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Posts posted by TeyKey1

  1. On 7/9/2020 at 10:22 AM, BOX11 said:

    I see Ophelia's ability as additional  Hit points merely like we used to have as a retrofit before and merely like the other commander which she already posses, being over dramatic about it needs more justification I guess, there are other commanders with abilities that others may consider OP, it is a never ending story. 

    I have to disagree with this. There is a significant difference between a HP buff (Obtainable by using Commanders like Douglas O'Reilly) and her shield ability. Let's compare them:

    For the Comparison I assume to use the commander Vincent Girard with the maximum HP buffs (14.25%) applied to a vehicle with 4000 HP.

      OPhelia   Vincent Girard (14.25% HP Buff)
    Vehicle HP: 4000   4000 * 1.1425 = 4570HP
    Killshot: OPhelia always survives the killshot which makes the ability already toxic in the PVP modes of the game.

    Depending on how little HP the vehicle has left OPhelia already deflects a significant amount of damage. As an example: Vehicle has 200HP left. I hit it with an ATGM for 800HP which means OPhelia already deflects a whopping 600HP of damage even before the actual skill of hers sets in.

      A HP buffed vehicle never survives a killshot and thus behaves as normal vehicles would resulting in a way less toxic design.

    The very same hit on this vehicle with 770HP left (due to HP buff) would have led to the destruction of the vehicle.
    Shield: After the "killshot" the real fun is about to start: The tank gets a shield of 15% of the vehicle's HP which lasts for 5s and additionally all modules/crewmembers get resetted to default, all fires are extinguished.

    As an enemy you've got two choices: either waste a shot into the Shield or wait for the 5s to run out. Both options got significant drawbacks.
    Let's say you wait for the 5s to run out and spare your shot: If the OPhelia user has a high burst vehicle (Those are the vehicles OPhelia really shines) he can legitimately deal a lot of damage within those 5s of time while staying particularly invincible against all tanks with low burst damage and slow reloads (eg. MBTs for example).
    If you choose to put a shot into her shield you have to reload again to finally kill the vehicle. While this is not a too big problem for high burst vehicles and auto cannons it is a significant one for slow reloading vehicles. Within their reload time the OPhelia user has all the time in the world to deal damage to you and possibly kill you in the process.

      Obviously HP buffs don't feature such a ridiculous fantasy skill.

    Here it's different. With most guns you'd need an additional hit to finish off this tank compared to the stock 4000HP. Which means in a high burst damage vehicle the TTK is about the same as stock vehicle meaning the HP buff has not really a significant advantage. With a slow reload vehicle it might allow the enemy to deal significant damage during the reload, before you're able to finish him off. However compared to OPhelia this is not significant, as OPhelia is able to actually block all the leftover damage while with an HP buff there is no leftover damage at all. So in most situations the HP buff does not provide a significant advantage, as it cannot block damage and doesn't have a shield functionality. Bear in mind that those HP buffs are only useful for vehicles with a high amount of HP (4000HP is quite a lot) while OPhelia is useful on all sorts of vehicles, as her skill doesn't really depend on the amount of HP of the vehicle.
    post shield 1HP: After destroying the shield or after the 5s ran out the vehicle with OPhelia remains alive on 1HP. Again this is not really a problem for high burst vehicles and auto cannon but again a pain for all the stuff with slow reload. Additionally it gives the OPhelia user another small timeframe to deal additional damage or retreat to cover.

    Bear in mind that all those assumptions are based on the enemy tank hitting and penetrating every single shell. If you happen to miss one in a slow reloading vehicle OPhelia user has even more time to deal damage and stay alive.
      Vehicles with HP buffs are long dead now.

    Sorry the Editor somehow does not support tables. I think it's quite obvious that OPhelia is toxic because of her ability to magically stay alive and way more versatile and useful compared to simple HP buffs. 

    • Upvote 3

  2. I think it's quite clear that the Strela is a game killer in GLOPS no matter how you put it, simply because it's the perfect GLOPS tank. You can rush and deal the highest burst in the game basically. I sometimes cleared entire GLOPS caps alone in my strela without any problems at all (even without OPhelia). With the ability to respawn after a short cooldown the "suicide rush" tactics rarely fail against an unorganized and unaware enemy. If people are too lazy or dumb to focus fire a rushing Strela this is what happens.

