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Everything posted by reciprocate

  1. I know it'd never happen, but I'd rather they disable platoons in GLOPS, leave it entirely to randoms while trying to tweak the matchmaker as much as possible.
  2. I've been around since closed beta or "early access" first stage (just after early alpha), and I seriously doubt that was ever the case. PvE itself came around later on in development, but I'm almost certain PvP was in first, the traditional PvP you see in WoT. Though I do play GLOPS as preferred mode. I think the game is truly meant for PvE, a lot more can be done to make it more appealing (could it be more rewarding, probably but I've only just started playing again after a some months - I probably don't have a well informed opinion on whether it's rewarding enough due to my inactivity). Doing standard PvE is really quite boring and it feels like a person would have to burn premium time and countless boosters and insignias winning non-stop on non-spec Ops PvE just to advance a single medium or high tier vehicle in full (literally hundreds of games).
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