Some final impressions
Leveling mechanics - grindy and repetitive, as usual
Samuel Thorpe commander failed promise to deliver, again
Over-progression boxes loots mechanics again non-transparent just like in Age of Rage BP. Support was polite to get me one more container when one of them tossed coins.
Many nice new additions in BP shop like camos and new vehicles. I didn't touch these for 30k and above.
Speaking of usefulness of some vehicles i got in this BP - number of games and some results (PvE only, includes SO)
obj 287 (111 games, 21.8k avg/d)
Buratino (35 games, 30.9k avg/d)
Gepard (30 games, 29.7k avg/d)
Sphinx Monster (22 games, 29.9k avg/d)
EBRC Jaguar (14 games, 30.5k avg/d)
MPF LT (11 games, 36.6k avg/d)
Kornet-D1 (11 games, 24.4k avg/d)
Ottomatic (8 games, 37.1k avg/d)
Chieftain Mk 6 Leader (4 games, 15.0k avg/d)
Gadiuka (2 games, 18.7k avg/d )
PS. Digital pixel commodity with correct price