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Everything posted by Haswell

  1. Albatross - 10 Anvil - 10 Banshee - 10 Basilisk - 10 Cavalry - 10 Cerberus - 10 Dire Wolf - 10 Erebos - 10 Frostbite - 7 Ghost Hunter - 10 Harbinger - 10 Hydra - 7 Kodiak - 10 Leviathan - 10 Life Jacket - 7 Meltdown - 11 Onyx - 10 Perseus - 11 Phalanx - 10 Prometheus - 4+1=5 I'll give a vote of support for Prometheus, seeing how it's fairly friendly towards both squishies and non-squish. Respawns all the way at the beginning of the map and absolutely garbage secondary placements aside, the double caps is a fairly unique mechanic that forces you into either clearing the bots fast enough to autocomplete or deal with the far cap for some extra time. It's a fairly good design that I don't find on any other map so far. Raiding Party - 7 Red Opossum - 10 Ricochet - 10 Rolling Thunder - 10 Sapphire - 10 Scorpio - 11 Snake Bite - 10 Spearhead - 10-3=7 There's nothing terribly bad about the layout of the map, but the flood of bots that sit inside the cap makes it boring and annoying to slug it out. Killing all the bots on the map also isn't a winning condition for some reason, so you are forced sit inside the cap yourself and do nothing for a good minute on what is inherently a fast map to clear out. Starry Night - 10 Stormy Winter - 10 Tiger Claw - 10 doesn't exist Tsunami - 10 Umbrella - 10 Watchdog - 10 Wildfire - 10 Zero Hour - 11 Desert Path - 4-3=1 Putting it out of its misery faster because of the bridge. Also I hate all the new desert maps in general for being MBT slugfests. Desert Fox - 10 Desert Saber - 10 Desert Strike - 10 Desert Viper - 10
  2. https://armoredlabs.net/index.php?/topic/32388-in-development-tr-85m1-totally-not-a-type-74-20/ So now we know all about the vehicles in the BP. Literally none of the rank rewards are worth getting, which means only the 2S38 and the coin shop remain as the biggest appeal. Even "appeal" is putting it lightly. Skipping this entire BP would be my recommendation if you have zero interest in the 2S38, and absolutely do ignore everything about the ranks. Do not spend any money on this BP. Don't even bother buying access if you can't afford it with gold, and even then think about whether your gold is worth spending on this pile of shit.
  3. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/development-tr-85m1-bizonul Skip.
  4. Some updated lore, I can't help but feel like I've seen Gail somewhere else before. https://aw.my.games/en/perihelion https://aw.my.games/en/david-murdoch https://aw.my.games/en/samuel-thorpe https://aw.my.games/en/gail-espinoza
  5. Let's play a game. A game where we try to find which PvE maps we hate the most and eliminate them. Rules are simple: with every post in this thread, you must provide ONE +1 vote TWO -3 votes Votes are applicable once per day. Here are the list of maps to start with: Albatross - 10 Anvil - 10 Banshee - 10 Basilisk - 10 Cavalry - 10 Cerberus - 10 Dire Wolf - 10 Erebos - 10 Frostbite - 10 Ghost Hunter - 10 Harbinger - 10 Hydra - 10 Kodiak - 10 Leviathan - 10 Life Jacket - 10 Meltdown - 10 Onyx - 10 Perseus - 10 Phalanx - 10 Prometheus - 10 Quarterback - 10 Raiding Party - 10 Red Opossum - 10 Ricochet - 10 Rolling Thunder - 10 Sapphire - 10 Scorpio - 10 Snake Bite - 10 Spearhead - 10 Starry Night - 10 Stormy Winter - 10 Tiger Claw - 10 doesn't exist Tsunami - 10 Umbrella - 10 Watchdog - 10 Wildfire - 10 Zero Hour - 10 Desert Path - 10 Desert Fox - 10 Desert Saber - 10 Desert Strike - 10 Desert Viper - 10 I'll start: Albatross - 10 Anvil - 10 Banshee - 10 Basilisk - 10 Cavalry - 10 Cerberus - 10 Dire Wolf - 10 Erebos - 10 Frostbite - 10-3=7 Random objective locations are bad, especially if you play something slow and the second objective is across the map. Ghost Hunter - 10 Harbinger - 10 Hydra - 10-3=7 That first bot wave is absolutely deadly if you don't have armor or find cover to survive. Good luck if you load in late. Kodiak - 10 Leviathan - 10 Life Jacket - 10 Meltdown - 10+1=11 One of the few maps that favor all vehicle classes equally, and easily soloable even if pubbies make the end hard. Onyx - 10 Perseus - 10 Phalanx - 10 Prometheus - 10 Quarterback - 10 Raiding Party - 10 Red Opossum - 10 Ricochet - 10 Rolling Thunder - 10 Sapphire - 10 Scorpio - 10 Snake Bite - 10 Spearhead - 10 Starry Night - 10 Stormy Winter - 10 Tiger Claw - 10 doesn't exist Tsunami - 10 Umbrella - 10 Watchdog - 10 Wildfire - 10 Zero Hour - 10 Desert Path - 10 Desert Fox - 10 Desert Saber - 10 Desert Strike - 10 Desert Viper - 10
