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Everything posted by UrsuGras

  1. Ok, I returned with a statistic about the XM247 in PvE... Yeah, 21.5K damage and 14 kills average per match. 76 blue stars out of 80 games played. I'd say this premium is DEFINITELY meme tier in the DAMN GOOD way in PvE games.
  2. That would be good, then, if the extra view range DOES improve my detection against enemy camo, even if visibility itself does not go above 534m.
  3. Weeeeeeeeeell since I am not a PvP player, I'm just gonna share my PvE perspective a little bit. Personally I would rate the XM247 at least as "Get it!" level of good. With a "meme" ribbon attached to its name as well, since basically ever since I got it (and also installed the unlocked upgrades), I've had NO game with less than 10 enemy kills (15 kills are easily achievable with a little effort) and top damage done (MANY situations of most spotting damage as well), leading basically to most games being a blue star top experience earned. I'll post a screenshot from my XM247 statistics later in the evening when I get home.
  4. One quirk though... "Please note, however, that the maximum currently achievable view range value is 534 meters." Can't that be extended further? Let's say I am in the Leclerc T4 Tier 10 MBT and use Cmdr. Ioannis Sana with skill points in all view range skills (+25m in total) AND I add a +35m permanent view range retrofit, plus the extra view range module, I can get it up to 520m view range according to the stats sheet in garage. BUT if I also add a telescopic lens retrofit that gives an additional +70m when stationary, won't that extend my view range to 590m when sitting still?
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