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Everything posted by knutliott

  1. Start with the gun because doing so is effectively free. Fire gun -> missile -> missile -> gun -> wait for reload (or fire the MG while waiting for reload). This should increase your burst noticeably because the gun will reload "for free" while you're firing the 2 missiles. You can actually fire gun -> missile -> gun -> missile -> gun -> wait for reload without any down time, but that spreads your damage out over more time and so both lowers your burst DPM and your overall DPM slightly.
  2. Got killed by this bug this afternoon. Was on Cavalry spotting/firing into the final cap from the normal positions along the sand dune. Wanted to reposition because I suspected there were enemies in the cap that I wasn't able to spot, but needed to turn my side to do that, so while not spotted I popped off smoke to cover my turn, turned, and was pretty much instantly obliterated by like 3-5 enemies in the final cap that I couldn't see (and as previously noted did not have me spotted when I popped smoke). GG fixing that bug, My.com.
  3. Well, for 8 bucks you're basically guaranteed to get a Tier 5 and a Tier 6 Premium, both of which are actually pretty good. And with any kind of semi-reasonable effort you'll also collect the Tier 8 Premium. Remember that the Challenges alone are worth a potential 70,000 coins. Level 30 only requires 82,500 total. Most people won't be able to complete all of the Challenges (several of them essentially require rigging with a 5-person platoon), but I managed to finish 6 of them last time playing solo PvE and did at least a couple of levels on the other 4. So I managed 42,000+ from the Challenges alone, and you have to actually *play* to do those so you're earning regular coins at the same time. So level 30 shouldn't be difficult at all. Ignore the mission chains. Those are basically intended for 5-person platoons. Sure you can do a few of them on your own playing PvE, but a good percentage of them basically require rigging with a 5-person platoon.
  4. Unless they've tweaked the drop rates, it took about 50 crates in American Dream. The bell curve seemed to make needing less than 40 or more than 60 pretty rare. I needed 48 IIRC. 50 crates = 50k coins = 20k gold + 2k earned coins. That's a little over $83 worth of gold, which is only a little more expensive than a Tier 9 normally costs (at least theoretically that's $75). So it's not completely unreasonable to just buy it, though it should be pretty easy to earn 50k coins in 3 months. My goal is level 36 (I don't care about the Type 10) plus the Hunter, so I need 154k coins. I bought the 42.5K entry, so that leaves 111.5K to earn. 40k per month. Shouldn't be too hard, but it's still a lot of grinding.
  5. I actually get why they did it the way they did. They don't expect you to actually finish all 3 of them every 24 hours, but they're giving you that opportunity so that you'll try. More people trying means more people online, which is an overall plus for everyone. I was looking at the repeatables and thinking that they were worse than before, but as I looked closer that's only true for the XP repeatable. That used to be 10k XP, now it's 25k XP. Ouch. But the kills repeatable now counts assists so is slightly easier, and I don't think the damage repeatable changed at all. I don't like that the restrictions don't seem to overlap very often, but that's the same as before so isn't a change. I really wish they'd made them scale, though. My first damage repeatable is 350k damage in a Tier 3-6 TD/LT/AFV, and that's a lot of damage at low tiers made worse by the fact that it literally doesn't overlap with anything else so I have to work on it exclusively if I want to complete it.
  6. I'm getting more like 13k from each... I haven't broken 15k in either yet, possibly because there are so many people using them to grind missions right now. And I'm over 22k in the Sgt York. :-) In the 915, don't forget your missiles. They boost your sustained damage by like 40%. Fire gun, swap to missile and fire, swap back to gun which has now reloaded, etc. You lay down pretty sustained fire that way without costing you anything at all... swapping to a missile, firing, and then back to the gun all happens in the time it takes the gun to reload. Also, the 1000 Battle Coin coupon that I received at level 7 can't be redeemed. I get an error saying something about how the contracts for that battle path haven't been activated.
  7. Like OMFGSgtYork levels of OP? Or just blatantly OP? 'Cause, you know, there's OP, and then there's blatantly OP, and then there's Sgt York OP.
  8. The initial information provided by AW was that the Access+42.5k BC package would get you to level 19, but based on the above information it appears that it would actually get you to level 20. But yes, that does mean that it is not enough to get you the Pindad - you'd still need to earn 40k more coins to reach level 30 to get it. That said, earning 40k coins in 99 days is pretty trivial, especially given the number of BC Boosters buried in the levels. I counted 13 BC Boosters provided before level 39 (which is all the further I'm really trying to get) and those are mostly front loaded. In PvE a BC Booster is worth about 2500 BC... and considerably more than that in GLOPS or PvP. What I'm finding dramatically worse about this BP over American Dream is the mission chains. They missions are still pretty ridiculous, and now they're saddled with needing to be completed in Tier 5 and 6 vehicles (for the first 2). Really? 35k damage in a Tier 5 or 6 in PvE? 15 Eliminations in a Tier 5 or 6 in PvE? Some of these are simply stupid and clearly designed to be skipped by paying. I guess I'll have to achieve my level goal first, then buy Enigma crates until I get the Hunter, and only then if I still have excess BC I'll pay my way through the mission chains to get the camos.
