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Everything posted by Faure

  1. I'd say a bit more PvE, but only slightly. I think killing of PvP will drive more people away. Keep the PvP aspect maintained (balance etc), but focus on what this game makes unique, which is it's PvE mode.
  2. This very much for sure. Though they don't track me when I'm unspotted. I've played a few arty games, where I went TD mode in the end. I had racked up the most damage by far (yay phosphorus) and as soon as I was spotted I got the aggro. Despite many viable targets sitting there for much longer.
  3. Thanks! These are quite extensive posts :).
  4. This beautiful soul has been pushing me into the Line of fire quite a bit. Was already on my ignore list, so guessing he did it before; He ended up bottom on dmg, less then halve what the rest did each. Quite impressive. At least his name clearly states what to expect.
  5. So a question I haven't been able to figure out the answer yet. How does the AI prioritize it's targets? I feel I'm always the target, regardless of what I'm driving. As soon as I'm spotted I'm the target. I can be playing a heavy MBT, a light sneaky td or anything in between. I can be the first, up front to be spotted, which makes sense I'm then the target. But if I'm late to the party, fire something, and as soon as I get spotted I am enemy of the state number one again. I thought it was damage output, then i thought it was light armor, then i thought it was being lowest tier. I have failed to see any consistency, apart from it being me me me me. (which does flatter my egocentrism, but also my napoleoncomplex) I think I figured out that if there is multiple targets shooting something and you don't they leave you alone. That's about the only thing I could really test and confirm. But at the same time. I can shoot a tank once, it turns to me. It then takes 100 shots from something else before it starts turning their way, and as soon as I fire again it's back to me. So once again it feels it's me first, rest later. Disclaimer; obviously there is some confirmation bias here, but I'm genuinely curious how the targeting prioritization works.
  6. I'll be applying shortly in game too! edit: Thank you!
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