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Everything posted by BumbaX

  1. @knutliott @MK_Regular i think that for PvE the truth sits in the middle of what you told. The reason is that a T15 or a couple of Bradley can easily pen you for massive damage if you are not very well hull down or very lucky at angling and moving your tank (that at least before the fix had an horrible accuracy when moving, i hope that now it is fixed, but i am still downloading the upgrade) in the time it took to fire your salvo. Both with the magazine loader and the rack (4 or 3 shells with the upgrades i have at now unlocked) it was not so safe to push against those tanks counting only at your burst potential as you had a big chance to see most of your health vanish in few seconds without even killing them straight, but the burst damage is still very useful if you wait that a T15 has fired his missiles and you attack it as he is reloading or to chip down a big chunk of health of a bot MBT. I also find the designate target very useful combined with the burst and smoke, you can designate a dangerous enemy, let's say a lieutenant, pop smoke and unleash your salvo without him being able to react, in some situations is even possible to designate him in 3rd person view when he spot you but is unable to hit you then you can pop out the smoke and have some free shots doing maxed damage. It is an interesting tank to play, you can not play it as an ADTU, but has its options to shine. The low dpm was its main problem, and with HEAT probably is now at least not under competitive compared to the same tier MBTs.
  2. As the camo after all is only cosmetic and does not afaik give better camo rate then the many ones we can have for free in other ways i don't see a problem there. It is probably possible being good enough players and coordinating with other good players in platoon to have it for free, and is also possible to get it paying gold, aka RL money. But is also possible to live without it. Probably it was a lot worst in the old times when to have a camo, so a real advantage against other players, was only possible spending gold or paying a lot of credits, it was more then 20M to get the 3 camo for a single tank, and for those that are still grinding trough the lines at low-medium tiers credits are the main problem, i remember that i had more then a tank unlocked but no cash to get it at that time. The old way was somehow a pay to win one, as the players that was willing to spend gold for the camo or the ones that was playing since a long time so had no more credits issues had a real advantage in the PvP modes against the newbies that was not willing to spend real money to get the camo for every not MBT, at now the problem is the fixed cost of the retrofits that then was tier dependent, that make impossible for new players to play with tanks fully retrofitted, if now i sit on over a billion credits and can spend with no problem several millions of credits for a tank that cost, upgrades included, less then a single million i still remember so well how every single credit was so useful when grinding trough the low tiers. But if only 1% of the players will be able to get a camo, a completely cosmetic thing this days, without paying gold-RL money imo is not an issue at all. EDIT: When I go to the AW shop i see that they sell for real money some camo, if they do it probably there are players willing to spend real money for them, and i don't see anything wrong in it as it is not pay to win. So if the raid is a way for those players, that don't care about spending real money on camo, a way to get them in a path that needs also some effort and skill and that probably will let them have the new camo for less money then the ones they buy straight from the shop, supposing that they only re roll some missions and buy few ones, it is an interesting choice for them. There are also players that like to grind, thing that I personally hate, I have friends that if between a battle path and the next don't have to grind something play a lot less, for them grinding is the main reason and fun of playing, and the Raid seems to be a perfect grind. As I don't like nor to grind nor to spend RL money for camo i would probably not get it, but I will probably get some useful minor rewards from the Raid, so everyone can be happy for something if the Raid exists.
