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Everything posted by Komitadjie

  1. I guess I'm just going to keep pushing for this to be a *new* vehicle, and not take our Termis away from us for some totally unknown reason.
  2. Still rather weak, damage-wise, by comparison to a lot of other available rounds at 8 that will regularly break 900+. Compensating is really good speed and pen, of course. The four-second swap time is pretty long as well for something that's supposed to use missiles as its main armament. We'll have to see. I'm not *all* that hopeful, given that we know how useful fixed launchers are on most other platforms that have them.
  3. Yeah, they've done a pretty good job of making it friggin' hard to find, even more so if you want to save out the replay, and don't realize there's a drop-down menu.
  4. Yeah, unfortunately there's still almost nothing arty can do that a TD can't do better. The indirect fire capability is at such a low angle that for most purposes, you have to be in a direct-fire position anyway, or you are so far away that you end up with a three and four second flight time, which makes scoring hits pretty much impossible unless they're just stopped and waiting for you to nail them. And the arty warning makes sure they aren't. The new support shells are neat, unfortunately they're also kinda useless. Maybe if the WP round had ~3x the burst it has now to make up for effectively zero damage? Or if arty had its actual flares back, or something. At present, arty is still just a gimmick as far as I can tell. You're better off sniping with a MBT than playing arty as an indirect-fire weapon system.
  5. Enough to stop T15s, though, which is a primary threat. Not bad!
  6. Still waiting for my invincible tank superpack, dammit! XD
  7. How does it look after the ERA blows? That's what makes them kinda useless for me, you lose your ERA in the first missile storm, then you've got green all over.
  8. Well that's friggin' cool! I know where *my* dirt is going this afternoon. Straight to hell is where!
  9. The amount of time it took to kill there... That's going to kinda make it pretty much useless, I think. And forget TD mode, did you see how little damage those HE rounds did?
  10. I really have a lot of fun with the Draco, thing is crazy decent if you have a bit of hull cover against the AI. Turning side or back to the Draco is one of the fastest ways to go back to the garage!
  11. The rental stays in your inventory when it expires, of course, if you want it out of your visible inventory, just put it in reserve. The equipment will stay on it, and when / if you purchase it down the road, all of your equipment on the rental will still be there on your permanent version.
  12. I actually really enjoy GLOPS, myself, I just almost never get to play it due to time zones.
  13. I'd actually hesitate to do that as well, since it'd let you cap points really easy, just drop the WP on it, and your team can drive in while the other team can't. Basically the same as grenade-spamming in BF with FF off. That one is going to be tricky.
  14. I *believe* that's not actually relative to the direction, but relative to the center of your vehicle, to where the DAMAGE was taken. So a lot of that gets some weird results, where a HE splash hits, say, the side of your turret, but the only spot with weak armor is your engine deck... so it shows the fire-line in the direction between vehicle center and damage taken, even though the actual SHOT came from well off that angle. Probably not intentional, but at least from what I've seen that's how it's currently working. I could be wrong as well.
  15. Yeah, unfortunately, being a mod doesn't convey any special breath-holding powers. Although it does often require a fair bit of tongue-biteing. Lol
  16. Something just occurred to me, though, that's gonna be a problem... WP can cause team damage, probably, and persists. How much griefing do you think we're gonna see, with people driving into the WP splash deliberately, just to get Arty players penalized? And it's not like the arty player can just turn it off once it's out to prevent that.
  17. I strongly doubt that the splash will be anything special, and the reload will likely be a very long one, given what they did with the QN spotting missiles.
  18. Yeah, the PvP modes are dead by the time I get home from work, and I'm not taking a wheeled TD with no coax or HE rounds to specops, I don't hate my team that much. XD
  19. Hey, welcome, man! I'm also PST, Washington State, so I'll usually be on in the evening. Drop me a platoon invite if you see me in game and we can run a few!
  20. Welcome to the forum! Feel free to drop me a platoon invite if you see me in game!
  21. My concern is that the largest problem with arty isn't that it doesn't have utility - It's that the shell arc is so low, and so blocked off by map bits that you can't *use* it as an indirect-fire weapon in most maps if you want to actually accomplish anything. And by dropping the damage of the HE shells, it removes the ability to go to TD mode as a HE derpgun even, which is currently the most effective way to use the class by a fair bit. It needs a higher shell arc pretty badly, so it can actually USE the nifty shell types.
  22. They made it more or less a PVP-only vehicle is the problem. AP is the prime threat in PVP. HEAT is the prime threat in PVE. If you play PVP primarily, you're probably still going to have good luck with it. If you play PVE, you're better off with an ATDU, generally. The particular choice there, I think, was a poor one in that it crippled it pretty badly in one mode, while leaving the strengths that made it rather overpowered in another.
  23. Aww man, I *don't* get an invincible tank supercollection? Damn, call off the party, guys, false alarm!
  24. Damn, now I really need to put together some good quotes for that. XD
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