    Combined with OPhelia and/or a three man troll platoon it gets even worse. It's one of the main reasons I don't play GLOPS at T5-T8. Simply too frustrating.

    I'm quite sure however that if you did this in PVP your results would be quite different. If you take a solo Strela player (with or without OPhelia only matters if the player is good) I can almost gurantee you that they won't end up as often at the top placings. A solo Strela in PVP requires some braincells to deal a high amount of damage. You could just do a yolo rush and die fast but then you "only" dump around 2-3k damage while the strela has a way better potential. Doesn't mean the Strela is balanced given OPhelia and troll platoons are a thing and even with a yolo rush you can do significant damage without thinking much.

    P2W? I'd say yes. But we could say the same for lots of the BP reward tanks or OPhelia (as you need to pay gold to access the BP).

  3. 1 hour ago, Lenticulas said:

    i'm probably wrong but it looks like you slaughtered them

    We lost this one, however this is really a game that baffles me when looking at the stats.

    1 hour ago, Lenticulas said:

    You had a mafia guy, 10/10 clan players vs. 8, an extra Type 10 prem, and one from COBET... who mysteriously came second from last, despite 19k dam.... hit some teammates with an airstrike?

    Never heard of MAFIA. COBET doesn't really impress me with their usual performance but yes this one probably killed someone in an airstrike. 

    23 minutes ago, di_duncan said:

    By all accounts, this appears to be a rather convincing victory (unless someone from your team pulled off another stupid bomber). 

    • Significantly more kills by your team
    • Far more damage done and assist damage by friendlies
    • More capture points

    Considering this is Ghostfield, it looks as if both teams were able to capture one point respectively during the first two phases, but the enemy team suffered more casualties in the process. Your teams [slight] capture point advantage should have come during the final phase, where both caps were secured by friendlies before the enemy could react. Ultimately, much of the outgoing damage may have been fired during this final phase, as the enemy team were rushing/scrambling to retake cap 5/6.

    While I'd assume the same as you did what happened is quite the contrary. The enemy basically always had a cappoint advantage and in the last phase even both caps. I can't really explain why we earned more GLOPS points than the enemy and I can't explain why we lost this game despite of having dealt nearly 2x the damage and kills the enemy dealt to us. It just seemed like the enemy despite of suffering significant losses was always at the right spot and on time in terms of capping/decapping. Very strange game when looking at the results.

    27 minutes ago, di_duncan said:

    I commend you for playing the SPHINX smartly and not bum-rushing into your opponents. You are a shining example for many other SPHINX players to follow.

    The SPHINX is my go-to carry vehicle for GLOPS I lost 5 games in a row in my Leclerc failing to get my daily bonus. So I had to take the SPHINX for a ride to at least have one win. People are really crazy these days in terms of disconnecting and non teamplay. Guess/hope it's just a sideeffect of the BP. Left me at a outrageous 25% winrate for the day :tomatotardk:

  4. 9 hours ago, di_duncan said:

    Interesting approach to the grind. Would you mind giving me a walkthrough of the different dealers/lines you progressed down and why? Curious.

    Basically I started off with Wölfli. I originally wanted to grind the Leo line but soon found out that I don't like the MBT playstyle in general (I was simply not good at it). So I started with the VBL line and the centauro TD line (I was keen on having the mighty Stryker MGS at the time it was top tier iirc). After Tier 9 was introduced I unlocked the Draco, as it offered a very interesting playstyle which I liked (Still the most played vehicle of mine). In the next two years I basically ignored everything that was MBT and simply progressed all the LT, TD, AFV lines Wölfli and Shishkin had to offer. After two years I finally started to grind some MBTs and getting better at playing them so it was the Leo line and the T90 line. The Chally line I ignored mainly because I posess the Chally 1 fionn premium (which I really like) I just don't feel like grinding the  progression counterpart. I'm interested in the ATDU so maybe that line is a potential candidate to skip up to the al hussein (which I want to grind because it's a very strong MBT).