  3. Equipping a rebuild kit does not cut your money income as long as you don't use it, while food and oil are a cut for every mission, as long as you use it only if is really worth it, that is when you are the only survivor and you have a chance to carry the battle alone and win, other way is better to respawn od just loose the mission and get faster a new one. Imo Erin should have been a progression commander or at least Sabrina should have the camo skills grouped in one place, there are not other real alternatives to them as AFV commanders, at least played in the intended way and not with Ophelia, that is also a premium commander, and a suicide attitude. If so many new players play so badly the AFV class and somehow also the LTs is also because of it, they build from the beginning a wrong attitude as they lack of the right commander to really use the camo of those classes and end in using them as long distance snipers thanks to their high dpm. But you can have Sabrina with all the camo skills with only 5 promotions, with 7 she has also all the spotting bonuses, even if is probably not the best build for the future i suggest you to go that route for the next 4 promotions, at least you will have a good commander when you want to have camo. And try to have a camo for each environment as soon as possible. As camo means nothing if you don't have vision range is worth it also, passed the lowest tiers, to equip each line of AFV you play with some retros, i would suggest the better one for view on the move and the cheap one for the static one. It will mean to lose 25% of their value each time you unlock a new tank in the line, but it will really speed up your grind trough the line as you will get tons more of spots and spotting damage, that hopefully will also pay their price in the long run. having a spot on the move retro also on the other classes seems also to pay a lot in PvE, I have it on most of my MBTs and in many situations I am the one that spots and get rewarded for it even if other MBTs are almost as far as me from the enemy. Starting with the cheap one and upgrading to the better one as soon as you are rich enough and play tanks of enough tier to pay for it is an option i suggest to you. Better view range is more survival, as you don't get perma tracked by invisible bots, more credits income and more speed in grinding the tank. About grinding I also suggest you to don't buy some upgrades if they are not really useful, all you need to progress the grind is to unlock them, for MBTs i used to buy the smoke upgrade as soon as possible, 2 smoke rounds in a mission is not enough, then i pushed to unlock HEAT as soon as possible as HEAT at low tiers is the thing that really do damage. About the ping spikes i also experience them, but only some days, on average my connection is pretty decent. They really make difficult to play, you can not reliably shot at tanks that are moving and I hate when i want my tank popping just a little from the cover to take a shot and i have it moving forward many meters, sometimes for a couple of seconds, and receiving a lot of hits from the red bots. To disable every other task for the internet connection, disabling automatic updates for the cell phone if it is connected to the home wifi network, and close all the other computer programs that may use the net seems to be a little help for me in those evenings, but is certainly not the solution.
  4. Today I played a War Game and also the crate was missing, quite annoying as that is really useful while medals are only cosmetic, does someone experience the same issue? The crate was not shown in the inventory, not on the crates tab and not on the goods one, where it should have been, and also in the game results. But now the game, if i select again the War Games mode and put the mouse pointer on the crate tells me that I have already claimed the reward.
  5. I am not sure if to use food, even with a human loader, is worth its price. Surely you get more xp, but as the credit earning is very low there possibly you pay more then what you get in return. The dpm rises, but marginally and you have the food price, and likely also the rebuild kit's one playing MBTs that at low tier have not a good armor, are a big cut to your credits income. When i was grinding the low tiers, even if then the meta was different, you got better rewards and you could also improve greatly aim time and accuracy, with some tanks getting almost a laser beam one, i found out that using the consumables but the one that reloaded the ammo and gave only a little hp back was not worth it, at now taht no longer exist i would probably use the rebuild kit or maybe just die and respawn as it cost very little money at those tiers. I had to play in a little more cautious way and sometimes i died without having the chance to respawn, but even there if i played well the reward/minutes played was better and i could get a new battle faster. But is true that at that time I was still learning how to play, as AW is the first game of this kind that I play and i did not play much video games as a teenager or later so i had to build my skills starting from 0. Maybe being already a good player it is easier to pay the cost of consumables with a better performance, even if i doubt it, i am still convinced that to die and respawn instead of using the kit and to not use other consumables you have to pay for, like food or the one to repair the tank 3 times, gives overall better credits earning at those tiers.
  6. Then there is no doubt, it is not the right place for it to be. But probably the Black Eagle sniping from near the arty is in an even worst and not useful position, he should be somewhere near the cap points. He has been probably destroyed in those 2 first minutes and then, scared, took the wrong direction after re spawning not daring to get close to the enemy MBTs again, probably a very bad and not experienced wallet fighter as is driving a T10 premium.
  7. Don't forget that the K2 can designate, so it can get maxed damage, at least once every 70-80 sec and for 20 or 30 that with the Improved Target Tracker, that I have still to unlock, is more then 30% of the total time. I did some experiments in Alabino right now, without the Improved tracker with the Magazine Loader and a Gun Breach upgrade and an Ammo Rack upgrade i get with Douglas 657 dmg/hit and i can fire the 3 shells of the first salvo with the tank designated, that is 657 x 5 =3285 dmg, while i have still a shell loaded, even if it would not hit with guaranteed maxed damage. With other commanders but Rachel that can have a big boost if enemy tanks are near by i can fire only the first shell of the second salvo before the designation expires, but with the improved tracker it should be possible to fire anyway all the 6 shells, and as this is also the configuration that gives the better sustained damage it is not bad at all. Also the ammo rack option is interesting coupled with designation, you have a shell more ready, up to 5 in a certain configuration, that gives a burst damage of the same 3285 as before, then you have a certain number of other shells that hit with maxed damage depending on the duration of the designation. So you have burst to kill almost everything that is not an MBT without having to reload and to kill fast even the MBTs, assuming that you wait under cover to have all the rack loaded and the designation available. With the HEAT, if it would not be completely shit, the burst damage is even more. Enough to erase a T15 or many MBTs if you can fire at places not immune to HEAT quite fast.
