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Everything posted by KiwiTT

  1. Well each to their own. As I said it is what I use. I use Erin on my super light AFVs like Crab and Sphinx Juan Carlos is set up for a lot of moving and firing like a LT should
  2. As someone who have virtually every Premium Tank in the game and played them all, I do disagree with the main sentiment that Tier 2 to 5 or even 6 are bad, like you say. However, I do not recommend you purchase them because the progression vehicles are actually good enough. I can do a summary of high tier premium vehicles, but I will prefer to do slightly more in depth analysis like these I have done so far; Altay --- Object 640 ---
  3. He gets two bonuses - 32 metres view range and 5% camo increase when further than 25m from friendlies. If you play the LT right you are always in a flanking position, trying to turn the enemy so your main force can get side shots or better yet you get side shots while still well at of their view range. Similar reasoning here to Juan, you should be out of view range of the enemy when you are doing most of your engaging, hence less need for paint and more for DPM. However since I mostly play Tier 9 and 10s with the extra slot I can use both improved gun breech and paint, so the choice is less of a problem. Have not played the Terminators since the patch so cant comment on the changes. At Tier 8 I did prefer the BMPT Model 2017, but I usually play the Terminator 2 as I prefer Tier 9 and 10 level for the higher XP. As for the Leclerc T40, the missiles are crap, but the auto-cannon makes up for it. As for commander I use Alisa for the increase ammo bonus.
  4. I was the former commander of RAPID battalion before going solo in my own personal battalion [Cortz] Cortez Battalion. I have been playing tank games since I was a kid, well over 50 years ago now. First with plastic models and then I created my own maps with counters games. I have a large collection of 1/300th scale modern tanks I used to play in the late 1980s. Then computers came along and then played a few decades on those. I modded Civilization IV with a WWII European Scenario - "Road to War - Historical" (recently updated a year ago) and then also developed a "Modern Earth" Scenario as at 2015. I then started playing World of Tanks as KiwiPanzer (My German tanks Account) and KiwiComrade (My Russian tanks account) on the ASIA server and also had a KiwiTT account on the NA Server. The level of cheating on the WoT ASIA made we quit when Armored Warfare came out. In Armored Warfare, I was an Alpha Tester and have mostly played PVE as PVP is too difficult with my high ping 130ms on the NA server and now ~300ms on the EU server. I have virtually every tank in the game (300+) and dont ask how much I have spent, it was a lot. I dont really platoon much as I prefer to pick and choose what I play and when I play them. My focus is on Tier 10 and Tier 9 usually and occasionally Tier 7 and 8. I dont play low tiers. See you on the battlefield. Good Luck and Have Fun!
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