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Posts posted by TeyKey1

  1. 10 hours ago, knutliott said:

    Because fuck you, PvE!

    It doesn't benefit PVP either.

    8 hours ago, di_duncan said:

    Games such as AW, WT and even WoT are niche by nature, so player retention is crucial.

    It will be quite interesting to see what happens in the next months. I tought the core playerbase would be quite important for games such as AW but it looks like they do indeed pursue a different direction by trying to attract new players. It might work because apparently we're a minority here disliking the changes. For me the consequences are quite simple. I'll avoid PVP for the time being and in general I'll play a lot less AW and see what the next bigger patches will bring to the game.


    One reason for the 0.33 changes is to "make the game feel more fresh". (note: different, yes. Fresh, probably not.)

    Haven't played too much but I don't feel like the game feels more dynamic and fresh in any way. MBTs, yes definitely. ATGM and burst stuff not at all with the increases of salvo reload. Wheeled vehicles feel totally awkward, slow and sluggish. Far away from the pre 0.33 dynamics. However I like the way MBTs start to drift now, if you take a corner with high speed (because that's clearly what happens in real life).

    6 hours ago, Katsumoto said:

    This seems to be an attempt to "dumb down" the game to the casual level.

    It's not new. However this is a major one in this regard. Attemts to dumb down the game were implemented in the last two years. Stuff like javelins or mortars for example need near zero skill to make them work. There were very minor ones too, like the tracer changes or changes to the ATGM trajectories of various vehicles. I don't mind if it helps player numbers, especially in PVP but I highly doubt that this will be the case. We'll see...

    4 hours ago, CaptKingNF said:

    The Whole Q/A and no one got the skinny on how the players lost a ton of XP and Credits when the Lecerc P,  Lecerc, and Abrams were reset...LOL...Nothing huh? 

    They're going to fix this, so where's the problem?

    4 hours ago, CaptKingNF said:

    Meaning now it targets MODULES excusivly...LOL.... I have been set on fire EVERY match since the .33  lol  Got to love that....AI targeting with ZERO miss...HAHA.. Can we get the same AI Sniper shooting for our Mech Infratry?   I mean being Perm Tracked, No Gun and the chipping...LOL...its awesome to have 5 Bradly's shooting and doing about 75-100 each,  unless its into your Side ERA then its 1K...HAHAHHAHHAHA

    Am I playing a different game? Haven't experienced this in the PVE games I played

  2. OS: Win 10 18362

    Game Version: 0.32.7303

    Brief Description: ATGM launcher does not partial reload/ full reload, if player switches from ATGM weapon system to AC weapon system while the ATGM launcher is still retracting into reloading position (basically while the reload timer is not triggered yet). 

    Steps to Reproduce: 

    • Shoot some ATGM.
    • Force partial reload or full reload of ATGM launcher
    • Switch from ATGM launcher to AC weapon system, while the launcher is still retracting into its loading position and the reload timer is not triggered yet
    • watch your ATGM launcher not reloading, as long as you don't switch back to the ATGM weapon system

    Result: ATGM launcher does not reload, and stays in reload position, until you switch back to the ATGM weapon system.

    Expected Behavior: ATGM launcher should reload normally, after it reached the loading position, even if the player already switched to the AC weapon system during this process.

    Fixes/Workarounds: Player needs to wait for the launcher to reach the loading position and for the start of the ATGM reload timer, before switching to the AC weapon system.

    Other Notes: -

    • Upvote 1

  3. 100% agree with @Nekrosmas

    • MBT mobility is insane despite the intentions to reduce it.
    • There's not really an acceptable balance right now. The meta just shifted towards other tanks. (looking at K2 for example)
    • The chip damage stuff and removal of HEAT bonus damage against thin armor is just retarded
    • How one can come to the conclusion that the Shadow is closer to being an AFV/TD hybrid than the SPHINX is well beyond me anyways
    • The totally unnecessary armor layout changes mess the whole game up and provide literally zero advantages for interesting gameplay. It just feels like devs are trying to make the game accessible for three year olds and mature people with no brain.
    • There's still ridiculous HE shells around. Even in PVP you can go full HE and be effective at the same time.