  8. Still an idiot, even if you are probably right, for a couple of reasons. The camo and mobility of the Sphinx are completely wasted, and a well played Sphinx is really usefulto the party, it you want to play that way take a Wilk with Pele, take a MGM166, take a Centauro 120, tanks that are supposed to perform that task. Second reason is that probably he can snipe in that positions only the tanks that are pushing along the road, but there is already the Merkava to guard it, the ones near the spawning point are probably too far and an AGTM is too slow to reach them before they get a cover as they don't stay there idle, they spawn then move to an other place. Further more the enemy is clearly pushing the caps, they have cap 1, had cap 2, that a T249 is trying to cap, but will probably be erased fast by the 3 MBTs approaching him. Even if he manages to do some damage to the VT4 or let's say the Harimau or Mephisto that maybe the K153C can spot it will be not useful at all if not for getting him some damage done without affecting at all the outcome of the battle. So in the better case an idiot and selfish player that is playing the wrong tank for the role he want to have, probably he does not know how to play AFVs in PvP, and that is not able to read the minimap and understand what is useful to try to win, only concerned to farm some damage for himself without risk (of re spawning as we are talking of GLOPS). Unless they are really close to the moment the caps change, then it is a completely different situation, there a Sphinx has a lot of opportunities, can spot, has the speed to cap fast and can snipe where the important part of the battle is happening, not only to farm some not useful damage. Al the battle timer is not shown we can not tell anything about it, to relocate in that position a minute before the caps change in that situation when the first caps are already lost and there is nothing a Sphinx can do about it is probably a good move. @TeyKey1 according to what @Lenticulas say they are just starting to loose, but we are not sure that this is the beginning of the match, surely enough time has elapsed to allow the red team win the west side of the map, cap both caps and have their tanks that capped 2 destroyed as the red MBTs are approaching cap 2, not defending it, it is surely not the very beginning of the battle, but is possible that the moment that the caps will change is still quite far.
  9. Probably to use the daily rewards and all you can get by playing, but not spending real money in the game, so getting the few boxes a low tier player can get ans having basically a single premium time day each week would mimic batter the condition of a player that has to start from scrap now, without a wallet filled enough to let him speed the grind using real money. Thing that is actually true for some players from not rich countries. Anyway it is your challenge, if you feel to torture yourself to the extent of not using what the game gives for free to anybody there is nothing wrong, but i suppose that this will be an hard grind. The Russian line you choose is solid, but when i did grind the ramka i played a lot of matches with only HE for the auto cannon, it is one of the tanks that i had grind without using reputation, and is not so terrible, you have to be more careful about where you aim and you have to use the AC only on some targets, using the missiles for the well armored ones, but at least in PvE it is not a problem as you often have to face more bots at once and hopefully they are not all well armored MBTs. I remember that even after unlocking the AP rounds i used to have about 1/3 of HE as it was, and maybe is still today, more damaging on the targets that it can hit. Nowadays i load only AP so i am not sure that it is still true, but i remember that at that time there was few tanks that was immune to AP while not to HE, if aimed at the right spots. At your place I would be tempted to push the Ramka before the T90MS and then to get the T249 that on some maps can perform really well and possibly earn even more then the T14, even at a tier lower, as it can pull easily matches when you get let's say 30K damage and 25k spotting damage. This for an average not too bad player, for a player that is able to get similar results on a regular basis with the T14 probably the T249 can do even better, but I am not one of those players so i can not tell it for sure. I am also biased towards the AFV class and towards the tanks that rely on camo, good mobility and massive sustained damage, I like to play them more and I get better results with them, I can play an MBT, but I am not a very good MBT player. Also I have pushed a single line as i begun, even if mine was an AFV one, but to loose completely the first battle multiplier for the other tanks, unless your experiment is only to grind a single line and you don't want to really have a secondary account with a real choice of tanks, is not worth. To grind without premium time is slow enough and playing at least the battle with multiplier for some more lines can be worth it, if you push let's say other 3 lines takes less then half hour to play those 3 missions/day. The Israeli line is interesting for this as up to a certain tier you get double XP, so 4x for the first battle, so is very fast to grind even without premium time. There are also other very good lines, but as you know the game and the tanks as least as me, probably better, there is no sense in me suggesting which ones... My suggestion is only to play the first game for at least 3 or 4 lines then focus for the rest of the time you play that account on the Russian one, When you will have done with it you will find those lines with some degree of development. Without premium time the credits are the main issue grinding at low tiers, as the fixed costs of a mission cut a part of your earning, but when you will have tanks like the Ramka or the T15 credits to buy low tier tanks will be no more an issue, but xp wise playing the first battle of the day really doubles the effectiveness of your playing time, as you can not transfer the xp gotten at higher tiers unlike the credits (ok there is the reputation, but is very low compared to the real xp you get in the battle) and there is no cut as the missions have not an xp cost. I am very interested in your experiment as I really think that to grind in this game without spending money or have an inheritance from the old times when we had free boxes, premium time and better mission rewards is a really gigantic task, that can take years even for a good player. By the way I have some friends and Battalion mates that have secondary accounts, we find them useful in some situations, like when we want to grind achievements in Spec Ops and we are only 4 in the platoon, much better to have an idle secondary account then a random player that maybe does not care at all to the achievement and make it impossible to get. I wish you good luck in your new grind my friend!