  9. That makes sense. Any given enemy tank provides either a Kill and an Assist (to different players), or an Elimination. Or put another way, Eliminations and Assists are mutually exclusive. For complete clarity, can you get both a Kill and an Elimination on the same enemy vehicle? Or are they also mutually exclusive?
  10. Based on SS's wording, I'd say no. You did not do the most damage. However there is effectively a threshold - in PvE it will not be possible to get an Assist unless you do at least 20.1% of the damage to the target because there are 5 people on your team and that's as low as you can go and still do the most damage. It sounds like the person who does the most damage either gets an Elimination or an Assist. (And possibly also a Kill? If you get an Elimination do you also always get a Kill? Or does an Elimination replace a Kill?) It also sounds like if someone gets an Elimination, then no one gets an Assist. It's unclear what happens if 2 people do exactly the same amount of damage and tie for "most". (Admittedly a rare outcome, but theoretically possible.) If A and B each do 40%, and C does 20% and gets the Kill, do both A and B get an Assist?
  11. Definitely very recently. I played one match on Spearhead in my AS21 and got 15 kills, and my Enemies Eliminated count went up by 11 to 212. It's also displayed in the details tab of the after action report right underneath your kills for the mission.
  12. When was this stat added? I just noticed it today and have never seen it before. It's in your Dossier under Statistics and is listed right under Enemies Killed. The hover-over message says, "The total amount of enemy vehicles you destroyed. Only the vehicles, to which you have dealt the most damage of your entire team, count towards this number." It must have been added fairly recently because right now mine says 201, and I otherwise have 84,437 kills.
  13. OS: Windows 8.1 Pro Game Version: all versions from UI upgrade through at least 25.5.2020 Brief Description: when aiming at a vehicle and then losing line of sight due to hard cover/obstruction, the aiming reticle will often remain colored as if you were still aimed at a target. This confuses players into thinking they have LOS and can fire, when in fact there is no LOS and all shots will hit the hard cover/obstruction. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Aim at an enemy that is moving toward hard cover/an obstruction 2. As the enemy moves behind the cover and you continue to track with the aiming reticle, observe that the aiming reticle does not revert to white (or whatever your default reticle color is if you've modified it) and instead remains whatever color it last was while pointed at armor. Result: reticle often, but not always, continues to display an armor pen color instead of reverting to white when no longer aimed at an enemy vehicle Expected Behavior: reticle should immediately revert to white when no longer aimed at an enemy vehicle Fixes/Workarounds: none known Other Notes: this can also happen at the edge of camo range, but that's much more difficult to reproduce intentionally.
  14. And this is one of the reasons it annoys me so much that they removed the old Termi. They claim it was replaced because it was bad. Well, if it sucked so bad then why does it need to be removed? Just leave it in the game and no one will use it. Oh, right. It didn't suck in PvE. In fact it was amazingly good in PvE. So that's why it had to be removed - they ignore PvE for balance unless it's something good, in which case then they nuke it.
  15. I realize that on paper its DPM has been nerfed, but I'm not sure that's true in reality. (By 33%, I think? At last nominally?) The guns switch so quickly that you can fire a missile, switch to cannons and fire a burst, switch back to missile and fire another, etc. On the new Termi that's efficient due to the extra pen and damage from the missiles. On the old Termi there wasn't any point - just left click the AC and hold until the target blew up. The old Termi's missiles were basically irrelevant... on the new Termi they're integral. It does take more skill to maintain similar DPM, but I see that as a good thing. ----- Nerfing the entire line is a different discussion. The line's 30mm ACs shouldn't be doing 40-45 damage... they should be doing 20-25 like every other comparable 30mm AC. It makes no sense that the Terminator line's ACs do as much damage as they do, out-damaging 35mm and 40mm guns that coincidentally aren't Russian. I do really well in my AS21, but there's simply no keeping up with a well-played Terminator series. Even vehicles that should be similar - AGDS, T-40 - can't keep up because they've been deliberately designed to be inferior. The Terminator line's armor, unmanned turret, and DPM are incomparable.