  6. https://armoredlabs.net/index.php?/topic/32192-in-development-t-72m4cz/ The vehicle itself is unremarkable, but here's the important tidbit:
  7. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/development-t-72m4cz Skip-worthy. There is nothing about it that stands out.
  8. Revisiting the 99A2 after a while. Nothing changed much, except for the massive alpha buff to 930. With the right commander builds, it absolutely goes nyoooooooooom.
  9. Part 2: https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/development-autocannon-penetration-changes No. Just... no.
  10. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/development-special-operations-mission-burning-grounds Infantry. Escort.
  11. https://armoredlabs.net/index.php?/topic/31949-in-development-t-15-kinzhal/ Wikipedia says it's a gen 3 MBT among the ranks of Abrams and Ariete and Leclerc, but who knows? Not that tiering should be a concern anymore when the devs can give it whatever fantasy stats they want and place it at any tier.
  12. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/development-t-15-kinzhal I'm... not too excited about this one. The burst mechanic is nice on paper, but my experiences with the Griffin shows that even with high DPM on paper, the time to kill (TTK) becomes rather long due to the pauses. Time for some math: Assuming an average of 276 damage per burst (92*3), it will take 6-7 bursts to kill a superior Sphinx bot. Assuming 0.5s for the whole burst + reload cycle, that's roughly 3-3.5s to kill the bot. This is comparable to the normal T-15. I'm not sure the 57mm burst is worth giving up two missiles. Never mind the fact that the Strv2k can pretty much do the same thing with its coax 40mm, and it carries a more useful gun to boot.
  13. I was really hoping there would be some sort of carrying mechanic, eg. players who exceed the mission requirements count as multiple completions. But still, 400 players going into ep2 is a really really low number. I can see why the campaign might end simply due to unacceptable attrition.
  14. There haven't been drastic changes to commanders for over two years now, most of the posted builds are still applicable. The meta hasn't changed much either for previously useless commander skills to become any more relevant.
  15. https://armoredlabs.net/index.php?/topic/31948-in-development-2s38-derivatsiya/
  16. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/development-2s38-derivatsiya Marder cries in powercreep. Crossposting to https://armoredlabs.net/index.php?/topic/31888-next-bp-speculationinfo/
  17. Boom car edition, all credit to PanzerSofa. All info and pictures are sourced from PanzerSofa: https://vk.com/wall-102237486_273711 Modified installation procedure for non-RU players: Note: this mod uses installs using localization injection, the mod will stay active across game updates without any further adjustments. To uninstall, simply remove the mod files. Note 2: because this mod changes both the model and textures of the K153, existing skins and camos and base paints will not work. Not that it matters anyway with the sweet sweet model.
  18. 2S38 may possibly be the gacha vehicle, nothing confirmed yet I think. Given the recent trends though it might be another tier 9 that we'll find out later.
  19. Crossposting what we know about it so far. T-15 w/ 57mm is also going to be the top BP reward. Miscellaneous stuff that may or may not be related to the BP:
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