    Zhang Feng I basically ignored because AFV wise with the OT65A and OT64 it did not really deliver and the MBTs didn't really interest me (They never seemed to be very good in my opinion). Oscar Faraday was a tree to my liking again where I first unlocked the K21 and Kornet and after that the M113.

    Francine De Laroche I basically grinded for the Mephisto, as lots of people claimed it is useless - So I felt the urge to prove them wrong. I happended to like the Leclercs as well so I'm currently continuing grinding for the T10 one.

    Sol Schreiber I basically completely ignored as the Merkavas in general seem to be damage sponges with at least a decent gun. Don't really fit my perception of fun tbh. I'd probably like the magachs as those seem to be quite solid but not really in a hurry to unlock those.

    9 hours ago, di_duncan said:

    Quick tip: If you'd rather have enhanced firepower instead of a sniper, equip the Rapid Fire ability and use it when you want to reload your magazine quicker. Remember to toggle it off as soon as the reload is complete.

    Thanks for the tip, I'll try it out. Currently settled for the Sniper, as it's quite powerful on maps like Grindelwald.

  5. Yes the game really needs better sound above all other visual improvements in my opinion. For me this is clearly showing what is possible in this regard:

    The Leos Turbodiesel in 7:29 sounds quite realistic. Tanks sound like tanks in general and not like lawnmowers. The sounds of the shell cartridge base hitting the cartridge basket and the closing sound of the breech just add to the immersion in my opinion. Additionally the MG sounds actually sound close to an MG unlike in AW.


    • Upvote 1

  6. 8 hours ago, di_duncan said:

    Considering this match was on Narrows, am I correct in assuming your opponents were able to capture and hold point 3 (easternmost cap) during the second (and final) phase of the game? Respective team composition(s) combined with the disparity in damage and kills seems to suggest the opposition was likely better equipped (for Narrows at least) and more skilled, resulting in them steamrolling your friendlies, who remained out of action (waiting to respawn) far too long to mount an effective counterattack.

    You're partly right with your assumtion, however basically we lost the game because of one guy misplacing an airstrike :kek:

    Basically we gained an advantage in the first phase, resulting in lots of our people in the west side of the map while the second phase was activated. So naturally the enemy was able to secure cap 3 without any problem. Our team was quite fast in regaining control of cap 3 because the enemy somehow wasn't positioned too well. Only reason they could stay in reach ticket wise was because of their insane damage output. Then the enemy managed to sweep cap 3 area and started to cap it. It was like (us)500-300(enemy) ticket wise at this point. Nobody could reset it but at the same time someone of our team had an airstrike available. Now the funny thing is he placed it completely wrong resulting in the enemy being able to cap 3 instead of us delivering them a lethal blow with the airstrike (which probably would have decided the match). Enemy took advantage of this and pushed up to our spawn leaving us no chance to regain control of cap 3. It was just another total facepalm moment in GLOPS :dedseal:

  7. Quote

    Fixed an issue with the appearance of the “ghost shell” effect caused by different client and server hit results (such shells will now appear as hitting ground instead of outright disappearing)

    Don't really understand what this means. What I'm thinking of is the following:

    1. different client and server hit result event
    2. the shell hits the ground according to the client result to make an "illusion" that everything is allright
    3. actual shell hit on server is the valid one and is not at the same spot as the client shows it is

    Don't understand what the benefit of this is.

    At least they add this sexy skin :happyseal:



  8. 1 hour ago, di_duncan said:

    I'm rather surprised that someone of your wisdom hasn't already played the majority of (if not all) vehicles in AW already... All of your posts/replies suggest that you have significant experience in nearly (if not all) aspects of AW (including vehicles).

    Nope quite the contrary actually. It depends to whom I'm comparing myself to but I'm probably not really playing too much, at least compared to my WOT days. In AW I got roughly 8k battles overall after 5 active years playing so probably not really on the top in this regard.