  16. Mech Infantry animation change is a straight-up nerf. It now takes an extra 1-2 seconds to deploy your infantry, at least for the 2 Mortar squads in an AS21. It might be even worse if you're carring an AT squad because it does seem like there's more time between each soldier exiting than there was before, in addition to the extra time for the door to open and then a brief pause that's completely unnecessary before the first soldier exits. I disagree completely. The missiles are significantly more useful and can do nearly 1k damage each. If you're having control problems, maybe consider not shooting older Tier 8 missiles at vehicles equipped with Tier 10 advanced soft kill APS? Shoot LTs and AFVs. Shoot TDs that aren't Armatas. Avoid Armatas unless you have no other choice. My first game using it was Spearhead and I did 32k damage and got 17 kills. The missiles are crazy good if you use them correctly. The AC is still OPAF, it's just not as stupidly OP as it used to be. But because the missiles are so much better, it doesn't need to be.
  17. As I've mentioned on various Discord servers, the new Termi is clearly better than the old one. It plays differently which was the intent, but overall it's just plain better than the old one. Nearly 1k missile hits will do that for you. I'm not having any missile performance issues with it, perhaps because I'm not trying to shoot them at T10 vehicles with advanced soft kill APS. Do not shoot Armatas with this Termi's missiles... shoot AFVs, LTs, and non-AIDS TDs. That said, there was still no need to remove the old Termi. They should have simply left it there never to be sold again and created the new one alongside it.
  18. Note that its AP is 40mm but its PELE is 30mm. It's the AP that's really the big upgrade over the AS21, doing 38 damage instead of (IIRC) 22. The PELE looks similar to me without logging in to check my AS21, which means that on the Hunter you might actually carry both types of ammo, or might even only carry AP. There are situations where the AS21's Javelins are very useful, though they're rare. (Quarterback comes to mind; parking on the hill on the far side of the refinery to spot for your mortar teams while adding your own top-downs is a pretty solid way to blue star that map every time.) Losing one mortar team vs the AS21 is a pretty big difference as well if you know how to use mortar teams. For me the biggest difference between them is that the Hunter is a premium. I was a little annoyed that the AS21 was so much better than the K21 because I prefer to play premiums for the extra credits whenever possible. But I'll basically never choose the K21 over the AS21... hopefully the Hunter will be good enough (if not better) that I'll be happy playing it. (E.g. BMPT Reaper vs Ramka-99. The Ramka is better, but the difference is small enough that I still happily play the Reaper. Or at least did until I got the 2017.)
  19. I'd like to see them implement a requirement that contest entries be posted within 24 hours of their completion or they're invalid. Saving everything to post until the last day is extremely annoying.
  20. Honestly, only the Pindad and Hunter look interesting to me. To be fair I'm probably discounting the potential appeal of the Type 10 due to how bad the K2 is, but there's really not a lot about this Battle Path to draw me in. The Type 74 and Seongun-915 are - at best - MBTs at uninteresting tiers, so there's little chance of them being worth any effort at all. I have 20+ BC boosts saved so shouldn't have too much trouble completing the BP if I want to, but I'm really starting to doubt whether or not I'll even want to.
  21. Please keep pushing. There's no reason to take away the old Termis, even if they're the worst of the bunch. There are plenty of MBTs that should be removed if "not as good as others" is their criteria for removing vehicles.
  22. The 2017 should not be at Tier 8. That's the biggest problem - it should be Tier 9. It's basically a Terminator 2 turret on the better T-90 (vs T-72) hull of the Ramka. PLUS it has the soft ERA bags. The Terminator and Ramka-99 are both valid at Tier 8 as they currently exist. The Termi has better DPM, but the Ramka has better defense. It may not look that different on paper, but in actual play the "troll" armor of the Ramka makes it significantly more survivable than the Termi. There's no reason to remove the Terminator. Just add the 2000! Bonus: devs don't have to make the Reaper and Sapphire skins work on the 2000.
  23. I'm annoyed that the Termi is being replaced. There's no need to replace it - just add the new vehicle. It's not like we have a limited number of garage slots or something. The Termi is at least as distinct from the Ramka as the gazillions of various MBTs are from each other.
  24. So it's like I said - the Assist goes to whoever does the most damage without getting the kill. If there's a solo kill then no one gets an assist. Based on experience, though, I'm pretty positive that there's a minimum contribution required as well. You can't just sneak in a single AC shot to get an assist even if there are only 2 of you left in a game, but I have no idea what that minimum amount of damage might be.
  25. I've been wanting to try that, but haven't been able to get online when there are others around lately. I like trying weird configurations like that. Don't think I'd want to do it in Spec Ops, though, at least not until I've done SH4 a few times. I still haven't done it because it sounds silly.
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