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Posts posted by di_duncan

  1. Might be good to submit to the devs to clean up. They are currently holding a contest to clean up the English text in-game. This includes:


    Misleading or outright wrong item or objective descriptions, objectives and any other texts

    I would say this could be easily fixed as the gun could very well be a mislabeled item. 

    In other news, the upcoming K2 should be using a 120mm L/55 gun developed by Hyundai Wia, not MKEK (which is the Turkish consortium responsible for the Altay's gun)...

  2. 6 hours ago, TeyKey1 said:

    You're not talking PVP/GLOPS wise right?

    Because that thing is pretty much overperforming in this modes. Basically a way better Leopard 2 with an LFP that is very hard/impossible to pen for anything below T7.

    At least for those two modes I can really recommend this tank. Probably the best MBT at tier 7.


    Before the nerf to the K1A1's viewrange upgrade, these two were in contention for the most OP vehicle at tier 7. Now that the K1A1 has seen this slight (but significant) nerf, I can confidently say that the Type 90 is the best T7 in PvP.

    In fact, the Type resembles the CATTB but at T7... Plus it is significantly better protected against HEAT from its tier "range" (something that cannot be said about the K1).

  3. 7 hours ago, Perdita_Olio said:

    I live in the Netherlands, where the server is situated, if I am informed correctly.
    I have missions with 5ms ping, and I have missions with about 100ms ping. It looks it depends on the players in the game.
    If they are from Russia the ping is decreasing to 100ms, if there are only EU-players, in short distance to the server, my ping is 5-6ms.

    Interesting, thank you for providing this information. I did expect a increase in ping when considering variable server/network loads, but I did not think the increase could be up to 100ms.

    Maybe it is not in fact a routing issue... I hope the developers are at least monitoring the situation.

  4. I love seeing AW content, regardless of language or "skill". Thanks for taking the time to make content @TeyKey1 ;)

    Regarding AWTactics, I think it is a great blog and I thank you for creating such a forum for information and discussion. While the site is simple, its in a good way. Everything is clear and uncluttered, almost minimalist. Reminds me of the late Gamestone, RIP. 

    IIRC, the article on the AW portal which brought my attention to AWTactics mentioned the possibility of expanding to other languages in the future. If you are planning to adopt English, I would be glad to help.

  5. 7 hours ago, Komitadjie said:

    HEAT is the prime threat in PVE.

    7 hours ago, Komitadjie said:

    If you play PVE, you're better off with an ATDU, generally.

    This is a good point. However, playing the CAT smart and baiting teammates is always a viable option. Plus, while the armor protection is now subpar against HEAT, the gun has retained its excellent burst damage (when using the ready rack). Consequently, while the ADTU is a better overall pick for PvE, the CATTB still outdamages it significantly.  In a sense, it's become a PvE glass cannon, but then again, most LTs and AFVs have been glass cannons in PvE since the beginning of time.

    5 hours ago, Haswell said:

    a slight bit of angling makes all the difference between getting rekt by T-15s and not taking any damage at all.

    5 hours ago, TeyKey1 said:

    however if you adapt to the playstyle and actually angle your hull when being shot with ATGM and use hulldown positions and vehicle wrecks you have a good time in the CATTB and bounce much shots easily.

    ^ IMO player aptitude is more consequential for overall performance than vehicle stats.

    5 hours ago, TeyKey1 said:

    In PVP this tank is still dominating. With an average damage of nearly 8k on this thing it's clear that it is still horribly OP in PVP (It's roughly 1.5-2 Times better than every other T10 tank I own).

     ^ As someone who prefers PvP to PvE, this is my POV as well.

    5 hours ago, TeyKey1 said:

    In my opinion the double shot can simply not be balanced decently for all gamemodes. Therefore I think it would be best to just remove it.

    I'm pretty sure that this thing will get another nerf/adjustment as it currently breaks hightier PVP. My suggestion would be to restore its armor against HEAT and give it a potent but not OP ready rack instead of the double shot + maybe reduce its mobility slightly.

    While the doubletap is definitely punishing, I don't think it should be removed. The insane bloom following the first shell requires players to wait for aim time to accurately pen MBTs (frontally), thus effectively negating the insane burst fire rate. I also believe another rebalance (not necessarily a nerf) is necessary, but instead of buffing the armor against HEAT (again), I would suggest decreasing the penetration values of its AP shells and increasing aim time even more. These nerfs could be compensated with slightly better accuracy and better APS reload time

    In effect, this would require players to aim the weapon more carefully, rewarding those who are patient while punishing those who doubletap haphazardly. Retaining the weapon's high potential burst damage would be helpful against arrogant suicide rushes.

