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Posts posted by Haswell

  1. Soooo, we had a little fun with a "minor secret" that SS first hinted on Official.


    This is related to the story update posted yesterday, it turns out there's a hidden message within the story that is only revealed by viewing the page source.



    Folks on the ArmoredLabs Community Discord started analysing the the story inside out for any further clues, the majority of us gravitated on "instance node" and "instance 572". @Azdule first made the connection between nodes and shortened links used on the AW site. In the context of this clue, "node 572" leads to this particular page:




    This is where we hit a wall, there were no obvious clues to lead to another step. After around 12 hours of fruitless searching I fired up a web crawler to scour through the entire AW site for a hail mary shot, while others explored other possibilities such as capitalized letters, the significance of "572", and the location of Thorpe's HQ. This process took another 7 hours, but here's the result:


    The results of the crawl can be found here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/70jqy7ftlfar14r/crawl.csv/file

    Out of sheer dumb luck, we found the end of the secret, as well as more tidbits about the game.





    Vickers Skin Concept

    This is an old skin concept for the Vickers Mk.7/2 Main Battle Tank from 2016. Initially, we wanted to launch the tank with a hard skin that looked quintessentially British and what better way to do than using a British flag.


    In the end, it was a bit too much and nobody really liked it (a fate of many a skin concept), which is why the vehicle was overhauled to its current appearance.

    However, we are still dumbfound on how we were supposed to get from the first clue - the hidden message - to the end of the secret. We are still trying to work this out, but I'm posting how we got to the end here for the record.

    If anybody have any more ideas, please help! I feel dirty for skipping all the way to the end without knowing how we were supposed to get there. :detective:

  2. Incoming 50 shades of Perihelion Grey



    We've prepared a story update for you to enjoy. Learn more about the events of the Storyline Campaign. To read the whole story from the start, please visit our dedicated article.


    • June 2028, Arizona

    The trip was fairly uneventful.

    As instructed by Miss Ferguson, I boarded an unmarked helicopter and took a short flight to a small private airport nearby where a fleet of black and grey business jets with Perihelion insignia was waiting to take VIPs wherever they desired to go. A flight attendant was waiting for me at the helicopter landing site, her smile professional and empty. With a duffel bag in one hand and the other in my leather jacket, I followed her to the nearest Learjet, slowly but surely realizing what I have gotten myself into.

    This was no small op. Perihelion had funding – a lot of funding, judging from the ever-present logo of a circle orbiting a hemisphere. It was literally all over the place – on the hangar to my left, on the jets, hell, it was even etched on the champagne glass and bottle served as soon as my nervous butt hit the seat. I literally barely had the time to fasten the belts and I was already being offered a drink. I did not quite understand why, it all still felt like a dream. But if it really was one, it was the best one I’ve ever had. Even the wine’s taste was just exquisite – and just to be clear, I’m a lager guy, if anything.


    Read More


    “Enjoying the wine? It’s made exclusively for Mr. Murdoch in France!”

    Ah. So the attendant wasn’t mute. Good to know. Her gleaming, pearly white smile was almost unsettling. Might be me just though. I have a confession to make – I hate flight attendants. And clowns. Too much makeup on both.

    “Now, Miss Ferguson told me to take extra special care of you, sir. So ANYTHING you desire, just let me know, okay?”

    And with that, she thankfully left, leaving me pondering what EXACTLY she had in mind. Surely not... no. Just... no. With an image of a creepy clown suddenly making circles in my mind, I settled myself for a long flight and closed my eyes.




    As it turns out, business jets are not only comfortable, but also fast. A little over two hours into the flight, I was woken by a gentle nudge. The assistant was bringing me refreshments and was reminding me it wasn’t much further. The pilot was really hauling ass, I thought. I had no idea of the speed the sleek machine was capable of. The sight of fresh sandwiches diverted my thoughts elsewhere though. I had barely eaten in the morning and the stomach was already reminding me of a debt due. I pretty much devoured the food while looking outside. The plane was descending but instead of what I expected – a Phoenix skyline, all I was seeing was an endless reddish desert pocked with silver and grey marks – settlements.

    By the time I was finished eating, the plane was clearly on its final approach with what looked like an army base below and in front of us. The installation was huge with several rows of military planes nested right next to the main runway and swarms of people surrounding them. That’s when I noticed we weren’t alone. Two dark grey, predator-like shapes were trailing us, mirroring our every move.

    Now, I had seen a lot of interesting things for my age but being escorted by two F-16 fighter jets wasn’t one of them. I wasn’t sure who they belonged to, either the Arizona National Guard or the U.S. Air Force, but neither bode well. The attendant was perfectly calm though, and it would be a cold day in hell before I lost my nerve before a lady (how wrong I was on that account...), so I just sat there and tried to look somewhat bored, as if something like that happened to me every day.

    The landing was as swift as it was unexpected. The attendant sat down, strapped herself in and looked at me to make sure I was doing the same. The jet dropped the last few meters as if the pilot was trying to put all this behind him as quick as he could. I heard some muted chatter from the cabin and then we were standing still in the middle of a military base under the hot Arizona sun. Slightly dizzy, I picked myself up, grabbed my bag from the seat next to me and got out through the plane’s open door onto the base’s blazing tarmac.

    The heat was almost unbearable but the Private before me seemed completely comfortable and was barely breaking a sweat. I, on the other hand, was cursing my leather jacket immediately and was desperately patting my pockets for sunglasses. Not having found them, I was left squinting at the man as the Learjet behind be closed the door and started spooling up its engines.

    The soldier simply waved at me without saying a word and began to walk towards a nearby Humvee. Despite him pointing towards the rear door, I decided to ride shotgun in vain hope of learning something more, but my taciturn host did nothing but drive, only stopping at the base’s gate and exchanging a few quick words with the guard. I had the distinct feeling he wasn’t happy being stuck with the taxi driver duty, but much like me, he was left with no choice.

    It wasn’t a long drive though. Some thirty minutes of back road driving later, we arrived at what looked like a massive tent camp housing dozens of men and women. Hearing our engine gave a few of them a pause; some turned around to check out the new arrival but most paid us no heed. We stopped near a dusty clearing surrounded by armored vehicles of various types, including some tanks.

    The place was bustling with activity with everyone busying themselves with all sorts of preparations. They were all wearing rather loose dark grey shirt and pants combo with a Perihelion patch on the right shoulder, but each of them was personalized to a high degree. Scarfs, baseball caps, gloves, sneakers... it was clear that whatever the commanding officer’s approach to discipline in this place was, it did not include proper regulation uniforms.

    The driver, clearly desiring to get the hell out of there, didn’t even bother to say his goodbyes. As soon as I stepped out of the car and closed the door, he revved the engine, quickly turned around quickly and sped off. Murdoch clearly had some ties to the U.S. military, but they either weren’t very strong, or the message didn’t get to the rank and file.

    And there I was in the middle, one day a loser with no prospect in a decrepit flat, the next day in the middle of nowhere, waiting for his assignment, surrounded by unfamiliar faces with no idea what to do or expect. And that was the problem. Everyone looked pretty professional. These weren’t some cheap ass kids playing soldiers, who barely knew how to hold a gun. From the way they moved, more than half of the camp troops were definitely ex-military (not necessarily the U.S. military though). Their vehicles, as far as I could see, were freshly painted, but also personalized to a degree. Hell, I even caught a glimpse of a black Terminator in the back. These guys knew their stuff. What the hell am I gonna do here?

