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Everything posted by Tired_needs_Nrg_Drinks

  1. side quest to the 2 man heroic 2 MAN HEROIC CH 4 dealing no dmg enjoy!
  2. as for ranked battles, I want to continue doing it, we can get more benefits, but we need more active players.
  3. this is for the next battalion vehicle, LABS only https://www.strawpoll.me/20843894
  4. Any ideas on what is our recruitment requirements are ?( Embassy is getting a little more crowded for this)
  5. http://www.strawpoll.me/20833630/r the previous poll got nuked, this is the new one also https://www.strawpoll.me/20833660 poll for the leader for ranked
  6. i uh have worse stats than you, so its not a stats problem rather the AI does have prioritization routines so if they arent being shot at, they will tend to shoot at the first/closest thing they see
  7. the day when the M1128 MGS with Harper is considered OP is the day pigs fly, also STOP BRINGING DISHONOR BOB REEEEEEEE C:
  8. Wait, theres a mod thing going on? im in for the discord side
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