    Additionally, while I don't think the armor profile should get a buff against HEAT, reducing the reload times between APS discharges could mitigate more potential damage from ATGMs (which are the primary HEAT threat against the CAT in the first place) but still allowing players (IIRC bots don't fire two simultaneous missiles) using dual missiles (T-15, Kornet, etc) to penetrate and do some damage.

  6. This was satire, but if you genuinely believe that the CAT was nerfed too hard, let me give you some context:

    • Hydropneumatic suspension allowing the tank to peek ridges and hull down while also increasing the armor angles
    • Fastdraw cannon which can remove half the hitpoints from an opponent within seconds
    • Second highest APFSDS penetration in game (Tied with other 850mm pen guns/rounds)
    • Buffed armor protection against AP
    • Excellent mobility from the Hybrid engine

    These characteristics mean the CATTB is still an extremely competitive MBT at top tier. Yet it still has 3900 hitpoints, which is more than most of the other Tier 10 MBTs (only exceptions being the Chally ADTU and Merk 4M). Even after the two nerfs, I would argue that it remains the best all-round brawler in the game.

    All of these advantages should come with some form of drawback. In this case, the decision to make it vulnerable to HEAT was a great decision (IMO) as it encourages the use of different rounds while also indirectly buffing ATGMs, which have long been overlooked/neglected; especially considering the many different levels of protection at high tiers. It also reflects the older age and testbed role of the CATTB.

    TL;DR: The CATTB is more than competitive in its current form. It's vulnerability to HEAT give the vehicle a unique dynamic in combat, as it becomes very vulnerable against ATGM vehicles (generally not MBTs) while still being quite resistant against APFSDS rounds (usually fired by MBTs).

  7. I despise all things wheeled. Especially wheeled gun TDs. My experience grinding the Type 16 has not been an exception to this rule.

    As expected, acceleration sucks. Top speed is cool but it almost never reaches it. Turns like a boat yet oversteers constantly...

    However, playing the Type 16 has not been nearly as painful as expected. The gun is punchy (especially with the aforementioned HEAT rounds) and the top AP round is competitive against all tiers (within the range). Perhaps my favorite feature of the Type 16 is the armor, which is uncharacteristically decent (especially for a wheeled TD). Going hull down and/or turret peeking in this vehicle is a viable strategy, although it is still highly recommended to not get hit (or spotted) in the first place.

    DPM seems lacking though, and the shell velocity seems to be lower than average (missed a number of shots on moving targets as a consequence). The AI lead indicator when manually aiming is not particularly helpful, but not necessarily a hindrance either; on the other hand, the "AI assisted" autoaim is a nice addition. Just wish it came with a quicker rotating turret... 

    All in all... 6/10 for me. 

    Verdict: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  8. I too have seen my ping increase from ~105ms to ~120ms follow the update to 0.31. The increase has not been particularly noticeable in-game (for me at least), but the phenomenon has certainly piqued my interest.

    Several players who I've been in touch with have also reported increased ping on their end, with some seeing upwards of 100ms increase (within Europe no less). Some have indicated fluctuating ping levels in different scenarios, which may point to server-side issues.

    To follow up, I've been performing some network tests in my spare time. While I don't have any conclusive results (yet), results from controlled testing look promising. I may consider posting my finding in the forums if there is interest. 

    @Komitadjie Do the developers know of this issue? If not, could you please bring their attention to it and request an inquiry into finding a root cause? Thanks.

  9. No one can deny that @Haswell has contributed a great deal to the Armored Warfare community. I wanted to use this thread to thank him for his work.

    Case(s) in point:

    • Map Rotations
    • Community Engagement
    • Defending the caps in Heroic Chapter 1
    • Evaded persecution by Silentstalker
    • Assassination attempt on Ophelia (she didn't die)
    • Adding a wedge of hardened Parmigiano-Reggiano into the game

    And last but not least...

    • Gathering the community to revive forums for Armored Warfare

    <3 you Haswell nohomo

    • Upvote 1

  10. Quick note regarding the T-55M1, I don't believe it will ever be offered again, as it replaced the Object 155 which was a reward vehicle for early access (IIRC Closed Beta) players. 

    I personally do not find low to medium tier Premiums interesting. The benefits of Premiums (increased reputation and credit income) are minute (perhaps even negligible) at low tiers. Players who intend to purchase a Premium as a long term investment should always consider higher tiered Premiums. 

    I must admit, My.com pricing for Premium vehicles is more than fair; especially compared to Wargaming prices. There is a great deal of choice among high tier Premiums in AW, and most are relatively affordable. However, the deciding factor in purchasing Premiums should always be whether you enjoy playing the vehicle.

    If there is interest, I may be inclined to post individual reviews for certain higher-tier premiums.

    *Note that my reviews are not designed to be objective and informative, but are instead rants disguised as rational analysis. 

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