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Everything posted by dyrewolfe

  1. Never mind all that...we got the old Christmas garage back...w00t! That would explain why the ones in my M113 ACAV never seem to do any damage...
  2. Another name and shame for the devs with more bullshit matchmaking. How the fuck are you supposed to win games like this? Another roflstomp over in minutes. Oh, and another shoutout to dumbass team mates. This time the enemy team went for an early cap and no-one but me tried to do anything about it. Unfortunately I was in a slow-ass MBT and didn't make it in time. I swear the game is giving me teams that are 50% bots...
  3. Oh boy have I got some naming and shaming to do after the last few days... Firstly a couple of idiot team mates. I know it was only a Tier 2 battle, but how dumb can people be. Scenario was thus: end game on Roughneck map. 3 enemies were capping our base. I went over and began shooting at them. Destroyed 1 and got the other 2 pretty low on HP. All of a sudden a LAV 150 gets me in a cross fire from the chemical plant and evaporates about half my HP in a few seconds. I back down the slope out of the firing line and ping its location as it suddenly disappears from view, hoping my team mates would help me by getting rid of it. What do they do? Absolutely fuck all...just sit in their positions like they're AFK (maybe they were). What do I do? Just sit in place and allow enemies to cap our base. With hindsight I should have dived into the cap circle the moment the LAV started shooting me. I could have traded hit points with the cappers at that point, but my natural instinct was to take cover. Anyway, thanks team mates, for sod all... Secondly, low-tier seal-clubbers. Way to screw the early game experience for newbies and returning veterans who just want to grind through the low tiers quickly. I appear to have lost the screenshot for the game, but this M51 player on the enemy team finished with 10 kills and barely took any damage - even though I hit him with a few shots (running mods / upgrades?). Thirdly, thanks to the devs for shitty matchmaking, as evidenced by this brilliant game where over a third of my team did 0 damage. Always fun to have balanced games like this. Not the first and I know it won't be the last, but that doesn't make them any less frustrating. Thankyou to the devs for a second time, for introducing shitty, game-breaking autocannon vehicles with stupidly high DPM. I'm already wondering if I should just quit again, with even low-mid tier games being ruined by these abominations...
  4. Shame they are making it a premium vehicle, otherwise I'd be interested. Looks like a boxier PL01 - especially with the shrouded gun barrel.
  5. Excellent story...so far. Many description...such lols... Looking forward to the part where Alpha One has to fight inside a giant multi-storey spaceship dock, survive hilarious artillery barrages and take down the enemy flying saucer. At least it started out well, but deteriorated somewhat along with the quality of the Spec Ops mission sets and the maps we had to play on. Props to Soren for the effort though.
  6. If I come across players like that (and I'm the only other player left) I generally go to the farthest corner of the map and just type stuff in chat until I get bored. If I'm pissed off enough I'll just AFK. I refuse to help idiots like that. I'd rather taunt them and/or watch them flounder and fail. Good effort at trying to carry your team btw. 👍 Your back must've hurt for a while after that one...
  7. Honestly I hate "min-maxers" or "meta slaves" who treat games like jobs and play for minimum effort, maximum reward...even if it means screwing over team mates, or playing in a manner that is not how the devs intended. I know some people have a limited amount of time to spend playing video games (I am, in fact, one of those people) but I always try to play in the spirit of the game, using vehicles in their intended roles, as far as possible, completing as many objectives as possible and basically not being a douche to my team mates. If it means the grind takes a little longer, so be it. IMHO its very telling about their character if they need a reward / incentive to play the game with a modicum of team spirit. A lot of what you describe here is why I originally quit the game about 3 years ago. A mixture of toxic / selfish gameplay and seeing the meta shift so drastically from MBTs to autocannon and ATGM vehicles. I was trying to grind some Tier 9 & 10 MBTs and eventually just got fed up getting put in battles with multiple Griffins and other vehicles with ridiculous DPMs. Just felt like my only purpose was to catch shells while everyone else farmed the damage & kills (actually had fun). Saw my fair share of idiotic players, but only ever reported 2 for griefing. Both with Russian usernames. Don't know if they actually got any kind of punishment and I don't think there is any way to check. Anyway, I'm back and having fun at low tiers. Be interesting to see if I can get back to the high tier action before MailRU decide to shut down the servers.