    In the end we still have the same old, dumb rush meta in hightier PVP. On PTS nothing has changed in terms of gameplay. It's the same bs as before, maybe even worse becuase all you need right now are MBTs.

  4. 2 hours ago, TekNicTerror said:

    From what I have been told, AW at the start didn't have any PVP mode, so go back to that.

    That's certainly BS.

    2 hours ago, TekNicTerror said:

    Most (if not all) of the toxic players are PVPers, so while we would lose some of the player base, we'd also be losing most of our toxic garbage.

    I don't know where all this salt is coming from, but according to your hate for PVP I suppose you're rarely (if ever) playing PVP in AW. Therefore I'm quite curious how you come to such a conclusion. I struggle to believe that PVE is a fairy-tale land with no toxic players whatsoever (as long as you're in a multiplayer game there will be toxic players, no matter what game or mode you play).

    2 hours ago, TekNicTerror said:

    Also getting rid of PVP would make the tanks easier to balance.

    Same goes for removing random battles and PVE for example. GLOPS would be way easier to balance :snrk:

    1 hour ago, TekNicTerror said:

    If players care more for PVP than PVE, than they'd be playing WoT, not AW.

    Press X to doubt. Seems like I'm not an average PVP player then.

    Honestly, I think the game should head more towards PVE as well but removing entire modes from the game is not a solution at all. There's still a PVP playerbase around (if it only consists of "toxic garbage" remains yet to be proven :kek:

    • Upvote 4

  5. As a PVP player I chose to tune the game more towards PVE content. 

    I don't want any PVP mode to be removed from the game at all, but I feel like PVE has a lot of potential and more possibilities for new modes and ideas. As PVE gets repetitive fast, which is the nature of PVE I think, it should get new content more often compared to PVP modes. 

    In terms of PVE content I'd like to see more high-difficulty stuff like heroics for example. Normal PVE modes are simply way too easy in their current implementation, being one of the reasons why this mode is repetitive to the max. I feel like it could be a good idea to make the hardcore-modes more difficult to increase the usefulness of the easy-mode. Currently it feels like the easy mode is just cosmetics. As for the newbies you could make the easy mode in T1-T3 even less difficult to give them a simpler start, while increasing the difficulty of hardcore missions.

    A win in the normal hardcore PVE simply has no value currently. The majority of the players is probably having an 75-100% winrate there without the need to perform excellent. As long as you have a normal performing team it's an easy win usually. So either increase the difficulty as described above, or provide players who search for a challenge more difficult content (such as heroics for example, or some T10 Specops missions are quite difficult as well if you do them with randoos, which I like very much).

    I'd like to see more diverse modes in PVE, such as Labyrinth for example. It would spice things up a bit. I'd welcome a horde-mode as well, maybe even an "infinite" one to see how far the teams can progress before getting nuked by the robot army. 

    As for PVP I strongly advise to balance the game according to this game mode, even if devs would decide to focus more on PVE content. Balance is absolutely crucial in PVP and a bad balance means certain death for this modes, while bad balance in PVE is way less frustrating (Bot's don't care AFAIK and the human players are all in the same team). On the other hand, devs should still look at vehicles which are blatantly overperforming in PVE (such as XM and other DPM monsters). The focus should still remain on PVP random battles in this regard. 

    PVP is less repetitive compared to PVE, hence it requires far less content in terms of modes and maps to work. Human enemies are far less predictable than bots and generally performing way better than them (who would've tought). The current maps available build a solid foundation for those modes (some maps need to be looked at tough, especially GLOPS maps) so i don't see a need to focus on PVP content creation in terms of new modes and maps to keep players entertained. PVP matches are usually pretty unique and more dynamic if you compare them to PVE matches, avoiding the need to do the same over and over again.

    5 minutes ago, Silentstalker said:

    The biggest problem with GLOPS is that:

    • It fundamentally multiplies some problems. The vehicles that are toxic but die early on if played incorrectly become REALLY toxic with infinite respawns
    • It combines the negative sides of both modes, PvP players complain about balance issues while PvE players complain because it's fundamentally PvP

    As a result, it isn't liked by anybody except for a narrow niche of experienced players, who get to identify the FOTM meta and pwn the shit out of everyone else. As you might have imagined, that's not a good recipe and it cannot be realistically built upon.

