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Everything posted by Soldat47

  1. Special Operations SKIP to Death https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/update-037-seal-frost-now-available Quote "Please note that we've also put a new mechanic in place – if you played any of the previous three "Apocalypse" Special Operation missions (Plague, War and Famine), you can skip to "Death" immediately." Not working for me.
  2. Special Operations - anyone else having to play Plague ch1 War ch1 before playing Famine [Tier 8 MBT]. I have Plague and War completed all vehicle groups in hardcore level. I have submitted a ticket.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Soldat47


      So if I assume many or all players have this issue [major BUG] then waiting for a fix will come soon.

    3. Quantum_Ranger


      It's not a bug. All of the previous special operations have worked this way, with each chapter played in sequence. For example, you can't play Spirithaven 4 without doing chapters 1,2, and 3. If you win on Ch4, you get sent back to Ch 1.

      So, if you wanted to play SH4 twice, you would have to do SH1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4. Assuming you win each chapter your first attempt.


    4. Soldat47


      I have played MBTx2 AFVx1 matches and realised its not a bug. Thankyou for you help Quantum_Ranger and Haswell.

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