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CSB (Commander Skill Builder)

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I decide to start a CSB (Commander Skill Builder) thread as we don't have one yet and a new version has just been published.

Link: http://csb-hype.5v.pl/


I took one of @Spyshadow01's recommended Juan Carlos Miramon builds for preview purposes


For those who are new to CSB, it's basically a tool that allows you to test different skill builds for tank commanders before you apply them in the actual game. For skills that stack, they also show the resulting stacked numbers instead of displaying them individually (like it is in the game at the moment).

You can also share builds by copying and pasting the URL, or by copying and pasting the strings in text and apply them in the builder.

For example, the URL for the build above can be found here: http://csb-hype.5v.pl/?miramon=A1A7B1B7C1C2C3C4C5C6C7D7E7F7G7

Alternatively you can go to save/load and paste "miramon=A1A7B1B7C1C2C3C4C5C6C7D7E7F7G7" in the second text box to directly apply the build.


The latest version 1.60 finally displays builds with multiple starting skills correctly (credits to T3nam for that). Kwon Han is also in the build now and other commander changes that were added in the 0.31 Spirithaven season should all be in there. Localisation for new skills will have to come later as T3nam will need time to separate the language files for each translator.


If there are any problems, please feel free to contact HYPE on their discord server or mention them here; I can forward any issues to them as well.


The recommended builds list has been removed from the site, but a thread for various suggested builds is available on this forum.


Edited by Qbicle
Updated site URL (see edit history)
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It's been a while, but CSB has now been updated to include new stats and skill trees seen in 0.34.

Link: http://csb-hype.5v.pl/

A few things to note:

  • Only English, German, and both Chinese languages are up to date and fully translated. The other languages are only translated up to 0.30 or before.
  • Recommended builds are disabled for now because the old ones are really outdated. You can suggest some here and I will forward them to HYPE for future updates.
  • Andrey Zaytsev's levels 1-2 values for Fixed Position IV skill are at 10%. They might get reverted back to the old values in the future . For reference, the game now rounds that skill's values up or down to the nearest integer, so it can look rather confusing.
  • Freja Højbjerg's Lone Hero skill is currently incorrect; it should activate when there is no friendly vehicles nearby, not enemies, but for some reason this is what's written in the game as well (it was correct before). I've asked HYPE to change this for a future update.
  • Similar to the point above, but even though the game has updated some of the old skills' descriptions, they may actually be incorrect. One such example is Rachel Kramer's Fury Fire, which states reload speed would increase when HP is at 50% or below, while it should be 50% or more. That's the problem with copying descriptions directly from the game, so we may have to carry out tests in the game to verify them if necessary.

There may be other errors in the latest build so please do let me know if you do spot any.

Edited by Qbicle
Updated site URL (see edit history)


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4 hours ago, tahax said:

site is not working. check it plz.

Just realised that URL was the wrong one for both post. They should now be correct.


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Also I brought up the pop-up and full screen click hyperlink - apparently these have been removed!

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CSB has been updated today to include Samuel Thorpe, who currently shares the same skills as Fyodor Sokolov and Maximilian König. Thorpe's skills are subject to further changes depending on how Perihelion (2nd Storyline Campaign) progresses, but the build includes his initial iteration for now.

Link: http://csb-hype.5v.pl/

Other minor fixes:

  • Ophelia's Berserk skills' HP reduction should now properly stack
  • Updated Erin's Specialist skill description ("Trait" --> "Ability")
  • Updated Alisa's Tank Rage skill icon
  • Fixing a number of typos
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CSB has a minor update today, which fixes the locations for two of Alisa's skills, i.e. Tank Rage I at E6 is now at D6, whereas Field Repair II at D6 is now at D7.

Link: http://csb-hype.5v.pl/

If you still see the Alisa's skill field displaying the wrong image, try doing a hard refresh on the browser.


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CSB has been updated today to include skill changes on Fyodor Sokolov, Joshua Seagrove, and Kathryn Grey first seen in 0.240.

Link: http://csb-hype.5v.pl/

A few things to note:

  • Some skills have changed names and no longer use the I, II and III rank system, but Tenam (the one who coded the latest versions of CSB) is rather busy and says it's not something that can be changed easily (at least not right away).
  • Only English language is up to date for now. English, German, Traditional and Simplified Chinese versions are now up to date. Other languages may or may not get updated in the future (depending on volunteers available).
Edited by Qbicle
Updated localisation (see edit history)


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