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Light MBT

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Why is so many of the newish MBT not classified as heavys, but as lights? you cant have a platoon of 4 strv 2000, as they are "light" tanks

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Most probable guess: the game is being fucky, either the vehicles don't have the "heavy" tag or the game don't calculate weights properly.



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That particular matchmaker/platoon constraint system has been borked almost since it was implemented.  A Stingray still counts as "armored" for the matchmaker, for instance.  That might have been almost true a long time ago, but ACs are so overpowered now that a Stingray might as well not have any armor at all.  But it still counts as armored as far as the matchmaker is concerned.

IIRC it also won't let you create a 3- or 4-man with all Terminators, because that's "too many TDs" in the platoon.  Its reasoning is that TDs are squishy, long-range snipers, which Terminators most definitely are not.

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