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Everything posted by Italian_Style

  1. I agree, B7 too. Those are great spot positions especially for the "Hold the warship" objective
  2. Yeah, you are right. I studied more the map in Hardcore difficulty and i could determine the right spots to fight effectively bots. I've created few images to show various moments of the mission. Let's start with the first image. Few conventions: - "(x3)" it means how many bots spawns from the respective zone; - i assume that the team already defeated the first wave of enemies (when entering in the airfield). Strategy: Now, to read properly this 1° Phase image, you have to look at "SPG" and "Gun" spawns. These are the first two spawns to consider. Here i didn't drew the spawn zone for bots in the EMP guns cap, but consider them too. During the capture of EMP Guns the "Middle" spawn is activated, then i suggest to place the team according to "Positions". Once bots of "Middle" has been killed, 2° phase will begin. Soon i will continue this post with the 2° phase. Feel free to correct me or suggest anything about this strategy. See ya!
  3. Time to discuss this. I use few words as convention: - WaC -> Warship Cap Point; - GuC -> Guns Cap Point; - To Backspawn -> staying behind enemies spawn locations Few premises: - I consider only the upper side of the runway because i played mostly there. - I don't know exactly when these spawns activates but i'm sure of the order of activation. Now let's get into it. In this picture i consider 2 phases: 1° phase: I think these spawns activates when GuC is capped and have to cap WaC. 2° phase: it should activate on the last objective of the chapter ("Leave the sector"); I didn't explore the map enough to determine the playable borders, anyway i suppose that the blue triangles could be the optimal position to backspawn and kill quickly enemies. Obviously feel free to correct me if something is wrong
  4. Is this the correct position of Final caps? I ask this question because i need the exact version of the map to discuss later a strategy to do last phase of 3rd chap
  5. Nice build, personally i would do only a replacement: the first penalty from injured gunner (near the main commander's skill) with Module damage(on the top of rate of fire). I prefer to increase the chance to track/disable gun of enemies instead of a positive (and not permanent) buff.
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