    Agreed. GLOPS has major flaws in terms of its design. The PVE-PVP mixture is not really the case. It's definitely a pure PVP mode. The bots (which are not even present on all maps) have minimal impact on the gameplay and merely represent useless damage pinatas. There's no way you can attract PVE players with this mode. It's more forgiving due to the respawn mechanics, so some players might prefer it over random battles. I like GLOPS as well despite its flaws. It's a very dynamic mode with lots of action, but you need to use the right vehicles for it. Otherwise it gets frustrating quickly. And yes there's the stet padding plutons and toxic vehicles... They usually have a far worse impact on GLOPS compared to random battles.

    I strongly disagree with the argument that WOT already has PVP so there's no reason to have it here. Unlike WOT we don't have the following here:

    • P2W gold ammo (That's probably the most toxic shit in WOT and the main reason I quit it)
    • XVM (Every decent WOT player knows what I'm talking about. 100% cancer)
    • Very slow gameplay (tanks moving at 20km/h. Every time I do some WOT battles it just feels like I'm playing a slow motion simulator. It got better probably with the addition of wheeled vehicles but as an AW player you'll have a hard time to turn back there)

    The first two points are absolutely crucial. Yes, there are OP vehicles, commanders and whatnot in AW. However, you have the same situation in WOT. Perfect balance is not possible. I won't compare it to WT, because that's really something on its own due to its damage model. 

    AW PVP does have the significant advantages of not having gold ammo or stuff like XVM and providing a rather fast gameplay with lots of different interesting systems such as ATGM, smoke, APS, ...

    • Upvote 1

  6. 13 hours ago, Flavio93Zena said:

    One of those PL01 games we won by 7 points, because I had my blood cold enough to stop myself going for a suicidal reset, which would have removed 25 points from our team. That's right, I let them cap on purpose and remained alive, so we wouldn't lose 25 points and we won by 7. Being a damage whore, I almost felt actual pain in not rushing in, but it was the correct decision.

    Such decisions can have quite the impact on the outcome of a battle. Especially in GLOPS I often see players misplacing crucial airstrikes or die at the end of very close game or not defending a crucial cap to gain time for the approaching allies and lose the battle as a consequence. Situational awareness of a single decent player can make a huge difference in certain situations.

    6 hours ago, Lenticulas said:

    As for balancing them, when you have a 3man [A1arM] platoon, all with the other advantages listed, they are 30% of a 10 vs. 10 team... IMHO there isn't ANYTHING that the balancing can do, to cope with that.

    Why would it not be able to rig it that way to make the A1arM guys loose? I'm quite certain there are plenty of bad players available to compensate those guys, if the MM really worked that way. If you get a team full of idiots with no clue what they're doing there is very little a 3man platoon with skilled players, OP vehicles and communication can do. There definitely are such battles where you get a complete garbage team. In such situations there is very little you can do about, even if you're an excellent player. At some point you just reach the limit of your abilities to carry such teams.

    However, if the MM really was rigged I doubt win-streaks like the one Flavio just posted were possible. Players like Flavio would be severely punished by the MM, which I doubt is the case.

    Even I as a solo player am able to pull off win streaks of ~10 battles, if I play well enough and have a bit of luck with the teams I get matched. On the other hand I can get the same streak with losses.

    Clearly, the MM does not always match a fair game but I fail to see any pattern or system that would suggest it's rigged to flatten the WR of players

  7. 14 hours ago, Flavio93Zena said:

    I did get a lot of hate and I don't mind, but irl death threats?

    Apparently playing in a stet-padding three man pluton with OP tonks is salt inducing :kek:

    On a serious note tough: Those death threats are premier-class support material. Would not hesitate a second to take some time to file it in. This dude would be a good candidate for a perma (chat) ban.

    • Upvote 2

  8. 26 minutes ago, Azdule said:

    Ahh yes, stats = brain.

    Stronk stats, skill confirmed :nerdseal:

    Honestly, Kiwi has no clue what he's talking about. I'm close to just consider him a troll given the stuff he writes in the discord. If a player tries to apply real MBT combat tactics into an arcade game and sells them as "the best way to play the game" it's clear to me on what "skill-level" such a player is.

