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T7-10 Standard

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Everyone has seen this by now, I'm sure, but did you realize that this isn't a queue you can play at all even if you do select a Tier 6 or lower vehicle?

As it says, you must select a Tier 6 or lower vehicle in order to play that game mode.  But if you do select a Tier 6 or lower vehicle, the map changes.  That's because what's showing when you see this greyed-out queue is, in fact, the Tier 7-10 Standard Queue which you're no longer allowed to play.

Which means they're actually going to the trouble to set up a Tier 7-10 Standard Queue every day even though no one can use it.

T7-10 Standard.png

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I suspect the devs closed access to the queues because it was easier to program than trying to eliminate the queue (and redesign the GUI) entirely. It's also easier to undo if for some reason they want to enable the queue again. The server-side load of the empty queue should be pretty minimal.

At least nobody (I hope) got sucked into building a map rotation tracker for an unplayable queue. 




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