  10. I believe that the problem begun when they started to give free premium time in the boxes, as before they gave boxes so easily and many players had hundred of unopened ones. I know players that have years of free premium time, I, that joined the party a little too late to have so many not opened boxes, i have more then 1 year of it. And the main way the publisher should get money should be the premium time as without it and with average skill to grind trough the lines is a real nightmare. As they could not get enough revenue from selling premium time and also as the players base was getting smaller, for other errors they did they begun this crap way, starting to create OP commanders and premium tanks that they sell in very high priced bundles or trough the boxes gambling. They also offered some of them as battle path rewards, but again they sell battle coins for money. What is happening now is a step further as the AS21 is a progression tank, for the K 153 C and the use of the missiles with someone in the platoon that designate targets i simply think that they overlooked that possibility and was not aware of what they really did. A step further related to the fact that now their trend is to make everything new so special, while it would be better to introduce new tanks or commanders that are maybe unique, but balanced with the existing ones and that don't promote crap game play or reward players without skill. The last 2 T10 premium tanks had to be nerfed, I doubt that they will nerf Ophelia, that right now they are selling for little less then 100 euro, but i think that they should do it as having her promotes bad game play.
  11. This evening i had some PvE games when i ranked at the first place, by far, not with the same xp of an other player, that could get the star instead of me, and i am not getting anymore blue stars. Is someone experiencing the same issue? I know that the blue star does not give you any benefit but the satisfaction to get it, anyway their number was useful, compared with the number of the missions played, to judge how well you perform in a certain tank compared to the average of the players and tanks. I am no aware of them being officially removed from the game, but i could have missed the thing, in the case i apologize for opening the thread.
  12. With Douglas, as i have skilled him, it gets a crazy 575 on the move and 675 stopped, and it possible to build Douglas even for a little more sight range then how i did. 675 means that he can spot a 50% camo tank not firing and moving at 337.5m, about half map distance and a MBT that is moving almost in every place he has direct sight to. Surely you loose camo, but for some maps it is anyway crazy, it the right position behind a bush and not too close to where the enemies can be, with an open view field, it can give to the team complete control on what is happening on a large part of a map. I have never tried that commander on it, as i prefer to configure my squishy tanks for camo and play at closer range, but if i put him on the AS21 those are the values i read.