    My attention was drawn to a commotion ahead. A rather tiny and lean woman was loudly arguing with a giant of a man, even though the argument seemed quite one-sided – she screamed at him while he listened calmly. His sharp features, long black hair and chestnut-colored skin spoke of Native American origin while his calm behavior and crossed arms contrasted starkly with the woman’s fury. He seemed almost amused by the situation and I had no choice but to admire his calmness. I sure was glad I wasn’t on the receiving end of that lady’s scorn.

    The man saw me and vaguely beckoned in my direction. The woman turned around, shielded her eyes and stared at me for a few short seconds, before she started walking briskly in my direction.

    She was short, like, really short. Five feet at most, but what she lacked in height, she clearly more than made up in energy and anger; a pint-sized nuke in human form with a chip on her shoulder. God help me.

    I absolutely despised this type of women – tomboys in merc business always felt like they had to compensate for something, so most of them were insufferable in their attempts to measure up to the men, either by behaving like screeching harpies or by being forcibly masculine. Either way, I was sure the earlier argument had nothing to do with me so I just smiled at her and extended my hand, hoping for a warm welcome.

    “Yo, fuckface!”

    Or not. The outburst caught me completely off-guard and left me very confused. She was kinda cute – short black hair, sharp Latina features, thin lips... not my type, but still I felt compelled to keep looking into her dark eyes and took me a short while to actually notice what she was screaming at me.

    “....pushed around by some fucking gringo Murdoch sent me. This is MY fucking job! And who the fuck orders the vehicles painted black in the middle of a fucking desert?! Do you have any idea how hot it gets inside, you fucking retard?! Or you think they all come with air conditioning, you shit-for-brains?!!”

    I actually did think exactly that. Turns out, they didn’t. Huh. Then again, I ordered nothing and had no idea I’d be in Arizona the next day, so there was that. In the meanwhile, it took only a few seconds for a wide, loose ring of people to form around us. Wherever you are, whatever you do, one thing remains the same – people will always be drawn to drama. And the lady had a lot of drama in her.

    I needed to de-escalate the situation using my natural charm. And what better way of calming down a diminutive demon there is than with a witty remark?

    “Calm down, shortie.”

    Another one of my famously smart ideas.

    Several things happened at once.

    Her eyes went wide.

    The crowd collectively gasped.

    The Native American man covered his eyes and forehead with his massive hand as if he didn’t want to see what would inevitably come next.

    A sharp tang of pain on my chin and my world fell into darkness.




    A short while later, I woke up in a medical tent feeling more embarrassed than I have ever felt in my entire life. On my first day on the job – in the first minutes – I got my ass handed to me by a girl who knocked me out cold. Granted, I wasn’t ready but whenever I tried to find an excuse for myself, the word “girl” and “short” always came up in my mind, banishing any thoughts that would make me feel better to oblivion.

    Well, okay, there was one thing that DID make me feel better.

    She was sitting backwards on a chair right next to my stretcher, her face flush with embarrassment at least equal to mine. She noticed I was awake, bit her lip and looked really unsure, almost vulnerable. I wasn’t sure what to say either, so we just sat there for a few minutes in silence. As the situation gradually became more and more uncomfortable, I felt compelled to be the first to break the barrier of silence.

    “So... uh.... that happened. I... uh.”

    And that was about as far as I got before she propped one hand against her face and extended her other hand in a greeting.

    “Gail Espinoza.”

    I got up wincing and slowly, gently shook it.

    “Sam Thorpe. Nice to meet ya.”

    She sighed and looked around. Having spotted two glasses and a pitcher of water, she got up and brought one for me. The other she emptied with one long gulp.

    “That’s one hell of a right hook you got,” I added while taking a sip.

    “Left hook.”


    “Left hook. I used my left arm. I always carry things in my right arm; nobody ever expects a hit from the other side that way. It’s a trick I learned...” she paused for a short while, “a long time ago.”

    I nodded appreciatively.

    “Nice, neat trick.”

    She eased up a bit – a tiny bit, clearly still unsure how the day was going to go. That alone told me she messed up big time and if I pressed the issue, there would be consequences. Time to play my cards right then and be magnanimous. No use in having bad blood in the camp on day one.

    “So, uh... look. Let’s forget this ever happened and tell me what’s been going on that it got you riled up so much, alright? I don’t wanna cause no trouble, I just...” I shrugged, “wanna do my job that I’m paid for and all that. So what d’ya say?”

    She nodded slowly, carefully.

    “Alright. I can fill you in. How much time you got?”

    I spread my arms.

    “As much as I need. Wouldn’t mind a bite or two, and a drink.”

    She had a nice smile. I would have smiled back, were it not for my broken lip. Leaving my things near the bed (the tent was otherwise empty), I picked myself up and walked out with her. The day was finally starting to look up.




    Over the course of the week that followed, I learned a lot. Espinoza was basically the person who founded the whole outfit, hiring mercs for Perihelion left and right as well as arranging the structure and equipment requirements. Most of the men and women present were Americans, ex-military, idealistic and, most importantly, disgruntled about the direction their homeland was headed in.


    Now, I wasn’t usually the type to fall to optimism, but the feeling of hope somehow permeated the whole camp – “finally, someone is doing something” mixed with “this guy’s as rich as they come, he’s gotta have his shit together.”

    I met the squad commanders as well, most of them being veterans of one stripe or another. The tall Native American guy turned out to be a Sioux from Louisiana by the name of James Twocrows, but everyone just called him Jim and he didn’t seem to mind – his authority seemed absolute. I didn’t know about his story at the time, but he definitely had that air of confidence; the kind of leader soldiers follow to hell and back. I wasn’t entirely sure why Espinoza was “in charge” instead of him, but everyone seemed comfortable with the arrangement, including the two of them.

    They had a lot in common too, like their shared dislike of Murdoch’s armor choices, which they assumed weren’t HIS choices since he knew very little about military matters. Instead, they believed that “some moron” (aka me) talked him into it and their favorite evening past-time was sitting near a camp-fire with the troops and ranting how stupid it was to operate Russian tanks in America.

    Sure, the “fire sale” years made them affordable and it wasn’t the “really cheap stuff” the borderlands got flooded with (hell, even the police near the southern border operated a bunch of old tanks these days), but everyone would have preferred American machines. It stood to reason, they both claimed, that when you recruit in the good old U.S. of A., you get troops familiar with American equipment. The training period would have been significantly shorter.

    And then there were the two BMPT series support tanks nobody really wanted to touch. Being a fan of the Terminators, I immediately claimed one for myself (the better one, of course) with the other one listed as an outfit reserve. The reason everyone felt so hesitant was the fact that there weren’t any tactics developed for it. The U.S. Army was not using this vehicle class at all and as such, these behemoths felt “unnatural” – in the end, we decided to just use them as tanks and that was that.

    The machines came painted in black (not my fault!) and dark grey (also not my fault!), but each of them was already customized to a degree by the time I arrived. Espinoza’s “Nightsinger” bore her personal livery, truly a work of art (a T-90M? I wasn’t familiar with various Russian sub-types all that much – did you know there were actually more than a hundred different T-72 variants in existence?)