    5 minutes ago, itzjustrick said:

    Since when do stats matter though? IF you get 50% WR in a cobra it would be good (in PvP). However if you would get this same 50% in like a seongun this would be considered pretty crap (since the seongun is hella op)... So why even ask for stats? You can get more by just judging how you play. Someone might be able to solo-carry heroics, but still have a 70% WR... 

    Psst. PVE stats are the most useless stats of all three modes to see if a player is good or not. But don't tell anyone. I'm actually tempted to create a second acc to pad a ~100% PVE WR and Bluestar rate using a Termi or other OP shit like this (of course in easy mode for maximum cheese)

  9. Stuff that I observed so far:

    Positive Aspects:

    - The new driving physics are great for wheeled vehicles. Overall they feel more controllable and less "twitchy" which I suppose might be a significant improvement for people playing with high pings.
    - The increase of the salvo reloads on ATGM vehicles such as AFT-10, M113 Doomfire, ADATS,... is a great change and should be kept this way. TTK is increased and such vehicles are way less frustrating to play against. The salvo reload is still sufficiently low to punish bad players.
    - There seem to be some small battle-UI changes. A good thing to unify everything to get a better overall look.
    - The view-range adjustments seem to be reasonable mostly. Kinda hard to tell, as there is a rush meta.
    - Some explosion particle effects seem to be overhauled, I liked those as well.

    Negative Aspects:

    --HEAT and ATGM Changes--
    - HEAT does now generally deal damage even on non-penetrating hits (I suppose it works like HE in this case, that's what I experienced at least). AFAIK nobody ever asked for such retarded changes. Let me try to explain why I struggle to find any other description than "retarded" concerning this change:

    • The non-pen damage significantly reduces the need for player-skill. Some high-burst tanks such as the AFT10 can now deal quite a lot of damage without even penetrating the target. As an opponent this is a super frustrating experience (You can't do shit about it as long as the enemy has LOS towards your tank)
    • This change renders HEAT-MP useless. THere is no reason to use HEAT-MP over other HEAT shells, especially since the damage of HEAT-MP has been nerfed due to being MP. Basically all shells are HEAT-MP now with the exception that there is no incentive to use HEAT-MP over normal HEAT now (Mephisto is the only exception to the rule I found)
    •  ATGM receive a general buff with this change. We all know that ATGM were in most cases fine or even too strong on certain vehicles. Why would you buff them with such changes and make them even more versatile in their use-case??

    - HEAT bonus damage against thin armor is now removed, instead you buff the HEAT damage across the board. What does this mean for the gameplay:

    • Basically you remove the need to aim for weakspots in order to get the maximum damage. It doesn't matter how thick the armor is as long as you penetrate. This means that better armored stuff (such as MBTs) are way more vulnerable against HEAT in general, as their armor now has no effect on the HEAT damage. Like this such vehicles receive the same amount of damage like a very lightly armored vehicle. This change makes no sense if you aim to increase the durability of MBTs.
    • Due to the facts described above this is a further over-simplification to the game nobody I know ever asked for. It removes a significant part of skill-based gameplay.

    - HEAT penetration is increased

    • As if HEAT and ATGM didn't perform well enough already you additionally buff the penetration (quite significantly in some cases). This is not necessary at all and makes such ammunition types the new meta. I really struggle to understand how one can come to the conclusion that HEAT/ATGMs required such a significant buff according to the current state of the game.

    --Fuel Tank removal--
    - A further over-simplification removing the need to actually think something while playing the game. The excuses that were brought up to justify such changes are hardly believeable. If some vehicles are really suffering from the fuel tank increase the module HP. It's just the next step towards "Armored Dumbfare".

    --New weakspots/removal of old weakspots--

    - We now rewached the point where stuff gets changed that should've never been changed (Except for stuff like CATTB or Obj 490). Why try to fix something that was never broken? Maybe to boost the current chaos to another level.

    • Various MBTs received a significant nerf in protection, while (If I read correctly) the incentive was to slightly increase MBT protection. 
    • Existing weakspots that rewarded skillful play are removed, while lots of tanks now have hughe green LFPs. Again a useless simplification removing all need to learn anything regarding the game.