  13. @TeyKey1 I completely agree. the potential of a platoon with a K2 designating and 1 or 2 K153 C is very strong and it does not really need almost any skill by the AFV drivers, while the infamous T7 VBL, that caused a lot of wining by most of the players and caused a nerfing of all the agtm vehicles needed a lot of skill. A really good player could with that tank do a lot of damage to the enemy team, but in the hands of an average player or less then average the same tactics would result in missing probably 3 of the 4 initial agtms then be erased from the game. I am all for tanks that, having the skill to drive them, are very rewarding, but that particular use of the K 153 C needs no skill, once you have targeted a designated tank, maybe in 3rd person view, you can retreat under cover and all the skill you need is to press the left mouse button, something that even an ape can learn fast. But it really seems that the developers have introduced changes in the game that don't reward skill at all in the last year or so. Not only what you told, and a troll platoon with Ophelias is even more a problem in GLOPS as they can respawn again and again, but also the Object 490, that even if now not so impenetrable from the front as when it was first introduced, is still very well armored and is not easy at all for the flankers to damage it because it is almost impossible to track it. A Wilk TD now can do some damage frontally, but being not able to track it can not avoid that he closes the distance, so at best can take a couple of opportunity shots then has to run away, there are spots on the side that the missiles can hit, but the chance that the missiles hit right there are very low if fired at distance to a tank that can not be stopped. Is an other example of a tank that can be very rewarding without needing a particular skill. the T40 and the other t9 French AFV are also tanks that, if can be used for VBL like high skill raids, can also be very rewarding for not skilled use, imo an AFV should not be able to deal damage to a hull down MBT only firing at the top of his turret, it does not even need to be in an elevated position, or against the merkava aiming at the sides of the cannon, to aim at weak spots with an AGTM needs skill, to spam green ammo with and AC is again a thing that every monkey can learn to do without problem. This game has become over complicate from one side, to be really effective a player has to learn weak spots, ammo rack and fuel tank position of potentially hundreds of different tanks, and from the other side has introduced tanks and a commander that make possible to perform rewarding tactics without a particular skill. I preferred the old Obsidian way, where we had arty in PvP, but we had a warning of arty rounds incoming, so it was possible to avoid the damage, and to sneak trough the enemy lines and kill the enemy's arty was part of the game tactics, now a K 153 C that using the designation from some other guy make damage that can not be avoided, an AS21 that can damage almost every tank, hull down or not, from whatever angle and a very well armored MBT that can not be tracked and is also very fast retreating, making very difficult to circle him, make the game way less tactical and interesting to play, at least for me. Maybe i am wrong and we have only to adapt to the new changes, ie a good player in a T15 placed in the right place can dispose of a suicide Spinx+Ophelia platoon in GLOPS very fast, but overall in a poll about to revert the game to 0.18 or keep going this way i probably would vote to revert.
  14. A designate target feature, even combined with the present top attack missiles, would be really interesting and, if the developers decide to not give to him a direct fire agtm, would any way rebalance it. Designating a suitable target, one that is actually damaged by his missiles, and then targeting him with the right mouse button you could fire 4 or 6 top down agtms on him, does not matter if he uses the smoke, retreats behind cover or even if you retreat under cover or run away as he is chasing you. At now it is possible to do something similar but only if a craptank and let's say a sphinx are used in tandem by a platoon of 2, better coordinating in vocal chat, the spinx can designate and fire 2 missiles, then try to track with the AC, but even failing at it other 4 or 6 hits, depending on the duration of the designation, are assured by the K153-C. EDIT: with the sphinx 20 sec designation the K153-C should be able to fire 4 missiles, both with the breach retro and without it, before it expires, for let's say 2K damage, maybe a little more, that added to the one of the spinx 2 agtms is enough to kill even some low HP mbt and more then enough to bring the others to a very low health and kill almost every other tank, but if instead of a sphinx the craptank works behind a K2 then the things become even more interesting as the designation last a lot more so 6 or maybe even 8 hits are assured. Surely if the tank can designate himself it is even better as has more freedom to move on the battlefield and punish every single tank that remains visible long enough to be designated. I suppose that with the designation feature this tank would become quickly hated by most of the other tank drivers as being designated in a not Anders, not Termi, not PL and not few MBTs is equal to receive 2K damage with no save possible.
  15. Yes, probably if it would have the choice between top attack and regular agtm, like the NM 142 has, it would be a better tank, anyway surely not overpowered compared to a Kornet, that has a 4 or 8 missile salvo, can fire 1 or 2 missiles at the same time and with a trick can reload 8 missiles in the time it is supposed to load 4 (reload when is in 4 missiles configuration then right after the reload is complete switch to the double turret and you have 8 missiles ready, or the Sphinx with its very fast reload of agtm and the strong AC, having the option between the 2 missile types would be a pretty interesting tank to play. I hope that some developers read this suggestion as i believe, or at least hope, that it will be rebalanced in the future, unless is an intended design to have some tanks under performing.
  16. True, but sometimes is very satisfying to get more credits and experience then let's say a T15 or other damage monsters with a little jeep that has no armor and lacks of a reliable weapon, at least for me, and this is why I like it and probably I will continue to play it even when it will be completely grind. Still i hope that it will be rebalanced, with an AC that at least can damage some squishy without it having to give you his back and with a little more penetration for the missiles, so no tank is almost completely immune to his damage.