    The other tanks reflected their crews as well. There was a Southern Irish crew with a guy called O’Neil or something with a neo-Confederate flag and a green Irish stripe. Another tank bore some Pacific Islander motives – and so on. Nobody seemed to mind.

    Archibald, before you hand these laptops to the troops, make sure they are THOROUGHLY purged, not like the last time when an instance node almost leaked from this building. This is not something Thorpe should know about. Yet. Do remove all info about Instance 572 immediately and don't forget to delete this e-mail as well. With kind regards, David


    I had no crew of my own. Or an official position – everyone simply accepted me as “one of the bosses” (because Espinoza and Twocrows said so), but we had no formal ranks, only assignments. Whenever my Terminator was called into action (I dubbed it Black Mamba because venomous snakes are cool, not for my preference in women as Espinoza suggested along with a few other lewd comments), crew members would be assigned to me. In fact, all crews rotated on regular basis, so every vehicle crew knew how to operate all the other vehicles. This made training difficult and inefficient, but having multiple vehicle types required this approach.




    After a week of drills came proper live fire exercises. Commanding an armored vehicle isn’t that hard if someone tapes over all the buttons with English translations and the rest of the crew know what they are doing. A lot of the work was done by the on-board computer and the rest, well, you mash the buttons and hope for the best. I was slowly getting used to it and even passed my infantry firing trials flying colors. In fact, I was doing better than I had expected – I suppose it was the need to impress my new teammates that drove me.

    On the other hand, we received no word from the HQ the whole week and I was starting to get a bit nervous. Nobody else seemed disturbed though – everyone just went on about their business.

    A couple of days later, Espinoza met with a local sheriff. Unsurprisingly, a whole bunch of locals wasn’t exactly thrilled to have Russian tanks running in their backyard and petitioned the law to have us removed. After spending a few fruitless evenings trying to explain to them that removing an equivalent of an armored company from the premises it was occupying legally might be a bit more than he could chew, the sheriff decided to pay us a friendly visit, to gauge our intentions and all that. We had some coffee and then a shot or two of whiskey. The guy was feeling much better when he left than when he had arrived, that’s for sure.

    That’s when we started hatching a few plans to keep ourselves occupied.

    That evening, we found ourselves sitting around a campfire once again. Someone from the Irish crew was singing old folk songs behind us but we paid him no mind – we focused on our plans for the next week. It was my time to shine.

    “So, listen. I talked to the sheriff – you really shouldn’t have given him the whiskey, you know – and, guess what. They have some drug trafficker problems, some slavers too. Fucking slavers, here... can you imagine?”

    I shook my head, staring at the flames.

    “He asked the U.S. troops for helps and they agreed to send some patrols into the desert. Not enough though, they have their own problems to worry about, right? Things to do, money to spend on expensive shit...”

    Everyone grinned.

    “Anyway, I was thinking, we might help out a bit too, a few days here and there... if we catch some human waste and, say, dump them in the middle of a local town, I am sure the good folks will know what to do with them. If you know what I mean.”

    Espinoza smiled.

    “Short drop, sudden stop. The American way.”

    Jim smiled too and added:

    “Back home, we’d tie them up in a swamp and feed them to the alligators. But,” he grew suddenly serious, “we should keep on training. Who knows what we’ll be asked to do in the coming months. Mister Murdoch didn’t hire us for our stunning looks and...” he winked at Espinoza, who pretended to not have noticed, “...charming personalities.”

    I nodded. There were a lot of moving parts. We were still not familiar with each other and there were rough edges to be smoothed. There have been a couple of people who just... didn’t fit. Too aggressive, too slow – each unit always has its share of bad eggs and we desperately needed to prune ours. There was also the matter of supplies and equipment.

    “Gail, have you talked to anyone from Chicago lately? We’ve placed requisition orders weeks ago and have received nothing so far,” said Jim.


    She too grew serious, even worried and perhaps a little sad? I couldn’t tell, but there definitely was... something.

    “They are busy with... some other things. But we’ll receive some laptops and other equipment shortly. And Ferguson promised us some extra tech if we train hard enough. Not sure if she was serious or not though.”

    She pursed her lips.

    “You know what? Fuck them. How about we display some initiative?”

    Jim Twocrows looked suddenly worried. Really worried.

    “What do you have in mind?”

    Her sudden, crooked smile spelled an impending disaster.

    “That Army base. How about we hit it?”

    We both looked up at her in horror.

    “Are you fucking crazy? There are at least two companies in there and god knows how much tech. For crying out loud, Espinoza, they have fighter jets,” replied Jim.

    She snorted.

    “So what? We go in at night. One quick push and everyone’s dead or running. They’ll never know what hit them...”

    In my head, I was going over the list of all the ways how this really dumb idea could go incredibly wrong, but she suddenly spat out in laughter.

    “You should see your faces right now.”

    Okay, bullet dodged. Although to be frank, I still wasn’t sure she was completely joking. Even Jim started laughing somewhat nervously.

    “Come on then. Let’s hit the sack. Tomorrow, we train and then we train some more. Yay,” she rolled her eyes.

    They both left and I found myself lingering, staring up at the night sky, wondering what was all this good for. I was about to find out a few days later.



  3. 28OhLtq.png

    In other news, we will also be hosting the speedrun marathon this weekend for Weekend Warrior, for everybody to get their 50 games and completing the mission. I'd be damned if we have to lose manpower or vehicles this early in the campaign.

    Also, this idiot right here. Don't be like this idiot.



  4. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/storyline-campaign-episode-1-prizes


    We’re happy to show you the Episode 1 prizes of the Storyline Campaign. The principal prize is the BMPT Mod.2017 “Black Mamba”, Samuel Thorpe’s personal vehicle. We took the name and color combination you voted for and adapted it into a skin that you will hopefully enjoy. The skin is available for completing Episode 1 of the Storyline Campaign.



    Click the image to open a larger version


    Next are two base paints:

    • Perihelion Black
    • Perihelion Dark Grey

    These are or will be available for various missions.



    Click the image to open a larger version




    Click the image to open a larger version


    And, last but not least, there are two decal variants of the Perihelion logo as well as the Samuel Thorpe player avatar, also available as specific mission rewards.


    We hope that you will enjoy these as well as the campaign itself. It’s still not too late to join, by the way, and it’s easier than before. To find out more, please check this article as well as the Storyline Campaign portal.


  5. 6 hours ago, knutliott said:

    It really looks like 0.33 and 0.37 were designed and implemented by completely different teams that didn't talk to each other.

    Definitely feels that way, considering how the power difference between tier 6 and 7 got so blurred together they might as well all be at the same tier.

    Having higher alpha at tier 6 than tier 7 is definitely working as intended, right? Or nearly 8k DPM?





  6. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/development-vanguard-raid


    As we announced before, a new Raid event awaits you in October 2021. However, the Raid: Vanguard will be a bit different.



    Click the image to open a larger version


    From the yellow wastes of Venus to Saturn’s icy moons, the Vanguard stands ready to deploy against all threats alien. The Russians once claimed the Armata to be capable of fighting on Mars. But what would tanks look like, were they really required to do so? Take a peek into an alternate reality to find out.


