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Everything posted by Cpt_SmoothBore

  1. Well an evergreen attitude is teammates ramming or shooting you to get the wildcard you're sitting on.
  2. The actual meta doesnt involve prem T10 exclusively. Now ATDU and M48 is what is everyone running in 0.33 (save type10). While was surely prem T10 dominance in the CATTB era or 490 era.
  3. What you say is true. However, team assignment AFTER the matchmaker grabs the players of the pool and balance the teams with those resources, wouldn't slow down the queue as the resources are already taken in account.
  4. Sorry to join as this. I'm Cpt_SmoothBore in game, i play regularily GLOPS in the GMT evening every day. I did play the past weeks battles (0.33 till a week ago) as a solo player without a platoon. i noticed two common issues. 1. Sides don't have homogeneus composition. (for instance, a side can have x6 type10s, one side none, of those x6 types could be a full platoon plus 3 matchmaked loners). As expected, the side with x6 Type10s does win when fighting 2x Leo-AX, 2x T4s. If the matchmaking could set those x3 stray Type10s against those x3 type10 in a platoon, probably won't be enough but would be surely less unbalanced. 2. Sides don't have the same amount of platoons or commonly battalion stacked platoons on one side. Happens more often than not to see a full A1arm platoon in the same team of another full glops vets platoon (ERA, Ardor, GLUM, COBET, etc). The outcome is quite obvious, its a 2400-0 steamroll. Taking into account that the average random player joining the gamemode is either a. AFK b. Sits at spawn sniping in a XM1 c. Starts shooting other teammates, team retaliate, result is 3 kicked players, the rest of the 12 have to fight against stacked glops vets, game ends in 2 minutes (the winning side is going to spawncamp the pugs team by erasing spawn pillboxes and yolo rush). From my 55% winratio i decided to add the strongest players as friends and just play in full platoons. Went from winning half the games, to winning 22 of 24 matches when in a platoon with (for instance, Bepycr and Rummelsdorf) That's was quite obvious, our platoon damage was equal to the rest of 12 players on our team, combined. Our cap points were equal to the sum of the cap points of rest of the team. If matchmaking could set an internal player score value and distribute players/platoons evenly based on that performance value, things will improve. if matchmaking could set an internal vehicle score value and distribute class/vehicle score points evenly on both teams, things will improve. (everyone knows that meta vehicles as type10/ATDU/640/PL01/M48/ would outperform any LeoAX/X21/Centauro/T14/MGM or other weak tanks). Just IMO.
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