    --HE shells--
    - Some HE shells perform way too good now. (K21 for example). Playing HE only can now be a legit tactic. 

    --vehicle balance--
    -T14 Armata

    • No clue what you did with it but it does not seem to be affected by any mobility nerf to MBTs. Still performing like a ferrari.
    • agility of the ATGM needs a nerf. This is totally retarded: https://streamable.com/n7nkdr

    -Merkava 4M

    • Totally broken ready rack. Give it fast salvo reload and fast normal reload --> balans

    Possible bugs:
    - When switching ammo on some vehicles it requires longer than the reload of the gun itself. While on some vehicles switching of ammo leads to a faster reload time. Something seems to be borked there.
    - Wilk XC8 HEAT still has the 30% bonus damage against thin armor, leading to hilarious 1k+ hits against squishies.
    - M113 Hellfire suspension behaves weird. You can get stuck at slight "stair like" bumps on the map. (Roughneck in the middle of the map is a good place for this)
    - Meanwhile on Panama Canal: https://streamable.com/nxk55v
    - The soft-Kill APS of the Armata is totally retarded and has way too much effect on ATGM. I even struggle to hit the ass of such a tank at a distance of 100m with ATGM.
    - Due to the amount of brokenness of this vehicle's armor, I'm just gonna pretend it's a bug.


    Added the new stuff in violet


    • Upvote 2

  10. Funny thing I observe is that the people who usually try to free me when I happen to get stuck in a PVE match have cyrillyc names. 

    On the other hand there are lots of german players, with fancy german flags on their tanks, who constantly blame the russians for everything. But when it comes to a little "teamplay" drive right past me not even bothering to free me. 

    If anyone requests help to get unstuck I usually try to help, of course within reason. Apart from being stuck I sometimes have good teamplay in some PVP lategame situations. Really nice when people actually communicate to coordinate their actions and win the game.

    • Upvote 1

  11. 58 minutes ago, Lenticulas said:

    Rigged as fuck

    A bold claim considering your dataset only contains ~120 battles of a single player spread among two different vehicles.

    Let's assume the game is rigged and tries to push your winrate to average by matching you bad players constantly/by matching you good players constantly (to increase your WR when it's below average):

    In this case there are two issues I see that do not suggest the game is rigged in any way:

    • There are people with very high winrates in GLOPS (70-85%). Of course this is only manageable if you use triple platoons constantly with meta vehicles. However, if the system really was rigged such players/platoons of above average WR players would get punished severely by the MM (There are certainly enough bot-like GLOPS players in the queue at all times). In this case even a 3man platoon of such players has very little chance of success. In this case players with such high winrates should not exist, but they do. The same goes the other way around if you're a bot-player. Of course this is an extreme situation but if such a system was active it would be way harder to get very high/low winrates.
    • I fail to see what benefit such a system would have in general. Why would the devs bother with implementing it when there's no reason to do so.
    • Upvote 1

  12. 3 hours ago, Lt_Don_Shaljian said:

    Am I missing something?

    I'd not take this articles as a black/white kind of thing. Currently, we know way too little to draw conclusions regarding single vehicles. I'm certain the devs are aware of vehicles which do kinda belong into the "grey zone" and need special care balancing wise. 

    Even if some vehicles turn out to be over- or underperforming (this will happen for sure) the devs will do the needed adjustments. This rebalance looks like a big thing. Therefore, the devs will certainly monitor all the affected vehicles etc. very closely and improve it over time. Just don't expect it to be perfect from the start because this is near impossible to achieve.

    • Upvote 1

  13. Doesn't sound too bad to me. I'll start crying, if necessary, once I can test it on the testserver (Let's pray for some more testers to get at least a GLOPS or PVP battle :dedseal:).