  8. Quite honestly I'm of the opinion the M48 GAU is a ridiculously OP gamebreaking piece of crap...along with the T-15. It really is a fun-killer when you're teamed with them. Think about it: does anybody log in just to be a spectator? Which is pretty much what you are if you try to play an MBT. I speak as someone who regularly gets teams full of autocannon and missile spammers. I wouldn't go so far as to openly call someone a selfish prick for playing them, but if there is more than one OP gamebreaker in the team I simply quit t he battle before it starts and move on to the next. Needless to say I do quit quite a lot of battles (90% of the time they do just fine without me). Its just ridiculous how often the matchmaker puts PAIRS of these things in my teams. As if the game weren't already broken enough, the devs now seem determined to fill every tier with these shitty pew-pew / blam-blam vehicles.
  9. True, but it still doesn't do anything to improve my opinion of them, every time one of these numbskulls drives into me, either for jollies, or because they can't be bothered to drive around me (because, y'know, steering is hard).
  10. Recently had this turdcake decide to push me around during one of the Arabian Nights missions. I'm sure no-one will be surprised by the Cyrillic battalion name. Not satisfied with just ramming me, he pushed me up against the building you can see just behind us and blocked me for a good couple of minutes. Kiwi is basically Mail.RU's mouthpiece. Dunno if you remember the first Gulf War, but he's like that Iraqi General who got nicknamed Comical Ali due to his insistence that everything was fine...even when he was filmed with US tanks rolling into Baghdad behind him.
  11. Well its nice to have bot behaviour explained in such detail. That said, as others have commented, my personal experience seems contrary to these rules. Most recently in a Tier 10 match on Scorpio, I had just been killed near the end of the battle. I decided to respawn. My tank (an XM1A3) re-appears near the near-side end of the bridge, then without firing a single shot, the game spawns a Superior XM1A3 and a T-15 right in my face. The T-15 tracks me almost instantly, then keeps me perma-tracked so it can ATGM me to death. A few days ago I was playing the C13 TUA on Cerberus (with the flash-reduction / camo while shooting upgrade). I decide to drive up one of the slopes near the edge of the map, to give myself a good view...and immediately get spotted by every AI driving along the bottom of the valley / whatever, to the point I can barely get a shot off. Would like to add I was also trying to use the few bushes up there for cover too. Similar happens when I play my PL-01 on practically any map. Most notably Watchdog & Sapphire. Even though I have the Adaptive Camo upgrade (which is apparently equivalent to a layer of foliage) and knock over trees to use as cover wherever possible...I STILL get spotted ridiculously often. Quite frequently when the game just happens to spawn a random bot right near my location, so I'm probably proximity spotted...then every AI knows where I am and seems to target me. So yeah...my experiences don't seem to match the official rules at all. EDIT: ---------- And just to add another one to the list: just tried to have a go at Ghost Hunter in my PL-01. Helped deal with the Bradleys that usually show up at the start...then another bloody T-15 materialises out of nowhere, tracks me and ATGMs me to death. This is inside the first minute of the game. At least 3 of my team mates were further forward than me...yet I got targeted!
  12. I got some Tier 4 vehicle - can't remember what it was...might've been an LAV. Also got a T72 B3...which I already have. So I just left it at that. Got around 9k gold but nothing to spend it on, so figured I didn't need the extra from a duplicate tank. Won't be bothering with any more crates, if this is all we can expect.
  13. Great thread! God I have so many examples I could post. Well, here are a few more recent ones... Gotta love camper team mates who let you do all the dirty work...or most of it anyway. Also gotta love bot-level wallet warriors... MBT scouts...been the meta for a while now, hasn't it? Here's an oldie from a couple of years ago. Can't remember what the hell happened...but something obviously went badly wrong. Looking at the spotting damage figures I think this was during the time it showed x10 what you actually did, due to a bug or something.
  14. Hi All, Just found this place almost by accident. Was browsing the AW subreddit and saw someone had posted a link to this forum about how the game can now be modded (which I'm not happy about). Anyway, just making this post by way of introduction. I've been playing since 2015 and have got around 3.500 games under my belt. Would only call myself an average player at best - hopefully will pick up some helpful tips from the ace tankers here. Mostly a PvE player - still got quite a few tanks to grind, but will play PvP and GLOPS now and again (at least as long as there aren't any mods that turn this game into WoT 2.0).
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