    Basically I'm lacking a fair bit of progression tanks, but I do have the vast majority of all premium vehicles. This is simply because I seem to be playing prem vehicles more often than progression ones in general, additionally lots of the progression vehicles I got as reskin premiums first (chally 1, wiesel HOT for example) this kinda stalled my efforts to actually grind the progression counterparts. Second reason is that I cherry pick the lines I want to grind. For example the merkava line and the whole Sol Schreiber tree doesn't interest me (except for the Magachs) in the least as I don't like the playstyle of the vehicles so I basically never really bothered grinding it. Currently I'm grinding Francine De Laroche and the Oscar Faraday tree as the vehicles interest me a lot in terms of playstyle. Up next is probably Zhang Feng with the Anders-Wilk line.

    Additionally after the Balance 2.0 reset I had loads of free reputation lying around and decided to only use it to skip bad tanks and to unlock important modules already at the beginning instead of spending it on vehicle lines I don't really like. Still have ~15million reputation so it would be sufficient to complete some lines from the start but I don't think its as much fun clicking through the menu than just grinding the vehicles with the luxury to unlock important modules from the start and have a "nice" grind ahead.

    Regarding game knowledge it sure helps to have played all vehicles but for the most part it's quite easy to predict the playstyle of every vehicle in the game by just looking at its stats or having it as an enemy in a battle (of course you need to know the game well to get a feel for this).

    Btw: I have the PL01 now and it is quite fun even stock :happyseal:

  9. Game one was probably a loose given the GLOPS points your team earned even tough both teams did roughly the same damage.

    Game two I'd guess for a loose again given the GLOPS points earned (not quite sure on this one). Even if your team did significantly more damage than the enemy the enemy managed to hold the points better. It seems like the enemy TDs managed to cap/decap better than yours but did less damage.

    I continue and add this one for you guys to guess (GLOPS game on Narrows):


  10. That's quite cool actually. :happyseal:

    I always hated the flat and boring colors of AW. Now I can make them really pop. A bit of a downside that it affects the UI aswell but nothing is perfect I guess. Probably aswell a handy tool for some beautiful screenshots.

  11. On 7/6/2020 at 9:49 PM, di_duncan said:

    When, where and/or how was this skin obtainable?

    IIRC it was on sale before christmas last year.

    On 7/6/2020 at 9:49 PM, di_duncan said:

    But the Anders' significant advantages outweigh these [relatively] minor liabilities.

    Let's see how this goes then I'm yet to get the anders unlocked. 

  12. For me it really depends on the gamemode:

    In PVP I usually play Tier 5-8 for the simple reason that Tier 9/10 is pure cancer in random battles and the low-tier segment is either super boring bot-sniping or is full of sealclubbing platoons in M113. In the 5-8 segment I prefer tier 6 as there are some really cool tanks (Kastet, Swingfire, Strela, EXP Tank for example) and the balance is OK

    The GLOPS mode I usually play to grind tanks fast. However only in the T9/10 segment, as for me personally GLOPS in this tiers feels less toxic compared to PVP (Tier 5-8 GLOPS is quite toxic if you face Strela/Pindad platoons). My favorite vehicle for GLOPS is the SPHINX, as it delivers everything necessary for the mode. 

    In PVE I prefer T9/10 Specops and Labyrinth with random players. I like to play like this because it really rises the difficulty of the modes because you can't forsee the team composition and if your teammates are good or bad. A win feels way more valuable if you play like this compared to the usual PVE autowin. For PVE my favorite vehicle is the XM1A3 with the 140mm HEAT. It's simply so much fun to deflect all the T15 missiles easily. Unfortunately I need to use the T15 more often for carry reasons.

    3 hours ago, di_duncan said:

    Tier 10 also contains the polandball, which happens to be my favourite vehicle (also the best skin in the game, fight me).

    I'm quite close to unlocking the PL-01(Oh boi this is gonna be a great LT for sure) and I really want that beautiful skin :snrk:. For me the best skin remains the XM1A3 "Nightmare". Just look at this beautiful snowman:


  13. I'm quite sure there are some more experienced PVE veterans who can explain this better than me, I'll just share my experience. I searched for some official explanations on this but I couldn't find anything unfortunately. The algorithm, equation or whatever is behind the system is probably not too easy.

    What I experience is that if I damage a bot long enough/with sufficient damage and do more damage to it than my allies in general it will prioritize me as a target as my aggro value probably reached a high enough value. This makes sense to me and is quite predictable in my opinion, as you can park yourself besides a T15 Bot without it minding you as long as someone else deals damage to it (and is spotted) and you don't .

