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Low Damage King

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Hello everyone. Just a quick request for help here. I am literally the Low Damage King in the game. In most of my PVE matches I rarely get above 10k in Damage. I have tried everything I can to raise my Damage numbers with no luck. I usually shoot whenever I can find green on a target. I know most of the weak spots on the various tanks. I have viewed the armor map on all the different models. I still can't get my numbers up. My ping is usually somewhere around 200 ms. That is 160 to 240 ms. I will see a tank on the field, shoot at it multiple times and get it down to 5% hp and when taking my last shot i will shoot and see the tank explode. It looks like my kill but I do not get the credit. this can happen multiple times a match. Any tips or explanations are welcome. Thank you, Agent Zero.


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Hello there.

I don't know how experienced you are in terms of battles played in AW. However in PVE generally speaking you're better off using tanks featuring a high dpm to solely make damage in most cases. This does not mean any other tanks are useless they just need a different playstyle to be effective. I'd like to know the following from you to elaborate what exactly your problem is:

  • Your battle count (have you just started playing the game or do you know the basics?)
  • What modes in PVE you usually play
  • Which vehicle classes or vehicles are you particularly bad in?
  • Which Tier do you usually play
5 hours ago, AgentZero said:

I know most of the weak spots on the various tanks. I have viewed the armor map on all the different models. I still can't get my numbers up.

So either you're not hitting what you want to hit (Maybe because of the ping/possible packet loss) or you're not in a good position.

5 hours ago, AgentZero said:

I will see a tank on the field, shoot at it multiple times and get it down to 5% hp and when taking my last shot i will shoot and see the tank explode. It looks like my kill but I do not get the credit.

This seems strange to me and points most probably to connection issues. Do you have lots of rubberbanding effects during the game or lag in general?

It would be good if you could share some replays or videos with us so we can have a look at what you do during the battle. It's usually easier to see mistakes and errors that way.


Otherwise if you're not already familiar with how assist damage works I'd recommend to read the following:

This knowledge helps you to boost your assist damage score in the game which as well should lead to a better score. :sealofapproval:




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Having myself an internet connection that is petty not reliable, i can play a whole evening with a pretty decent ping below 100ms, that is well compatible with my particular type of connection, not cabled, but uses an antenna that communicates with an other one 2km far, then it is routed on proprietary cabled line of my internet provider to a place about 300km far, somewhere in the north of Italy, then has to reach with the normal route the AW main server in Amsterdam.

But some evenings, and i think is my provider's fault, but it is the only one available to me, i have much worst ping, sometimes with  400-500 ms average and spikes of more then 2000ms, so i perfectly know how to play with 160-240 ping, and what you tell seems to be very compatible with it, you miss shots, mainly against moving targets, and you loose kills before even if you aim well and/or shot before the other players you have a double delay, what you see on the monitor is what happened a fraction of second before and your own input reaches the AW server, so becomes effective in the game, with the same delay.

My suggestions are to avoid if possible to shot at moving targets, you can do it if the target is squishy, has a large green area, and you get used to anticipate where he will be given the shell traveling time + ping due delay, but if you have to aim at the narrow LFP of a MBT that is moving it becomes very difficult with a high ping, better then to shot at his track and then aim at the LFP when he is still, at least you get some reward if the other players shot at it as tracking has precedence over spotting.

Also avoid if possible to shot in PvE at low health enemies, try to shot at the full health ones, as your ping delay will make more likely that some other player gets the kill faster then you.

But even when i play with very high ping i get less damage then when i play with a good one with a ping like yours, in PvE the damage rate drop should not be so huge, a very good player that has an average of 30k maybe can do 25k, and a player with an average of 10k maybe will do 8k, I suffer more the defensive part of playing with high ping, as it makes likely that i react slower to the situation, if not when i tell to my tank to retreat under cover and it continues for a full second to go forward, completely exposed at the missiles of that T15 and couple of Bradleys  i have just spotted...

So my main and more useful suggestion is learn to play, and don't get me wrong, my intention is not to be judgmental or offensive at all, it is really the best suggestion i can give to you, in you own interest. As I think that we all have to learn to play, the novices, but also those with a lot of experience that are already good at the game. To improve is something that needs a deliberate effort. I find very useful to leave the match recording enabled and when i see a player performing very well in a match i often watch the recorded game looking at what he did, i learn a lot from the other players this way, new spots where to snipe, new tactics, and on and over. To watch the recordings is also very useful to find out my own mistakes. 

If we are talking of a ping of 1/4 sec or less, and not of ping of more then 1 second, that makes almost impossible to play well for everybody (and still it is possible to rank in the middle of the party at the end with it, even if you will not get a lot of blue stars), how the players is good or has still to improve matters way more then the ping itself.