  17. I use a maxed Erin, the 2 view retros stacked and the paint retro, you have to be careful, you can not get spotted and hope to survive, but with it i can spot a lieutenant without being spotted by him if i find a bush to give me a little more camo. Surely is tricky and risky, but is one of the reasons why i like to play it. @TeyKey1 I still have to try it in PvP, but you are surely right, many tricks that you can do with it in PvE in PvP are impossible to do. The enemies stay without cover a lot less then the bots, that are quite dumb, probably the better use that i can guess is possible in Random Battle is not to spot, thing that it can do, but to stay behind the party MBTs, find the right moment to mark a target, then retreat behind a rock and act as a short distance arty, as long as the enemy is still spotted by someone you can anyway hit him, and as the tanks that its missiles can not damage are the flankers, Andres, Termi, PL, but against many MBTs it hits well this is a possible use, while your party MBTs trade shots with the enemy ones you add to their damage 1K of yours every few seconds. As you are behind your MBTs the enemies can not chase you and you are exposed only the short time needed to target each new tank as the one you was shooting is killed. You can hit enemies completely hulldown or almost all under cover, you need only a little piece of the tank to be visible, while your powerful allies are not able to touch him you slowly carve trough his HP. Maybe it works, possibly i will try it tomorrow.
  18. Let me disagree, it is not a super tank, has an AC that if you are lucky can make (little) damage at the back of the Bradleys and is true that the top attack missiles do reduced damage to some specific tanks if they do damage at all, it seems that is somehow related with the way the enemy tank is oriented, but it is fast, has a great speed and its own potential, what you miss in damage you get it back as spotted tanks and spotting damage. At first I had your same opinion, and i nicknamed it the Craptank, but the more I play it the more i like it and start to discover its potential. Sure is tricky to use and not suited for some maps, but it is great against some annoying enemies like the T15, if you are able to target them and then some one other keep them spotted you can retreat under cover, or if needed you can continue to spot them in over the shoulders view, without them being able to react and you hit them, after the first missile eaten by their APS, for about 1K dmg each salvo you fire. It works also very well against the K12, the Tunderbolt and the Bradley. here i show a good game by me, but i am surely not the only one that is getting blue stars with it , here is an example of an other player, that even if i did the most damage, with the Griffin 120 that is surely not a bad tank, got the star thanks to his spotting. I am not saying that is the best AFV in the tier, surely the other Japanese one is way better, even if requires a very different style and covers a different function, is a damage monster, but the more I play it the more I think that is rewarding and fun to play. EDIT: i had wrongly inserted a screenshot with an other tank, i remove it, anyway at now i had played 13 PvE missions with it, got 2 blue stars and some games at the second place, considering that the very first matches i performed very badly i am quite satisfied of a tank that let me rank in one of the first 2 places quite often.
  19. Even if it will never win a race with a Kornet or a Sphinx on who reach first some good spot on the map i don't feel that it lacks so much of mobility, in the battle I just won i had no problem at all in chasing the CATTB, breaking his engine as he was running away from me and killing him with a good volley of PELE in the back. But yes, in PvE i have a lot of fun with the MBTs roofs. About the infantry, that in that battle i completely forgot to deploy for some reason, i agree with you, the AT Squad can do a lot more damage, my personal record is with the BMP3 M with over 17K damage, in that mission my trusted boys was the best damage dealers after me, doing more damage then every other tank on the battlefield, and I doubt that something similar is possible with the Mortar, even with a double Mortar. But indeed for some maps the Mortar squad is the best choice, it is easy to deploy it in some position where they can not be hit and they do a low, but constant damage, almost ignoring if the enemy is under cover as long as some one spot him.
  20. Lucky morning for me today. I had the weakly mission of killing 3 higher tier enemies in a Random Battle so i told myself, why not? let's give a test to the AS21 in PvP and i entered the queue, first time with this tank. I went to the Airfield map, got 3 kills, Kornet, MGM and CATTB, so I got my mission, and also got the gold medal, 6K damage and a little spotting damage, pretty good result for me with a tank that i never used before in PvP, as i am not a Random Battle specialist, and when i play that mode only sometimes i rank at the first place, usually when it happens for some strange reason it is in the loosing team, i have far more iron medals then gold ones. I really like that tank, it can perform well in all the modes without being over powered. And in Random Battle the top down missiles seem to be way more useful then in PvE, where are very situational, even if i got my 3 kills using the AC and PELE i did some good damage also with the missiles.