    Second thing I can imagine is your proximity to the respective bots and if the bot has LOS to you or not. So it probably prioritizes you if you are closer to it compared to the rest of your allies and of course if the bot has LOS towards you and can thus shoot you.

    As the third factor I think timing is a key. If you're spotted first by the bots you're most likely the target they shoot first (Maybe they even distinguish between different vehicle classes, just a hypothetical tought). If a bot has no target and you're the first target to be deemed worthy of shooting at (Bot has LOS to you for example) you're probably the first receiving the hits.

    7 hours ago, Faure said:

    I have failed to see any consistency, apart from it being me me me me.

    I don't feel the same way, the bots are quite predictable in my opinion, see T15 example above. I even take advantage of this occasionally. As I'm  often quite agressive and pushing it's quite reasonable that bots target me for the majority of the time.

  14. 11 hours ago, Lenticulas said:

    Or (slightly less seriously) you could just kick and perma-ban all the talentless exploiter-scum using Ophelia in Glops. Done.  That'd probably be OK by me, actually.

    I'd not stop you doing this :snrk: But half of the game population would vanish then.

    I agree with all of the previous suggestions but according to Silentstalker probably not much will change OPhelia wise. I could live either with a % chance or with a manual activation of her Skill to kinda work like a 5s shield but if you get killed you're dead. Would at least require some thinking to make effective use of the shield.

  15. 8 hours ago, Lenticulas said:

    All i can say to that is: you lucky, lucky bastard :-) Can I have your Magic Account?
    Here's my stats of matches played in the last month: well actually June + up to and including yesterday, main acc. I write them down, so this is what occurred.

    I played lots of matches today in Tier 9 GLOPS and I had roughly the same result as you had. Only once encountered Desert Crossing. Otherwise only the three abovementioned maps.

    But I often got 9v9 matches so this might be the cause.

  16. 1 hour ago, Lenticulas said:

    errrrrr  ... sorry nope, I looked and I can't find any reference to this except on the gamepedia WIKI(which doesn't really count), I really believe i remember this from somewhere, but if I remembered it incorrectly, or it was like this and they changed it, I can't say.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Prem MM is not a thing anymore. I think the last vehicle which had it was the Obj 279. There might be some rare low tier prems which still have it but iirc it was removed completely because it disturbs MM.

    3 hours ago, di_duncan said:

    Unfortunately, encountering one of these tryhard/hardcore platoons usually forecasts a loss, regardless of personal effort/performance. That's not to say you should quit, go AFK, grief, etc. though... (𝑫𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅) Fight on and hope for the best in the next battle.

    This is something that annoys me greatly while playing GLOPS. Sure it is frustrating getting steamrolled but if you just leave right away you kinda jeopardize all the efforts of your team to turn around the game (Which definitely can happen).

    In the end performance is usually all about the player playing the tank. It sure helps if it's strong or even OP, but generally a good player is able to perform well in all kinds of different tanks. The question if prems are generally P2W is way too hard to answer without having any objective data. There are lots of OP prem tanks but there are as well OP progression tanks in the game. Aswell the newer BP tanks always seem to be too strong on release, and only get adjusted after several months (if they even get adjusted at all). 

  17. On 6/27/2020 at 12:01 AM, Lenticulas said:

    Actually I have an easy fix for this problem:
    Every game you play with Ophelia... doesn't count.

    This would be very funny. It would enrage all the statpadders and "elite" OPhelia PVP players  :kek: Altough it won't happen.

    For me this is the most toxic element of the whole game, at least for the PVP side of things. Agreed, she really can make certain tanks extremely powerful by default. Usually tanks with high burst damage and little armor, where the 5s timespan of the shield can really make the difference between dumping out an additional 2k dmg or not.

    Additionally in the lategame and in 1v1 situations OPhelia is ridiculously OP no matter the vehicle. Not only allows you to survive your death blow, but to stay practically immune to single shot cannons for 5s of time (unless the enemy wastes 1 shot into your shield then you can safely dump one shell into him while he reloads). 

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