I had a way inferior average damage when i was learning to play, and i had a very slow progression in the first part of my learning curve for reasons that now is too long to explain, even when playing with good ping then now, that i have become a better player, even if far to be the best, in the evenings when my ping is very bad, even when it is borderline to make the game not playable. 

So to make it short:
1 don't shot at moving targets that will probably make you miss, the speed, direction the target is moving and how it si armored matters.

2 don't shot at very low health targets unless you have absolutely to defend yourself, if also other players can kill them fastre then you.

3 every time you see a player doing something very good or using effectively a position on the map you don't know about watch the recording and learn from him.

I hope it helps.

Edited by BumbaX (see edit history)

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Wow, extrememly helpful. Your reply was way beyond what I had hoped for. Thank you so much. I will take your advice  to heart. I have been playing since late 2015 but I took a year long break to play Warface. . 7,043 matches played with a 79.6% pve win rate. i have 16 tier 10 tanks and mostly play tier 7-10. Thanks again for your awesome reply. 

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7K matches and playing mainly T7-10, if you want to improve i suggest you really to watch the recordings and learn how to play from the good players, if you can platoon with some of them while also being in vocal chat is also a great way to improve, some of them are glad to help less skilled players, at least i was lucky to find some good mentor.

The last suggestion that i gave not before, as i did not know your level of experience, if you were a player with only few hundred matches and still grinding trough the tiers or not, but that now i really feel to give to you is to dare. 
Take a look at this game result, and i am not implying at all that all my matches are as good as that, actually it is not so, and if you don't focus only on the damage done, that is maybe the less important thing as the T15 is a murder machine with a tremendous damage potential, you can see the really important things.

23 spots and 6.4k spotting damage, that as i did a lot of damage to the ones i was spotting myself counts even more. I was not hiding behind the hulls of the 3 MBTs in the party, i was daring, i was taking the initiative, maybe using the terrain features to protect myself, but i was trying to be useful to the party, spotting, receiving my share of hits and of course also getting my good share of damage and kills. But that was really the least important thing, almost every class can do better of just sitting in the back and farming easy damage, AFVs can use their camo and mobility to spot, LTs can flank and somehow also help spotting, even the TDs, that are the only class that, together with arty is designed to stay in the back and snipe, can in some situation become the party spotter, and in some situations has to do it, like when the MBTs are driven by cowards that sit in the back even if the mission is going to be a lost one as the enemy is capping and the AFV has found his sniper place too far from the cap.

To dare, to be active, to accept some risk is very rewarding in PvE, while in Random Battle to do it you have to know exactly what to do, what to avoid and why, the worst that can happen is to have to respawn, and you can do it 2 times, but until you don't begin to take some risk, to try to be active and useful to the party, in a more complete way then only farming damage, you will never really improve, as we learn from our own errors and choosing always the safe route don't help us in learning and improving. 

I am only guessing that this last hint is useful, as i don't really know your own play style, if you already dare, if you already like to try new tactics and to take some risk please ignore it.



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In PVE up to tier 8. I only use Heat rounds for that extra damage. You really dont need any other ammo type since the mbts tanks spin arround and will always show you a spot you can penetrate with Heat ammo.

PVE 9 to 10 still more heat than AP, usually switch to AP when i shot at PL's

Also use the training grounds. Take your time there shot at stuff with different ammo types, learn the weakspots.

Take a T15 with Thermobaric rounds there an be amazed about how many different vehicles you can sett on fire with one or two thermobaric missiles.



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I really have to go to Alabino and learn how to use Thermobaric rounds with the T15, i usually load only the red AGTMs, as are much more reliable and hit for more damage if you don't set fires or ammo rack explosions, but I know how the green ammo can be effective, ie i find that the ADTU even with its slow reload is one of the MBTs with the best damage potential if you know how to use the green ammo, it can easily 2 or 3 shot down most of the other tanks and if you are lucky, and you help the luck with a wise crew specialization and the right commander, one shot some tank quite often.

Also to use the armor inspector to learn where the ammo racks and fuel tanks are is really important, I am very glad that now it shows them, before you had to learn them trying or ask to some more experienced friend about, now you can focus on a couple of tanks, learn their spots and practice in Alabino.

Hopefully I will be able to do my weekly mission where i have to destroy 5 PvE and GLOPS tanks by fire or ammo rack explosion as I don't really want to buy it for gold or rig a mission with a full platoon.

About switching to AP i also like to have some AP rounds for the AS21 auto cannon, usually I shot the green ammo, but PL01 and Anders are almost immune at it if you don't have shots to the front or the back, switching to  AP you can penetrate them without any problem, so i go to the mission with at least 100 AP rounds loaded: At a different level of finesse this is also true for the Ramka and HE, there are situations where you can not do damage with AP or anyway AP does less damage then HE.

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