  21. I usually don't play the easy PvE mode, but in the other one i had never seen that bug. If it is really a bug. Which one was the second cap, the near one or the far one? I often loose that mission with random players because they always cap 1 way too fast, without before clearing the area from the enemies and mainly without giving me the time to reach a position where i can defend the 2nd cap before the enemies between me and it spawn. Some players seems to be attracted by the first cap like some insects at night are attracted by a lamp, they just can not resist, they surely have been burned many times, but they have to rush into the capping circle. Probably there is some very strong magnet in that cap that attracts the steel of their tanks Are you sure that you really spotted all the enemies and there was not some of them not spotted in the cap? If so you should had seen the capping timer progress. As in that mission all the main caps have to be defended it is impossible to loose it because you are too slow, you run out of time, that can happen when you have to cap. The only way to loose it is to let the bots cap, and they can cap pretty fast, but as soon as a bot enters a cap the capping timer starts, so you know both that someone is capping and how much seconds are left for damaging or killing the bots in the cap. If you did not put attention to the capping timer as you was focused on hitting the bots outside the cap then probably there is no bug and some not spotted bot managed to cap. But if you are 100% sure that there was no capping timer active and suddenly the mission ended with a loss then there is indeed a bug and you should report it to the game publisher,, better if you have a recording of the match.
  22. I did try yesterday that arty spot with a T7 arty, and it seems to work very well. There is also an other spot near by that is possibly even better, at the left of the spot showed in the screenshots and a little higher. It is right near a big antenna pole, so it is quite easy to find, and possibly it gives an even better coverage of the whole airfield strip. To reach it you have to do a sort of S to climb the hill, and is a tricky spot as the vegetation hides the terrain and is very easy to fall down the hill, so once found a good place right near the antenna, I would say at the right of it and very close to it, is better to not move at all. I have still to test which one of the 2 spots gives more airfield strip coverage, i guess the higher one is the better one, but I am not sure of it, also i have to test how the T9-10 artys with single shot work from there, that probably are better suited to a situation where the platoon mates can only damage the bots but not kill them and have also to survive and spot for you. Surely the T9 Polish arty with the single shot has a quite flat trajectory, and I would say also the Centauro has it, that if is a good thing as the shell reaches the enemy faster, before he has time to move away, also means that maybe some parts of the battlefield are no more possible to target. I also think that if some one of the platoon mates has a T15 or an other tank with AC to bring down the enemies at very low health also the WP shells can be really useful, a well placed one can take down 2 or 3 tanks that are close to death at once. I would say that a couple of well armored tanks like the ADTU or the Object 490 and a couple of T15 are perfect for the task. Also some sniper infantry can be really helpful, while the damaging ones risk to steal you kills. It is not clear if it is possible to farm some kills without being spotted also in the first cap, and i would not go with the arty past the tunnel as then too much time is needed to get in position for the last phase.
  23. 7K matches and playing mainly T7-10, if you want to improve i suggest you really to watch the recordings and learn how to play from the good players, if you can platoon with some of them while also being in vocal chat is also a great way to improve, some of them are glad to help less skilled players, at least i was lucky to find some good mentor. The last suggestion that i gave not before, as i did not know your level of experience, if you were a player with only few hundred matches and still grinding trough the tiers or not, but that now i really feel to give to you is to dare. Take a look at this game result, and i am not implying at all that all my matches are as good as that, actually it is not so, and if you don't focus only on the damage done, that is maybe the less important thing as the T15 is a murder machine with a tremendous damage potential, you can see the really important things. 23 spots and 6.4k spotting damage, that as i did a lot of damage to the ones i was spotting myself counts even more. I was not hiding behind the hulls of the 3 MBTs in the party, i was daring, i was taking the initiative, maybe using the terrain features to protect myself, but i was trying to be useful to the party, spotting, receiving my share of hits and of course also getting my good share of damage and kills. But that was really the least important thing, almost every class can do better of just sitting in the back and farming easy damage, AFVs can use their camo and mobility to spot, LTs can flank and somehow also help spotting, even the TDs, that are the only class that, together with arty is designed to stay in the back and snipe, can in some situation become the party spotter, and in some situations has to do it, like when the MBTs are driven by cowards that sit in the back even if the mission is going to be a lost one as the enemy is capping and the AFV has found his sniper place too far from the cap. To dare, to be active, to accept some risk is very rewarding in PvE, while in Random Battle to do it you have to know exactly what to do, what to avoid and why, the worst that can happen is to have to respawn, and you can do it 2 times, but until you don't begin to take some risk, to try to be active and useful to the party, in a more complete way then only farming damage, you will never really improve, as we learn from our own errors and choosing always the safe route don't help us in learning and improving. I am only guessing that this last hint is useful, as i don't really know your own play style, if you already dare, if you already like to try new tactics and to take some risk please ignore it.