    New Mechanics


    Let’s start with the basics. The Raid is a month-long event, in which you, as a Raider, conquer certain territory by moving along the lines representing roads and other paths and forming a grid. Each grid intersection has a point that is either a mission that you must complete (Mission Points), or a reward that you may claim (Reward Points). Completing the mission or claiming the reward unlocks another portion of the grid. The main prizes await you in each of the territory map’s corners. Players who complete all missions and claim all rewards receive a special reward.



    Click the image to open a larger version


    The core of the event will remain the same, but we’ve made a major improvement. Instead of completing missions and then moving towards the reward points, we’ll also be rewarding the missions directly.

    These rewards will include:

    • Vehicle parts for Premium vehicles (CATTB, Armata 152, Hunter AFV and BMPT Mod.2017)
    • Wrecker skins (Stryker, Bradley, Stryker ADATS, Stingray 2 and XM1A3
    • Vanguard camouflages (Vanguard set)

    For each mission, the reward will be randomized, visible in advance and will be possible to reroll using a Reroll Token (that is, rerolling a mission will also reroll the reward).



    Click the image to open a larger version


    The second improvement increases the overall value you can get from joining a Raid.

    The final Raid mission will be easier to complete – instead of completing all other missions, it will be completed by obtaining the four main reward skins. Its reward will also improve – an improved Raid-themed camouflage, decals, flag and a new base paint all await you. But that’s still not all. Completing the final Raid mission will launch Stage 2 with new missions appearing on the map. These missions General type missions will be somewhat more difficult than the Stage 1 ones, but will also feature increased rewards. They will appear once per day and will only be possible to complete using a Tier 9 or Tier 10 vehicle. They will also be possible to reroll.



    Click the image to open a larger version


    As usual, you will be able to access the event by:

    • Completing 10 Contract Missions
    • Purchasing access for 499 Gold (click on the Raid icon in your Garage)




    The main prizes of the event are the elaborate Vanguard series of skins for the following high-Tier:

    • PL01 Tier 10 LT
    • M48 GAU-8 Tier 10 TD
    • CATTB Tier 10 Premium MBT
    • Object 490 Tier 10 Premium MBT

    These epic skins turn your machines into veritable starships, ready to rain death upon xenos filth.


    Vanguard skins (Click to Open)


    Mission prizes include the Wrecker skin series:


    Wrecker skins (Click to Open)


    As well as the Vanguard camouflages with different colors for each environment:


    Vanguard camouflages (Click to Open)


    The Vanguard Raid is coming in the second half of this month and we hope you’ll enjoy it in this new and improved form. Until then:


  7. More gems from the shitshow:

    What's the point of a ready rack when the intra is just as long as the single shot reload?


    Chieftian 900 pike nose is now flat. Completely flat.


    VT4, 96B, 99A and 99A2 are now DPM gods at their tiers.




    M51 Isherman is the undisputed god in the tier 1-3 bracket, while also having higher DPM than most tier 10s.


    Expeditionary Tank unmanned turret now takes full damage.


    BVP manned turret now takes reduced, unmanned turret damage.




  8. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/storyline-campaign-update-october-11


    The following updates to the Storyline Campaign are taking place on October 11, 2021:

    • The Reinforcements mission is now extended until October 31, 2021
    • The following players are now eligible for completing the earlier version of the Way of the Warrior objective: PvtPetrenko, Jango_996

    We would once again like to remind you not to attempt to cheat in the event, for example by leaving matches early or not participating properly. Such behavior constitutes “griefing” and is punishable not only by disqualification, but also according to our Terms of Service.

    We are currently investigating the behavior of several players, which may lead to their disqualification. Do not rob yourselves of your prizes needlessly.

    The next set of missions is bound to appear on October 20, 2021. Interested in joining? Do not forget to check the Current State post.

    Back to the Storyline Campaign Hub.


  9. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/maintenance-october-11


    On the 11h of October 2021, starting from 8:00 CEST (10th of October, 11 PM PDT), the server will not be available for 5 hours due to the application of Update 0.37.8480



    List of Update 0.37.8480 Changes


    • TAM 2IP: Fixed an issue where the additional progression modules did not require completing contract missions (yes, it was a bug after all...)
    • TAM 2IP: Fixed the laser visual effect
    • The Riders on the Storm event is extended to October 31


  10. The time frame for Reinforcements got extended, as promised.



    Time Frame:

    • Start: October 7, 00:01 CEST
    • End: October 31, 23:59 CEST
    • Game days: 25


    • Obtain the M60A3 SLEP Main Battle Tank from the Raiders on the Storm event until October 31, 2021, 23:59 CEST (no difficulty modifiers apply to this objective)

    Special Rules:

    • It does not matter what vehicles you use for this mission. As long as you have the SLEP by October 31, you're fine

    Also, if you haven't gotten your 50 games in this weekend for War Games, don't fret! You will have another chance next weekend to continue your progress, ArmoredLabs will continue hosting the speedrun marathons to get as many players completing the mission as possible!

  11. Just some examples of how fast we are speedrunning through AN, the average time of my platoon was 21-23 minutes per full run (4 chapters). We have basically zero coordination and just kept moving forward at all times, there is no complex strategy involved in this.

    Replays for one of the runs if anybody are interested in watching our playthrough: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8izcur3pav9unwe/speeeeed.7z/file





    This is actually fun to try and optimize our speedrun routes, avoiding obstacles and terrain that would slow us down and ignoring enemies. Will definitely continue this weekend, come join us!

  12. Just going to update the participant list one more time, as per the article.



    The Storyline Campaign Episode 1 continues with another set of missions as well as an additional way of joining the Storyline Campaign. The following players are eligible for Episode 1:

    1. Abyss
    2. addedd
    3. Aericar
    4. Aiiro
    5. alex82rus
    6. Alfa_Ex
    7. alfred1959
    8. AlfredvonGomel
    9. Alighierian
    10. Allounia
    11. Alpha7
    12. AlphaDude
    13. AlvyDOB
    14. Alzoc3
    15. Amppy
    16. Anka-Anka
    17. Ann-Kathrin
    18. anulu1234
    19. AoToA
    20. Aphidion
    21. ApoloSorin
    22. Apuk
    23. AquaFlame
    24. Arcaran
    25. ArcLight
    26. ArcTeryX
    27. Arcticwolfbz
    28. Argh_Blarghen
    29. Archaeopteryx
    30. Arkaba
    31. Arni_xd
    32. Arri_Shi
    33. Asqwel
    34. AssaultEngineer
    35. ATankOnTitan
    36. Attacker65
    37. atze4772
    38. Ausfahrt
    39. Avalanthium
    40. Aventhor
    41. Ayako
    42. Azarith
    43. Azdule
    44. b1uetears
    45. Baba_Booey
    46. BadFox
    47. bad-steel
    48. Barake
    49. Bareideru
    50. Baron_Georg
    51. barrettMHF
    52. Bat_comrad
    53. battlegirl
    55. BBQCLUB
    56. Beeda2004
    57. beerke
    58. Beluga61
    59. Benyamin
    60. BerserkSplash
    61. BetaSVK
    62. Betonman
    63. biermsch11
    64. bigbogo
    65. biht
    66. BillWilsonCIA
    67. bimre
    68. Bismarck2117
    69. Blabla123
    70. Black_Stallion
    71. BlackSamurai_HU
    72. BlackSide
    73. Blapowski
    74. Blazsi14
    75. Bleddry
    76. Bluedust
    77. boegeman300
    78. boymahina123
    79. Brethil
    80. brocken
    81. broken_Pottery
    83. bubalus
    84. bubbas
    85. bubulle
    86. Buckaroo_Banzai
    87. Bugframe
    88. Bushmaster1
    89. calbrit
    90. Caligula876
    91. Carloveliki
    92. Cascozi
    93. ccruler
    94. ceejee007
    95. Centurin
    96. Cinder
    97. Clarenbaechlein
    98. ClaudyDD
    99. Clouded_Leopard
    100. ColdSteel66
    101. Commander_Cold
    102. CommanderConner
    103. Coolstartart
    104. CoreRemnant
    105. CorrosivePrimed
    106. Coxie
    107. Coyote
    108. Cozmic
    109. CraigMitchell
    110. CrossD-JPN
    111. CRrreLL
    112. Cupa
    113. CWolf1
    114. cyberseth4A10
    115. Cyberschreiber
    116. czaniec13
    117. Czarny99
    118. DaisenSeKai
    119. Dammit_Vadim
    120. danishcommunis
    121. DanishSkull
    122. Dansvp
    123. dark_demigod
    124. Dark_Rider
    125. Dark-Souls
    126. Darth_Sputnik
    127. Data-Zero
    128. Dayan78
    129. De4thZ0ne338
    130. Dean_Martin
    131. decybel
    132. Dejwu_Z_Bombasu
    133. deLooney
    134. Delta
    135. DemaciaKoMuro
    136. DemonPrince
    137. Den3ris
    138. DENN67
    139. dennisthemenace
    140. dens
    141. der_brocken
    142. Der_Master
    143. DerAlte56
    144. DerMustang
    145. DesertKnuckles
    146. Destroyer92777
    147. DeXTeRH
    148. dfnce
    149. dfrom
    150. Director_Qian
    151. dkhi
    152. dogbert
    153. Doktor_Plama
    154. domidieudo
    155. Donerkebab
    156. DonFurioso
    157. Donkey46
    158. DonPep
    159. DoomedGrind
    160. Doppelpunkt
    161. double07
    162. Dr_Dewey
    163. Drackenfells
    164. Dragonbreath1
    165. Draxion
    166. Dreamer45
    167. DredNaughtie
    168. Dreganos
    169. DrLeft
    170. DrowPL
    171. DrunkenTank
    172. duckbill
    173. DunkelUlfson
    174. dxx9664
    175. DzsézönSztetem
    176. Dzsoksz
    177. dzvladimer
    178. easeas
    179. ecofresh553
    180. EgidijusZ
    181. Eisenherz
    182. EisernerGustav
    183. Elegost
    184. ElFuZz
    185. Elitetiger99
    186. Emleen
    187. EnderJagerBR
    188. Ensen
    189. Epicredeemer
    190. Equinoxxx
    191. erca001
    192. ErikaHartman
    193. Eskobar68
    194. Eugo_2900
    195. eurovaltrans
    196. Faalk
    197. Farfinder
    198. Felted
    199. Feneghar
    200. Final_Gambit
    201. firebird820
    202. Flameon985
    203. Flavio93Zena
    204. Fler821
    205. FN2725
    206. ForestryScience
    207. friedenspanzer
    208. ftkatoo
    209. funkycop
    210. Furiana75
    211. FusigonusPuf
    212. FX_1
    213. G_a_n_d_a_l_f
    214. Gadon
    215. gandalf39
    216. Gauvain_III
    217. General_Blue
    218. General_Mehran
    219. Genomele
    220. geomal
    221. GHOB60
    222. GhostFasas
    223. GiftmischerNel
    224. Gimlett
    225. Gimpor
    226. GirigiriEye
    227. Gorrann
    228. gre38120
    229. Greeliyahu
    230. Grim_Guardian
    231. gringo
    232. Guerreiro
    233. GuessThatMeme
    234. GuyVenom
    235. GwenADu
    236. HackePeter
    237. hamer101
    238. Hansi-001
    239. HanysB
    240. Hanysuana
    241. Harkin
    242. HarryHoe
    243. Haswell
    244. Hawk91
    245. Heinzielein
    246. Heliostyle
    247. Hellcat43
    248. hellheat
    249. herald17
    250. HereCreepers
    251. HEROES
    252. Hockir
    253. HolyDragoon
    254. Howzzat
    255. HRDSTL
    256. hunok
    257. HunterMasto
    258. HurtfulOutcomes
    259. ChaoLiZiPao
    260. Charlie3310
    261. Charlton67
    262. Chet_Ubetcha
    263. Chrion
    264. I5Hammer
    265. Iamanoob
    266. identitäter
    267. idiocy
    268. IHugoI
    269. Inclementer
    270. Indomie
    271. Iosifek
    272. Iron_Monti
    273. Iron-Samurai
    274. ItalianStyle
    275. itzjustrick
    276. IvoryMoonLight
    277. jacko
    278. Jagdar69
    279. jaokiller223
    280. jbsontra
    281. Jecklen_Hyde
    282. Jenkin_Jones
    283. Jeremy_Clarkson
    284. Jimmygrey
    285. JKay
    286. Joe_Black
    287. JoePike
    288. Johnny_Yuma
    289. Jollij
    290. Jonieryk
    291. Jonolitium4
    292. Jonse
    293. Josch63
    294. Juergen
    295. Jyliac
    296. K2-71046900
    297. kacerdva
    298. kaine82
    299. Kairene_R
    300. KaiserKent
    301. Kalladan
    302. Kalmisto
    303. Kamikaze2020
    304. Kampfpudding
    305. Kardaloz
    306. karooll
    307. katoda_ltd
    308. Kazuhira95
    309. Kazuto_Naruse
    310. Keenwolfe
    311. Keleb
    312. Kell_Hound
    313. KEPOS-SVS
    314. Kess-Tdt
    315. Kévin_49
    316. Keyser_Soeze
    317. kika
    318. Kiklop73
    319. kimica
    320. King_Icefyre
    321. Kinsky
    322. KiryuCoco
    323. KLAUSI
    324. Klmn
    325. Knewone
    326. Knuddelwolf
    327. Knutliott
    328. KrashDown
    329. Krieger2297
    330. Kronos1952
    331. krumpa
    332. krzychsus
    333. Kuba3690
    334. kuba7108
    335. KyRaBoT
    336. KyraZier
    337. lakij
    338. Laknat
    339. Legacy
    340. leleblock
    341. Lemovice
    342. Lenzabi
    343. leo10086
    344. Leo999
    345. LeoAegisMaximus
    346. leonpower
    347. Let_it_Shrek
    348. lf20107
    349. Lhynn
    350. Liebefrei
    351. LieberFrei
    352. Lieutenant_Sam
    353. lionleader
    354. Liszon
    355. ljhak4526
    356. LordVorontur
    357. Lost_Myst