    The message we are trying to convey with this system is:

    • ERA has meaning now, especially on high Tiers – don’t shoot it unless you have to
    • Don’t snipe with an MBT, the results of doing so will be poor even with above-average penetration tanks such as the Leopard
    • A Tier difference somewhat reduces your chances to penetrate, but we took great care to address the differences between Tiers (starting with the one between Tier 6 and Tier 7) so that the sense of progression is kept while the fights are still kept fair

    Sounds good to me, let's see how it turns out. I hope ERA really gets more effective in general. Wonder what happens to stuff like CATTB, Obj 490 or Obj 640 which do exceed ridiculously at some traits.

    I'd not interpret the whole illustrations literally. For me it shows that the devs are aware that there are quite a lot of vehicles not really fitting a specific class and thus need a special balancing. Before we can test the vehicles individually there is not really much reason to already speculate what will happen to this and that vehicle in particular, especially given, that basically everything changes in this tiers (we don't have anything to compare the changes against).

  14. Some funny stuff





    3 hours ago, Haswell said:

    SS would prefer the game to be PvE centric with good narrative. (note: I feel the same way, the only thing AW has over WoT and WT is PvE.)

    At this point I don't really care as a PVP player. Could be a good move because PVP does not seem to get any better (we'll see what happens with 0.33). PVE definitely has a big potential in my opinion.

    • Upvote 1

  15. I really don't like this.


    Battle-hardened vehicles will have preferential Matchmaking – that is, they will not encounter vehicles two Tiers higher in any of their battles. This will allow for more comfortable gameplay with this feature unlocked.

    According to SS all prems do have the preferential MM already. I was not aware of this. Honestly, it has a very bad taste of P2W for me anyways. That preferential MM stuff should not be a thing in such a game as it gives you an unfair advantage over other players. In my opinion this stuff should be removed alltogether from the game. Give all players equal MM. Additionally I fear that the already long MM queues (at least for the PVP modes) will even suffer more.

    I rarely see +-2 Tier games anyways so why is there even a need to have this ugly "preferential MM" thingy?


    In Update 0.33, such players will have the option to disable their own camouflage for their client in the game’s Settings tab. To you, your tank will appear without a skin or camouflage. To the other players, it will appear as if it has a skin or camouflage unlocked. Please note, however, that old vehicles with fixed camouflage (commonly referred to as “reskins”) will not be affected by this setting.

    Either I'm too dumb to understand this correctly, the explanation is bad or this really is a feature that a tiny fraction of the players will ever use and never really was asked for.

    Basically with this announced feature you can disable the visual appearance of your camos globally for all vehicles you own. So there's no way of adjusting this separate on every vehicle in the garage (at least that's how I read it). If this is correct it's really one of the most useless functionalities of AW. Why not simply implement a transparent camo which you can buy to get the 5% camo bonus. You could adjust this on every vehicle even based on the environment. You could use various base-colors to your liking without the need of adding a camo on top of it. This is what most of the players I know have been asking for.

    Honestly, I'm struggling to see the benefit of the announced system.


    No more Fuel Fires – This is a minor mechanics change but still a useful one. In Update 0.33, vehicles will not suffer from fires caused by their fuel tanks. All fuel tank modules will effectively become indestructible. It will still be possible to set the engines on fire, but the fuel will be protected.

    Why do the devs try to make the game easier than it already is? It's not the first time and I don't like it at all. Make the game idiot-proof: Mission accomplished :megustasealk: If there really is a problem with certain vehicles having the fueal tank in the front then simply increase the hitpoints of the module.

    Already looking forward to the next simplification :tomatotardk:

    Before they apply this ton of changes I'd humbly suggest to first fix the ton of Lags that are currently in the game. At this point it's ridiculous and very embarassing for this company. It slowly creates an impression of devs having no clue what the problem is / how to fix it.

    51 minutes ago, Soren said:

    RU side, apparently

    Really wonder what their reasoning for this BS was :kek:

  16. I'm not really into the cryengine stuff, so I can't tell you how to do it/if it's possible.

    There are two problems that come into my mind:

    • The missions would be single player basically as I do not see a way to play with teammates in this closed environment.
    • As it does not interact with the server in any way I doubt you'll be able to implement moving/shooting bots and enemy infantry. I assume that their behaviour and action is calculated and executed server-side.

    WT has a specific mission editor for such missions which is available to the players. So apart from the above mentioned concerns I think it could be a major pain to "assemble" such a mission without the appropriate tools for it.

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