  24. When you want to put a tank that was first produced in 1975 (Type 74) with in the same tier with a tank that began production 10 years earlier and that ended production, if not for some export versions, in 1979 (Leopard 1) you surely have to tweak something to balance them... When the Type entered in production the Leo was an almost obsolete tank, whose production stopped 4 years later. But i would say that what a tank is in RL, how it actually performs, does not absolutely matters in this game, that is not a realistic tank simulator, we had completely different versions of the T14 or of the Sphinx just to make an example, thee has been a time when the T14 had the best armor and was super fast, and you saw parties with 12 T14 in Random battle and Glops, and the old AC of the Sphinx was completely different of the actual one, it had more a Draco like alpha. As long as a tank is balanced with the other ones of its tier, and when you see too many of them or never see one of them probably it is not well balanced, if it uses a different ammo of the RL one i personally don't see any problem.
  25. Having myself an internet connection that is petty not reliable, i can play a whole evening with a pretty decent ping below 100ms, that is well compatible with my particular type of connection, not cabled, but uses an antenna that communicates with an other one 2km far, then it is routed on proprietary cabled line of my internet provider to a place about 300km far, somewhere in the north of Italy, then has to reach with the normal route the AW main server in Amsterdam. But some evenings, and i think is my provider's fault, but it is the only one available to me, i have much worst ping, sometimes with 400-500 ms average and spikes of more then 2000ms, so i perfectly know how to play with 160-240 ping, and what you tell seems to be very compatible with it, you miss shots, mainly against moving targets, and you loose kills before even if you aim well and/or shot before the other players you have a double delay, what you see on the monitor is what happened a fraction of second before and your own input reaches the AW server, so becomes effective in the game, with the same delay. My suggestions are to avoid if possible to shot at moving targets, you can do it if the target is squishy, has a large green area, and you get used to anticipate where he will be given the shell traveling time + ping due delay, but if you have to aim at the narrow LFP of a MBT that is moving it becomes very difficult with a high ping, better then to shot at his track and then aim at the LFP when he is still, at least you get some reward if the other players shot at it as tracking has precedence over spotting. Also avoid if possible to shot in PvE at low health enemies, try to shot at the full health ones, as your ping delay will make more likely that some other player gets the kill faster then you. But even when i play with very high ping i get less damage then when i play with a good one with a ping like yours, in PvE the damage rate drop should not be so huge, a very good player that has an average of 30k maybe can do 25k, and a player with an average of 10k maybe will do 8k, I suffer more the defensive part of playing with high ping, as it makes likely that i react slower to the situation, if not when i tell to my tank to retreat under cover and it continues for a full second to go forward, completely exposed at the missiles of that T15 and couple of Bradleys i have just spotted... So my main and more useful suggestion is learn to play, and don't get me wrong, my intention is not to be judgmental or offensive at all, it is really the best suggestion i can give to you, in you own interest. As I think that we all have to learn to play, the novices, but also those with a lot of experience that are already good at the game. To improve is something that needs a deliberate effort. I find very useful to leave the match recording enabled and when i see a player performing very well in a match i often watch the recorded game looking at what he did, i learn a lot from the other players this way, new spots where to snipe, new tactics, and on and over. To watch the recordings is also very useful to find out my own mistakes. If we are talking of a ping of 1/4 sec or less, and not of ping of more then 1 second, that makes almost impossible to play well for everybody (and still it is possible to rank in the middle of the party at the end with it, even if you will not get a lot of blue stars), how the players is good or has still to improve matters way more then the ping itself. I had a way inferior average damage when i was learning to play, and i had a very slow progression in the first part of my learning curve for reasons that now is too long to explain, even when playing with good ping then now, that i have become a better player, even if far to be the best, in the evenings when my ping is very bad, even when it is borderline to make the game not playable. So to make it short: 1 don't shot at moving targets that will probably make you miss, the speed, direction the target is moving and how it si armored matters. 2 don't shot at very low health targets unless you have absolutely to defend yourself, if also other players can kill them fastre then you. 3 every time you see a player doing something very good or using effectively a position on the map you don't know about watch the recording and learn from him. I hope it helps.
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