    358. Lt_Blechtonne
    359. LTForge
    360. Luetze41
    361. Lumpi
    362. Lysdexic
    363. M_FOUR
    364. MacDusty93
    365. macieklu
    366. MagnusBarca
    367. Magoo62
    368. MahoNishizumi71
    369. MachMet_Hood
    370. Major_Degtarev
    371. MajorMarco45
    372. Maniacu
    373. Marc0ZTM
    374. Margot
    375. mariokamada
    376. MarioVegas
    377. Marshal_Elite
    378. Mashal_Vader
    379. Mathieukimii
    380. Matchstick
    381. Mausi111
    382. MaxHeadroom
    383. maxkilz
    384. Maybe268
    385. MB72
    386. Mbsk01
    387. Mbsk02
    388. MCP64
    389. MeKelGachy
    390. meliadus
    391. Men_Cor
    392. Menoetius
    393. Mensha-Khaine
    394. MetaIWrath
    395. Methos911
    396. mgdriver
    397. Micah_Bell
    398. Midwahgein
    399. Migmeik2000
    400. MichalSkil
    401. Mikamy
    402. MikeAvatar
    403. mi-loup
    404. Mirko101010
    405. Mjolner
    406. MK_Regular
    407. Mk2Griefer
    408. Mohawk55a
    409. Mondfuchs
    410. Morvaiman
    411. Moufo
    412. moupp
    413. Mpc1965
    414. mral2012
    415. MrBurns23
    416. mrkiller
    417. MrMakata
    418. MsgtMarl
    419. Muaddibb
    420. Muzzle_Flash
    421. muzzleloader
    422. N3cr0n0m
    423. Najlvin
    424. narkisos
    425. Narnman
    426. Neko_29
    427. Nekrosmas
    428. NEOCHEN
    429. Nerpynerp
    430. Netherstorm
    431. nevimcosem
    432. NicktheProf
    433. nighthawk144
    434. Nihtwaco
    435. ninja474
    436. nitroasp
    437. NoEffectDagger
    438. nolja
    439. Noobdown
    440. noobhoch10
    441. Noobster47
    442. nookie
    443. Nova67
    444. Nuisance_Value
    445. NukeMutant
    446. okonis
    447. OldIronside
    448. Ollinator
    450. OSF_d_R
    451. OSTBtsmAlbert
    452. P4nzerMarmelade
    453. PAKEHA
    454. Paladin69
    455. pannekoekert
    456. panzerstaale
    457. Papa_Sc0rch
    458. Paramirum
    459. Partypaco
    460. PASIKUNIK
    461. PaterBrown
    462. patox45200
    463. patriezier
    464. Peacemakerr
    465. pekele
    466. Penguinkiller
    467. PereZ_345
    468. Perzel
    469. Pesa
    470. Phalyr
    471. Phelpsy_Phelps
    472. Phoenix
    473. pcheniek
    474. Pi0ve
    475. Pixelpapsto
    476. Platinumsniper
    477. PolishLegend
    478. Polo_pl18
    479. pop2507
    480. Princess_Luna
    481. prizrak86
    482. PROMU
    483. ProMyka
    484. Protocol
    485. Proxy_One
    486. PS_Tod
    487. PSChild
    488. PsyWarrior
    489. puky_cro
    490. PureZX
    491. PurpleLXXIII
    492. PVTTrulyBlind
    493. Qbicle
    494. QuantumRanger
    495. R_M_B
    496. R0S0MAK
    497. Rabiwatt
    498. radus1975
    499. raf2103
    500. RagnarSchulz
    501. Rainmaker
    502. raketenchali
    503. RamaA
    504. Rammstein012345
    505. Raph-the-Raven
    506. Rapy_cz
    507. Ravenwing_129
    508. RedBad007
    509. Redork
    510. RedSkyAtNight
    511. rembolt007
    512. REMF
    513. renegade_83
    514. Righteous_Man
    515. Rmanrr
    516. robertmi
    517. Roopom
    518. Roscar
    519. RussianDoge
    520. RUSSification
    521. ryder
    522. S3RO1346
    523. sacoco
    524. sagvanmaslo
    525. Sahhe
    526. Salvo
    527. SASGamer_Pro
    528. SciroccoOne
    529. Scout51
    530. Sebastian_Grimm
    531. SegeberGER
    532. Sehven
    533. Sergeant_Bill
    534. sergeantjim
    535. severius
    536. sgmace
    537. Sgt_Reckless
    538. Sgt_Waffle
    539. SgtDream
    540. SgtMaj_Carey
    541. SGWannaBe
    542. Shadowwolve
    543. Shaele
    544. Shmex
    545. Scharnhorst87
    546. Schiwago
    547. Schlock
    548. Schneefuchs
    549. Schnitter_Zwei
    550. Schnittertm
    551. SchwarzFrost
    552. SiemaSeppo
    553. Silver
    554. SilverHawke
    555. Silversurfer70
    556. Silverton
    557. simolens
    558. SirKlasu
    559. sixor82
    560. SkitzyFox
    561. SmallZhe
    562. Smeghedd117
    563. snakeyes1948
    564. SneakyNibbler
    565. Snomanmake
    566. Solstafir
    567. SomnusSenior
    568. Somrug
    569. sooner62
    570. Lord_Soviettron
    571. Spartan0090
    572. Spaten66
    573. Spearhead
    574. SpiritOfNoPen
    575. Spitfire
    576. Spyder
    577. Spychacz
    578. Spyshadow01
    579. SSSK
    580. Stabbingtime
    581. Stahlvormund92
    582. Staufener
    583. SteelHeroe
    584. StiltedKiwi28
    585. STIRLS_MDFC
    586. Stormlord
    587. Stratzi
    588. SturmOstfriese
    589. Suberb
    591. Super_J-K
    592. Surlytanker
    593. Susanowo_1998
    594. SuwalskiYaReX85
    595. Sverige
    596. SZymoin666
    597. TA55U
    598. TabulaRasa
    599. Tachikoma_0808
    600. taimo123
    601. TakeTh1s
    602. Talyus
    603. Tank_Sniper
    604. TankFranky
    605. tankhunter0815
    606. tankist_49
    607. Tankratte
    608. Tanktostepone
    609. TanK-x
    610. TaperHarley
    611. Taqu
    612. Tarkus
    613. Tathris
    614. tazol
    615. TBFreak
    616. TeamM6123
    617. Tebor
    618. TeKa
    619. Tenam
    620. teufala
    621. Tevix
    622. The_Viking68
    623. The5thchild
    624. TheGreenTank
    625. The-Madman
    626. ThePsychoCat
    627. TheQuietOne
    628. Thernadomguy
    629. TheSerpentMage
    630. thewolfpack
    631. thibaut1420
    632. thierryimmel
    633. ThirdPanther
    634. Thorn66
    635. Thorolfson
    636. thud
    637. Thurim
    638. Tiananmen1989
    639. Tiger1964
    640. Tigerlover
    641. Tigger
    642. Tikburg
    643. TimMardon
    644. TobiichiOrigami
    645. TODESENGEL777
    646. Todor14x
    647. Tom_Jones_72
    648. tomcat_SRB
    649. Tomin4tor
    650. Tomkopol
    651. Toomanysecrets
    652. TopSgt
    653. Torti007
    654. Tuna
    655. Tyrex321
    656. Uglyn
    657. Unforgiven75
    658. UrsulPolar
    659. UszczeliX
    660. vadda959
    661. ValiVaDoboara
    662. Valkyrie7
    663. Varro
    664. veldmaarschalk
    665. Velside
    666. Veuxlarius
    667. VIHAR
    668. von_Grimm
    669. von_chom
    670. von_Rummelsdorf
    671. Vovencjusz
    672. VTek46
    673. W00dbury
    674. Wackensack
    675. waidler
    676. Wallo
    677. Wasulf
    678. Weber13
    679. werewolf1966
    680. wezzie88
    681. What_crysis
    682. WHISKEY_07
    683. WildBiker
    684. WillDie4Money
    685. windows_xp
    686. WOJTOON
    687. Wolfaar
    688. Wolt_01
    689. ww60
    690. x9x0x8x4
    691. Xarven
    692. xBIG_TUNAx
    693. XBigBenX
    694. XCXSCYCO
    695. Xorphitus
    696. xRoCC
    697. XxcukaxX
    698. XxoAlExAnDeRoX
    699. yoloman1224
    700. YourfriendlyGI
    701. Zacom
    702. Zedarot
    703. Zerhuskly
    704. Zip50
    705. Zoxx
    706. Zullu-09
    707. zupermanneke


    There are 707 players on the list. The campaign rules state that at least 45% participation rate is required for a solid victory on missions, this means at least 319 players (318.15, rounded up) must complete the missions for them to succeed.

    Again, 319 players must complete the missions.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Krieger22 said:

    Betrayal (PvP Random Battles, obviously a trap, do not fucking do this)


    Need to emphasis this point: DO NOT FUCKING DO BETRAYAL.

    The reason for this is that if the mission succeeds OR fails in any way, we will have effectively attacked the US Army as described in the story. This means any further legitimate opportunities with them will be effectively lost, and we may have to directly fight them in a much more difficult (and grindy) mission later on.

    If the mission gains 15-35% participation, we will LOSE the most played vehicle and suffer manpower losses. As long as the participation remains under 15%, it will count as not attempted and we will "win" this mission.

    The only winning move is to not play.

    Don't. Fucking. Do it.


  14. Centralized thread to contain all the rage and despair, after seeing the quality results of the October 7 update.

    Notes for reference:


    Tier 1-6 Overhaul

    In this Update, we are beginning the work on the previously announced Tier 1 to Tier 6 overhaul of existing vehicles. The goals of this overhaul are to address the power gaps between Tiers and to bring the over-performing as well as underperforming vehicles to the fold. The progression between Tiers should feel smoother and the vehicles better balanced, allowing you to effectively resist an enemy two Tiers higher. In general, we are aiming for the classes to be as such:

    • MBTs: Poor baseline accuracy, only small accuracy penalty for moving, poor camouflage and poor viewrange
    • LTs: Average baseline accuracy, major accuracy penalty for moving, average camouflage and good viewrange
    • TDs: Excellent baseline accuracy, massive accuracy penalty for moving, good camouflage and average viewrange
    • AFVs: Excellent camouflage and viewrange

    To that end, we are introducing the following changes to Tier 1-6 vehicles:

    Shell Changes

    With the firepower changes, the ideas is to have the AP shells as universal mid-range ammunition, HEAT shells against lighter targets and MBT areas that aren’t the thickest, HEAT-MP shells to deal minimum guaranteed damage, HE shells versus the thinnest armor as well as external modules and HESH shells versus angled armor as well as modules.

    We have overhauled the penetration of AP shells of different classes as such:

    • MBTs and AFVs lose 25% of nominal penetration at 500m, penetration drop starts at 150m (except for the Leopard series, which starts at 250m)
    • LTs lose 20% of nominal penetration at 600m, penetration drop starts at 150m
    • TDs lose 15% of nominal penetration at 700m, penetration drop starts at 150m


    • Most HEAT shells lost their special bonus to damage dealt
    • Most HESH shells were rebalanced by reducing their baseline damage (it is now 10% lower than that of the corresponding AP shells) and by setting the module damage bonus to 35%
    • Tier 1 to 5 HESH shells had their bonus to the chance to set engines on fire reduced from 300% to 100%
    • Tier 6 HESH shells had their bonus to the chance to set engines on fire reduced from 300% to 200%
    • Light Tanks, Tank Destroyers and Armored Fighting Vehicles now have the same instant ammo type swap ability as the MBTs do

    Additional Tier 1-6 Changes

    • Overhauled and fixed the armor model of many, if not most, affected MBTs as well as some other vehicles
    • Smoke grenades and generators can be used more often across the board
    • Most firepower and mobility parameters have been overhauled to a degree
    • All Tier 1 to 6 MBTs have had their lower frontal plate thicknesses reduced by 30mm to 100mm in order to make them easier to penetrate up close, but also sufficiently protected at longer distances
    • Overhauled the parameters of ATGMs in order for them to become easier to control
    • AMX-13 DCA: Improved the armor in stock configuration
    • AMX-13 DCA: Added a new armor set upon installing the Improved Turret module, which protects the vehicle frontally from 20mm and 30mm autocannons at 300m or more
    • AMX-30B2, AMX-40, AMX-50: These vehicles now have 330m viewrange and 10% camouflage by default
    • AMX-30B2: Corrected the camouflage penalty for shooting, it now corresponds to the usual value of 22.5%
    • AMX-30B2, AMX-40, AMX-30B2 Brenus: Fixed the internal module layout
    • Begleitpanzer 57: HE shell penetration increased from 20mm to 36mm
    • BMD-2: Stock ATGM penetration increased from 430mm to 850mm, upgraded ATGM penetration increased from 600mm to 800mm
    • BMD-4: 100mm HE shell damage increased from 555 to 700, penetration reduced from 45mm to 40mm
    • BMP-2: Upgraded ATGM penetration increased from 750mm to 800mm
    • BMP-3: 100mm HE shell damage increased from 555 to 700, penetration reduced from 45mm to 40mm
    • BVP M-80A: HE shell penetration increased from 13mm to 16mm
    • Dragoon 300: This vehicle now has a proper HESH shell with 215 damage and 350mm penetration
    • EE-18 Sucuri II: Ready Rack time between shots changed to 4.29s and the shell reload time to 7.6s
    • FV701 Scimitar: PELE shell penetration reduced from 100mm to 90mm
    • FV721 Fox: This vehicle now has the Improved Cooling module
    • Gvozdika: Fixed the gun depression in order for the gun not to clip into the hull
    • Chieftain Mk.6: This vehicle now has the Improved Cooling module
    • Chieftain Mk.10: Additional armor thickness on the turret increased from 50mm to 100mm
    • IT-1: Reduced the armor across the board
    • Leopard 2AV: Fixed this vehicle’s 105mm penetration
    • M60: Fixed this tank’s progression
    • Magach series: Improved the rate of fire across the board except for Magach 7A (where it was reduced)
    • Magach 5 hitpoints increased from 1750 to 2600
    • Magach 6B hitpoints increased from 2300 to 2800
    • Magach 7A hitpoints increased from 2850 to 3000
    • Magach 7C hitpoints increased from 2850 to 3000
    • OA-82 Jarmila II: Fixed this vehicle’s bugged black textures
    • Sabre is now properly armored with its thickness corresponding to that of the Scorpion Kastet AFV


    Note: there have been more changes to higher tier vehicles as well, they weren't documented in the patch notes. Feedback on such changes should be noted here as well for completeness.

  15. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/maintenance-october-7


    On the 8th of October 2021, starting from 8:00 CEST (7th of October, 11 PM PDT), the server will not be available for 5 hours due to the application of Update 0.37.8473



    List of Update 0.37.8473 Changes


    Tier 1-6 Overhaul

    In this Update, we are beginning the work on the previously announced Tier 1 to Tier 6 overhaul of existing vehicles. The goals of this overhaul are to address the power gaps between Tiers and to bring the over-performing as well as underperforming vehicles to the fold. The progression between Tiers should feel smoother and the vehicles better balanced, allowing you to effectively resist an enemy two Tiers higher. In general, we are aiming for the classes to be as such:

    • MBTs: Poor baseline accuracy, only small accuracy penalty for moving, poor camouflage and poor viewrange
    • LTs: Average baseline accuracy, major accuracy penalty for moving, average camouflage and good viewrange
    • TDs: Excellent baseline accuracy, massive accuracy penalty for moving, good camouflage and average viewrange
    • AFVs: Excellent camouflage and viewrange

    To that end, we are introducing the following changes to Tier 1-6 vehicles:

    Shell Changes

    With the firepower changes, the ideas is to have the AP shells as universal mid-range ammunition, HEAT shells against lighter targets and MBT areas that aren’t the thickest, HEAT-MP shells to deal minimum guaranteed damage, HE shells versus the thinnest armor as well as external modules and HESH shells versus angled armor as well as modules.

    We have overhauled the penetration of AP shells of different classes as such:

    • MBTs and AFVs lose 25% of nominal penetration at 500m, penetration drop starts at 150m (except for the Leopard series, which starts at 250m)
    • LTs lose 20% of nominal penetration at 600m, penetration drop starts at 150m
    • TDs lose 15% of nominal penetration at 700m, penetration drop starts at 150m


    • Most HEAT shells lost their special bonus to damage dealt
    • Most HESH shells were rebalanced by reducing their baseline damage (it is now 10% lower than that of the corresponding AP shells) and by setting the module damage bonus to 35%
    • Tier 1 to 5 HESH shells had their bonus to the chance to set engines on fire reduced from 300% to 100%
    • Tier 6 HESH shells had their bonus to the chance to set engines on fire reduced from 300% to 200%
    • Light Tanks, Tank Destroyers and Armored Fighting Vehicles now have the same instant ammo type swap ability as the MBTs do

    Additional Tier 1-6 Changes

    • Overhauled and fixed the armor model of many, if not most, affected MBTs as well as some other vehicles
    • Smoke grenades and generators can be used more often across the board
    • Most firepower and mobility parameters have been overhauled to a degree
    • All Tier 1 to 6 MBTs have had their lower frontal plate thicknesses reduced by 30mm to 100mm in order to make them easier to penetrate up close, but also sufficiently protected at longer distances
    • Overhauled the parameters of ATGMs in order for them to become easier to control
    • AMX-13 DCA: Improved the armor in stock configuration
    • AMX-13 DCA: Added a new armor set upon installing the Improved Turret module, which protects the vehicle frontally from 20mm and 30mm autocannons at 300m or more
    • AMX-30B2, AMX-40, AMX-50: These vehicles now have 330m viewrange and 10% camouflage by default
    • AMX-30B2: Corrected the camouflage penalty for shooting, it now corresponds to the usual value of 22.5%
    • AMX-30B2, AMX-40, AMX-30B2 Brenus: Fixed the internal module layout
    • Begleitpanzer 57: HE shell penetration increased from 20mm to 36mm
    • BMD-2: Stock ATGM penetration increased from 430mm to 850mm, upgraded ATGM penetration increased from 600mm to 800mm
    • BMD-4: 100mm HE shell damage increased from 555 to 700, penetration reduced from 45mm to 40mm
    • BMP-2: Upgraded ATGM penetration increased from 750mm to 800mm
    • BMP-3: 100mm HE shell damage increased from 555 to 700, penetration reduced from 45mm to 40mm
    • BVP M-80A: HE shell penetration increased from 13mm to 16mm
    • Dragoon 300: This vehicle now has a proper HESH shell with 215 damage and 350mm penetration
    • EE-18 Sucuri II: Ready Rack time between shots changed to 4.29s and the shell reload time to 7.6s
    • FV701 Scimitar: PELE shell penetration reduced from 100mm to 90mm
    • FV721 Fox: This vehicle now has the Improved Cooling module
    • Gvozdika: Fixed the gun depression in order for the gun not to clip into the hull
    • Chieftain Mk.6: This vehicle now has the Improved Cooling module
    • Chieftain Mk.10: Additional armor thickness on the turret increased from 50mm to 100mm
    • IT-1: Reduced the armor across the board
    • Leopard 2AV: Fixed this vehicle’s 105mm penetration
    • M60: Fixed this tank’s progression
    • Magach series: Improved the rate of fire across the board except for Magach 7A (where it was reduced)
    • Magach 5 hitpoints increased from 1750 to 2600
    • Magach 6B hitpoints increased from 2300 to 2800
    • Magach 7A hitpoints increased from 2850 to 3000
    • Magach 7C hitpoints increased from 2850 to 3000
    • OA-82 Jarmila II: Fixed this vehicle’s bugged black textures
    • Sabre is now properly armored with its thickness corresponding to that of the Scorpion Kastet AFV

    General Changes

    • Added the missing achievement progression for the Apocalypse season
    • Removed the bonus damage part from shell tooltips
    • Corrected the machinegun bullet damage on multiple vehicles (it now corresponds to the actual machinegun caliber)
    • Fixed an issue where some vehicles with the “Improved Transmission” module did not receive the boost to their maximum speed (this affects the following vehicles: PL-01, VT-5, WPB Anders, ZTQ-15 and Seon’gun-915)
    • Fixed the crew collision models on multiple vehicles
    • Fixed the gun blast effect for multiple vehicles
    • Multiple tanks had their armor checked for errors, replacing tiny incorrectly thick areas with correct thicknesses (the “Merkava Mk.1 has 9999 armor areas” issue)
    • Multiple skins and Premium versions of progression tanks have had their armor different from the baseline version, this was fixed
    • C1 Ariete: Corrected the ammo rack placement to make it historically accurate (ammo is no longer located in its turret bustle, but correctly under the turret)
    • Dragun 125 now has the Troop Compartment module
    • K-153C: Fixed an issue where the vehicle allowed you to fire and control two missiles at the same time without having unlocked the required upgrade
    • KPz-70: Fixed the 120mm gun barrel size
    • M109A6 Paladin: The hull is now 20mm thick and the turret 40mm thick
    • M48 GAU-8: Fixed an issue where various Consumables improving maximum speed (such as Synthetic Oil) wouldn’t work on this vehicle
    • Object 490: The machinegun now properly depresses and elevates along with the main gun
    • WZ-1224: The model now has antennae
    • Grindelwald: The tank under tarp objects no longer make you stuck
    • Special Operation “Death”: Fixed an issue where, upon death, players could spawn at the very beginning even if they advanced well into the base
    • Special Operation “Death”: Fixed the collision model of several objects (for example, the SAM launchers) so you do not get stuck on them anymore
    • Special Operation “Famine”: Increased the amount of allied convoy hitpoints on the Insane difficulty
    • Fixed the M60A3 SLEP Rough Rider icon in the Raiders on the Storm window
    • Fixed an issue where closing the in-game browser would lead to a game crash
    • Fixed a number of smaller visual model issues
    • Fixed a number of smaller map issues
    • Fixed several other issues that caused the game to crash

    Low tier hell hole is about to get worse.

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