - Prototype development of a successor to the Type 59 tank in service, very strong frontal armor profile with the turret and upper glacis lower glacis has strips of armor that resist 450mm only the middle of lower galcis can be easily penetrated. Issue with roof armor that can be penetrated with HEAT rounds and ATGMs. Okay AFVs FV721 Fox Shark - A reskin of the tech tree Fox with shark camo, I cannot for the life of me drive wheeled vehicles i tend to over steer them and spin them in circles, the clip autocannon is ether a blessing or curse for the user, the pro it allows camo control usage the cannon has very low bloom and the reload time helps recover from camo loss, the cons the clip limits your damage output in cqc situations. Its ATGM armament is a low alpha damage missile with a Tandem charge. Okay Sabre - scorpion hull mounted with a Fox Turret it has better handling for those used to track controls the auto cannon is the same as the Fox the difference is it ATGMs tubes mounted at a upwards angle means the Sabre has a 15m dead zone where the missile cannot descent, ATGMs has higher alpha damage in exchange for a lack of a tandem charge. Okay Scorpion Kastet - A Scorpion hull mounted with a Ukrainian turret it finally has a rapid fire auto cannon. ATGMs are between the low Alpha MILANs of the Fox versus the high Alpha of the Sabre swingfire missiles. Issue is availability it came with its own campaign from the warlords of the wasteland battle path, sold during seasonal events? Okay MT-LB S8 - An MT-LB APC hull equipped with Dual S8 rocket pods, this thing is a TD with 40 HEAT rockets the bloom from firing is bad. The first shot trashes the vehicle camo and it never recovers, sniping with the rockets is futile, what it excels at is committed attack runs at the sides of enemies to dump those rockets at fast as possible turning them into scrap. With the right Commander combination I've heard this turns into a really annoying shit in Global ops or PVP. Great, Meme TDs Taifun II & Claw - the only ingame TD's with a casmate mounted gun very good gun stats issue is the limited traverse arc of the cannon, moving out of its arc reorients the vechile and starts to degrade the camo rating, biggest obstacle to mastering this vehicle is this issue. Okay Object 287 Vulkan - Fourth Anniversary gift an prototype Tank Destroyer, along with the ATGM launcher it has dual 73mm cannons that fire HEAT shells turret, has limited traverse in a 180 degree arc. Frontal Armor is Extremely strong against HEAT projectiles issue is against APFSDS rounds with the turret being exposed. Great EE-18 Sucuri Monster - a reskin tech tree Sucuri with a Halloween monster skin has a ready rack with the capacity to hold 8 rounds with a burst delay of 5.45 seconds versus the LAV-600 it has a larger rack with a slower burst fire making the Sucuri better for sustained fire. Okay LTs Expeditionary Tank & Reaper - Equipped with a magazine this vehicle has the ability to load 9 rounds and fire them with a burst rate between each round of 3.73 seconds. The issue with the vehicle chassis is the limited gun elevation otherwise a great premium LT. Great RDF/LT - the pew-gun LT equipped with a rapid fire 76mm gun that fires within 2.3 seconds it has the issue where you lack the alpha strike to finish or kill targets in a single shot. Okay VFM Mk5 & Merc - Solid all rounded Premium LT the chassis is great having good gun depression and elevation, with a reload about 4.3 seconds it pushes out around 6k dpm with APFSDS rounds, if your looking for a solid easy to use premium LT you can't go wrong with a VFM Mk5. Great Edited March 30, 2020 by LeoAegisMaximus (see edit history) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haswell 300 Posted March 1, 2020 TL;DR: low tier premiums are not worth it. It makes sense due to how the tier brackets are set up (1-3, 4-6, 7-10), that tier 6 is where premiums start to become worthy of collecting. I daresay however that that XM247 is likely the least terrible premium vehicle out of this sorry bunch due to its raw DPM. I still prefer the AMX-13 over it though. 1 Quote Spoiler Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MK_Regular 24 Posted March 1, 2020 (edited) May I recommend adding a "meme" tier to the list? It would be for those vehicles that either perform respectively for their tier or are exceptionally fun to play, but aren't worth the price that they are offered at. I'd put the XM247 and possibly the Ontos as part of the "meme" tier, the 247 because of it high cost and the Ontos because of its ridiculous 3-second 6-shot burst. Other vehicles can be moved to the "meme" tier at your discretion. Additionally, you missed a few premiums (OF-40 ICE and VBL TOW Hi-Tech, maybe a few others that aren't re-skins of vehicles already listed) and the IS-7 got a 14.5mm MG rather than a 12.7mm (Obj 279 got a 14.5mm too iirc). Edited March 1, 2020 by MK_Regular (see edit history) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeoAegisMaximus 6 Posted March 1, 2020 Sure Will Do. I'm currently drafting the list from tier 6 onwards. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigger 3 Posted March 1, 2020 So basically every premium is bad, no mention of what mode as some are much better in one than the other. Labelling the Sgt York as expensive because it costs "3000" to enter the battle path so makes it expensive for a tier 5 - forgetting or ignoring you get a tier 5, three tier 6, a tier 8 and a tier 10 - but hey many people complain about having to pay to join the battle path and make all sorts of excuses (I also got a Marder 2 during the event) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KiwiTT 3 Posted March 1, 2020 As someone who have virtually every Premium Tank in the game and played them all, I do disagree with the main sentiment that Tier 2 to 5 or even 6 are bad, like you say. However, I do not recommend you purchase them because the progression vehicles are actually good enough. I can do a summary of high tier premium vehicles, but I will prefer to do slightly more in depth analysis like these I have done so far; Altay --- Object 640 --- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UrsuGras 1 Posted March 4, 2020 Weeeeeeeeeell since I am not a PvP player, I'm just gonna share my PvE perspective a little bit. Personally I would rate the XM247 at least as "Get it!" level of good. With a "meme" ribbon attached to its name as well, since basically ever since I got it (and also installed the unlocked upgrades), I've had NO game with less than 10 enemy kills (15 kills are easily achievable with a little effort) and top damage done (MANY situations of most spotting damage as well), leading basically to most games being a blue star top experience earned. I'll post a screenshot from my XM247 statistics later in the evening when I get home. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
di_duncan 24 Posted March 5, 2020 Quick note regarding the T-55M1, I don't believe it will ever be offered again, as it replaced the Object 155 which was a reward vehicle for early access (IIRC Closed Beta) players. I personally do not find low to medium tier Premiums interesting. The benefits of Premiums (increased reputation and credit income) are minute (perhaps even negligible) at low tiers. Players who intend to purchase a Premium as a long term investment should always consider higher tiered Premiums. I must admit, My.com pricing for Premium vehicles is more than fair; especially compared to Wargaming prices. There is a great deal of choice among high tier Premiums in AW, and most are relatively affordable. However, the deciding factor in purchasing Premiums should always be whether you enjoy playing the vehicle. If there is interest, I may be inclined to post individual reviews for certain higher-tier premiums. *Note that my reviews are not designed to be objective and informative, but are instead rants disguised as rational analysis. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UrsuGras 1 Posted March 5, 2020 Ok, I returned with a statistic about the XM247 in PvE... Yeah, 21.5K damage and 14 kills average per match. 76 blue stars out of 80 games played. I'd say this premium is DEFINITELY meme tier in the DAMN GOOD way in PvE games. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeoAegisMaximus 6 Posted March 5, 2020 9 hours ago, UrsuGras said: Ok, I returned with a statistic about the XM247 in PvE... Yeah, 21.5K damage and 14 kills average per match. 76 blue stars out of 80 games played. I'd say this premium is DEFINITELY meme tier in the DAMN GOOD way in PvE games. I went ahead at changed the rating for the XM247, thanks to your feedback. The new expansion for Division 2 has my hands tied. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Schlock 11 Posted March 5, 2020 XM247 really broke tier 5 PvE. I mean, trying to get BP missions such as "Do 350,000 damage in a T5 MBT" is a pain when every battle has one or two of the bastards. I take mine out just for BP missions, it really feels dirty to play it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BenjaminDisraeli 0 Posted June 6, 2021 Chally 1 Falcon is missing from the MBT list :( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites